Exemplo n.º 1
 def _drop_table(self, table_name):
     '''Drop a table'''
     cursor = connection.cursor()
     if is_configured_postgres():
         # cursor.execute("DROP TABLE %s" % table_name)
         cursor.execute("DROP TABLE %s CASCADE" % table_name)
         cursor.execute("DROP TABLE %s" % table_name)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _table_exists(self, table_name):
     '''Check if a table exists'''
     cursor = connection.cursor()
     if is_configured_postgres():
         cursor.execute("select * from pg_tables where schemaname='public' and tablename='%s'" % table_name)
         cursor.execute("show tables like '%s'" % table_name)
     return len(cursor.fetchall()) == 1
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _get_db_type(self, type):
        type = type.lower()
        if is_configured_mysql():
            if type in self.XSD_TO_MYSQL_TYPES: 
                return self.XSD_TO_MYSQL_TYPES[type]
            return self.XSD_TO_MYSQL_TYPES['default']

        elif is_configured_postgres():
            if type in self.XSD_TO_PGSQL_TYPES: 
                return self.XSD_TO_PGSQL_TYPES[type]
            return self.XSD_TO_PGSQL_TYPES['default']

            if type in self.XSD_TO_DEFAULT_TYPES: 
                return self.XSD_TO_DEFAULT_TYPES[type]
            return self.XSD_TO_DEFAULT_TYPES['default']
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _execute(self, queries, values):
     # todo - rollback on fail
     if queries is None or len(queries) == 0:
         logging.error("xformmanager: storageutility - xform " + self.formdef.target_namespace + " could not be parsed")
     cursor = connection.cursor()
     cursor.execute(queries, values)
     if is_configured_mysql():
         query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();"
     elif is_configured_postgres():
         # hat tips: 
         # http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2008-08/msg01044.php
         # http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Converting_MySQL_to_PostgreSQL
         query = "SELECT CURRVAL(pg_get_serial_sequence('%s','id'));" % self.table_name
         query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ROWID()"
     row = cursor.fetchone()
     if row is not None:
         return row[0]
     return -1
Exemplo n.º 5
    def queries_to_create_instance_tables(self, elementdef, parent_id, parent_name='', parent_table_name='', domain=None):
        table_name = format_table_name( formatted_join(parent_name, elementdef.name), self.formdef.version, self.formdef.domain_name )
        (next_query, fields) = self._create_instance_tables_query_inner_loop(elementdef, parent_id, parent_name, parent_table_name )
        # add this later - should never be called during unit tests
        if not fields: return next_query
        queries = ''
        if is_configured_mysql():
            queries = "CREATE TABLE "+ table_name +" ( id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, "
            queries = "CREATE TABLE "+ table_name +" ( id SERIAL NOT NULL, "
        if len(fields[0]) == 1:
            queries = queries + str(fields)
            for field in fields:
                if len(field)>0:
                    queries = queries + str(field)
        # remove ? for encoding test
        queries = queries.replace("?", "__")
        # we don't really need a parent_id in our top-level table...
        # should be NOT NULL?
        if parent_name is not '':
            if is_configured_mysql():
                queries = queries + " parent_id INT(11), "
                queries = queries + " FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES " + \
                                    format_table_name(parent_table_name, self.formdef.version, self.formdef.domain_name) + \
                                    "(id) ON DELETE SET NULL" 
            elif is_configured_postgres():
                queries = queries + " parent_id INTEGER "
                queries = queries + " REFERENCES " + \
                                    format_table_name(parent_table_name, self.formdef.version, self.formdef.domain_name) + \
                                    "(id) ON DELETE SET NULL" 
                queries = queries + " parent_id REFERENCES " + \
                                    format_table_name(parent_table_name, self.formdef.version, self.formdef.domain_name) + \
                                    "(id) ON DELETE SET NULL"
            queries = self._trim2chars(queries)

        # most of the time, we rely on global mysql config in my.conf/ini
        if is_configured_postgres():
            queries = queries + ", CONSTRAINT %s_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)" % table_name
        end_query = ");"
        # we only specify default engine and character set if it's clear that
        # we are already doing something against the global config
        # (i.e. we're settings database_options in settings.py)
        if hasattr(settings,'DATABASE_OPTIONS') and \
            'init_command' in settings.DATABASE_OPTIONS:
                if 'innodb' in settings.DATABASE_OPTIONS['init_command'].lower():
                    end_query = ") ENGINE=InnoDB;"
                elif 'myisam' in settings.DATABASE_OPTIONS['init_command'].lower():
                    end_query = ") ENGINE=MyISAM;"
        queries = queries + end_query + next_query
        return queries