Exemplo n.º 1
def worker_deploy():

    env.user = '******'

    with virtualenv(django_settings.RQ_DEPLOY_PATH):

        for item in django_settings.RQ_PIP:
            run('pip install %s' % item)

        run('mkdir -p '+ django_settings.SVTGETSAVEFOLDER)

        for item in django_settings.RQ_SETTINGS_NEEDED:
            files.append('rq_settings.py', '%s=\'%s\'' % (item, get_config(item, 'FAIL!')))

        for item in django_settings.RQ_IMPORTS:

            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(django_settings.ROOT_DIR, item[0])):
                #If the source is a directory, create same directory on the target
                run('mkdir -p '+ item[1])
            if item[1].find('/') != -1:
                #If the target filename contains a directory name, create that, and create a __init__.py
                run('mkdir -p '+ '/'.join(item[1].split('/')[:-1]))
                run('touch '+ '/'.join(item[1].split('/')[:-1]) + '/__init__.py')

            put(item[0], item[1])
Exemplo n.º 2
def upload_tar_from_git():

    "Create an archive from the current Git master branch and upload it"
    git_dir = local('git rev-parse --show-toplevel', capture=True)
    with lcd(git_dir):
        local('git archive --format=tar master | gzip > %s.tar.gz' % env.release)
        with virtualenv(django_settings.RQ_DEPLOY_PATH):
            put('%s.tar.gz' % env.release, 'release.tar.gz')
            run('tar zxf release.tar.gz')
            run('rm release.tar.gz')
        local('rm %s.tar.gz' % env.release)
Exemplo n.º 3
def web_deploy():

    with virtualenv(django_settings.RQ_DEPLOY_PATH):
        run('pip install -r VHS/requirements.txt')

        run('python VHS/manage.py syncdb')
        run('python VHS/manage.py migrate')
        run('python VHS/manage.py collectstatic --noinput')

#    with cd(django_settings.RQ_DEPLOY_PATH):
        run('source bin/activate')

#        run('ls')

#    with cd(django_settings.RQ_DEPLOY_PATH):
#        with cd('VHS'):
#            run('ls')
#            run('python manage.py migrate')

    run('sudo supervisorctl restart vhs')