Exemplo n.º 1
def compute_mask_loss(boxes,
                      mask_size=(28, 28)):
    """compute overlap of boxes with annotations"""
    iou = overlap(boxes, annotations)
    argmax_overlaps_inds = K.argmax(iou, axis=1)
    max_iou = K.max(iou, axis=1)

    # filter those with IoU > 0.5
    indices = tf.where(K.greater_equal(max_iou, iou_threshold))
    boxes = tf.gather_nd(boxes, indices)
    masks = tf.gather_nd(masks, indices)
    argmax_overlaps_inds = K.cast(tf.gather_nd(argmax_overlaps_inds, indices), 'int32')
    labels = K.cast(K.gather(annotations[:, 4], argmax_overlaps_inds), 'int32')

    # make normalized boxes
    x1 = boxes[:, 0]
    y1 = boxes[:, 1]
    x2 = boxes[:, 2]
    y2 = boxes[:, 3]
    boxes = K.stack([
        y1 / (K.cast(height, dtype=K.floatx()) - 1),
        x1 / (K.cast(width, dtype=K.floatx()) - 1),
        (y2 - 1) / (K.cast(height, dtype=K.floatx()) - 1),
        (x2 - 1) / (K.cast(width, dtype=K.floatx()) - 1),
    ], axis=1)

    # crop and resize masks_target
    # append a fake channel dimension
    masks_target = K.expand_dims(masks_target, axis=3)
    masks_target = tf.image.crop_and_resize(
    masks_target = masks_target[:, :, :, 0]  # remove fake channel dimension

    # gather the predicted masks using the annotation label
    masks = tf.transpose(masks, (0, 3, 1, 2))
    label_indices = K.stack([tf.range(K.shape(labels)[0]), labels], axis=1)

    masks = tf.gather_nd(masks, label_indices)

    # compute mask loss
    mask_loss = K.binary_crossentropy(masks_target, masks)
    normalizer = K.shape(masks)[0] * K.shape(masks)[1] * K.shape(masks)[2]
    normalizer = K.maximum(K.cast(normalizer, K.floatx()), 1)
    mask_loss = K.sum(mask_loss) / normalizer

    return mask_loss
Exemplo n.º 2
def compute_fd_loss(boxes, scores, annotations, iou_threshold=0.75):
    """compute the overlap of boxes with annotations"""
    iou = overlap(boxes, annotations)

    max_iou = K.max(iou, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    targets = K.cast(K.greater_equal(max_iou, iou_threshold), K.floatx())

    # compute the loss
    loss = focal(targets, scores)  # alpha=self.alpha, gamma=self.gamma)

    # compute the normalizer: the number of cells present in the image
    normalizer = K.cast(K.shape(annotations)[0], K.floatx())
    normalizer = K.maximum(K.cast_to_floatx(1.0), normalizer)

    return K.sum(loss) / normalizer
Exemplo n.º 3
        def _mask(y_true, y_pred, iou_threshold=0.5, mask_size=(28, 28)):
            # split up the different predicted blobs
            boxes = y_pred[:, :, :4]
            masks = y_pred[:, :, 4:]

            # split up the different blobs
            annotations = y_true[:, :, :5]
            width = K.cast(y_true[0, 0, 5], dtype='int32')
            height = K.cast(y_true[0, 0, 6], dtype='int32')
            masks_target = y_true[:, :, 7:]

            # reshape the masks back to their original size
            masks_target = K.reshape(masks_target,
                                     (K.shape(masks_target)[0] *
                                      K.shape(masks_target)[1], height, width))
            masks = K.reshape(masks, (K.shape(masks)[0] * K.shape(masks)[1],
                                      mask_size[0], mask_size[1], -1))

            # batch size > 1 fix
            boxes = K.reshape(boxes, (-1, K.shape(boxes)[2]))
            annotations = K.reshape(annotations, (-1, K.shape(annotations)[2]))

            # compute overlap of boxes with annotations
            iou = overlap(boxes, annotations)
            argmax_overlaps_inds = K.argmax(iou, axis=1)
            max_iou = K.max(iou, axis=1)

            # filter those with IoU > 0.5
            indices = tf.where(K.greater_equal(max_iou, iou_threshold))
            boxes = tf.gather_nd(boxes, indices)
            masks = tf.gather_nd(masks, indices)
            argmax_overlaps_inds = tf.gather_nd(argmax_overlaps_inds, indices)
            argmax_overlaps_inds = K.cast(argmax_overlaps_inds, 'int32')
            labels = K.gather(annotations[:, 4], argmax_overlaps_inds)
            labels = K.cast(labels, 'int32')

            # make normalized boxes
            x1 = boxes[:, 0]
            y1 = boxes[:, 1]
            x2 = boxes[:, 2]
            y2 = boxes[:, 3]
            boxes = K.stack([
                y1 / (K.cast(height, dtype=K.floatx()) - 1),
                x1 / (K.cast(width, dtype=K.floatx()) - 1),
                (y2 - 1) / (K.cast(height, dtype=K.floatx()) - 1),
                (x2 - 1) / (K.cast(width, dtype=K.floatx()) - 1),

            # crop and resize masks_target
            # append a fake channel dimension
            masks_target = K.expand_dims(masks_target, axis=3)
            masks_target = tf.image.crop_and_resize(masks_target, boxes,

            # remove fake channel dimension
            masks_target = masks_target[:, :, :, 0]

            # gather the predicted masks using the annotation label
            masks = tf.transpose(masks, (0, 3, 1, 2))
            label_indices = K.stack([tf.range(K.shape(labels)[0]), labels],
            masks = tf.gather_nd(masks, label_indices)

            # compute mask loss
            mask_loss = K.binary_crossentropy(masks_target, masks)
            normalizer = K.shape(masks)[0] * K.shape(masks)[1] * K.shape(
            normalizer = K.maximum(K.cast(normalizer, K.floatx()), 1)
            mask_loss = K.sum(mask_loss) / normalizer

            return mask_loss