Exemplo n.º 1
    def _create_ep_parallel_group(self, moe_experts):
        # Call the init process
        self.ep_group = {}
        self.expert_mp_group = {}
        moe_experts = moe_experts if type(moe_experts) is list else [moe_experts]
        for e in moe_experts:
            self.ep_group.update({e: None})
            self.expert_mp_group.update({e: None})
        for moe_ep_size in self.ep_group.keys():
            num_ep_groups = dist.get_world_size() // moe_ep_size
            for i in range(num_ep_groups):
                ep_cnt = i * moe_ep_size
                size = dist.get_world_size(
                ) if moe_ep_size > dist.get_world_size() else moe_ep_size
                ranks = list(range(ep_cnt, ep_cnt + size))
                _ep_group = dist.new_group(ranks)
                if dist.get_rank() in ranks:
                    self.ep_group.update({moe_ep_size: _ep_group})

            if dist.get_world_size() > moe_ep_size:
                num_expert_mp_groups = dist.get_world_size() // num_ep_groups
                expert_mp_size = dist.get_world_size() // moe_ep_size
                for i in range(num_expert_mp_groups):
                    expert_mp_comm_ranks = [
                        i + nr * moe_ep_size for nr in range(expert_mp_size)
                    _expert_mp_group = dist.new_group(expert_mp_comm_ranks)
                    if dist.get_rank() in expert_mp_comm_ranks:
                        self.expert_mp_group.update({moe_ep_size: _expert_mp_group})
Exemplo n.º 2
def _create_expert_data_and_model_parallel(expert_parallel_size_, mpu):
        Create expert and data parallel groups based on MPU (model parallel) group.

        Note: Caller of this function is responsible to check if the groups already exist.

        Example - E + M + D parallel
        world_size = 16
        model_degree = 2
        expert_degree = 4 # number of experts in same group
        mp_group = [0, 1], [2,3], [4,5] ...
        data_parallel_group =[0,2,4,6,8,10, 12,14],                 [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15]
        expert_parallel_group = [0,2,4,6], [8,10,12,14]             [1,3,5,7], [9,11,13,15]
        expert_data_parallel_group = [0,8],[2,10],[4,12],[6,14],    [1,9],[3,11],[5,13],[7,15]
    assert dist.is_initialized(), "dist is not initialized"
    model_parallel_size_ = mpu.get_model_parallel_world_size()

    global expert_tensor_parallel_world_size
    expert_tensor_parallel_world_size = model_parallel_size_

    world_size = dist.get_world_size()
    rank = dist.get_rank()
    dp_world_size = mpu.get_data_parallel_world_size()
    dp_rank = mpu.get_data_parallel_rank()

    _ensure_divisibility(world_size, model_parallel_size_)
    _ensure_divisibility(dp_world_size, expert_parallel_size_)

        f"Creating deepspeed groups with model parallel size {model_parallel_size_}, expert parallel size {expert_parallel_size_}, world size {world_size}, dp world size {dp_world_size}",


    # Get world size and rank. Ensure some consistencies.
    _DATA_PARALLEL_GROUP = mpu.get_data_parallel_group()
    _MODEL_PARALLEL_GROUP = mpu.get_model_parallel_group()

    group_name = f"ep_size_{expert_parallel_size_}"

    # Only create groups if they don't already exist
    # Need to check conditions outside the group creation loop because of the way torch.dist group creation works
    if group_name not in _EXPERT_DATA_PARALLEL_GROUP and group_name not in _EXPERT_PARALLEL_GROUP:
        expert_parallel_groups, expert_data_parallel_groups = _get_expert_parallel_ranks(
            world_size, model_parallel_size_, expert_parallel_size_)
        for ranks in expert_parallel_groups:
            group = dist.new_group(ranks)
            if rank in list(ranks):
                _EXPERT_PARALLEL_GROUP[group_name] = group

        for ranks in expert_data_parallel_groups:
            group = dist.new_group(ranks)
            if rank in list(ranks):
                _EXPERT_DATA_PARALLEL_GROUP[group_name] = group
Exemplo n.º 3
def _create_expert_and_data_parallel(expert_parallel_size_):
        Create expert and data parallel groups.

        Note: Caller of this function is responsible to check if the groups already exist.

        Example - E + D parallel
        world_size = 16
        expert_parallel_size = 2 # number of experts in same group
        expert_data_parallel_group = [0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14], [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15] - all reduce is only on MoE params
        expert_parallel_group = [0, 1], [2,3], [4,5], [6,7], [8,9] - no all reduce, but all to all
        data_parallel_group = [0,1,...,15] - all reduce is only on non-MoE
    assert dist.is_initialized()

        f'Creating expert and data parallel groups with size {expert_parallel_size_}',
    world_size = dist.get_world_size()
    rank = dist.get_rank()

    _ensure_divisibility(world_size, expert_parallel_size_)

    group_name = f"ep_size_{expert_parallel_size_}"

    # Build the expert data parallel groups.

    # Only create group if it does not already exist
    if group_name not in _EXPERT_DATA_PARALLEL_GROUP:
        for i in range(expert_parallel_size_):
            ranks = range(i, world_size, expert_parallel_size_)
            group = dist.new_group(ranks)
                f'Creating expert data parallel process group named {group_name} with ranks: {list(ranks)}',
            if i == (rank % expert_parallel_size_):
                _EXPERT_DATA_PARALLEL_GROUP[group_name] = group

    # Build the expert parallel groups.

    # Only create group if it does not already exist
    if group_name not in _EXPERT_PARALLEL_GROUP:
        for i in range(world_size // expert_parallel_size_):
            ranks = range(i * expert_parallel_size_, (i + 1) * expert_parallel_size_)
            group = dist.new_group(ranks)
                f'creating expert parallel process group named {group_name} with ranks: {list(ranks)}',
            if i == (rank // expert_parallel_size_):
                _EXPERT_PARALLEL_GROUP[group_name] = group
Exemplo n.º 4
def _create_model_parallel(model_parallel_size_):
    Initialize model data parallel groups.

        model_parallel_size: number of GPUs used to parallelize model.

        Tuple of data parallel group and model parallel group

    Let's say we have a total of 8 GPUs denoted by g0 ... g7 and we
    use 2 GPUs to parallelize the model. The present function will
    create 4 model parallel groups and 2 data parallel groups as:
        4 model parallel groups:
            [g0, g1], [g2, g3], [g4, g5], [g6, g7]
        2 data parallel groups:
            [g0, g2, g4, g6], [g1, g3, g5, g7]
    Note that for efficiency, the caller should make sure adjacent ranks
    are on the same DGX box. For example if we are using 2 DGX-1 boxes
    with a total of 16 GPUs, rank 0 to 7 belong to the first box and
    ranks 8 to 15 belong to the second box.
    log_dist(f'Creating model parallel group with size {model_parallel_size_}',
    # Get world size and rank. Ensure some consistencies.
    assert dist.is_initialized()
    world_size = dist.get_world_size()
    model_parallel_size = min(model_parallel_size_, world_size)
    _ensure_divisibility(world_size, model_parallel_size)
    rank = dist.get_rank()

    # Build the data parallel groups.
    for i in range(model_parallel_size):
        ranks = range(i, world_size, model_parallel_size)
        group = dist.new_group(ranks)
        if i == (rank % model_parallel_size):
            _DATA_PARALLEL_GROUP = group

    # Build the model parallel groups.
    for i in range(world_size // model_parallel_size):
        ranks = range(i * model_parallel_size, (i + 1) * model_parallel_size)
        group = dist.new_group(ranks)
        if i == (rank // model_parallel_size):
            _MODEL_PARALLEL_GROUP = group

Exemplo n.º 5
def init_process_groups(grid):
    global _groups, _grid
    _grid = grid

    assert _grid.pipe_parallel_size > 1, "There is no pipeline parallelism"

    if not can_send_recv():
        _groups = [dist.new_group(ranks=group) for group in _grid.p2p_groups]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _index_tied_modules(self):
        ''' Build communication structures for tied modules. '''
        tied_comms = {}
        if self._topo.get_dim('pipe') == 1:
            return tied_comms

        specs = self._layer_specs
        tie_keys = set(s.key for s in specs if isinstance(s, TiedLayerSpec))
        for key in tie_keys:
            # Find the layers that the tied module appears in
            tied_layers = []
            for idx, layer in enumerate(specs):
                if isinstance(layer, TiedLayerSpec) and layer.key == key:
            # Find all stages with this tied module
            # TODO: Would be nice to remove the nested data/model parallelism loops and
            # TODO: instead generalize in some way, since we really just care about the
            # TODO: stage that owns the tied layer. Then loop over each (dp, mp, ...)
            # TODO: fiber to generate process groups.
            tied_stages = set(self.stage_owner(idx) for idx in tied_layers)
            for dp in range(self._grid.data_parallel_size):
                for mp in range(self._grid.get_slice_parallel_world_size()):
                    tied_ranks = []
                    for s in sorted(tied_stages):
                        if self._grid.get_slice_parallel_world_size() > 1:
                    group = dist.new_group(ranks=tied_ranks)

                    # Record this tied module if we own a local copy of it.
                    if self.global_rank in tied_ranks:
                        assert key in self.tied_modules
                        if key in self.tied_modules:
                            tied_comms[key] = {
                                'ranks': tied_ranks,
                                'group': group,
                                'weight_attr': self.tied_weight_attrs[key],
                                'module': self.tied_modules[key],
                            # Only count the tied module once in the eyes of the FP16 optimizer
                            if self.global_rank != tied_ranks[0]:
                                for p in self.tied_modules[key].parameters():
                                    p.ds_pipe_replicated = True
        if len(tied_comms) > 0:
            print(f'RANK={self.global_rank} tied_comms={tied_comms}')

        return tied_comms
Exemplo n.º 7
def _clone_world_group():
    """Create a clone of the world group
        Note: We need to clone the dist world group because we
        use dist.get_global_rank() utility function in DeepSpeed at many places.
        As that function does not work on dist.group.WORLD, we
        need to keep a clone of it.
    assert dist.is_initialized(), "dist is not initialized"
    global _WORLD_GROUP
    if _WORLD_GROUP is None:
        # If not cloned already, clone the world group
        _WORLD_GROUP = dist.new_group(ranks=range(dist.get_world_size()))
    return _WORLD_GROUP
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, mpu=None):
     if mpu is None:
         self.world_group = dist.new_group(ranks=range(dist.get_world_size()))
         self.mpu = mpu
         self.world_group = self.mpu.get_data_parallel_group()
     self.rank = dist.get_rank(group=self.world_group)
     self.size = dist.get_world_size(group=self.world_group)
     self.compression_backend = CupyBackend()
     self.bool_not_supported = False
     TORCH_MAJOR = int(torch.__version__.split('.')[0])
     TORCH_MINOR = int(torch.__version__.split('.')[1])
     if TORCH_MAJOR >= 1 and TORCH_MINOR >= 10:
         self.bool_not_supported = True
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _create_model_parallel_group(self):
        # Call the init process
        if InferenceEngine.inference_mp_group is None:

            local_rank = int(os.getenv('LOCAL_RANK', '0'))

            ranks = [i for i in range(self.mp_world_size)]
            self.mp_group = dist.new_group(ranks)
            InferenceEngine.inference_mp_group = self.mp_group

            self.mp_group = InferenceEngine.inference_mp_group
Exemplo n.º 10
def _initialize_parameter_parallel_groups(parameter_parallel_size=None):
    data_parallel_size = int(dist.get_world_size())
    parameter_parallel_size = parameter_parallel_size or data_parallel_size
    logger.info("data_parallel_size: %s, parameter_parallel_size: %s",
    assert data_parallel_size % parameter_parallel_size == 0, \
        'world size should be divisible by parameter parallel size'
    rank = dist.get_rank()
    my_group = None
    for i in range(data_parallel_size // parameter_parallel_size):
        ranks = range(i * parameter_parallel_size, (i + 1) * parameter_parallel_size)
        group = dist.new_group(ranks)
        if rank in ranks:
            my_group = group
    return my_group
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_partitioned_tensor_meta():
    world = dist.get_world_size()
    rank = dist.get_rank()

    group = dist.new_group(ranks=list(range(world)))

    rows = world * 7
    cols = 3

    full = torch.rand(rows, cols).cuda()
    dist.broadcast(full, src=0, group=group)
    part = PartitionedTensor(full, group=group)

    my_meta = PartitionedTensor.from_meta(part.to_meta(), part.local_data,
    assert torch.equal(full, my_meta.full())
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_partitioned_tensor():
    world = dist.get_world_size()
    rank = dist.get_rank()

    group = dist.new_group(ranks=list(range(world)))

    rows = world * 4
    cols = 3

    full = torch.rand(rows, cols).cuda()
    dist.broadcast(full, src=0, group=group)
    part = PartitionedTensor(full, group=group)

    assert len(part.local_size()) == 1
    assert part.local_size()[0] * world == full.numel()

    reconstructed = part.full()
    assert torch.equal(full, reconstructed)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, topology=None, process_group=None):
        # TODO use process_group if provided
        self.global_rank = dist.get_rank()
        self.world_size = dist.get_world_size()
        if topology is not None:
            if self.global_rank == 0:
                print('Using topology:', topology)
            self._topo = topology
            num_pp = 1
            num_dp = 1
            for idx, prime in enumerate(_prime_factors(self.world_size)):
                if idx % 2 == 0:
                    num_pp *= prime
                    num_dp *= prime
            self._topo = PipeDataParallelTopology(num_dp=num_dp, num_pp=num_pp)
        self.data_parallel_size = max(self._topo.get_dim('data'), 1)
        self.pipe_parallel_size = max(self._topo.get_dim('pipe'), 1)
        self.model_parallel_size = max(self._topo.get_dim('model'), 1)
        self.slice_parallel_size = self.model_parallel_size
        assert self._is_grid_valid(), "Invalid Grid"

        self.stage_id = self.get_stage_id()
        self.data_parallel_id = self.get_data_parallel_id()

        # Create new ProcessGroups for all model parallelism. DeepSpeedLight uses these
        # to detect overflow, etc.
        self.ds_model_proc_group = None
        self.ds_model_rank = -1
        for dp in range(self.data_parallel_size):
            ranks = sorted(self._topo.get_axis_list(axis='data', idx=dp))
            if self.global_rank == 0:
                #print(f'RANK={self.global_rank} building DeepSpeed model group: {ranks}')
            proc_group = dist.new_group(ranks=ranks)
            if self.global_rank in ranks:
                self.ds_model_proc_group = proc_group
                self.ds_model_world_size = len(ranks)
                self.ds_model_rank = ranks.index(self.global_rank)
        assert self.ds_model_rank > -1
        assert self.ds_model_proc_group is not None

        # Create new ProcessGroup for gradient all-reduces - these are the data parallel groups
        self.dp_group = []
        self.dp_groups = self._topo.get_axis_comm_lists('data')
        for g in self.dp_groups:
            proc_group = dist.new_group(ranks=g)
            if self.global_rank in g:
                self.dp_group = g
                self.dp_proc_group = proc_group

        self.is_first_stage = (self.stage_id == 0)
        self.is_last_stage = (self.stage_id == (self.pipe_parallel_size - 1))

        self.p2p_groups = self._build_p2p_groups()

        # Create new ProcessGroup for pipeline collectives - these are pipe parallel groups
        self.pp_group = []
        self.pp_proc_group = None
        self.pipe_groups = self._topo.get_axis_comm_lists('pipe')
        for ranks in self.pipe_groups:
            if self.global_rank == 0:
                #print(f'RANK={self.global_rank} building pipeline group: {ranks}')
            proc_group = dist.new_group(ranks=ranks)
            if self.global_rank in ranks:
                self.pp_group = ranks
                self.pp_proc_group = proc_group
        assert self.pp_proc_group is not None

        # Create new ProcessGroup for model (tensor-slicing) collectives

        # Short circuit case without model parallelism.
        # TODO: it would be nice if topology had bcast semantics to avoid this branching
        # case?
        if self.model_parallel_size == 1:
            for group_rank in range(self.world_size):
                group_rank = [group_rank]
                group = dist.new_group(ranks=group_rank)
                if group_rank[0] == self.global_rank:
                    self.slice_group = group_rank
                    self.slice_proc_group = group
            self.mp_group = []
            self.model_groups = self._topo.get_axis_comm_lists('model')
            for g in self.model_groups:
                proc_group = dist.new_group(ranks=g)
                if self.global_rank in g:
                    self.slice_group = g
                    self.slice_proc_group = proc_group
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self,
        """Modules to be parallelized with pipeline parallelism.

        The key constraint that enables pipeline parallelism is the
        representation of the forward pass as a sequence of layers
        and the enforcement of a simple interface between them. The
        forward pass is implicitly defined by the module ``layers``. The key
        assumption is that the output of each layer can be directly fed as
        input to the next, like a ``torch.nn.Sequence``. The forward pass is

        .. code-block:: python

            def forward(self, inputs):
                x = inputs
                for layer in self.layers:
                    x = layer(x)
                return x

        .. note::
            Pipeline parallelism is not compatible with ZeRO-2 and ZeRO-3.

            layers (Iterable): A sequence of layers defining pipeline structure. Can be a ``torch.nn.Sequential`` module.
            num_stages (int, optional): The degree of pipeline parallelism. If not specified, ``topology`` must be provided.
            topology (``deepseed.runtime.pipe.ProcessTopology``, optional): Defines the axes of parallelism axes for training. Must be provided if ``num_stages`` is ``None``.
            loss_fn (callable, optional): Loss is computed ``loss = loss_fn(outputs, label)``
            base_seed (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1234.
            partition_method (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to 'parameters'.
            activation_checkpoint_interval (int, optional): The granularity activation checkpointing in terms of number of layers. 0 disables activation checkpointing.
            activation_checkpoint_func (callable, optional): The function to use for activation checkpointing. Defaults to ``deepspeed.checkpointing.checkpoint``.


        if num_stages is None and topology is None:
            raise RuntimeError('must provide num_stages or topology')

        self.micro_offset = 0

        self.loss_fn = loss_fn

        self.checkpointable_layers = checkpointable_layers
        if checkpointable_layers is not None:
            assert isinstance(checkpointable_layers, list), "param `checkpointable_layers` must be type of list."

        self.seed_layers = seed_layers
        self.seed_fn = seed_fn
        self.base_seed = base_seed
        if dist.get_rank() == 0:
                seed_str = self.seed_fn.__name__
            except AttributeError:
                seed_str = None
                f'SEED_LAYERS={self.seed_layers} BASE_SEED={self.base_seed} SEED_FN={seed_str}'

        # Setup world info
        self.world_group = dist.new_group(ranks=range(dist.get_world_size()))
        self.global_rank = dist.get_rank(group=self.world_group)
        self.world_size = dist.get_world_size(group=self.world_group)
        self.local_rank = int(os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK", None))
        assert self.local_rank != None

        if topology:
            self._topo = topology
            self.num_stages = self._topo.get_dim('pipe')
            self.num_stages = num_stages
            if topology is None:
                if self.world_size % self.num_stages != 0:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f'num_stages ({self.num_stages}) must divide distributed world size ({self.world_size})'
                dp = self.world_size // num_stages
                topology = PipeDataParallelTopology(num_pp=num_stages, num_dp=dp)
                self._topo = topology

        # Construct communicators for pipeline topology
        self._grid = PipelineParallelGrid(process_group=self.world_group,

        self.stage_id = self._topo.get_coord(self.global_rank).pipe

        # Initialize partition information
        self._layer_specs = list(layers)
        self._num_layers = len(self._layer_specs)
        self._local_start = 0
        self._local_stop = None

        self.forward_funcs = []
        self.fwd_map = {}
        self.tied_modules = nn.ModuleDict()
        self.tied_weight_attrs = {}

        # Offset the random seed by the stage ID.
        #newseed = torch.cuda.initial_seed() + self._grid.get_stage_id()

        #with torch.random.fork_rng(devices=[torch.cuda.current_device()]):

        self.tied_comms = self._index_tied_modules()

        self.activation_checkpoint_interval = activation_checkpoint_interval
        self.activation_checkpoint_func = activation_checkpoint_func