Exemplo n.º 1
    def compute_doppler_angle(self) -> None:
        calculate the doppler angle
        alt_surf = self.alt_sar_sat - self.chd.mean_sat_alt
        surf_geodetic = np.array([

        surf_cartesian = np.asmatrix(lla2ecef(surf_geodetic, self.cst))

        # n vector - sat position normal to surface
        n = np.asmatrix(
            surf_cartesian.T - self.pos_sar_sat
        # v vector - sat velocty (cartesian)
        v = self.vel_sat_sar
        # vector perpendicular to plane nv
        w = np.cross(n.T, v.T)
        # vector perpendicular to plane nw
        m = np.cross(w, n.T)
        # angle between v and m
        self.doppler_angle_sar_sat = angle_between(v, m)

        if self.doppler_angle_sar_sat < self.cst.pi / 2:
            self.doppler_angle_sar_sat *= -1
Exemplo n.º 2
    def compute_doppler_angle(self) -> None:
        calculate the doppler angle
        alt_surf = self.alt_sar_sat - self.chd.mean_sat_alt
        surf_geodetic = np.array([

        surf_cartesian = np.asmatrix(lla2ecef(surf_geodetic, self.cst))

        # n vector - sat position normal to surface
        n = np.asmatrix(
            surf_cartesian.T - self.pos_sar_sat
        # v vector - sat velocty (cartesian)
        v = self.vel_sat_sar
        # vector perpendicular to plane nv
        w = np.cross(n.T, v.T)
        # vector perpendicular to plane nw
        m = np.cross(w, n.T)
        # angle between v and m
        self.doppler_angle_sar_sat = angle_between(v, m)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def focus_surface(self, surface_to_move: SurfaceData,
                      previous_surface: SurfaceData) -> None:
        move the location of a surface to the closest approach to the target position
        given by the user in the configuration file

        :param surface_to_move: the surface that will be moved
        :param previous_surface: the surface previous to the surface being moved
        self.focus_found = True
        # flag surface as being focused
        surface_to_move.target_focused = True
        # surface_to_move.surface_type = 4

        # get position of target
        lla_target = np.asarray([
            self.cnf.surface_focusing_lat, self.cnf.surface_focusing_lon,
        pos_target = lla2ecef(lla_target, self.cst)

        # get current position of focus surface & previous
        pos_focus = np.asmatrix(surface_to_move.ecef_surf)
        pos_prior = np.asmatrix(previous_surface.ecef_surf)

        # calculate along-track direction vector
        along_track = pos_focus - pos_prior
        along_track /= np.linalg.norm(along_track)

        # calculate vector from previous surface to target position
        rel_target = pos_target - pos_prior

        # project relative target vector onto along-track direction
        cos_a = (along_track * rel_target.T) / np.linalg.norm(rel_target)
        rel_focus = (np.linalg.norm(rel_target) * cos_a) * along_track

        # get position to move surface to
        x_move, y_move, z_move = np.ravel(rel_focus)
        focus_x = previous_surface.x_surf + x_move
        focus_y = previous_surface.y_surf + y_move
        focus_z = previous_surface.z_surf + z_move
        focus_ecef = np.asarray([focus_x, focus_y, focus_z])

        # set new position of focus surface
        surface_to_move.x_surf = focus_x
        surface_to_move.y_surf = focus_y
        surface_to_move.z_surf = focus_z

        focus_lla = ecef2lla(focus_ecef, self.cst)
        focus_lat, focus_lon, focus_alt = np.ravel(focus_lla)
        surface_to_move.lat_surf = focus_lat
        surface_to_move.lon_surf = focus_lon
        surface_to_move.alt_surf = focus_alt

        surface_to_move.win_delay_surf =\
            (surface_to_move.alt_sat - surface_to_move.alt_surf) * 2. / self.cst.c
Exemplo n.º 4
    def compute_location_sar_surf(self) -> None:
        lla = (self.lat_sar_sat, self.lon_sar_sat, self.alt_sar_sat)
        x, y, z = lla2ecef(lla, self.cst)

        self.x_sar_sat = x
        self.y_sar_sat = y
        self.z_sar_sat = z

        lat_sar_surf = self.lat_sar_sat
        lon_sar_surf = self.lon_sar_sat
        alt_sar_surf = self.alt_sar_sat - self.win_delay_sar_ku * self.cst.c / 2

        lla = (lat_sar_surf, lon_sar_surf, alt_sar_surf)
        x, y, z = lla2ecef(lla, self.cst)

        self.x_sar_surf = x
        self.y_sar_surf = y
        self.z_sar_surf = z
Exemplo n.º 5
    def focus_target_distance(self, pos_surface: np.ndarray) -> float:
        calculate distance from surface to focus target

        :param pos_surface: the position of the surface
        lla_target = np.asarray([
            self.cnf.surface_focusing_lat, self.cnf.surface_focusing_lon,
        pos_target = lla2ecef(lla_target, self.cst)
        return np.linalg.norm(pos_target - pos_surface)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def compute_location_sar_surf(self) -> None:
        lla = (
        x, y, z = lla2ecef(lla, self.cst)

        self.x_sar_sat = x
        self.y_sar_sat = y
        self.z_sar_sat = z

        lat_sar_surf = self.lat_sar_sat
        lon_sar_surf = self.lon_sar_sat
        alt_sar_surf = self.alt_sar_sat - self.win_delay_sar_ku * self.cst.c / 2

        lla = (lat_sar_surf, lon_sar_surf, alt_sar_surf)
        x, y, z = lla2ecef(lla, self.cst)

        self.x_sar_surf = x
        self.y_sar_surf = y
        self.z_sar_surf = z
Exemplo n.º 7
    def store_first_location(self, isps: Sequence[L1AProcessingData]) -> None:
        define values for first surface (directly beneath the ISP)

        :param isps: list of input bursts
        isp_record = isps[-1]

        self.time_surf = isp_record.time_sar_ku

        self.lat_surf = normalize(isp_record.lat_sar_sat, self.cst)
        self.lon_surf = normalize(isp_record.lon_sar_sat, self.cst)
        self.alt_surf = isp_record.alt_sar_sat -\
                        isp_record.win_delay_sar_ku * self.cst.c / 2.

        surf = lla2ecef(
            [self.lat_surf, self.lon_surf, self.alt_surf], self.cst
        self.x_surf = surf[0]
        self.y_surf = surf[1]
        self.z_surf = surf[2]

        self.x_sat = isp_record.x_sar_sat
        self.y_sat = isp_record.y_sar_sat
        self.z_sat = isp_record.z_sar_sat

        self.lat_sat = isp_record.lat_sar_sat
        self.lon_sat = isp_record.lon_sar_sat
        self.alt_sat = isp_record.alt_sar_sat

        self.x_vel_sat = isp_record.x_vel_sat_sar
        self.y_vel_sat = isp_record.y_vel_sat_sar
        self.z_vel_sat = isp_record.z_vel_sat_sar

        self.alt_rate_sat = isp_record.alt_rate_sat_sar

        self.roll_sat = isp_record.roll_sar
        self.pitch_sat = isp_record.pitch_sar
        self.yaw_sat = isp_record.yaw_sar

        self.win_delay_surf = isp_record.win_delay_sar_ku