Exemplo n.º 1
    def read_key(self, key, name=None, max_size=0):
        Provided ``key``, read field value at ``name`` or ``key.name`` if not

        :param key: ``Key`` or ``PrimaryKey`` to read
        :param name: override name field of key
        :param max_size: if specified, check that the item is bellow a treshold

        :return: field value at ``key``

        :raises: :py:exc:`ddbmock.errors.ValidationException` if field does not exist, type does not match or is above ``max_size``
        if key is None:
            return False
        if name is None:
            name = key.name

            field = self[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValidationException(u'Field {} not found'.format(name))

        if max_size:
            size = self.get_field_size(name)
            if size > max_size:
                raise ValidationException(
                    u'Field {} is over {} bytes limit. Got {}'.format(
                        name, max_size, size))

        return key.read(field)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def update_item(self, key, actions, expected):
        Apply ``actions`` to item at ``key`` provided that it matches ``expected``.

        This operation is atomic and blocks all other pending write operations.

        :param key: Raw DynamoDB request hash and range key dict.
        :param actions: Raw DynamoDB request actions.
        :param expected: Raw DynamoDB request conditions.

        :return: both deepcopies of :py:class:`ddbmock.database.item.Item` as it was (before, after) the update.

        :raises: :py:exc:`ddbmock.errors.ConditionalCheckFailedException` if conditions are not met.
        :raises: :py:exc:`ddbmock.errors.ValidationException` if ``actions`` attempted to modify the key or the resulting Item is biggere than :py:const:`config.MAX_ITEM_SIZE`
        key = Item(key)
        hash_key = key.read_key(self.hash_key,
        range_key = key.read_key(self.range_key,

        with self.write_lock:
            # Need a deep copy as we will *modify* it
                old = self.store[hash_key, range_key]
                new = copy.deepcopy(old)
            except KeyError:
                # Item was not in the DB yet
                old = Item()
                new = Item()
                self.count += 1
                # append the keys
                new[self.hash_key.name] = key['HashKeyElement']
                if self.range_key is not None:
                    new[self.range_key.name] = key['RangeKeyElement']

            # Make sure we are not altering a key
            if self.hash_key.name in actions:
                raise ValidationException(
                    "UpdateItem can not alter the hash_key.")
            if self.range_key is not None and self.range_key.name in actions:
                raise ValidationException(
                    "UpdateItem can not alter the range_key.")

            self.store[hash_key, range_key] = new

            size = new.get_size()
            if size > config.MAX_ITEM_SIZE:
                self.store[hash_key, range_key] = old  # roll back
                raise ValidationException(
                    "Item size has exceeded the maximum allowed size of {}".

        return old, new
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get(self, key, fields):
        Get ``fields`` from :py:class:`ddbmock.database.item.Item` at ``key``.

        :param key: Raw DynamoDB request key.
        :param fields: Raw DynamoDB request array of field names to return. Empty to return all.

        :return: reference to :py:class:`ddbmock.database.item.Item` at ``key`` or ``None`` when not found

        :raises: :py:exc:`ddbmock.errors.ValidationException` if a ``range_key`` was provided while table has none.
        key = Item(key)
        hash_key = key.read_key(self.hash_key, u'HashKeyElement')
        range_key = key.read_key(self.range_key, u'RangeKeyElement')

        if self.range_key is None and u'RangeKeyElement' in key:
            raise ValidationException("Table {} has no range_key".format(

            item = self.store[hash_key, range_key]
            return item.filter(fields)
        except KeyError:
            # Item was not in the DB yet
            return None
Exemplo n.º 4
def scan(post, table):
    if post[u'AttributesToGet'] and post[u'Count']:
        raise ValidationException(
            "Can not filter fields when only count is requested")

    results = table.scan(

    capacity = 0.5 * results.size.as_units()
    push_write_throughput(table.name, capacity)

    ret = {
        "Count": len(results.items),
        "ScannedCount": results.scanned,
        "ConsumedCapacityUnits": capacity,

    if results.last_key:
        ret['LastEvaluatedKey'] = results.last_key

    if not post[u'Count']:
        ret[u'Items'] = results.items

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 5
def query(post, table):
    if post[u'AttributesToGet'] and post[u'Count']:
        raise ValidationException(
            "Can filter fields when only count is requested")

    base_capacity = 1 if post[u'ConsistentRead'] else 0.5

    results = table.query(
        not post[u'ScanIndexForward'],

    capacity = base_capacity * results.size.as_units()
    push_write_throughput(table.name, capacity)

    ret = {
        "Count": len(results.items),
        "ConsumedCapacityUnits": capacity,

    if results.last_key is not None:
        ret['LastEvaluatedKey'] = results.last_key

    if not post[u'Count']:
        ret[u'Items'] = results.items

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_validation_exception_translation(self):
        from ddbmock.router.boto import _ddbmock_exception_to_boto_exception
        from boto.dynamodb.exceptions import DynamoDBValidationError
        from ddbmock.errors import ValidationException

                ValidationException('taratata')), DynamoDBValidationError)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def read(self, key):
        Parse a key as specified by DynamoDB API and return its value as long as
        its typename matches :py:attr:`typename`

        :param key: Raw DynamoDB request key.

        :return: the value of the key

        :raises: :py:exc:`ddbmock.errors.ValidationException` if field types does not match

        typename, value = key.items()[0]
        if self.typename != typename:
            raise ValidationException(
                'Expected key type = {} for field {}. Got {}'.format(
                    self.typename, self.name, typename))

        return value
Exemplo n.º 8
    def put(self, item, expected):
        Save ``item`` in the database provided that ``expected`` matches. Even
        though DynamoDB ``UpdateItem`` operation only supports returning ``ALL_OLD``
        or ``NONE``, this method returns both ``old`` and ``new`` values as the
        throughput, computed in the view, takes the maximum of both size into

        This operation is atomic and blocks all other pending write operations.

        :param item: Raw DynamoDB request item.
        :param expected: Raw DynamoDB request conditions.

        :return: both deepcopies of :py:class:`ddbmock.database.item.Item` as it was (before, after) the update or empty item if not found.

        :raises: :py:exc:`ddbmock.errors.ConditionalCheckFailedException` if conditions are not met.
        item = Item(item)

        if item.get_size() > config.MAX_ITEM_SIZE:
            raise ValidationException(
                "Item size has exceeded the maximum allowed size of {}".format(

        hash_key = item.read_key(self.hash_key, max_size=config.MAX_HK_SIZE)
        range_key = item.read_key(self.range_key, max_size=config.MAX_RK_SIZE)

        with self.write_lock:
                old = self.store[hash_key, range_key]
            except KeyError:
                # Item was not in the DB yet
                self.count += 1
                old = Item()

            self.store[hash_key, range_key] = item
            new = copy.deepcopy(item)

        return old, new
Exemplo n.º 9
def dynamodb_api_validate(action, post):
    """ Find validator for ``action`` and run it on ``post``. If no validator
        are found, return False.

        :action: name of the route after translation to underscores
        :post: data to validate
        :return: False when no validator found, True on success
        :raises: any onctuous exception
        mod = import_module('.{}'.format(action), __name__)
        schema = getattr(mod, 'post')
    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
        return post  # Fixme: should log

    # ignore the 'request_id' key but propagate it
    schema['request_id'] = str

        validate = Schema(schema, required=True)
        return validate(post)
    except Invalid as e:
        raise ValidationException(str(e))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def query(self, hash_key, rk_condition, fields, start, reverse, limit):
        Return ``fields`` of all items with provided ``hash_key`` whose ``range_key``
        matches ``rk_condition``.

        :param hash_key: Raw DynamoDB request hash_key.
        :param rk_condition: Raw DynamoDB request ``range_key`` condition.
        :param fields: Raw DynamoDB request array of field names to return. Empty to return all.
        :param start: Raw DynamoDB request key of the first item to scan. Empty array to indicate first item.
        :param reverse: Set to ``True`` to parse the range keys backward.
        :param limit: Maximum number of items to return in this batch. Set to 0 or less for no maximum.

        :return: Results(results, cumulated_size, last_key)

        :raises: :py:exc:`ddbmock.errors.ValidationException` if ``start['HashKeyElement']`` is not ``hash_key``
        #FIXME: naive implementation
        #FIXME: what if an item disappears during the operation ?
        # - size limit

        hash_value = self.hash_key.read(hash_key)
        rk_name = self.range_key.name
        size = ItemSize(0)
        good_item_count = 0
        results = []
        lek = None

        if start and start['HashKeyElement'] != hash_key:
            raise ValidationException(
                "'HashKeyElement' element of 'ExclusiveStartKey' must be the same as the hash_key. Expected {}, got {}"
                .format(hash_key, start['HashKeyElement']))

            data = self.store[hash_value, None]
        except KeyError:
            # fix #9: return empty result set if first key does not exist
            return Results(results, size, lek, -1)

        keys = sorted(data.keys())

        if reverse:

        if start:
            first_key = self.range_key.read(start['RangeKeyElement'])
            index = keys.index(
                first_key) + 1  # May raise ValueError but that's OK
            keys = keys[index:]

        for key in keys:
            item = data[key]

            if item.field_match(rk_name, rk_condition):
                good_item_count += 1
                size += item.get_size()

            if good_item_count == limit:
                lek = {
                    u'HashKeyElement': hash_key,
                    u'RangeKeyElement': item[rk_name],

        return Results(results, size, lek, -1)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _apply_action(self, fieldname, action):
        Internal function. Applies a single action to a single field.

        :param fieldname: Valid field name
        :param action: Raw DynamoDB request action specification

        :raises: :py:exc:`ddbmock.errors.ValidationException` whenever attempting an illegual action
        # Rewrite this function, it's disgustting code
        if action[u'Action'] == u"PUT":
            self[fieldname] = action[u'Value']

        if action[u'Action'] == u"DELETE":  # Starts to be anoying
            if not fieldname in self:
                return  #shortcut
            if u'Value' not in action:
                del self[fieldname]  # Nice and easy part

            typename, value = _decode_field(action[u'Value'])
            ftypename, fvalue = _decode_field(self[fieldname])

            if len(ftypename) != 2:
                raise ValidationException(
                    u"Can not DELETE elements from a non set type. Got {}".
            if ftypename != typename:
                raise ValidationException(
                    u"Expected type {t} for DELETE from type {t}. Got {}".
                    format(typename, t=ftypename))

            # do the dirty work
            data = set(fvalue).difference(value)
            # if data empty => remove the key
            if not data:
                del self[fieldname]
                self[fieldname] = {ftypename: list(data)}

        if action[u'Action'] == u"ADD":  # Realy anoying to code :s
            #FIXME: not perfect, action should be different if the item was new
            typename, value = _decode_field(action[u'Value'])
            if fieldname in self:
                ftypename, fvalue = _decode_field(self[fieldname])

                if ftypename == u"N":
                    data = Decimal(value) + Decimal(fvalue)
                    self[fieldname][u"N"] = unicode(data)
                elif ftypename in [u"NS", u"SS", u"BS"]:
                    if ftypename != typename:
                        raise ValidationException(
                            u"Expected type {t} for ADD in type {t}. Got {}".
                            format(typename, t=ftypename))
                    data = set(fvalue).union(value)
                    self[fieldname][typename] = list(data)
                    raise ValidationException(
                        u"Only N, NS, SS and BS types supports ADD operation. Got {}"
                if typename not in [u"N", u"NS", u"SS"]:
                    raise ValidationException(
                        u"When performing ADD operation on new field, only Numbers or Sets are allowed. Got {} of type {}"
                        .format(value, typename))
                self[fieldname] = action[u'Value']