Exemplo n.º 1
class Header(deb822.RestrictedWrapper):
    """Represents the header paragraph of a debian/copyright file.

    Property values are all immutable, such that in order to modify them you
    must explicitly set them (rather than modifying a returned reference).

    def __init__(self, data=None):

        :param parsed: A deb822.Deb822 object for underlying data.  If None, a
            new one will be created.
        if data is None:
            data = deb822.Deb822()
            data['Format'] = _CURRENT_FORMAT

        if 'Format-Specification' in data:
            warnings.warn('use of deprecated "Format-Specification" field;'
                          ' rewriting as "Format"')
            data['Format'] = data['Format-Specification']
            del data['Format-Specification']

        super(Header, self).__init__(data)

        fmt = self.format
        if fmt is None:
            raise NotMachineReadableError(
                'input is not a machine-readable debian/copyright')
        if fmt not in _KNOWN_FORMATS:
            warnings.warn('format not known: %r' % fmt)

    def known_format(self):
        """Returns True iff the format is known."""
        return self.format in _KNOWN_FORMATS

    def current_format(self):
        """Returns True iff the format is the current format."""
        return self.format == _CURRENT_FORMAT

    format = deb822.RestrictedField(
        'Format', to_str=_single_line, allow_none=False)

    upstream_name = deb822.RestrictedField(
        'Upstream-Name', to_str=_single_line)

    upstream_contact = deb822.RestrictedField(
        'Upstream-Contact', from_str=_LineBased.from_str,

    source = deb822.RestrictedField('Source')

    disclaimer = deb822.RestrictedField('Disclaimer')

    comment = deb822.RestrictedField('Comment')

    license = deb822.RestrictedField(
        'License', from_str=License.from_str, to_str=License.to_str)

    copyright = deb822.RestrictedField('Copyright')
Exemplo n.º 2
class LicenseParagraph(deb822.RestrictedWrapper):
    """Represents a standalone license paragraph of a debian/copyright file.

    Minimally, this kind of paragraph requires a 'License' field and has no
    'Files' field.  It is used to give a short name to a license text, which
    can be referred to from the header or files paragraphs.

    def __init__(self, data, _internal_validate=True):
        # type: (deb822.Deb822, bool) -> None
        super(LicenseParagraph, self).__init__(data)
        if _internal_validate:
            if 'License' not in data:
                raise MachineReadableFormatError('"License" field required')
            if 'Files' in data:
                raise MachineReadableFormatError(
                    'input appears to be a Files paragraph')

    def create(cls, license):
        # type: (License) -> LicenseParagraph
        """Returns a LicenseParagraph with the given license."""
        # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
        if not isinstance(license, License):
            raise TypeError('license must be a License instance')
        paragraph = cls(deb822.Deb822(), _internal_validate=False)
        paragraph.license = license   # type: ignore  ## properties
        return paragraph

    # TODO(jsw): Validate that the synopsis of the license is a short name or
    # short name with exceptions (not an alternatives expression).  This
    # requires help from the License class.
    license = deb822.RestrictedField(
        'License', from_str=License.from_str, to_str=License.to_str,
        allow_none=False)  # type: ignore

    comment = deb822.RestrictedField('Comment')    # type: ignore

    # Hide 'Files'.
    __files = deb822.RestrictedField('Files')    # type: ignore
Exemplo n.º 3
class Header(deb822.RestrictedWrapper):
    """Represents the header paragraph of a debian/copyright file.

    Property values are all immutable, such that in order to modify them you
    must explicitly set them (rather than modifying a returned reference).

    def __init__(self, data=None):
        # type: (Optional[deb822.Deb822]) -> None

        :param data: A deb822.Deb822 object for underlying data.  If None, a
            new one will be created.
        if data is None:
            data = deb822.Deb822()
            data['Format'] = _CURRENT_FORMAT

        if 'Format-Specification' in data:
            warnings.warn('use of deprecated "Format-Specification" field;'
                          ' rewriting as "Format"')
            data['Format'] = data['Format-Specification']
            del data['Format-Specification']

        super(Header, self).__init__(data)

        fmt = str()  # Set this to be a string type to appease later checking
        fmt = self.format   # type: ignore
        if fmt != _CURRENT_FORMAT and fmt is not None:
            # Add a terminal slash onto the end if missing
            if not fmt.endswith('/'):
                fmt += "/"

            # Upgrade http to https if that is valid
            if fmt.startswith('http:'):
                fmt = "https:%s" % fmt[5:]

            if fmt in _KNOWN_FORMATS:
                warnings.warn('Fixing Format URL')
                self.format = fmt   # type: ignore

        if fmt is None:
            raise NotMachineReadableError(
                'input is not a machine-readable debian/copyright')
        if fmt not in _KNOWN_FORMATS:
            warnings.warn('format not known: %r' % fmt)

    def known_format(self):
        # type: () -> bool
        """Returns True iff the format is known."""
        return self.format in _KNOWN_FORMATS

    def current_format(self):
        # type: () -> bool
        """Returns True iff the format is the current format."""
        return self.format == _CURRENT_FORMAT

    # lots of type ignores due to  https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/1279
    format = deb822.RestrictedField(                    # type: ignore
        'Format', to_str=_single_line, allow_none=False)

    upstream_name = deb822.RestrictedField(              # type: ignore
        'Upstream-Name', to_str=_single_line)

    upstream_contact = deb822.RestrictedField(           # type: ignore
        'Upstream-Contact', from_str=_LineBased.from_str,

    source = deb822.RestrictedField('Source')            # type: ignore

    disclaimer = deb822.RestrictedField('Disclaimer')    # type: ignore

    comment = deb822.RestrictedField('Comment')          # type: ignore

    license = deb822.RestrictedField(                    # type: ignore
        'License', from_str=License.from_str, to_str=License.to_str)

    copyright = deb822.RestrictedField('Copyright')      # type: ignore
Exemplo n.º 4
class FilesParagraph(deb822.RestrictedWrapper):
    """Represents a Files paragraph of a debian/copyright file.

    This kind of paragraph is used to specify the copyright and license for a
    particular set of files in the package.

    def __init__(self, data, _internal_validate=True, strict=True):
        # type: (deb822.Deb822, bool, bool) -> None
        super(FilesParagraph, self).__init__(data)

        if _internal_validate:
            if 'Files' not in data:
                raise MachineReadableFormatError('"Files" field required')
            if 'Copyright' not in data:
                _complain('Files paragraph missing Copyright field', strict)
            if 'License' not in data:
                _complain('Files paragraph missing License field', strict)

            if not self.files:
                _complain('Files paragraph has empty Files field', strict)

        self.__cached_files_pat = ('', re.compile(''))  # type: Tuple[str, Pattern]

    def create(cls,
               files,      # type: Optional[List[str]]
               copyright,  # type: Optional[str]
               license,    # type: Optional[License]
        # type: (...) -> FilesParagraph
        """Create a new FilesParagraph from its required parts.

        :param files: The list of file globs.
        :param copyright: The copyright for the files (free-form text).
        :param license: The Licence for the files.
        # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
        p = cls(deb822.Deb822(), _internal_validate=False)
        # mypy doesn't handle the metaprogrammed properties at all
        p.files = files          # type: ignore
        p.copyright = copyright  # type: ignore
        p.license = license      # type: ignore
        return p

    def files_pattern(self):
        # type: () -> Optional[Pattern]
        """Returns a regular expression equivalent to the Files globs.

        Caches the result until files is set to a different value.

        Raises ValueError if any of the globs are invalid.
        files_str = self['files']
        if self.__cached_files_pat[0] != files_str:
            self.__cached_files_pat = (files_str, globs_to_re(self.files))
        return self.__cached_files_pat[1]

    def matches(self, filename):
        # type: (str) -> bool
        """Returns True iff filename is matched by a glob in Files."""
        pat = self.files_pattern()
        if pat is None:
            return False
        return pat.match(filename) is not None

    files = deb822.RestrictedField(
        'Files', from_str=_SpaceSeparated.from_str,
        to_str=_SpaceSeparated.to_str, allow_none=False) # type: ignore

    copyright = deb822.RestrictedField('Copyright', allow_none=False)  # type: ignore

    license = deb822.RestrictedField(
        'License', from_str=License.from_str, to_str=License.to_str,

    comment = deb822.RestrictedField('Comment')    # type: ignore
Exemplo n.º 5
class FilesParagraph(deb822.RestrictedWrapper):
    """Represents a Files paragraph of a debian/copyright file.

    This kind of paragraph is used to specify the copyright and license for a
    particular set of files in the package.

    def __init__(self, data, _internal_validate=True):
        super(FilesParagraph, self).__init__(data)

        if _internal_validate:
            if 'Files' not in data:
                raise ValueError('"Files" field required')
            # For the other "required" fields, we just warn for now.  Perhaps
            # these should be upgraded to exceptions (potentially protected by
            # a "strict" param).
            if 'Copyright' not in data:
                warnings.warn('Files paragraph missing Copyright field')
            if 'License' not in data:
                warnings.warn('Files paragraph missing License field')

            if not self.files:
                warnings.warn('Files paragraph has empty Files field')

        self.__cached_files_pat = (None, None)

    def create(cls, files, copyright, license):
        """Create a new FilesParagraph from its required parts.

        :param files: The list of file globs.
        :param copyright: The copyright for the files (free-form text).
        :param license: The Licence for the files.
        p = cls(deb822.Deb822(), _internal_validate=False)
        p.files = files
        p.copyright = copyright
        p.license = license
        return p

    def files_pattern(self):
        """Returns a regular expression equivalent to the Files globs.

        Caches the result until files is set to a different value.

        Raises ValueError if any of the globs are invalid.
        files_str = self['files']
        if self.__cached_files_pat[0] != files_str:
            self.__cached_files_pat = (files_str, globs_to_re(self.files))
        return self.__cached_files_pat[1]

    def matches(self, filename):
        """Returns True iff filename is matched by a glob in Files."""
        pat = self.files_pattern()
        return pat.match(filename) is not None

    files = deb822.RestrictedField(
        'Files', from_str=_SpaceSeparated.from_str,
        to_str=_SpaceSeparated.to_str, allow_none=False)

    copyright = deb822.RestrictedField('Copyright', allow_none=False)

    license = deb822.RestrictedField(
        'License', from_str=License.from_str, to_str=License.to_str,

    comment = deb822.RestrictedField('Comment')