Exemplo n.º 1
def create_LM_hashed_password(passwd):
    "setup LanManager password"
    "create LanManager hashed password"

    lm_pw = '\000' * 14

    passwd = string.upper(passwd)

    if len(passwd) < 14:
        lm_pw = passwd + lm_pw[len(passwd) - 14:]
        lm_pw = passwd[0:14]

    # do hash

    magic_lst = [0x4B, 0x47, 0x53, 0x21, 0x40, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25]
    magic_str = utils.lst2str(magic_lst)

    res = ''
    dobj = des.DES(lm_pw[0:7])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(magic_str)

    dobj = des.DES(lm_pw[7:14])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(magic_str)

    # addig zeros to get 21 bytes string
    res = res + '\000\000\000\000\000'

    return res
Exemplo n.º 2
def challenge_response(challenge, password_hash):
    zpassword_hash = password_hash.ljust(21, '\x00')
    response = ''
    des_obj = des.DES(zpassword_hash[0:7])
    response += des_obj.encrypt(challenge)
    des_obj = des.DES(zpassword_hash[7:14])
    response += des_obj.encrypt(challenge)
    des_obj = des.DES(zpassword_hash[14:21])
    response += des_obj.encrypt(challenge)
    return response
Exemplo n.º 3
def calc_resp(keys_str, plain_text):
    "keys_str - hashed password"
    "plain_text - nonce from server"
    res = ''
    dobj = des.DES(keys_str[0:7])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(plain_text[0:8])

    dobj = des.DES(keys_str[7:14])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(plain_text[0:8])

    dobj = des.DES(keys_str[14:21])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(plain_text[0:8])

    return res
Exemplo n.º 4
    def dataReceived(self, data):
        a = data.split(':')
        if len(a) > 1:
            count = a[0]
            command = a[1]
            content = a[2]

            #'change content to paw'
            if (count == 'DES'):
                d = des.DES()
                d.input_key(des.key)  #8
                paw = d.decode(content)
            elif (count == 'RSA'):
                paw = rsa.decrypt(content, rsa.n, rsa.e, rsa.d)

            sqlkey = infomsg.sqlmatch(command, paw)
            if (sqlkey == 'Y'):
                msg = command + ' has joined!'
                pri = count + ' "Usr:'******' Port:(' + content + ') Paw:' + paw + '" Logined'
                msg = sqlkey
                pri = count + ' "Usr:'******' Port:(' + content + ') Paw:' + paw + '" Error!!'

            infomsg.ing = pri
            infomsg.state = 1

            for c in self.factory.clients:
Exemplo n.º 5
    def OnButtonloginButton(self, event):
        times = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
            sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            sock.connect(('localhost', 8001))
            self.printftext.SetLabel('Client to Server:Connecting!' + times)

            if (self.genToggleButtonc.GetLabel() == 'DES'):
                paw = self.textCtrlpassword.GetValue()
                d = des.DES()
                d.input_key(des.key)  #8
                paw = d.encode(paw)
                sock.send('DES:' + self.textCtrluser.GetValue() + ':' + paw)

            elif (self.genToggleButtonc.GetLabel() == 'RSA'):
                paw = self.textCtrlpassword.GetValue()
                pawing = str(paw)
                paws = rsa.encrypt(pawing, rsa.n, rsa.e)
                sock.send('RSA:' + self.textCtrluser.GetValue() + ':' + paws)

            #print sock.recv(1024)
            self.printftext.SetLabel('Client to Server:Disconnected!')
            #print 'Error'
        #error input
Exemplo n.º 6
def create_LM_hashed_password_v1(passwd):
    "setup LanManager password"
    "create LanManager hashed password"

    # fix the password length to 14 bytes
    passwd = string.upper(passwd)
    lm_pw = passwd + '\0' * (14 - len(passwd))
    lm_pw = passwd[0:14]

    # do hash
    magic_str = "KGS!@#$%"  # page 57 in [MS-NLMP]

    res = ''
    dobj = des.DES(lm_pw[0:7])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(magic_str)

    dobj = des.DES(lm_pw[7:14])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(magic_str)

    return res
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_encrypt_raw_int():
    d = des.DES()

    # http://extranet.cryptomathic.com/descalc/index?key=0e329232ea6d0d73&iv=0000000000000000&input=0123456789ABCDEF&mode=ecb&action=Encrypt&output=31AA59FEB64386A6
    # Same key and msg from the website produce
    website_enc_msg = 0x31AA59FEB64386A6

    key = 0x0e329232ea6d0d73
    int_msg = 0x0123456789ABCDEF
    int_enc_msg = d.encrypt(int_msg, key)

    assert int_enc_msg == website_enc_msg, "these should be the same!"
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_if_encrypt_decrypt_produces_same():
    d = des.DES()
    msg = "test"
    hex_msg = msg.encode()
    int_msg = int.from_bytes(hex_msg, byteorder="big")

    key = 0x0e329232ea6d0d73

    int_enc_msg = d.encrypt(int_msg, key)
    int_dec_msg = d.encrypt(int_enc_msg, key, decrypt=True)

    assert int_msg == int_dec_msg, "these should be the same!"
Exemplo n.º 9
def calc_resp(password_hash, server_challenge):
    """calc_resp generates the LM response given a 16-byte password hash and the
        challenge from the Type-2 message.
        @param password_hash
            16-byte password hash
        @param server_challenge
            8-byte challenge from Type-2 message
            24-byte buffer to contain the LM response upon return
    # padding with zeros to make the hash 21 bytes long
    password_hash = password_hash + '\0' * (21 - len(password_hash))
    res = ''
    dobj = des.DES(password_hash[0:7])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(server_challenge[0:8])

    dobj = des.DES(password_hash[7:14])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(server_challenge[0:8])

    dobj = des.DES(password_hash[14:21])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(server_challenge[0:8])
    return res
Exemplo n.º 10
def create_LM_hashed_password_v1(passwd):
    "setup LanManager password"
    "create LanManager hashed password"
    # if the passwd provided is already a hash, we just return the first half
    if re.match(r'^[\w]{32}:[\w]{32}$', passwd):
        return binascii.unhexlify(passwd.split(':')[0])

    # fix the password length to 14 bytes
    passwd = string.upper(passwd)
    lm_pw = passwd + '\0' * (14 - len(passwd))
    lm_pw = passwd[0:14]

    # do hash
    magic_str = "KGS!@#$%"  # page 57 in [MS-NLMP]

    res = ''
    dobj = des.DES(lm_pw[0:7])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(magic_str)

    dobj = des.DES(lm_pw[7:14])
    res = res + dobj.encrypt(magic_str)

    return res
Exemplo n.º 11
def challenge_response(challenge, password_hash):
   IN  8-octet  Challenge,
   IN  16-octet PasswordHash,
   OUT 24-octet Response )
      Set ZPasswordHash to PasswordHash zero-padded to 21 octets

      DesEncrypt( Challenge,
                  1st 7-octets of ZPasswordHash,
                  giving 1st 8-octets of Response )

      DesEncrypt( Challenge,
                  2nd 7-octets of ZPasswordHash,
                  giving 2nd 8-octets of Response )

      DesEncrypt( Challenge,
                  3rd 7-octets of ZPasswordHash,
                  giving 3rd 8-octets of Response )
    zpassword_hash = password_hash
    #    while len(zpassword_hash)<21:
    #	zpassword_hash+="\0"

    response = ""
    des_obj = des.DES(zpassword_hash[0:7])
    response += des_obj.encrypt(challenge)

    des_obj = des.DES(zpassword_hash[7:14])
    response += des_obj.encrypt(challenge)

    des_obj = des.DES(zpassword_hash[14:21])
    response += des_obj.encrypt(challenge)
    return response
Exemplo n.º 12
def recover_initial_des_key(k, clear, ref):
    base_key = des.permutation(des.permutation(k, des.PC2inv, 48), des.PC1inv,

    for guess in range(256):
        candidate_k = base_key | make_missing_bit_mask(guess)

        # Applying the parity before encryption is not necessary, because the
        # bits are not used in DES.
        # We apply the parity after finding the correct key because the
        # user is likely to expect a key with parity bits.
        if ref == des.DES(clear, candidate_k):
            return apply_parity(candidate_k)

    return None
Exemplo n.º 13
def artificial_des():
    PLAINTEXT = 0x0102030405060708
    KEY = 0x1C8529CEA240AE4F

    ref = des.DES(PLAINTEXT, KEY)

    outputs = []

    for i in range(32):
        r = 15
        print(f"Faulting at round {r}")
        faulted = des.DES(PLAINTEXT, KEY, r, i % 32)

    k = recover_des_key(ref, outputs)

    subkeys = des.keySchedule(KEY)
    print(f"Recovered last round key: {hex(k)}")

    assert subkeys[-1] == k

    real_k = recover_initial_des_key(k, PLAINTEXT, ref)
    print(f"Real key: {hex(real_k)}")
    assert real_k == KEY
Exemplo n.º 14
def decrypt(message):
    #call the DES class
    toy = des.DES()
    #split the binary into 8-bit chunks (needed for DES class)
    entries = splitIntoGroups(message, 8)
    decryptedMessages = []
    #decrypt each individual chunk
    for i in range(len(entries)):
        decryption = toy.Decryption(entries[i])
    #concatenate the decryptions
    decryptedMessage = "".join(decryptedMessages)
    #turn from binary to ASCII
    decryptedMessage = text_from_bits(decryptedMessage)
    return decryptedMessage
Exemplo n.º 15
def encrypt(message):
    #call the DES class
    toy = des.DES()
    #turn the ascii to binary
    binary = text_to_bits(message)
    #split the binary into 8-bit chunks (needed for DES class)

    entries = splitIntoGroups(binary, 8)

    encryptedEntries = []
    #encrypt each individual chunk
    for i in range(len(entries)):
        encryptedMessage = toy.Encryption(entries[i])
    #concatenate the encryptions
    finalEncryptedMessage = "".join(encryptedEntries)
    return finalEncryptedMessage
Exemplo n.º 16
def des_hash(clear):
   IN  7-octet Clear,
   OUT 8-octet Cypher )
       * Make Cypher an irreversibly encrypted form of Clear by
       * encrypting known text using Clear as the secret key.
       * The known text consists of the string
       *              KGS!@#$%

      Set StdText to "KGS!@#$%"
      DesEncrypt( StdText, Clear, giving Cypher )
    des_obj = des.DES(clear)
    return des_obj.encrypt(r"KGS!@#$%")
Exemplo n.º 17
 def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
     self.cipher = des.DES()
Exemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self, key1, key2, key3):
     self.des1 = des.DES(key1)
     self.des2 = des.DES(key2)
     self.des3 = des.DES(key3)
Exemplo n.º 19
def des_hash(clear):
    des_obj = des.DES(clear)
    return des_obj.encrypt('KGS!@#$%')
Exemplo n.º 20
            a = int(''.join(["%d" % x for x in sam]),
                    2)  #converting bin list array to integer
            msg_bits[-1] = msg_bits[-1][:-(
                a * 8
            )]  # removing the padding bits, a - padding in bytes (a*8) bits

        for i in msg_bits:
            msgs = bitarray_to_str(i)
            msg += msgs
        return msg

if __name__ == '__main__':
    key = "secre_tr"
    iv = "whatever"
    msg = "This is my message.  There are many like it but this one is mine. "
    cipher = ''
    d = des.DES()
    print("\nOriginal Plaintext: ", msg)
    blkChain = BlockChain(key, iv, VernamEncrypt, VernamDecrypt,
    cipherblks = blkChain.encrypt(msg)
    for blk in cipherblks:
        cipher = cipher + bitarray_to_str(blk)
    print("Encrypted Ciphertext: ", cipher)
    msg = blkChain.decrypt(cipherblks)
    print("Decrypted Plaintext: ", msg)