Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    # initialization
    examples_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    checkpoint = os.path.join(examples_dir, '..', 'weights',
                              'deeptam_tracker_weights', 'snapshot-300000')
    datadir = os.path.join(examples_dir, '../../..', 'generating', '_out',
    # datadir = os.path.join(examples_dir, '../../..', 'generating', '_out', 'kitti', '04.npy')
    tracking_module_path = os.path.join(
        examples_dir, '..', 'python/deeptam_tracker/models/networks.py')

    sequence = np.load(datadir)
    WIDTH = 320
    HEIGHT = 240
    fw = WIDTH / (2 * np.tan(90 * np.pi / 360))
    fh = HEIGHT / (2 * np.tan(90 * np.pi / 360))
    cu = WIDTH / 2
    cv = HEIGHT / 2
    intrinsics = [[fw, fh, cu, cv]]

    # use first 3 frames as an example, the fisrt frame is selected as key frame
    frame_key = sequence[0]
    pose_key = Pose(R=Matrix3(frame_key[3]), t=Vector3(frame_key[2]))
    image_key = np.reshape(frame_key[0], (1, HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3))
    frame_1 = sequence[1]
    pose_1 = Pose(R=Matrix3(frame_1[3]), t=Vector3(frame_1[2]))
    image_1 = np.reshape(frame_1[0], (1, HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3))
    frame_2 = sequence[2]
    pose_2 = Pose(R=Matrix3(frame_2[3]), t=Vector3(frame_2[2]))
    image_2 = np.reshape(frame_2[0], (1, HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3))

    tracker_core = TrackerCore(tracking_module_path, checkpoint, intrinsics)

    # set the keyframe of tracker
    tracker_core.set_keyframe(image_key, np.full((1, 240, 320, 1), 0.01),

    # track frame_1 w.r.t frame_key
    print('Track frame {} w.r.t key frame:'.format(1))
    results_1 = tracker_core.compute_current_pose(image_1, pose_key)
    pose_pr_1 = results_1['pose']

    print('prediction', rotation_matrix_to_angleaxis(pose_pr_1.R), pose_pr_1.t)
    print('gt', rotation_matrix_to_angleaxis(pose_1.R), pose_1.t)
    simple_visualization(image_key, image_1, results_1['warped_image'], 1)

    # track frame_2 w.r.t frame_key incrementally using pose_pr_1 as pose_guess
        'Track frame {} w.r.t key frame incrementally using previous predicted pose:'
    results_2 = tracker_core.compute_current_pose(image_2, pose_pr_1)
    pose_pr_2 = results_2['pose']

    print('prediction', rotation_matrix_to_angleaxis(pose_pr_2.R), pose_pr_2.t)
    print('gt', rotation_matrix_to_angleaxis(pose_2.R), pose_2.t)
    simple_visualization(image_key, image_2, results_2['warped_image'], 2)

    del tracker_core
Exemplo n.º 2
def naive_avg_pose_fusion(cams_poses):
    Averages the input poses of each camera provided in the list

    :param cams_poses: list of poses for each camera
    :return: pose after fusion
    from deeptam_tracker.utils.rotation_conversion import rotation_matrix_to_angleaxis, angleaxis_to_rotation_matrix
    from deeptam_tracker.utils.datatypes import Vector3, Matrix3, Pose
    from deeptam_tracker.utils.vis_utils import convert_between_c2w_w2c

    trans = []
    orientation_aa = []
    for cam_num in range(len(cams_poses)):
        # transform pose to the world frame
        pose_c2w = convert_between_c2w_w2c(cams_poses[cam_num])
        # append to the list

    # naive approach by taking average
    t = np.mean(trans, axis=0)
    R = angleaxis_to_rotation_matrix(Vector3(np.mean(orientation_aa, axis=0)))
    fused_pose_c2w = Pose(R=Matrix3(R), t=Vector3(t))

    return convert_between_c2w_w2c(fused_pose_c2w)
Exemplo n.º 3
def naive_pose_fusion(cams_poses):
    Averages the input poses of each camera provided in the list

    :param cams_poses: list of list of poses for each camera
    :return: list of poses after fusion
    from deeptam_tracker.utils.rotation_conversion import rotation_matrix_to_angleaxis, angleaxis_to_rotation_matrix
    from deeptam_tracker.utils.datatypes import Vector3, Matrix3, Pose

    assert isinstance(cams_poses, list)
    assert all(
        len(cam_poses) == len(cams_poses[0]) for cam_poses in cams_poses)

    fused_poses = []
    num_of_poses = len(cams_poses[0])

    for idx in range(num_of_poses):
        trans = []
        orientation_aa = []
        for cam_num in range(len(cams_poses)):

        t = np.mean(trans, axis=0)
        R = angleaxis_to_rotation_matrix(
            Vector3(np.mean(orientation_aa, axis=0)))
        fused_poses.append(Pose(R=Matrix3(R), t=Vector3(t)))

    return fused_poses
Exemplo n.º 4
def sift_depth_pose_fusion(cams_poses, images_list, depths_list):
    Averages the input poses of each camera provided in the list based on features density
    and homogeneity of the depth images

    :param cams_poses: list of poses for each camera
    :param images_list: list of images from each camera
    :param depths_list: list of depth images from each camera
    :return: pose after fusion
    assert isinstance(images_list, list)
    assert isinstance(depths_list, list)
    assert isinstance(cams_poses, list)
    assert (len(cams_poses) == len(images_list))
    assert (len(cams_poses) == len(depths_list))

    ## SIFT feature detection
    sift_weights = []
    sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
    for image in images_list:
        im = np.array(convert_array_to_colorimg(image.squeeze()))
        kp = sift.detect(im, None)

    sift_weights = np.asarray(sift_weights)
    sift_weights = sift_weights / sift_weights.sum()

    depth_weights = []
    for depth in depths_list:
    depth_weights = np.asarray(depth_weights)
    depth_weights = depth_weights / depth_weights.sum()

    c1 = 0.5
    c2 = 0.5
    feat_weights = []
    for weight_idx in range(sift_weights.shape[0]):
        feat_weights.append(c1 * sift_weights[weight_idx] +
                            c2 * depth_weights[weight_idx])
    feat_weights = np.asarray(feat_weights)
    feat_weights = feat_weights / feat_weights.sum()

    trans = []
    orientation_aa = []
    for cam_num in range(len(cams_poses)):
        # transform pose to the world frame
        pose_c2w = convert_between_c2w_w2c(cams_poses[cam_num])
        # append to the list

    # naive approach by taking average
    t = np.average(trans, axis=0, weights=feat_weights)
    R = angleaxis_to_rotation_matrix(
        Vector3(np.average(orientation_aa, axis=0, weights=feat_weights)))
    fused_pose_c2w = Pose(R=Matrix3(R), t=Vector3(t))

    return convert_between_c2w_w2c(fused_pose_c2w)
Exemplo n.º 5
def rejection_avg_pose_fusion(cams_poses, amt_dev=1.4):
    Averages the input poses of each camera provided in the list based on pose(translation only) acceptability
    The acceptability is evaluated using the sigma-based rule for outlier rejection in a data.

    :param cams_poses: list of poses for each camera
    :param amt_dev: number of times of the standard deviation to consider for inlier acceptance
    :return: pose after fusion
    trans = []
    orientation_aa = []
    for cam_num in range(len(cams_poses)):
        # transform pose to the world frame
        pose_c2w = convert_between_c2w_w2c(cams_poses[cam_num])
        # append to the list

    # calculate the mean and standard deviation of positions
    t_mean = np.average(trans, axis=0)
    t_sigma = amt_dev * np.std(trans, axis=0)

    # filtering by outlier removal using 1-sigma rule
    trans = []
    orientation_aa = []
    for cam_num in range(len(cams_poses)):
        # transform pose to the world frame
        pose_c2w = convert_between_c2w_w2c(cams_poses[cam_num])
        trans_c2w = np.array(pose_c2w.t)
        # append to the list if satisfies 1-sigma rule
        if all(np.abs(trans_c2w - t_mean) <= t_sigma):
                          "Camera %d ignored during fusion!" % cam_num)

    # approach by taking average of only filtered poses
    t = np.mean(trans, axis=0)
    R = angleaxis_to_rotation_matrix(Vector3(np.mean(orientation_aa, axis=0)))
    fused_pose_c2w = Pose(R=Matrix3(R), t=Vector3(t))

    return convert_between_c2w_w2c(fused_pose_c2w)
Exemplo n.º 6
def sift_pose_fusion(cams_poses, images_list):
    Averages the input poses of each camera provided in the list based on features density

    :param cams_poses: list of poses for each camera
    :param images_list: list of images from each camera
    :return: pose after fusion
    assert isinstance(images_list, list)
    assert isinstance(cams_poses, list)
    assert (len(cams_poses) == len(images_list))

    ## SIFT feature detection
    feat_num = []
    sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
    for image in images_list:
        im = np.array(convert_array_to_colorimg(image.squeeze()))
        kp = sift.detect(im, None)

    feat_num = np.asarray(feat_num)
    feat_weights = feat_num / feat_num.sum()

    trans = []
    orientation_aa = []
    for cam_num in range(len(cams_poses)):
        # transform pose to the world frame
        pose_c2w = convert_between_c2w_w2c(cams_poses[cam_num])
        # append to the list

    # naive approach by taking average
    t = np.average(trans, axis=0, weights=feat_weights)
    R = angleaxis_to_rotation_matrix(
        Vector3(np.average(orientation_aa, axis=0, weights=feat_weights)))
    fused_pose_c2w = Pose(R=Matrix3(R), t=Vector3(t))

    return convert_between_c2w_w2c(fused_pose_c2w)