Exemplo n.º 1
def al_run(org,

    #Collects isozyme data into the Isozyme class.
    a = bi(org, ec)
    if pos:
        a.add_from_sdf(pos, k, pos=True)
    a.add_from_sdf(neg, k, pos=False)

    #Two branches here; one pulls potential test data from ZINC, another pulls from KEGG.

    if zinc:
        res_ = [(page["smiles"], fptr.integer_fp(str(page["smiles"])),
                 page["vendors"], page["_id"])
                for page in dbq.zinc_pull(target_bits,
                if u'R' not in page["smiles"] and 'vendors' in page]
        res_s = [rr for rr in res_ if rr[1] is not None]
        if screen is not None:
            patt = [pybel.Smarts(smarts) for smarts in screen.split('|')]
            if len(patt) > 2:
                raise IOError(
                    'al_run only supports OR filters for two SMARTS queries at this time.'
            res = [
                rr for rr in res_s if len(patt[0].findall(
                    pybel.readstring('smi', str(rr[0])))) > 0 or
                len(patt[1].findall(pybel.readstring('smi', str(rr[0])))) > 0
            res = res_s


        res = [(page["SMILES"], np.array(fptr.integer_fp(str(page["SMILES"]))))
               for page in dbq.kegg_pull(target_bits)
               if u'R' not in page["SMILES"]
               and np.array(fptr.integer_fp(str(page["SMILES"]))) is not None]

    labels = machines.svm_clf(a.pos[k],

    test_a = np.vstack(
            np.array(x[1]) for x in res
            if x[1] is not None and len(x[1]) == 313

    tc_u = dw.avg_proximity(test_a, test_a, f=simfp)

    if greedy:

        if ent:

            xis = [
                l * dw.weight(dw.entropy(p), tc_u[i], beta=beta)
                for i, (l, p) in enumerate(labels)


            xis = [
                l * dw.weight(dw.hyper_distance(d), tc_u[i], beta=beta)
                for i, (l, d) in enumerate(labels)


        if ent:

            xis = [
                dw.weight(dw.entropy(p), tc_u[i], beta=beta)
                for i, (l, p) in enumerate(labels)


            xis = [
                dw.weight(dw.hyper_distance(d), tc_u[i], beta=beta)
                for i, (l, d) in enumerate(labels)

    if zinc:
            sorted(zip([s for s, fp, vend, z in res if fp is not None], xis,
                       [lab[0] for lab in labels],
                       [vend for s, fp, vend, z in res if fp is not None],
                       [z for s, fp, vend, z in res if fp is not None]),
                   key=lambda y: y[1],
            outfile="%s_ec%s_beta%s_%s_zinc%s%s_C%s.sdf" %
            (org, ec.replace(
                '.', '_'), str(beta), kernel, str(zinc_tol_l).replace(
                    '.', '_'), str(zinc_tol_r).replace('.', '_'), str(C)))
        f = open(
            "%s_ec%s_beta%s_%s_zinc%s%s_C%s.txt" % (org, ec.replace(
                '.', '_'), str(beta), kernel, str(zinc_tol_l).replace(
                    '.', '_'), str(zinc_tol_r).replace('.', '_'), str(C)), 'w')

        dw.generate_report(sorted(zip([s for s, fp in res], xis,
                                      [lab[0] for lab in labels]),
                                  key=lambda y: y[1],
                           outfile="%s_ec%s_beta%s_%s.sdf" %
                           (org, ec.replace('.', '_'), str(beta), kernel),
        f = open(
            "%s_ec%s_beta%s_%s.txt" %
            (org, ec.replace('.', '_'), str(beta), kernel), 'w')

    for score in xis:
        f.write(str(score) + '\n')
Exemplo n.º 2
def dw_exp_val(matrix, classes, filename, excl, initial=2, iterations=100, beta=1.0, C=1.0, gamma=0.005, degree=2, kernel='rbf', batch=1, decf=False, seed=None, simfp=fptr.integer_sim):
	"""This function takes as input the positive and negative samples from a known isozyme plus additional data collected
	experimentally (added in an outside script) using active learning.  A 'random' curve is constructed by splitting the
	whole set, then excluding the newest batch of data from training, and finally calculating the accuracy at incrementally
	increasing training set sizes. To assess 'improvement' due to AL, the 'dw' curve is constructed in the same way
	using training data with an equal number of compounds (to the ones excluded in making the random curve) excluded
	 from training."""

	rand_res = []
	dw_res = []

	k_dict = {'rbf': 'rbf', 'poly': 'poly', 'tanimoto': kf.tanimoto}

	# Iterates n times.
	for iteration in range(iterations):
		#If you set the random_state kwarg, it will make the test set uniform across al iterations.
		x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = cv.train_test_split(matrix, classes, test_size=0.4, random_state=seed)

		#Exclude experimental compounds from the random curve, and random compounds for the dw curve.
		rand_excl = [i for i, smi in enumerate(y_train['smiles']) if smi in excl]
		dw_excl = random.sample(range(x_train.shape[0]), len(rand_excl))

		i = list(set(range(x_train.shape[0])) - set(rand_excl))
		j = list(set(range(x_train.shape[0])) - set(dw_excl))

		#Change the second argument to start with a different number of samples. The while loop ensures that the initial
		#training sample is instantiated with at least one example from each class.
		rand_train = random.sample(i, initial)
		while set(y_train['label'][rand_train]) != {-1, 1}:
			del rand_train[-1]
			for index in random.sample(i, 1):

		#Initialize the training set for the DW curve points randomly chosen from the allowed dw indices.
		dw_train = random.sample(j, initial)
		while set(y_train['label'][dw_train]) != {-1, 1}:
			del dw_train[-1]
			for index in random.sample(j, 1):

		#Results storage.
		n = []
		rand_scores = []
		dw_scores = []

		#Each data point in each iteration is created here.
		while len(rand_train) < x_train.shape[0] - len(excl):

			clf_rand = SVC(C=C, kernel=k_dict[kernel], gamma=gamma, degree=degree, probability=True)
			clf_dw = SVC(C=C, kernel=k_dict[kernel], gamma=gamma, degree=degree, probability=True)


			#Fit, predict and generate accuracy scores.
			clf_rand.fit(x_train[rand_train], y_train['label'][rand_train])
			clf_dw.fit(x_train[dw_train], y_train['label'][dw_train])

			r = clf_rand.predict(x_test)
			d = clf_dw.predict(x_test)

			rand_scores.append(acc(y_test['label'], r))
			dw_scores.append(acc(y_test['label'], d))

			#Update the available points that can be chosen for random.
			available_rand_ = list(set(i) - set(rand_train))
			if len(available_rand_) != 0 and len(available_rand_) % batch < len(available_rand_):
				for index in random.sample(available_rand_, batch):
			elif len(available_rand_) != 0 and len(available_rand_) % batch == len(available_rand_):
				rand_train += available_rand_

			#Update the available points that can be chosen for DW, and create index table to maintain identity of each
			#example as they are depleted.
			available_dw_ = list(set(j) - set(dw_train))
			index_table_ = {orig: update for update, orig in enumerate(available_dw_)}
			pairwise_tc_avg = dw.avg_proximity(x_train[available_dw_], x_train[available_dw_], f=simfp)
			if len(available_dw_) != 0 and len(available_dw_) % batch < len(available_dw_):
				if decf:
					xi = [dw.weight(dw.hyper_distance(clf_dw.decision_function(x_train[a])), pairwise_tc_avg[index_table_[a]], beta=beta) for a in available_dw_]
					xi = [dw.weight(dw.entropy(clf_dw.predict_proba(x_train[a])[:, 0]), pairwise_tc_avg[index_table_[a]], beta=beta) for a in available_dw_]
				foo = sorted(zip(available_dw_, xi), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
				dw_train += [ele[0] for ele in foo[:batch]]
			elif len(available_dw_) != 0 and len(available_dw_) % batch == len(available_dw_):
				dw_train += available_dw_

		clf_rand_last = SVC(C=C, kernel=k_dict[kernel], gamma=gamma, degree=degree).fit(x_train[rand_train], y_train['label'][rand_train])
		clf_dw_last = SVC(C=C, kernel=k_dict[kernel], gamma=gamma, degree=degree).fit(x_train[dw_train], y_train['label'][dw_train])
		r_last = clf_rand_last.predict(x_test)
		d_last = clf_dw_last.predict(x_test)
		rand_scores.append(acc(y_test['label'], r_last))
		dw_scores.append(acc(y_test['label'], d_last))


	rand_avg = np.sum(np.vstack(tuple(rand_res)), 0) / iterations
	dw_avg = np.sum(np.vstack(tuple(dw_res)), 0) / iterations
	rand_err = 1.96 * np.std(np.vstack(tuple(rand_res)), 0) / math.sqrt(iterations)
	dw_err = 1.96 * np.std(np.vstack(tuple(dw_res)), 0) / math.sqrt(iterations)
	xdesc = 'Number of Training Samples'
	ydesc = 'Accuracy Score'
	plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Arial']

	pyplot.errorbar(n, rand_avg, fmt='s-', yerr=rand_err, color='darkred', markersize=9, lw=2,
					label='Random Selection')
	pyplot.errorbar(n, dw_avg, fmt='v-', yerr=dw_err, color='darkblue', markersize=9, lw=2,
	                label='Density Weighted')
	leg_title = "Final Random Accuracy = %s\nFinal DW Accuracy = %s\nC = %s" % (str(round(rand_avg[-1], 3) * 100) + '%', str(round(dw_avg[-1], 3) * 100) + '%', str(C))
	pyplot.legend(loc=4, title=leg_title)
	pyplot.xlabel(xdesc, size=18, labelpad=14)
	pyplot.ylabel(ydesc, size=18, labelpad=14)
	pyplot.savefig(filename + "C_%s_decisionf_%s.svg" % (str(C), str(decf)))
Exemplo n.º 3
def dw_exp_ins(matrix, classes, filename, smiles_acc, excl, initial=2, iterations=100, beta=1.0, C=1.0, gamma=0.005, degree=2, kernel='rbf', batch=1, decf=False, seed=None, simfp=fptr.integer_sim):
	"""This function takes as input the positive and negative samples from a known isozyme plus additional data collected
	experimentally (added in an outside script) using active learning.  A 'random' curve is constructed by splitting the
	whole set, then excluding the newest batch of data from training, and finally calculating the accuracy at incrementally
	increasing training set sizes. To assess 'improvement' due to AL, the 'dw' curve is constructed in the same way
	using training data with an equal number of compounds (to the ones excluded in making the random curve) excluded
	from training."""

	rand_res = []
	dw_res = []

	rankings = {k: [] for k in smiles_acc}

	k_dict = {'rbf': 'rbf', 'poly': 'poly', 'tanimoto': kf.tanimoto}

	# Iterates n times.
	for iteration in range(iterations):
		#If you set the random_state kwarg, it will make the test set uniform across al iterations.
		x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = cv.train_test_split(matrix, classes, test_size=0.4, random_state=seed)

		#Exclude experimental compounds from the random curve, and random compounds for the dw curve.
		rand_excl = [i for i, smi in enumerate(y_train['smiles']) if smi in excl]
		dw_excl = random.sample(range(x_train.shape[0]), len(rand_excl))

		j = list(set(range(x_train.shape[0])) - set(dw_excl))

		#Initialize the training set for the DW curve points randomly chosen from the allowed dw indices.
		dw_train = random.sample(j, initial)
		while set(y_train['label'][dw_train]) != {-1, 1}:
			del dw_train[-1]
			for index in random.sample(j, 1):

		#Results storage.
		n = []

		#Each data point in each iteration is created here.
		while len(dw_train) < x_train.shape[0] - len(excl):

			clf_dw = SVC(C=C, kernel=k_dict[kernel], gamma=gamma, degree=degree, probability=True)


			#Fit, predict and generate accuracy scores.
			clf_dw.fit(x_train[dw_train], y_train['label'][dw_train])

			#Update the available points that can be chosen for DW, and create index table to maintain identity of each
			#example as they are depleted.
			available_dw_ = list(set(j) - set(dw_train))
			index_table_ = {orig: update for update, orig in enumerate(available_dw_)}
			pairwise_tc_avg = dw.avg_proximity(x_train[available_dw_], x_train[available_dw_], f=simfp)
			if len(available_dw_) != 0 and len(available_dw_) % batch < len(available_dw_):
				if decf:
					xi = [dw.weight(dw.hyper_distance(clf_dw.decision_function(x_train[a])), pairwise_tc_avg[index_table_[a]], beta=beta) for a in available_dw_]
					xi = [dw.weight(dw.entropy(clf_dw.predict_proba(x_train[a])[:, 0]), pairwise_tc_avg[index_table_[a]], beta=beta) for a in available_dw_]
				foo = sorted(zip(available_dw_, xi), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

				adds = [ele[0] for ele in foo[:batch]]
				dw_train += adds
				smiles_added = [y_train['smiles'][idx] for idx in adds]
				for s in smiles_added:
					rankings[s].append((len(dw_train) - 2) / batch)

			elif len(available_dw_) != 0 and len(available_dw_) % batch == len(available_dw_):
				smiles_added = [y_train['smiles'][idx] for idx in available_dw_]
				for s in smiles_added:
					rankings[s].append(((len(dw_train) - 2) / batch) + 1)
				dw_train += available_dw_

		smiles_added = [y_train['smiles'][idx] for idx in available_dw_]
		for s in smiles_added:
			rankings[s].append(((len(dw_train) - 2) / batch) + 1)

	final = {k: Counter(v) for k, v in rankings.iteritems()}
	positions = [j + 1 for j in range(max([x for val in rankings.values() for x in val]))]
	data_ = []
	for cpd, ctr in final.iteritems():
		data_.append(np.array([ctr[pos] for pos in positions]))

	data_in_ = np.vstack(tuple(data_)).T

	row = positions
	plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Arial']
	fig = pyplot.figure()
	# Plots a dendrogram above the heatmap.
	axdendro = fig.add_axes([0.06, 0.68, 0.8, 0.27])
	Y = sch.linkage(np.vstack(tuple([fptr.reconstruct_fp(s, fptype='FP2') for s in smiles_acc])), method='single',
	Z = sch.dendrogram(Y, orientation='top')

	#Plotting the heat map.  'pcolor' outputs a mappable object that is used as a mandatory argument to 'colorbar().'
	#add axes arguments are: distance from left, distance from bottom, width, height.

	ax = fig.add_axes([0.06, 0.05, 0.8, 0.6])
	#Grab the order of the leaves of the dendrogram so the heatmap can be reordered to match.
	index = Z['leaves']
	D = data_in_.T[index]
	hmap = ax.pcolor(D.T, cmap='gist_heat')

	horiz = np.arange(data_in_.shape[1]) + 0.5
	vert = np.arange(data_in_.shape[0]) + 0.5

	pyplot.ylim([0, vert[-1] + 0.5])
	pyplot.xlim([0, horiz[-1] + 0.5])
	pyplot.ylabel('Position Selected', size=16)
	ax.set_xticks(horiz, minor=False)
	ax.set_yticks(vert, minor=False)

	names = []
	for s in classes['smiles']:
		name_entry = chem.calc_name(s)
		names.append(unicode(name_entry, "utf-8"))

	col = [names[m] + ' (%s)' % str(classes['label'][m]) for m in index]

	ax.set_xticklabels(col, minor=False, rotation=90, ha='center', size=11)
	ax.set_yticklabels(row, minor=False, size=11)

	#Plots the colorbar on separate axes so that the dendrogram can be aligned to the heatmap alone.
	axcolor = fig.add_axes([0.89, 0.05, 0.02, 0.6])
	cbar = pyplot.colorbar(hmap, cax=axcolor)
	axcolor.set_ylabel('Selection Frequency', size=16, rotation=270)
	#Eliminates white lines in Inkscape due to viewer bug; makes colorbar render with overlapping segments.

	pyplot.savefig(filename + "C_%s_decisionf_%s.svg" % (str(C), str(decf)))
Exemplo n.º 4
def dw_performance(matrix, classes, filename, initial=2, iterations=100, beta=1.0, C=1.0, gamma=0.005, degree=2, kernel='rbf', batch=1, decf=False, seed=None, simfp=fptr.integer_sim):
	"""This function takes as input the positive and negative samples from a known isozyme and compares how the learning curve
	changes between an SVC trained on an increasing number of randomly selected samples and an SVC trained with an increasing
	number of samples selected via an uncertainty sampling/density weighting method."""

	rand_res = []
	dw_res = []

	k_dict = {'rbf': 'rbf', 'poly': 'poly', 'tanimoto': kf.tanimoto}

	#Iterates n times.
	for iteration in range(iterations):
		#If you set the random_state kwarg, it will make the test set uniform across all iterations.
		x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = cv.train_test_split(matrix, classes, test_size=0.4, random_state=seed)

		i = range(x_train.shape[0])
		#Change the second argument to start with a different number of samples. The while loop ensures that the initial
		#training smaple is instantiated with at least one example from each class.
		rand_train = random.sample(i, initial)

		while set(y_train[rand_train]) != {-1, 1}:
			del rand_train[-1]
			for index in random.sample(i, 1):

		#Initialize the training set for the DW curve with the same points as the random curve.
		dw_train = []
		dw_train += rand_train

		#Results storage.
		n = []
		rand_scores = []
		dw_scores = []

		#Each data point in each iteration si created here.
		while len(rand_train) < x_train.shape[0]:

			clf_rand = SVC(C=C, kernel=k_dict[kernel], gamma=gamma, degree=degree, probability=True)
			clf_dw = SVC(C=C, kernel=k_dict[kernel], gamma=gamma, degree=degree, probability=True)


			#Fit, predict and generate accuracy scores.
			clf_rand.fit(x_train[rand_train], y_train[rand_train])
			clf_dw.fit(x_train[dw_train], y_train[dw_train])

			r = clf_rand.predict(x_test)
			d = clf_dw.predict(x_test)

			rand_scores.append(acc(y_test, r))
			dw_scores.append(acc(y_test, d))

			#Update the available points that can be chosen for random.
			available_rand_ = list(set(i) - set(rand_train))
			if len(available_rand_) != 0 and len(available_rand_) % batch < len(available_rand_):
				for index in random.sample(available_rand_, batch):
			elif len(available_rand_) != 0 and len(available_rand_) % batch == len(available_rand_):
				rand_train += available_rand_

			#Update the available points that can be chosen for DW, and create index table to maintain identity of each
			#example as they are depleted.
			available_dw_ = list(set(i) - set(dw_train))
			index_table_ = {orig: update for update, orig in enumerate(available_dw_)}
			pairwise_tc_avg = dw.avg_proximity(x_train[available_dw_], x_train[available_dw_], f=simfp)
			if len(available_dw_) != 0 and len(available_dw_) % batch < len(available_dw_):
				if decf:
					xi = [dw.weight(dw.hyper_distance(clf_dw.decision_function(x_train[a])), pairwise_tc_avg[index_table_[a]], beta=beta) for a in available_dw_]
					xi = [dw.weight(dw.entropy(clf_dw.predict_proba(x_train[a])[:, 0]), pairwise_tc_avg[index_table_[a]], beta=beta) for a in available_dw_]
				foo = sorted(zip(available_dw_, xi), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
				dw_train += [ele[0] for ele in foo[:batch]]
			elif len(available_dw_) != 0 and len(available_dw_) % batch == len(available_dw_):
				dw_train += available_dw_

		clf_rand_last = SVC(C=C, kernel=k_dict[kernel], gamma=gamma, degree=degree).fit(x_train[rand_train], y_train[rand_train])
		clf_dw_last = SVC(C=C, kernel=k_dict[kernel], gamma=gamma, degree=degree).fit(x_train[dw_train], y_train[dw_train])
		r_last = clf_rand_last.predict(x_test)
		d_last = clf_dw_last.predict(x_test)
		rand_scores.append(acc(y_test, r_last))
		dw_scores.append(acc(y_test, d_last))


	rand_avg = np.sum(np.vstack(tuple(rand_res)), 0) / iterations
	dw_avg = np.sum(np.vstack(tuple(dw_res)), 0) / iterations
	rand_err = 1.96 * np.std(np.vstack(tuple(rand_res)), 0) / math.sqrt(iterations)
	dw_err = 1.96 * np.std(np.vstack(tuple(dw_res)), 0) / math.sqrt(iterations)
	xdesc = 'Number of Training Samples'
	ydesc = 'Accuracy Score'
	plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Arial']

	pyplot.errorbar(n, rand_avg, fmt='s-', yerr=rand_err, color='darkred', markersize=9, lw=2, label='Random Selection')
	pyplot.errorbar(n, dw_avg, fmt='v-', yerr=dw_err, color='darkblue', markersize=9, lw=2, label='Density Weighted')
	leg_title = "Final Accuracy = %s\nC = %s" % (str(round(rand_avg[-1], 3) * 100) + '%', str(C))
	pyplot.legend(loc=4, title=leg_title)
	pyplot.xlabel(xdesc, size=18, labelpad=14)
	pyplot.ylabel(ydesc, size=18, labelpad=14)
	pyplot.savefig(filename + "C_%s_decisionf_%s.svg" % (str(C), str(decf)))