Exemplo n.º 1
def compute_aberration(ra_eclip, dec_eclip, mjd, magnif):
    # Given target ecliptic lonlat, and JD,
    # returns the fully aberrated & magnified LonLat.
    speed = 0.99365E-4  # Meeus p.151 in radians
    apexlon = getSunLon(mjd) - 90.
    if isinstance(ra_eclip, float):
        apexXYZ = getXYZ(apexlon, 0.)
        apexXYZ = getXYZ(apexlon * np.ones(ra_eclip.shape),
    targetXYZ = getXYZ(ra_eclip, dec_eclip)

    if len(targetXYZ.shape) > 1:
        VxT = np.zeros(targetXYZ.shape)
        TxVxT = np.zeros(targetXYZ.shape)
        for i in range(targetXYZ.shape[1]):
            VxT[:, i] = np.cross(apexXYZ[:, i], targetXYZ[:, i])
            TxVxT[:, i] = np.cross(targetXYZ[:, i], VxT[:, i])
        VxT = np.cross(apexXYZ, targetXYZ)
        TxVxT = np.cross(targetXYZ, VxT)

    aberXYZ = speed * TxVxT
    plotXYZ = targetXYZ + magnif * aberXYZ
    # DANGER with getNormalized(): use only one triplet per call.
    return getLONLAT(getNormalized(plotXYZ))
Exemplo n.º 2
def compute_polar_misalignment_rotation_matrix(me_arcsec,ma_arcsec) :
    compute a rotation matrix to move the polar axis to the north
    vector product
    cross = np.cross(xyz1,xyz2)

    norme = np.sqrt(np.sum(cross**2))
    if norme > 0 :
        polar_misalignment_rotation = rotation_matrix(cross/norme,np.arcsin(norme))
    else :
        polar_misalignment_rotation = np.eye(3)

    return polar_misalignment_rotation
Exemplo n.º 3
def apply_precession(ra, dec, years) :
    see DESI-4957
    Equator and zero longitude point glide westward at 0.0139 deg/year, so..
    Star ecliptic longitudes increase +0.0139 deg/year from combined lunar and solar torques on the Earth.
    To precess any sta'’s {RA,DEC}:
    1. Convert to ecliptic coordinates {elon, elat}
    2. Add 0.0139 deg * number of years to elon
    3. Convert back to {RA,DEC}
    deltaELON = 360.* (years / PRECESSION_PERIOD_IN_YEARS) # degrees
    xyz_ecliptic  = getXYZ(lon,lat)
    xyz_precessed = np.dot(vecZ(deltaELON), xyz_ecliptic)
    lon,lat = getLONLAT(xyz_precessed)
    return eclip2radec(lon,lat)
Exemplo n.º 4
def hadec2xy(ha,dec,tel_ha,tel_dec) :
     Convert HA,Dec to tangent plane x,y given a telescope pointing tel_ha, tel_dec

        ha: float or 1D np.array Hour Angle in degrees
        dec: float or 1D np.array Hour Angle in degrees (same size as ha)
        tel_ha: float; telescope pointing Hour Angle in degrees
        tel_dec: float; telescope pointing Dec in degrees

    Returns: x y float or 1D np.array
    xyz = getXYZ(ha,dec)
    sh,ch = sincosd(tel_ha)
    sd,cd = sincosd(tel_dec)
    rh=np.array([[ch,sh,0],[-sh,ch,0],[0,0,1]]) # rotation about HA axis
    rd=np.array([[sd,0,-cd],[0,1,0],[+cd,0,sd]]) # rotation about Dec axis
    tmp = rd.dot(rh.dot(xyz))
    return x,y
Exemplo n.º 5
def eclip2radec(lon,lat):  # same epoch
    ecliptic_xyz = getXYZ(lon,lat)
    equatorial_xyz = np.dot(refX(-OBLIQ), ecliptic_xyz)  # roll frame counterclockwise by obliq
    return getLONLAT(equatorial_xyz)
Exemplo n.º 6
def radec2eclip(ra,dec):  # same epoch
    equatorial_xyz = getXYZ(ra,dec)
    ecliptic_xyz = np.dot(refX(OBLIQ), equatorial_xyz)  # roll frame clockwise
    return getLONLAT(ecliptic_xyz)
Exemplo n.º 7
def tan2radec(x_tan,y_tan,tel_ra,tel_dec,mjd,lst_deg,hexrot_deg, precession = True, aberration = True, polar_misalignment = True, use_astropy = False) :
    Convert ICRS coordinates to tangent plane coordinates

        xtan: float or 1D np.array with tangent plane coordinates
        ytan: float or 1D np.array with tangent plane coordinates
        tel_ra: float, in degrees, telescope pointing RA
        tel_dec: float, in degrees, telescope pointing Dec
        mjd: float, Modified Julian Date of observation, in days
        lst_deg: float, local sidereal time, in degrees
        hexrot_deg: float, hexapod rotation angle, in degrees

    Returns RA,Dec in ICRS system (hopefully)

    Optional arguments:
        aberration: boolean; compute aberration if True
        polar_misalignment: boolean; compute polar misalignment if True
        use_astropy: boolean; use astropy coordinates for precession and aberration if True

    # undo hexapod rotation
    shex,chex = sincosd(hexrot_deg)
    x =  chex*x_tan+shex*y_tan
    y = -shex*x_tan+chex*y_tan

    # need to apply precession ... etc to telescope pointing to interpret the x,y
    if precession :
        tel_ra,tel_dec = apply_precession_from_icrs(tel_ra, tel_dec, mjd, use_astropy)
    if aberration :
        tel_ra,tel_dec = apply_aberration(tel_ra,tel_dec,mjd, use_astropy)

    tel_ha = lst_deg - tel_ra

    if polar_misalignment :
        polar_misalignment_matrix = compute_polar_misalignment_rotation_matrix(me_arcsec=ME_ARCSEC,ma_arcsec=MA_ARCSEC)
        tel_ha,tel_dec = getLONLAT(polar_misalignment_matrix.dot(getXYZ(tel_ha,tel_dec)))

    # we need to apply refraction for the telescope pointing to interpret the x,y
    tel_alt,tel_az = hadec2altaz(tel_ha,tel_dec)
    # apply refraction
    refracted_tel_alt = apply_refraction(tel_alt)
    # back to ha,dec
    refracted_tel_ha,refracted_tel_dec  = altaz2hadec(refracted_tel_alt,tel_az)
    # now convert x,y to ha,dec
    refracted_ha,refracted_dec = xy2hadec(x,y,refracted_tel_ha,refracted_tel_dec)

    # alt,az
    alt,az = hadec2altaz(refracted_ha,refracted_dec)

    # undo refraction
    alt = undo_refraction(alt)

    # back to ha,dec
    ha,dec  = altaz2hadec(alt,az)

    # now polar mis-alignment
    if polar_misalignment :
        # inverse matrix
        polar_misalignment_matrix = compute_polar_misalignment_rotation_matrix(me_arcsec=-ME_ARCSEC,ma_arcsec=-MA_ARCSEC)
        ha,dec  = getLONLAT(polar_misalignment_matrix.dot(getXYZ(ha,dec)))

    # ra
    ra = lst_deg - ha

    if aberration :
        ra,dec = undo_aberration(ra,dec,mjd, use_astropy)

    if precession :
        ra,dec = undo_precession_from_icrs(ra, dec, mjd, use_astropy)

    return ra,dec
Exemplo n.º 8
def radec2tan(ra,dec,tel_ra,tel_dec,mjd,lst_deg,hexrot_deg, precession = True, aberration = True, polar_misalignment = True, use_astropy = False) :
    Convert ICRS coordinates to tangent plane coordinates

        ra: float or 1D np.array with RA in degrees
        dec: float or 1D np.array with RA in degrees
        tel_ra: float, in degrees, telescope pointing RA
        tel_dec: float, in degrees, telescope pointing Dec
        mjd: float, Modified Julian Date of observation, in days
        lst_deg: float, local sidereal time, in degrees
        hexrot_deg: float, hexapod rotation angle, in degrees

    Returns x_tan,y_tan , tangent plane coordinates:
        x_tan = sin(theta)*cos(phi) : float on np.array (same shape as input ra,dec)
        y_tan = sin(theta)*sin(phi) : float on np.array (same shape as input ra,dec)

        where theta,phi are polar coordinates. theta=0 for along the telescope
        pointing. phi=0 for a star with the same Dec as the telescope
        pointing but a larger HA (or smaller RA).

    Optional arguments:
        aberration: boolean; compute aberration if True
        polar_misalignment: boolean; compute polar misalignment if True
        use_astropy: boolean; use astropy coordinates for precession and aberration if True
    if precession :
        ra,dec = apply_precession_from_icrs(ra, dec, mjd, use_astropy)
        tel_ra,tel_dec = apply_precession_from_icrs(tel_ra, tel_dec, mjd, use_astropy)

    if aberration :
        ra,dec = apply_aberration(ra,dec,mjd, use_astropy)
        tel_ra,tel_dec = apply_aberration(tel_ra,tel_dec,mjd, use_astropy)

    # ha,dec
    ha     = lst_deg - ra
    tel_ha = lst_deg - tel_ra

    if polar_misalignment :
        # rotate
        polar_misalignment_matrix = compute_polar_misalignment_rotation_matrix(me_arcsec=ME_ARCSEC,ma_arcsec=MA_ARCSEC)
        ha,dec = getLONLAT(polar_misalignment_matrix.dot(getXYZ(ha,dec)))
        tel_ha,tel_dec = getLONLAT(polar_misalignment_matrix.dot(getXYZ(tel_ha,tel_dec)))

    # alt,az
    alt,az = hadec2altaz(ha,dec)
    tel_alt,tel_az = hadec2altaz(tel_ha,tel_dec)

    # apply refraction
    alt = apply_refraction(alt)
    tel_alt = apply_refraction(tel_alt)

    # convert back to ha,dec
    ha,dec  = altaz2hadec(alt,az)
    tel_ha,tel_dec  = altaz2hadec(tel_alt,tel_az)

    # tangent plane
    x,y = hadec2xy(ha,dec,tel_ha,tel_dec)

    # hexapod rotation
    shex,chex = sincosd(hexrot_deg)

    return chex*x-shex*y , +shex*x+chex*y