Exemplo n.º 1
	def show_paused(self):
		# Debug info
		if self.debug == True:
			print "Show paused..."
		# Get Spotify tray icon coordinates
		coords = self.get_tray_coords()
		# Configure notification hints
		if coords['x'] > 0:
			hints = { 'x': coords['x'], 'y': coords['y'] }
			hints = {}
		# Get interface for call notification daemon
		proxy = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications', '/org/freedesktop/Notifications')
		interface = Interface(proxy, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications')
		# Closes active notification
		if self.nid != False:
			if self.debug == True:
				print "Closing existing notification..."
		# Shows notification
		self.nid = interface.Notify('Spotify', 0, '/usr/share/pixmaps/spotify.png', 'Spotify', self.translate('playback_paused'), [], hints, self.timeout)
Exemplo n.º 2
	def show_playing(self, track = False, interactive = True):
		# Debug info
		if self.debug == True and interactive == True:
			print "Show track data interactively..."
		elif self.debug == True:
			print "Show track data..."
		# Define actions in notification
		if interactive == True:
			actions = [ '2', self.translate('action_next') ]
			actions = []
		# If track not specified in parameter, read from D-Bus
		if not track:
			track = self.get_metadata()
		# If there's a song playing
		if track:
			# Get Spotify tray icon coordinates
			coords = self.get_tray_coords()
			# Configure notification hints
			if coords['x'] > 0:
				hints = { 'x': coords['x'], 'y': coords['y'] }
				hints = {}
			# Generate notification content
			text = self.translate('detail_by') + ' <i>' + self.get_info(track, 'artist')
			text = text + '</i> ' + self.translate('detail_album') + ' <i>' + self.get_info(track, 'album') + '</i>'
			text = text.replace('&', '&amp;')
			# Get interface for call notification daemon
			proxy = self.bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications', '/org/freedesktop/Notifications')
			interface = Interface(proxy, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications')
			# Closes active notification
			if self.nid != False:
				if self.debug == True:
					print "Closing existing notification..."
			# Shows notification
			self.nid = interface.Notify('Spotify', 0, self.get_cover(), self.get_info(track, 'title'), text, actions, hints, self.timeout)
			# Connects to actions signals
			if self.nid > 0:
				if interactive == True:
					interface.connect_to_signal('ActionInvoked', self.action_listener)
				interface.connect_to_signal('NotificationClosed', self.action_dismisser)
				gobject.timeout_add(self.timeout * 10, self.action_listener)
		return self.nid
Exemplo n.º 3
	def close_notification(self):
		# Get interface for call notification daemon
		proxy = self.bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications', '/org/freedesktop/Notifications')
		interface = Interface(proxy, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications')

		# Closes active notification
		if self.nid != False:
			if self.debug == True:
				print "Closing existing notification..."