Exemplo n.º 1
def test_mode():
    data = {"area_um": np.linspace(100.7, 110.9, 100)}
    data2 = {"deform": np.linspace(.7, .8, 100)}

    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file, mode="reset") as hw:
        for feat in data:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])

    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file, mode="append") as hw:
        for feat in data:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])

    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data1:
        events1 = rtdc_data1["events"]
        assert "area_um" in events1.keys()
        assert len(events1["area_um"]) == 2 * len(data["area_um"])

    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file, mode="replace") as hw:
        for feat in data:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])

    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file, mode="replace") as hw:
        for feat in data2:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data2[feat])

    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data2:
        events2 = rtdc_data2["events"]
        assert "area_um" in events2.keys()
        assert "deform" in events2.keys()
        assert len(events2["area_um"]) == len(data["area_um"])
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_replace_contour():
    num = 7
    contour = []
    contour2 = []
    for ii in range(5, num + 5):
        cii = np.arange(2 * ii).reshape(2, ii)
        contour2.append(cii * 2)

    data1 = {"area_um": np.linspace(100.7, 110.9, num),
             "contour": contour}
    data2 = {"contour": contour2}
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",

    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        for feat in data1:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data1[feat])

    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file, mode="replace") as hw:
        for feat in data2:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data2[feat])

    # verify
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        events = rtdc_data["events"]
        assert "contour" in events.keys()
        assert not np.allclose(events["contour"]["6"], contour[6])
        assert np.allclose(events["contour"]["6"], contour2[6])
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_ic_fmt_hdf5_image_bg():
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    # add a fake image_bg column
    with h5py.File(h5path, "a") as h5:
        image_bg = h5["events"]["image"][:] // 2
        hw = RTDCWriter(h5)
        hw.store_feature("image_bg", image_bg)
        del h5["events/image_bg"].attrs["CLASS"]
    with check.IntegrityChecker(h5path) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fmt_hdf5()
    assert cues[0].category == "format HDF5"
    assert cues[0].msg == "HDF5: '/image_bg': missing attribute 'CLASS'"
    assert cues[0].level == "alert"
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_rectify_metadata_ignore_empty_trace():
    # test introduced in 0.39.7
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, "a") as h5:
        h5["events/deform"] = np.linspace(.1, .12, 7)

        # Initialize writer
        hw = RTDCWriter(h5, mode="append")
        # in previous versions, this did not work, because of the empty trace
        # make sure that something happened
        assert h5.attrs["experiment:event count"] == 7
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_meta():
    data = {"area_um": np.linspace(100.7, 110.9, 100)}
    meta = {"setup": {
        "channel width": 20,
        "chip region": "Channel",  # should be made lower-case
        "online_contour": {
        "no absdiff": "True",  # should be converted to bool
        "image blur": 3.0,
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        for feat in data:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])
    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        abool = rtdc_data.attrs["online_contour:no absdiff"]
        assert abool
        assert isinstance(abool, (bool, np.bool_))
        anint = rtdc_data.attrs["online_contour:image blur"]
        assert isinstance(anint, numbers.Integral)
        assert rtdc_data.attrs["setup:channel width"] == 20
        assert rtdc_data.attrs["setup:chip region"] == "channel"
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_bulk_logs():
    log = ["This is a test log that contains two lines.",
           "This is the second line.",
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    hw = RTDCWriter(rtdc_file)
    hw.store_log("testlog", log)
    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        outlog = rtdc_data["logs"]["testlog"]
        for ii in range(len(outlog)):
            if isinstance(outlog[ii], bytes):
                # h5py 3 reads strings as bytes by default
                outii = outlog[ii].decode("utf-8")
                outii = outlog[ii]
            assert outii == log[ii]
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_meta_no_analysis():
    """The "filtering" section should not be written to the dataset"""
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",

    meta1 = {"filtering": {"enable filters": True}}
    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        hw.store_feature("area_um", np.linspace(100.7, 110.9, 100))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="filtering"):
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_index_increment():
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        hw.store_metadata({"experiment": {"sample": "test",
                                          "run index": 1}})
        hw.store_feature("index", np.arange(1, 11))
        hw.store_feature("index", np.arange(1, 11))

    with new_dataset(rtdc_file) as ds:
        assert np.all(ds["index"] == np.arange(1, 21))
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_version_branding_1_write_single_version():
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",

    this_version = f"dclab {dclab.__version__}"

    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        hw.store_feature("deform", np.linspace(0.01, 0.02, 10))

    with h5py.File(rtdc_file) as h5:
        assert h5.attrs["setup:software version"] == this_version
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_bulk_scalar():
    data = {"area_um": np.linspace(100.7, 110.9, 100)}
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        for feat in data:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])
    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        events = rtdc_data["events"]
        assert "area_um" in events.keys()
        assert np.all(events["area_um"][:] == data["area_um"])
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_feat_image_bg():
    path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2017.zip")
    # add a fake image_bg column
    with RTDCWriter(path) as hw:
        image_bg = hw.h5file["events"]["image"][:] // 2
        hw.store_feature("image_bg", image_bg)
    ds = new_dataset(path)
    ds.filter.manual[0] = False
    ds.filter.manual[2] = False
    ch = new_dataset(ds)
    assert np.all(ch["image_bg"][0] == ds["image_bg"][1])
    assert np.all(ch["image_bg"][1] == ds["image_bg"][3])
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_non_scalar_bad_shape():
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_image-bg_2020.zip")
    exppath = h5path.with_name("exported.rtdc")

    register_temporary_feature("peterpan", is_scalar=False)
    with RTDCWriter(exppath, mode="append") as hw:
        data = np.arange(10 * 3 * 5).reshape(10, 3, 5)
        # This should work
        hw.store_feature("peterpan", data, shape=(3, 5))
        # This should not work
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Bad shape"):
            hw.store_feature("peterpan", data, shape=(3, 6))
    deregister_temporary_feature("peterpan")  # cleanup
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_data_error():
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="unknown"):
        RTDCWriter(rtdc_file, mode="unknown")

    hw = RTDCWriter(rtdc_file)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="area_undefined"):
        hw.store_feature("area_undefined", np.linspace(100.7, 110.9, 100))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="fl_unknown"):
        hw.store_feature("trace", {"fl_unknown": np.arange(10)})
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_contour_from_hdf5():
    ds1 = new_dataset(retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_image-bg_2020.zip"))
    assert ds1["contour"].shape == (5, np.nan, 2)

    edest = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    f1 = join(edest, "dclab_test_export_hdf5_image.rtdc")
    with RTDCWriter(f1) as hw:
        hw.store_metadata({"setup": ds1.config["setup"],
                           "experiment": ds1.config["experiment"]})
        hw.store_feature("deform", ds1["deform"])
        hw.store_feature("contour", ds1["contour"])

    ds2 = new_dataset(f1)
    assert ds2["contour"].shape == (5, np.nan, 2)
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_replace_logs():
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",

    hw = RTDCWriter(rtdc_file)
    hw.store_log("log1", ["hans", "und"])

    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        logs = rtdc_data["logs"]
        assert len(logs["log1"]) == 2

    hw = RTDCWriter(rtdc_file, mode="replace")
    hw.store_log("log1", ["peter"])

    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        logs = rtdc_data["logs"]
        assert len(logs["log1"]) == 1
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_logs_append():
    log1 = ["This is a test log that contains two lines.",
            "This is the second line.",
    log2 = ["These are other logging events.",
            "They are appended to the log.",
            "And may have different lengths."
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    hw = RTDCWriter(rtdc_file, mode="reset")
    hw.store_log("testlog", log1)
    hw.store_log("testlog", log2)

    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        outlog = rtdc_data["logs"]["testlog"]
        for ii in range(len(outlog)):
            if isinstance(outlog[ii], bytes):
                # h5py 3 reads strings as bytes by default
                outii = outlog[ii].decode("utf-8")
                outii = outlog[ii]
            assert outii == (log1 + log2)[ii]
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_version_branding_2_dont_override_initial_version():
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",

    this_version = f"dclab {dclab.__version__}"

    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, "a") as h5:
        h5.attrs["setup:software version"] = "Shape-In 1.2.3"

    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        hw.store_feature("deform", np.linspace(0.01, 0.02, 10))

    expected_version = f"Shape-In 1.2.3 | {this_version}"

    with h5py.File(rtdc_file) as h5:
        assert h5.attrs["setup:software version"] == expected_version
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_bulk_image():
    num = 7
    image = np.zeros((20, 90, 50))
    image += np.arange(90).reshape(1, 90, 1)
    data = {"area_um": np.linspace(100.7, 110.9, num),
            "image": image}
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        for feat in data:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])
    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        events = rtdc_data["events"]
        assert "image" in events.keys()
        assert np.allclose(events["image"][6], image[6])
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_ic_fmt_hdf5_logs():
    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    hw = RTDCWriter(h5path)
    hw.store_log("test", ["asdasd" * 100])
    hw.store_log("M1_para.ini", ["asdasd" * 100])
    with check.IntegrityChecker(h5path) as ic:
        cues = ic.check_fmt_hdf5()
    assert len(cues) == 1
    assert cues[0].category == "format HDF5"
    assert cues[0].msg == 'Logs: test line 0 exceeds maximum line length 100'
    assert cues[0].level == "alert"
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_bulk_trace():
    num = 20
    trace = {"fl1_median": np.arange(num * 111).reshape(num, 111),
             "fl1_raw": 13 + np.arange(num * 111).reshape(num, 111),
    data = {"area_um": np.linspace(100.7, 110.9, num),
            "trace": trace}
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        for feat in data:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])
    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        events = rtdc_data["events"]
        assert "trace" in events.keys()
        assert np.allclose(events["trace"]["fl1_raw"], trace["fl1_raw"])
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_version_branding_4_dont_write_attribute():
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",

    this_version = f"dclab {dclab.__version__}"

    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, "a") as h5:
        h5.attrs["setup:software version"] = "Shape-In 1.2.3"

    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        hw.store_feature("deform", np.linspace(0.01, 0.02, 10))
        hw.version_brand(old_version="Peter 1.0", write_attribute=False)

    expected_version = f"Shape-In 1.2.3 | {this_version}"

    with h5py.File(rtdc_file) as h5:
        assert h5.attrs["setup:software version"] == expected_version
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_meta_error():
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",

    meta1 = {"rediculous_section": {"a": 4}}
    hw = RTDCWriter(rtdc_file)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="rediculous_section"):

    meta2 = {"setup": {"rediculous_key": 4}}
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="rediculous_key"):
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_bulk_contour():
    num = 7
    contour = []
    for ii in range(5, num + 5):
        cii = np.arange(2 * ii).reshape(2, ii)
    data = {"area_um": np.linspace(100.7, 110.9, num),
            "contour": contour}
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        for feat in data:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])
    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        events = rtdc_data["events"]
        assert "contour" in events.keys()
        assert np.allclose(events["contour"]["6"], contour[6])
        assert events["contour"]["1"].shape == (2, 6)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_real_time():
    # Create huge array
    n = 116
    # Writing 10 images at a time is faster than writing one image at a time
    m = 4
    assert n // m == np.round(n / m)
    shx = 48
    shy = 32
    contours = [np.arange(20).reshape(10, 2)] * m
    images = np.zeros((m, shy, shx), dtype=np.uint8)
    masks = np.zeros((m, shy, shx), dtype=np.bool_)
    traces = {"fl1_median": np.arange(m * 55).reshape(m, 55)}
    axis1 = np.linspace(0, 1, m)
    axis2 = np.arange(float(m))
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",

    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file, mode="reset") as hw:
        # simulate real time and write one image at a time
        for ii in range(n // m):
            # print(ii)
            num_img = np.copy(images) + ii

            data = {"area_um": axis1,
                    "area_cvx": axis2,
                    "image": num_img,
                    "contour": contours,
                    "mask": masks,
                    "trace": traces}
            for feat in data:
                hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])

    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        events = rtdc_data["events"]
        assert events["image"].shape == (n, shy, shx)
        assert events["area_um"].shape == (n,)
        assert events["contour"]["0"].shape == (10, 2)
        assert events["trace"]["fl1_median"].shape == (n, 55)
        assert np.dtype(events["area_um"]) == float
        assert np.dtype(events["area_cvx"]) == float
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_bulk_mask():
    num = 7
    mask = []
    for ii in range(5, num + 5):
        mii = np.zeros(200, dtype=bool)
        mii[:ii] = True
        mask.append(mii.reshape(20, 10))
    data = {"area_um": np.linspace(100.7, 110.9, num),
            "mask": mask}
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        for feat in data:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])
    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        events = rtdc_data["events"]
        assert "mask" in events.keys()
        # Masks are stored as uint8
        assert np.allclose(events["mask"][6], mask[6]*255)
        assert events["mask"][1].shape == (20, 10)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_meta_bytes():
    data = {"area_um": np.linspace(100.7, 110.9, 100)}
    meta = {
        "setup": {
            "channel width": 20,
            "chip region": b"channel"  # bytes should be converted to str
        "experiment": {
            "date": b"2020-08-12"  # bytes should be converted to str
    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file) as hw:
        for feat in data:
            hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])
    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        assert rtdc_data.attrs["setup:channel width"] == 20
        assert rtdc_data.attrs["setup:chip region"] == "channel"
        assert rtdc_data.attrs["experiment:date"] == "2020-08-12"
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_real_time_single():
    # Create huge array
    n = 33
    shx = 30
    shy = 10
    image = np.zeros((shy, shx), dtype=np.uint8)
    mask = np.zeros((shy, shx), dtype=np.bool_)
    contour = np.arange(22).reshape(11, 2)
    trace = {"fl1_median": np.arange(43)}

    rtdc_file = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".rtdc",
    with RTDCWriter(rtdc_file, mode="reset") as hw:
        # simulate real time and write one event at a time
        for ii in range(n):
            data = {"area_um": ii * .1,
                    "area_cvx": ii * 5.,
                    "image": image * ii,
                    "contour": contour,
                    "mask": mask,
                    "trace": trace}
            for feat in data:
                hw.store_feature(feat, data[feat])
            hw.store_log("log1", f"line {ii}")

    # Read the file:
    with h5py.File(rtdc_file, mode="r") as rtdc_data:
        events = rtdc_data["events"]
        assert events["image"].shape == (n, shy, shx)
        assert events["area_um"].shape == (n,)
        assert events["contour"]["0"].shape == (11, 2)
        assert events["trace"]["fl1_median"].shape == (n, 43)
        assert np.dtype(events["area_um"]) == float
        assert np.dtype(events["area_cvx"]) == float
        logs = rtdc_data["logs"]
        assert len(logs["log1"]) == n