Exemplo n.º 1
def setup_cluster(dcos_url,
    """Setup a new connection to a DC/OS cluster.

    :returns: the cluster that was connected to
    :rtype: str

    url = util.normalize_url(dcos_url)

    # first see if it is already configured
    cluster = get_cluster(url)
    if cluster is not None:
        if refresh_auth:
            auth.dcos_uid_password_auth(url, username, password)
        return cluster

    with setup_directory() as tempdir:

        # in python 2 this url NEEDS to be a str
        # otherwise for some reason toml messes up
        config.set_val("core.dcos_url", str(url))
        config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", ssl_verify)

        auth.dcos_uid_password_auth(url, username, password)
        return setup_cluster_config(url, tempdir, False)
Exemplo n.º 2
def _store_cluster_cert(cert, no_check):
    """Store cluster certificate bundle downloaded from cluster and store
    settings in core.ssl_verify

    :param cert: ca cert from cluster
    :type cert: str
    :param no_check: whether to verify downloaded cert
    :type no_check: bool
    :returns: whether or not we are storing the downloaded cert bundle
    :rtype: bool

    if not no_check:
        if not _user_cert_validation(cert):
            # we don't have a cert, but we still want to validate SSL
            config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", "true")
            return False

    with util.temptext() as temp_file:
        _, temp_path = temp_file

        with open(temp_path, 'w') as f:

        cert_path = os.path.join(
            config.get_attached_cluster_path(), "dcos_ca.crt")

        util.sh_copy(temp_path, cert_path)

    config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", cert_path)
    return True
Exemplo n.º 3
def _get_dcostoken_by_post_with_creds(dcos_url, creds):
    Get DC/OS Authentication token by POST to `acs/api/v1/auth/login`
    with specific credentials. Credentials can be uid/password for
    username/password authentication, OIDC ID token for implicit OIDC flow
    (used for open DC/OS), or uid/token for service accounts (where token is a
    jwt token encoded with private key).

    :param dcos_url: url to cluster
    :type dcos_url: str
    :param creds: credentials to login endpoint
    :type creds: {}
    :returns: DC/OS Authentication Token
    :rtype: str

    url = dcos_url.rstrip('/') + '/acs/api/v1/auth/login'
    response = http._request('post', url, json=creds)

    token = None
    if response.status_code == 200:
        token = response.json()['token']
        config.set_val("core.dcos_acs_token", token)

    return token
Exemplo n.º 4
def browser_prompt_auth(dcos_url, provider_info):
    Get DC/OS Authentication token by browser prompt

    :param dcos_url: url to cluster
    :type dcos_url: str
    :param provider_info: info about provider to auth with
    :param provider_info: str
    :rtype: None

    start_flow_url = provider_info["config"]["start_flow_url"].lstrip('/')
    if not urlparse(start_flow_url).netloc:
        start_flow_url = dcos_url.rstrip('/') + start_flow_url

    dcos_token = _prompt_user_for_token(
        start_flow_url, "DC/OS Authentication Token")

    # verify token
    endpoint = '/pkgpanda/active.buildinfo.full.json'
    url = urllib.parse.urljoin(dcos_url, endpoint)
    response = http._request('HEAD', url, auth=http.DCOSAcsAuth(dcos_token))
    if response.status_code in [200, 403]:
        config.set_val("core.dcos_acs_token", dcos_token)
        raise DCOSException("Authentication failed")
Exemplo n.º 5
def _store_cluster_cert(cert, no_check):
    """Store cluster certificate bundle downloaded from cluster and store
    settings in core.ssl_verify

    :param cert: ca cert from cluster
    :type cert: str
    :param no_check: whether to verify downloaded cert
    :type no_check: bool
    :returns: whether or not we are storing the downloaded cert bundle
    :rtype: bool

    if not no_check and not _user_cert_validation(cert):
        raise DCOSException("Couldn't get confirmation for the fingerprint.")

    with util.temptext() as temp_file:
        _, temp_path = temp_file

        with open(temp_path, 'w') as f:

        cert_path = os.path.join(
            config.get_attached_cluster_path(), "dcos_ca.crt")

        util.sh_copy(temp_path, cert_path)

    config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", cert_path)
    return True
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_setup_cluster_through_config_commands(acs_token, temp_dcos_dir):

    returncode, _, stderr = exec_command([
        'dcos', 'config', 'set', 'core.dcos_url',
    assert returncode == 0
    assert stderr == (
        b"[core.dcos_url]: set to '%s'\n"
        b"Setting-up a cluster through this command is being deprecated. "
        b"To setup the CLI to talk to your cluster, please run "
        b"`dcos cluster setup <dcos_url>`.\n" %
        (bytes(os.environ.get(DCOS_TEST_URL_ENV), 'utf-8'), ))

    config.set_val('core.ssl_verify', "false")

    returncode, _, _ = exec_command(
        ['dcos', 'config', 'set', 'core.dcos_acs_token', acs_token])
    assert returncode == 0

    returncode, stdout, _ = exec_command(['dcos', 'cluster', 'list', '--json'])
    assert returncode == 0

    cluster_list = json.loads(stdout.decode('utf-8'))
    assert len(cluster_list) == 1
    assert cluster_list[0]['url'] == os.environ.get(DCOS_TEST_URL_ENV)
Exemplo n.º 7
def _get_dcos_acs_auth(username, password, hostname):
    """Get authentication flow for dcos acs auth

    :param username: username user for authentication
    :type username: str
    :param password: password for authentication
    :type password: str
    :param hostname: hostname for credentials
    :type hostname: str
    :returns: DCOSAcsAuth
    :rtype: AuthBase

    toml_config = util.get_config()
    token = toml_config.get("core.dcos_acs_token")
    if token is None:
        dcos_url = toml_config.get("core.dcos_url")
        url = urllib.parse.urljoin(dcos_url, 'acs/api/v1/auth/login')
        if password is None:
            username, password = _get_auth_credentials(username, hostname)
        creds = {"uid": username, "password": password}

        # using private method here, so we don't retry on this request
        # error here will be bubbled up to _request_with_auth
        response = _request('post', url, json=creds)

        if response.status_code == 200:
            token = response.json()['token']
            config.set_val("core.dcos_acs_token", token)

    return DCOSAcsAuth(token)
Exemplo n.º 8
def browser_prompt_auth(dcos_url, provider_info):
    Get DC/OS Authentication token by browser prompt

    :param dcos_url: url to cluster
    :type dcos_url: str
    :param provider_info: info about provider to auth with
    :param provider_info: str
    :rtype: None

    start_flow_url = provider_info["config"]["start_flow_url"].lstrip('/')
    if not urlparse(start_flow_url).netloc:
        start_flow_url = dcos_url.rstrip('/') + start_flow_url

    dcos_token = _prompt_user_for_token(start_flow_url,
                                        "DC/OS Authentication Token")

    # verify token
    endpoint = '/pkgpanda/active.buildinfo.full.json'
    url = urllib.parse.urljoin(dcos_url, endpoint)
    response = http._request('HEAD', url, auth=http.DCOSAcsAuth(dcos_token))
    if response.status_code in [200, 403]:
        config.set_val("core.dcos_acs_token", dcos_token)
        raise DCOSException("Authentication failed")
Exemplo n.º 9
def _get_dcostoken_by_post_with_creds(dcos_url, creds):
    Get DC/OS Authentication token by POST to `acs/api/v1/auth/login`
    with specific credentials. Credentials can be uid/password for
    username/password authentication, OIDC ID token for implicit OIDC flow
    (used for open DC/OS), or uid/token for service accounts (where token is a
    jwt token encoded with private key).

    :param dcos_url: url to cluster
    :type dcos_url: str
    :param creds: credentials to login endpoint
    :type creds: {}
    :returns: DC/OS Authentication Token
    :rtype: str

    url = dcos_url.rstrip('/') + '/acs/api/v1/auth/login'
    response = http._request('post', url, json=creds)

    token = None
    if response.status_code == 200:
        token = response.json()['token']
        config.set_val("core.dcos_acs_token", token)

    return token
Exemplo n.º 10
def _get_dcos_auth(auth_scheme, username, password, hostname):
    """Get authentication flow for dcos acs auth and dcos oauth

    :param auth_scheme: authentication_scheme
    :type auth_scheme: str
    :param username: username user for authentication
    :type username: str
    :param password: password for authentication
    :type password: str
    :param hostname: hostname for credentials
    :type hostname: str
    :returns: DCOSAcsAuth
    :rtype: AuthBase

    toml_config = config.get_config()
    token = config.get_config_val("core.dcos_acs_token", toml_config)
    if token is None:
        dcos_url = config.get_config_val("core.dcos_url", toml_config)
        if auth_scheme == "acsjwt":
            creds = _get_dcos_acs_auth_creds(username, password, hostname)
            creds = _get_dcos_oauth_creds(dcos_url)

        url = urllib.parse.urljoin(dcos_url, 'acs/api/v1/auth/login')
        response = _request('post', url, json=creds)

        if response.status_code == 200:
            token = response.json()['token']
            config.set_val("core.dcos_acs_token", token)

    return DCOSAcsAuth(token)
Exemplo n.º 11
def setup_cluster_config(dcos_url, temp_path, stored_cert):
    Create a cluster directory for cluster specified in "temp_path"

    :param dcos_url: url to DC/OS cluster
    :type dcos_url: str
    :param temp_path: path to temporary config dir
    :type temp_path: str
    :param stored_cert: whether we stored cert bundle in 'setup' dir
    :type stored_cert: bool
    :returns: path to cluster specific directory
    :rtype: str

        # find cluster id
        cluster_url = dcos_url.rstrip('/') + '/metadata'
        res = http.get(cluster_url, timeout=1)
        cluster_id = res.json().get("CLUSTER_ID")

    except DCOSException as e:
        msg = ("Error trying to find cluster id: {}\n "
               "Please make sure the provided DC/OS URL is valid: {}".format(
                   e, dcos_url))
        raise DCOSException(msg)

    # create cluster id dir
    cluster_path = os.path.join(config.get_config_dir_path(),
                                constants.DCOS_CLUSTERS_SUBDIR, cluster_id)
    if os.path.exists(cluster_path):
        raise DCOSException("Cluster [{}] is already setup".format(dcos_url))


    # move contents of setup dir to new location
    for (path, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(temp_path):
        for f in filenames:
            util.sh_copy(os.path.join(path, f), cluster_path)

    cluster = Cluster(cluster_id)
    config_path = cluster.get_config_path()
    if stored_cert:
        cert_path = os.path.join(cluster_path, "dcos_ca.crt")
        config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", cert_path, config_path=config_path)

    cluster_name = cluster_id
        url = dcos_url.rstrip('/') + '/mesos/state-summary'
        name_query = http.get(url, toml_config=cluster.get_config())
        cluster_name = name_query.json().get("cluster")

    except DCOSException:

    config.set_val("cluster.name", cluster_name, config_path=config_path)

    return cluster_path
Exemplo n.º 12
def update_marathon_client():
    global client
    global toml_config_o
    toml_config_o = config.get_config()
    dcos_url = config.get_config_val('core.dcos_url', toml_config_o)
    marathon_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(dcos_url, 'service/marathon-user/')
    config.set_val('marathon.url', marathon_url)
    toml_config_m = config.get_config()
    client = marathon.create_client(toml_config_m)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_dcos_dir_env_with_acs_token(acs_token, temp_dcos_dir):
    _copy_config_to_dir('dcos.toml', temp_dcos_dir)

    config.set_val('core.dcos_acs_token', acs_token)

    returncode, stdout, _ = exec_command(['dcos', 'cluster', 'list', '--json'])
    assert returncode == 0

    cluster_list = json.loads(stdout.decode('utf-8'))
    assert len(cluster_list) == 1
    assert cluster_list[0]['url'] == "http://dcos.snakeoil.mesosphere.com"
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_dcos_dir_env_with_acs_token(acs_token, temp_dcos_dir):

    _copy_config_to_dir('dcos.toml', temp_dcos_dir)

    config.set_val('core.dcos_url', os.environ.get(DCOS_TEST_URL_ENV))
    config.set_val('core.dcos_acs_token', acs_token)

    returncode, stdout, _ = exec_command(['dcos', 'cluster', 'list', '--json'])
    assert returncode == 0

    cluster_list = json.loads(stdout.decode('utf-8'))
    assert len(cluster_list) == 1
    assert cluster_list[0]['url'] == os.environ.get(DCOS_TEST_URL_ENV)
Exemplo n.º 15
def _set(name, value):
    :returns: process status
    :rtype: int

    if name == "package.sources":
        notice = ("This config property has been deprecated. "
                  "Please add your repositories with `dcos package repo add`")
        return DCOSException(notice)
    if name == "core.email":
        notice = "This config property has been deprecated."
        return DCOSException(notice)

    config.set_val(name, value)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 16
def marathon_on_marathon(name='marathon-user'):
    """ Context manager for altering the marathon client for MoM
    :param name: service name of MoM to use
    :type name: str

    toml_config_o = config.get_config()
    dcos_url = config.get_config_val('core.dcos_url', toml_config_o)
    service_name = 'service/{}/'.format(name)
    marathon_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(dcos_url, service_name)
    config.set_val('marathon.url', marathon_url)

        # return config to previous state
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_dcos_config_env_with_acs_token(acs_token, temp_dcos_dir):
    with _temp_dcos_config('dcos.toml', temp_dcos_dir):

        config.set_val('core.dcos_acs_token', acs_token)

        exp_stderr = (
            b"DCOS_CONFIG is deprecated, please consider using "
            b"`dcos cluster setup <dcos_url>`.\n"

        returncode, stdout, stderr = exec_command(
            ['dcos', 'cluster', 'list', '--json'])
        assert returncode == 0
        assert exp_stderr == stderr

        cluster_list = json.loads(stdout.decode('utf-8'))
        assert len(cluster_list) == 1
        assert cluster_list[0]['url'] == "http://dcos.snakeoil.mesosphere.com"
Exemplo n.º 18
def _rename(name, new_name):
    :param name: name of cluster
    :type name: str
    :param new_name: new_name of cluster
    :type new_name: str
    :rtype: None

    c = cluster.get_cluster(name)
    other = cluster.get_cluster(new_name)
    if c is None:
        raise DCOSException("Cluster [{}] does not exist".format(name))
    elif other and other != c:
        msg = "A cluster with name [{}] already exists"
        raise DCOSException(msg.format(new_name))
        config.set_val("cluster.name", new_name, c.get_config_path())
Exemplo n.º 19
def _set(name, value):
    :returns: process status
    :rtype: int

    toml, msg = config.set_val(name, value)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 20
def _set(name, value):
    :returns: process status
    :rtype: int

    toml, msg = config.set_val(name, value)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_dcos_config_env_with_acs_token(acs_token, temp_dcos_dir):

    with _temp_dcos_config('dcos.toml', temp_dcos_dir):

        config.set_val('core.dcos_url', os.environ.get(DCOS_TEST_URL_ENV))
        config.set_val('core.dcos_acs_token', acs_token)

        exp_stderr = (b"DCOS_CONFIG is deprecated, please consider using "
                      b"`dcos cluster setup <dcos_url>`.\n")

        returncode, stdout, stderr = exec_command(
            ['dcos', 'cluster', 'list', '--json'])
        assert returncode == 0
        assert exp_stderr == stderr

        cluster_list = json.loads(stdout.decode('utf-8'))
        assert len(cluster_list) == 1
        assert cluster_list[0]['url'] == os.environ.get(DCOS_TEST_URL_ENV)
Exemplo n.º 22
def _set(name, value):
    :returns: process status
    :rtype: int

    toml_config = config.set_val(name, value)
    if (name == 'core.reporting' is True) or (name == 'core.email'):

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 23
def _get_dcos_auth(auth_scheme, username, password, hostname):
    """Get authentication flow for dcos acs auth and dcos oauth

    :param auth_scheme: authentication_scheme
    :type auth_scheme: str
    :param username: username user for authentication
    :type username: str
    :param password: password for authentication
    :type password: str
    :param hostname: hostname for credentials
    :type hostname: str
    :returns: DCOSAcsAuth
    :rtype: AuthBase

    toml_config = config.get_config()
    token = config.get_config_val("core.dcos_acs_token", toml_config)
    if token is None:
        dcos_url = config.get_config_val("core.dcos_url", toml_config)
        if auth_scheme == "acsjwt":
            creds = _get_dcos_acs_auth_creds(username, password, hostname)
            creds = _get_dcos_oauth_creds(dcos_url)

        verify = _verify_ssl()
        # Silence 'Unverified HTTPS request' and 'SecurityWarning' for bad cert
        if verify is not None:

        url = urllib.parse.urljoin(dcos_url, 'acs/api/v1/auth/login')
        # using private method here, so we don't retry on this request
        # error here will be bubbled up to _request_with_auth
        response = _request('post', url, json=creds, verify=verify)

        if response.status_code == 200:
            token = response.json()['token']
            config.set_val("core.dcos_acs_token", token)

    return DCOSAcsAuth(token)
Exemplo n.º 24
def _set(name, value):
    :returns: process status
    :rtype: int

    if name == "core.dcos_url":
        return _cluster_setup(value)

    toml, msg = config.set_val(name, value)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 25
def _get_dcos_auth(auth_scheme, username, password, hostname):
    """Get authentication flow for dcos acs auth and dcos oauth

    :param auth_scheme: authentication_scheme
    :type auth_scheme: str
    :param username: username user for authentication
    :type username: str
    :param password: password for authentication
    :type password: str
    :param hostname: hostname for credentials
    :type hostname: str
    :returns: DCOSAcsAuth
    :rtype: AuthBase

    toml_config = config.get_config()
    token = config.get_config_val("core.dcos_acs_token", toml_config)
    if token is None:
        dcos_url = config.get_config_val("core.dcos_url", toml_config)
        if auth_scheme == "acsjwt":
            creds = _get_dcos_acs_auth_creds(username, password, hostname)
            creds = _get_dcos_oauth_creds(dcos_url)

        verify = _verify_ssl()
        # Silence 'Unverified HTTPS request' and 'SecurityWarning' for bad cert
        if verify is not None:

        url = urllib.parse.urljoin(dcos_url, 'acs/api/v1/auth/login')
        # using private method here, so we don't retry on this request
        # error here will be bubbled up to _request_with_auth
        response = _request('post', url, json=creds, verify=verify)

        if response.status_code == 200:
            token = response.json()['token']
            config.set_val("core.dcos_acs_token", token)

    return DCOSAcsAuth(token)
Exemplo n.º 26
def _set(name, value):
    :returns: process status
    :rtype: int

    if name == "package.sources":
        notice = ("This config property has been deprecated. "
                  "Please add your repositories with `dcos package repo add`")
        return DCOSException(notice)
    toml_config = config.set_val(name, value)
    if (name == 'core.reporting' is True) or (name == 'core.email'):

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 27
def _set(name, value):
    :returns: process status
    :rtype: int

    if name == "package.sources":
        notice = ("This config property has been deprecated. "
                  "Please add your repositories with `dcos package repo add`")
        return DCOSException(notice)
    toml_config = config.set_val(name, value)
    if (name == 'core.reporting' is True) or (name == 'core.email'):

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 28
def _set(name, value):
    :returns: process status
    :rtype: int

    toml, msg = config.set_val(name, value)

    if name == "core.dcos_url" and config.uses_deprecated_config():
        notice = (
            "Setting-up a cluster through this command is being deprecated. "
            "To setup the CLI to talk to your cluster, please run "
            "`dcos cluster setup <dcos_url>`.")

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 29
def _set(name, value):
    :returns: process status
    :rtype: int

    if name == "package.sources":
        notice = ("This config property has been deprecated. "
                  "Please add your repositories with `dcos package repo add`")
        return DCOSException(notice)
    if name == "core.email":
        notice = "This config property has been deprecated."
        return DCOSException(notice)

    toml, msg = config.set_val(name, value)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 30
def setup(dcos_url,
          insecure=False, no_check=False, ca_certs=None,
          password_str=None, password_env=None, password_file=None,
          provider=None, username=None, key_path=None):
    Setup the CLI to talk to your DC/OS cluster.

    :param dcos_url: master ip of cluster
    :type dcos_url: str
    :param insecure: whether or not to verify ssl certs
    :type insecure: bool
    :param no_check: whether or not to verify downloaded ca cert
    :type no_check: bool
    :param ca_certs: path to root CA to verify requests
    :type ca_certs: str
    :param password_str: password
    :type password_str: str
    :param password_env: name of environment variable with password
    :type password_env: str
    :param password_file: path to file with password
    :type password_file: bool
    :param provider: name of provider to authentication with
    :type provider: str
    :param username: username
    :type username: str
    :param key_path: path to file with private key
    :type param: str
    :returns: process status
    :rtype: int

    with cluster.setup_directory() as temp_path:

        # set cluster as attached

        # authenticate
        config.set_val("core.dcos_url", dcos_url)
        # get validated dcos_url
        dcos_url = config.get_config_val("core.dcos_url")

        # configure ssl settings
        stored_cert = False
        if insecure:
            config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", "false")
        elif ca_certs:
            config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", ca_certs)
            cert = cluster.get_cluster_cert(dcos_url)
            # if we don't have a cert don't try to verify one
            if cert is False:
                config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", "false")
                stored_cert = _store_cluster_cert(cert, no_check)

                  password_str, password_env, password_file,
                  provider, username, key_path)
        except DCOSAuthenticationException:
            msg = ("Authentication failed. "
                   "Please run `dcos cluster setup <dcos_url>`")
            raise DCOSException(msg)

        # configure cluster directory
        cluster.setup_cluster_config(dcos_url, temp_path, stored_cert)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 31
def setup(dcos_url,
          insecure=False, no_check=False, ca_certs=None,
          password_str=None, password_env=None, password_file=None,
          provider=None, username=None, key_path=None):
    Setup the CLI to talk to your DC/OS cluster.

    :param dcos_url: master ip of cluster
    :type dcos_url: str
    :param insecure: whether or not to verify ssl certs
    :type insecure: bool
    :param no_check: whether or not to verify downloaded ca cert
    :type no_check: bool
    :param ca_certs: path to root CA to verify requests
    :type ca_certs: str
    :param password_str: password
    :type password_str: str
    :param password_env: name of environment variable with password
    :type password_env: str
    :param password_file: path to file with password
    :type password_file: bool
    :param provider: name of provider to authentication with
    :type provider: str
    :param username: username
    :type username: str
    :param key_path: path to file with private key
    :type param: str
    :returns: process status
    :rtype: int

    with cluster.setup_directory() as temp_path:

        # set cluster as attached

        # Make sure to ignore any environment variable for the DCOS URL.
        # There is already a mandatory command argument for this.
        env_warning = ("Ignoring '{}' environment variable.\n")
        if "DCOS_URL" in os.environ:
            del os.environ["DCOS_URL"]
        if "DCOS_DCOS_URL" in os.environ:
            del os.environ["DCOS_DCOS_URL"]

        # authenticate
        config.set_val("core.dcos_url", dcos_url)
        # get validated dcos_url
        dcos_url = config.get_config_val("core.dcos_url")

        # configure ssl settings
        stored_cert = False
        if insecure:
            config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", "false")
        elif ca_certs:
            config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", ca_certs)
        elif _needs_cluster_cert(dcos_url):
            cert = cluster.get_cluster_cert(dcos_url)
            if cert:
                stored_cert = _store_cluster_cert(cert, no_check)
                config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", "false")
            config.set_val("core.ssl_verify", "false")

                  password_str, password_env, password_file,
                  provider, username, key_path)
        except DCOSAuthenticationException:
            msg = ("Authentication failed. "
                   "Please run `dcos cluster setup <dcos_url>`")
            raise DCOSException(msg)

        # configure cluster directory
        cluster.setup_cluster_config(dcos_url, temp_path, stored_cert)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 32
def set_app_id(app_id):
    config.set_val("spark.app_id", app_id)