Exemplo n.º 1
def test_ic_fl_max_ctc():
    # Testing dataset with negative fl_max_ctc values
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["fl1_max_ctc"])
    ddict["fl1_max_ctc"] -= min(ddict["fl1_max_ctc"]) + 1
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fl_max_ctc_positive()
    assert cues[0].level == "alert"
    assert cues[0].category == "feature data"

    # Testing dataset with fl_max_ctc values of 0.1
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["fl1_max_ctc"])
    ddict["fl1_max_ctc"] -= min(ddict["fl1_max_ctc"]) - 0.1
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fl_max_ctc_positive()
    assert cues[0].level == "alert"
    assert cues[0].category == "feature data"

    # Testing dataset with fl_max_ctc values > 0.1
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["fl1_max_ctc"])
    ddict["fl1_max_ctc"] -= min(ddict["fl1_max_ctc"]) - 1
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fl_max_ctc_positive()
    assert not cues
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_ic_expand_section():
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform"])
    ds1 = new_dataset(ddict)
    ds2 = new_dataset(ddict)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds1) as ic:
        cues1 = ic.check_metadata_missing(expand_section=True)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds2) as ic:
        cues2 = ic.check_metadata_missing(expand_section=False)
    assert len(cues1) > len(cues2)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_online_polygon_filters():
    """Shape-In 2.3 supports online polygon filters"""
    path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_mask-contour_2018.zip")
    # add an artificial online polygon filter
    with h5py.File(path, "a") as h5:
        # set soft filter to True
        h5.attrs["online_filter:area_um,deform soft limit"] = True
        # set filter values
        pf_name = "online_filter:area_um,deform polygon points"
        area_um = h5["events"]["area_um"]
        deform = h5["events"]["deform"]
        pf_points = np.array([
            [np.mean(area_um) + np.std(area_um),
                np.mean(area_um) + np.std(area_um),
                np.mean(deform) + np.std(deform)
             np.mean(deform) + np.std(deform)],
        h5.attrs[pf_name] = pf_points

    # see if we can open the file without any error
    with check.IntegrityChecker(path) as ic:
        cues = [cc for cc in ic.check() if cc.level != "info"]
        # [imaging]: roi position x should be <class 'numbers.Integral'>
        # [imaging]: roi position y should be <class 'numbers.Integral'>
        assert len(cues) == 2
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_online_polygon_filters_wrong_shape(shape):
    """Shape-In 2.3 supports online polygon filters (test for shape)"""
    path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_mask-contour_2018.zip")

    # Since 0.35.0 we really check the configuration key types.
    # Just make sure that they are properly set:
    with h5py.File(path, "a") as h5:
        for key in ["imaging:roi position x", "imaging:roi position y"]:
            h5.attrs[key] = int(h5.attrs[key])

    # add an artificial online polygon filter
    with h5py.File(path, "a") as h5:
        # set soft filter to True
        h5.attrs["online_filter:area_um,deform soft limit"] = True
        # set filter values
        pf_name = "online_filter:area_um,deform polygon points"
        pf_points = np.arange(shape[0] * shape[1]).reshape(*shape)
        h5.attrs[pf_name] = pf_points

    # see if we can open the file without any error
    with check.IntegrityChecker(path) as ic:
        cues = [cc for cc in ic.check() if cc.level != "info"]
        assert len(cues) == 1
        assert cues[0].category == "metadata wrong"
        assert cues[0].level == "violation"
        assert cues[0].cfg_section == "online_filter"
        assert cues[0].cfg_key == "area_um,deform polygon points"
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_online_polygon_filters_real_data():
    """Shape-In 2.3 supports online polygon filters"""
    path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_polygon_gate_2021.zip")

    # see if we can open the file without any error
    with check.IntegrityChecker(path) as ic:
        cues = [cc for cc in ic.check() if cc.level != "info"]
        assert len(cues) == 0
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_ic_fmt_hdf5_image3():
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    with h5py.File(h5path, "a") as h5:
        del h5["events/image"].attrs["CLASS"]
    with check.IntegrityChecker(h5path) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fmt_hdf5()
    assert cues[0].category == "format HDF5"
    assert cues[0].msg == "HDF5: '/image': missing attribute 'CLASS'"
    assert cues[0].level == "alert"
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_ic_flow_rate_not_zero():
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform"])
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    ds.config["setup"]["flow rate"] = 0
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_metadata_bad_greater_zero()
    assert cues[0].category == "metadata wrong"
    assert cues[0].cfg_section == "setup"
    assert cues[0].cfg_key == "flow rate"
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_ic_metadata_choices_medium():
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform"])
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    ds.config["setup"]["medium"] = "honey"
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_metadata_choices()
    # changed in 0.29.1: medium can now be an arbitrary string
    # except for an empty string.
    assert len(cues) == 0
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_ic_fl_metadata_channel_names_2():
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform"])
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    ds.config["fluorescence"]["channel 1 name"] = "peter"
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fl_metadata_channel_names()
    assert cues[0].category == "metadata invalid"
    assert cues[0].cfg_section == "fluorescence"
    assert cues[0].cfg_key == "channel 1 name"
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_ic_fl_metadata_channel_names():
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform", "fl1_max"])
    ddict["trace"] = {"fl1_raw": [range(10)] * 1000}
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fl_metadata_channel_names()
    assert cues[0].category == "metadata missing"
    assert cues[0].cfg_section == "fluorescence"
    assert cues[0].cfg_key == "channel 1 name"
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_shapein_issue3_bad_medium_control(si_version):
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    with h5py.File(h5path, "a") as h5:
        h5.attrs["setup:software version"] = si_version
        h5.attrs["setup:medium"] = "CellCarrierB"
    ds = new_dataset(h5path)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_shapein_issue3_bad_medium()
        assert len(cues) == 0
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_ic_fmt_hdf5_image2():
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    with h5py.File(h5path, "a") as h5:
        h5["events/image"].attrs["CLASS"] = np.string_("bad")
    with check.IntegrityChecker(h5path) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fmt_hdf5()
    assert cues[0].category == "format HDF5"
    assert cues[0].msg == "HDF5: '/image': attribute 'CLASS' should have " \
                          + "value 'b'IMAGE''"
    assert cues[0].level == "alert"
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_ic_fl_num_channels():
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform"])
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    ds.config["fluorescence"]["channel count"] = 3
    ds.config["fluorescence"]["channel 1 name"] = "hans"
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fl_num_channels()
    assert cues[0].category == "metadata wrong"
    assert cues[0].cfg_section == "fluorescence"
    assert cues[0].cfg_key == "channel count"
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_ic_metadata_bad():
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform"])
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    # Since version 0.35, metadata are checked in `Configuration` class
    with pytest.warns(dclab.rtdc_dataset.config.WrongConfigurationTypeWarning,
                      match="run index"):
        ds.config["experiment"]["run index"] = "1"
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_metadata_bad()
    assert len(cues) == 0
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_ic_invalid_dataset():
    # Testing if IC throws NotImplementedError for hierarchy datasets
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform"])
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    ds_child = new_dataset(ds)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds_child) as ic:
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

    # Testing if IC throws NotImplementedError for raw-datasets with
    # applied filters
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform"])
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    ds.config["filtering"]["area_um max"] = 100
    ds.config["filtering"]["area_um min"] = 1
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_check_metadata_hdf5_type_issue_139():
    """Check that chip region is lower-case"""
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_polygon_gate_2021.zip")
    with h5py.File(h5path, "a") as h5:
        h5.attrs["setup:chip region"] = "Channel"
    with check.IntegrityChecker(h5path) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_metadata_hdf5_type()
    assert len(cues) == 1
    assert cues[0].msg.count("channel")
    assert cues[0].msg.count("Channel")
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_ic_fmt_hdf5_image1():
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    with h5py.File(h5path, "a") as h5:
        h5["events/image"].attrs["CLASS"] = "bad"
    with check.IntegrityChecker(h5path) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fmt_hdf5()
    assert cues[0].category == "format HDF5"
    assert cues[0].msg == "HDF5: '/image': attribute 'CLASS' should be " \
                          + "fixed-length ASCII string"
    assert cues[0].level == "alert"
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_ic_fl_num_lasers():
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform"])
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    ds.config["fluorescence"]["laser count"] = 3
    ds.config["fluorescence"]["laser 1 lambda"] = 550
    ds.config["fluorescence"]["laser 1 power"] = 20
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fl_num_lasers()
    assert cues[0].category == "metadata wrong"
    assert cues[0].cfg_section == "fluorescence"
    assert cues[0].cfg_key == "laser count"
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_ic_fmt_hdf5_logs():
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    hw = RTDCWriter(h5path)
    hw.store_log("test", ["asdasd" * 100])
    hw.store_log("M1_para.ini", ["asdasd" * 100])
    with check.IntegrityChecker(h5path) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fmt_hdf5()
    assert len(cues) == 1
    assert cues[0].category == "format HDF5"
    assert cues[0].msg == 'Logs: test line 0 exceeds maximum line length 100'
    assert cues[0].level == "alert"
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_ml_class():
    """Test score data outside boundary"""
    data = {
        "ml_score_001": [.1, 10, -10, 0.01, .89],
        "ml_score_002": [.2, .1, .4, 0, .4],
    ds = new_dataset(data)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_ml_class()
        assert len(cues) == 1
        assert "ml_score_001" in cues[0].msg
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_shapein_issue3_bad_medium(si_version):
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    with h5py.File(h5path, "a") as h5:
        h5.attrs["setup:software version"] = si_version
        h5.attrs["setup:medium"] = "CellCarrierB"
    ds = new_dataset(h5path)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_shapein_issue3_bad_medium()
        assert len(cues) == 1
        assert cues[0].cfg_key == "medium"
        assert cues[0].cfg_section == "setup"
        assert cues[0].category == "metadata wrong"
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_ic_sanity():
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_polygon_gate_2021.zip")
    with h5py.File(h5path, "a") as h5:
        del h5["events"]["deform"]
        h5["events"]["deform"] = np.ones(100) * .1
    with check.IntegrityChecker(h5path) as ic:
        cues = ic.sanity_check()
    assert len(cues) == 1
    assert cues[0].category == "feature size"
    assert cues[0].msg.count("Sanity check failed:")
    assert cues[0].msg.count("deform")
    assert cues[0].level == "violation"
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_icue():
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    with check.IntegrityChecker(h5path) as ic:
        cues = ic.check()
    assert cues[0] != cues[1]
    levels = check.ICue.get_level_summary(cues)
    assert levels["info"] >= 2
    # [fluorescence]: sample rate should be <class 'numbers.Integral'>
    # [imaging]: roi position x should be <class 'numbers.Integral'>
    # [imaging]: roi position y should be <class 'numbers.Integral'>
    assert levels["alert"] == 3
    assert levels["violation"] == 0
    assert cues[0].msg in cues[0].__repr__()
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_ic_feature_size_scalar():
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform"])
    ddict["bright_sd"] = np.linspace(10, 20, 1000)
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_feature_size()
    for cue in cues:
        if cue.category == "feature size":
            assert cue.msg == "Features: wrong event count: 'bright_sd' " \
                              + "(1000 of 8472)"
        assert False
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_ic_feature_size_trace():
    ddict = example_data_dict(size=8472, keys=["area_um", "deform"])
    ddict["trace"] = {"fl1_raw": [range(10)] * 1000}
    ds = new_dataset(ddict)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_feature_size()
    for cue in cues:
        if cue.category == "feature size":
            assert cue.msg == "Features: wrong event count: 'trace/fl1_raw'" \
                              + " (1000 of 8472)"
        assert False
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_ic_fmt_hdf5_image_bg():
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    # add a fake image_bg column
    with h5py.File(h5path, "a") as h5:
        image_bg = h5["events"]["image"][:] // 2
        hw = RTDCWriter(h5)
        hw.store_feature("image_bg", image_bg)
        del h5["events/image_bg"].attrs["CLASS"]
    with check.IntegrityChecker(h5path) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fmt_hdf5()
    assert cues[0].category == "format HDF5"
    assert cues[0].msg == "HDF5: '/image_bg': missing attribute 'CLASS'"
    assert cues[0].level == "alert"
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_ic_metadata_empty_string():
    """Empty metadata values are ignored with a warning in dclab>0.33.2"""
    path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    # add empty attribute
    with h5py.File(path, "r+") as h5:
        h5.attrs["setup:medium"] = ""
    ds = new_dataset(path)
    with check.IntegrityChecker(ds) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_metadata_missing()
    assert cues[0].category == "metadata missing"
    assert cues[0].level == "violation"
    assert cues[0].cfg_section == "setup"
    assert cues[0].cfg_key == "medium"