Exemplo n.º 1
    def start(self, auto_process=False):
        self.status = None
        self.db = DebconfCommunicator(PACKAGE, cloexec=True)
        prep = self.prepare()
        self.command = prep[0]
        question_patterns = prep[1]
        if len(prep) > 2:
            env = prep[2]
            env = {}

        self.ui_loop_level = 0

        self.debug("Starting up '%s' for %s.%s", self.command,
                   self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
        self.debug("Watching for question patterns %s",
                   ', '.join(question_patterns))

        widgets = {}
        for pattern in question_patterns:
            widgets[pattern] = self
        self.dbfilter = DebconfFilter(self.db, widgets)

        # TODO: Set as unseen all questions that we're going to ask.

        self.dbfilter.start(self.command, blocking=False, extra_env=env)
        # Clearly, this isn't enough for full non-blocking operation.
        # However, debconf itself is generally quick, and the confmodule
        # will generally be listening for a reply when we try to send one;
        # the slow bit is waiting for the confmodule to decide to send a
        # command. Therefore, this is the only file descriptor we bother to
        # watch, which greatly simplifies our life.