Exemplo n.º 1
def upload_extract(real_user, user, change, **kw):
    File is binary in the request body.
    from pylons import request
    order_index = int(to_unicode(request.headers.get('X-Up-Order-Index')))
    type = to_unicode(request.headers.get('X-Up-Type'))
    if not type: return None
    f, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp('png')
    if isinstance(f, int):
        f = open(tmpname, 'wb')
    #this is inefficient. Pylons supposedly already creates a tmp file. We are instead
    #reading the thing into memory. I'm lazy until this beomes an issue (prolly soon)
    #V: please make this not suck
    new = False
    change_extract = Session.query(projects.ChangeExtract).filter_by(change=change, extract_type=type, order_index=order_index).first()
    if not change_extract:
        new = True
        change_extract = projects.ChangeExtract(change=change, extract_type=type, order_index=order_index)
    return new and 'new' or 'existing'
Exemplo n.º 2
def project_user_module(real_user, user, organization, project=None):
    # email: user def list
    org_users = api.organization.get_users(real_user, user, organization, status=STATUS_APPROVED)
    user_map = dict([(ou.user.email, v1.user.get().output(ou.user)) for ou in org_users])
    #email list for lookup
    emails = [u.user.email for u in org_users]
    # list of users in the project and their role
    invite_url = None
    proj_users = []
    if project:
        invites = Session.query(users.Invite).filter_by(type=users.INVITE_TYPE_PROJECT, object_id=project.id, status=STATUS_PENDING)
        invites = [{'invite': True, 'user': {'name': i.invited_email}} for i in invites]
        proj_users = api.project.get_users(real_user, user, project, status=STATUS_APPROVED)
        proj_users = v1.project.get_users().output(proj_users) + invites
        invite_url = h.api_url('invite', 'create', project=c.project.eid)
    params = {
        'emails': emails,
        'projectUsers': proj_users,
        'userMap': user_map,
        'roleUrl': h.api_url('project', 'set_user_role', project=project and project.eid or None),
        'syncUrl': h.api_url('project', 'attach_users'),
        'inviteUrl': invite_url
    return params
Exemplo n.º 3
def create(**params):
    Creates a user.
    DO NOT EXPOSE THIS to the web api. Please.
    numusers = len(Session.query(users.User).all())

    scrubbed = validate(RegisterForm, **params)

    user = users.User()

    user.email = scrubbed.email
    user.username = '******' in scrubbed and scrubbed.username or scrubbed.email
    user.password = scrubbed.password

    if scrubbed.get('name'):
        name = scrubbed.get('name').split(' ', 1)
        user.first_name = name[0].strip()
        user.last_name = len(name) == 2 and name[1].strip() or u''
        user.first_name = scrubbed.get('first_name')
        user.last_name = scrubbed.get('last_name')

    #first user is an admin.
    if numusers == 0:
        user.role = users.ROLE_ADMIN

    return user
Exemplo n.º 4
def create(**params):
    Creates a user.
    DO NOT EXPOSE THIS to the web api. Please.
    numusers = len(Session.query(users.User).all())

    scrubbed = validate(RegisterForm, **params)

    user = users.User()
    user.email = scrubbed.email
    user.username = '******' in scrubbed and scrubbed.username or scrubbed.email
    user.password = scrubbed.password
    if scrubbed.get('name'):
        name = scrubbed.get('name').split(' ', 1)
        user.first_name = name[0].strip()
        user.last_name = len(name) == 2 and name[1].strip() or u''
        user.first_name = scrubbed.get('first_name')
        user.last_name = scrubbed.get('last_name')
    #first user is an admin. 
    if numusers == 0:
        user.role = users.ROLE_ADMIN
    return user
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _to_python(self, value, state):
     # we don't support multiple values, so we run a quick check here (we got a webapp where this was a problem)
     if type(value) != type(u""):
         raise fv.Invalid('You must supply a valid email.', value, state)
     user = Session.query(users.User).filter(sa.func.lower(users.User.email)==value.lower()).first()
     # if this user is the same as the logged in one then don't throw the error - allows keeping old email address when editing contact info
     if user and user != self.user:
         raise fv.Invalid('That user already exists. Please choose another.', value, state)
     return value
Exemplo n.º 6
def get(u=None, username=None):
    if not u and not username:
    elif u: return u
    u = Session.query(users.User).filter_by(username=username).first()
    if not u:
    return u
Exemplo n.º 7
 def _to_python(self, value, state):
     if type(value) != type(u""):
         raise fv.Invalid('You must supply a valid subdomain.', value, state)
     subd = Session.query(users.Organization).filter(sa.func.lower(users.Organization.subdomain)==value.lower()).first()
     if subd:
         raise fv.Invalid('%s is already taken' % value, value, state)
     return value.lower()
Exemplo n.º 8
def get(u=None, username=None):
    if not u and not username:
    elif u:
        return u

    u = Session.query(users.User).filter_by(username=username).first()
    if not u:

    return u
Exemplo n.º 9
def get(real_user, user, organization, project=None):
    if not user and not project:
    if project:
        q = Session.query(projects.Project).filter_by(organization=organization)
        p = q.filter(sa.or_(projects.Project.eid==project, projects.Project.slug==project)).first()
        CanReadProject().check(real_user, user, project=p)
        return p
    #this will do the check to make sure to return only projects the user can see
    return organization.get_projects(user)
Exemplo n.º 10
def get(real_user=None, user=None, organization=None, subdomain=None):
    get a single project, or all the user's projects
    if organization:
        CanReadOrg().check(real_user, user, organization=organization)
        return organization
    elif subdomain:
        return Session.query(users.Organization).filter_by(subdomain=subdomain).first()
    return user.get_organizations()
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _to_python(self, value, state):
        # we don't support multiple values, so we run a quick check here (we got a webapp where this was a problem)
        if type(value) != type(u""):
            raise fv.Invalid('You must supply a valid email.', value, state)

        user = Session.query(users.User).filter(
            sa.func.lower(users.User.email) == value.lower()).first()
        # if this user is the same as the logged in one then don't throw the error - allows keeping old email address when editing contact info
        if user and user != self.user:
            raise fv.Invalid(
                'That user already exists. Please choose another.', value,
        return value
Exemplo n.º 12
def get(real_user=None, user=None, organization=None, subdomain=None):
    get a single project, or all the user's projects
    if organization:
        CanReadOrg().check(real_user, user, organization=organization)
        return organization

    elif subdomain:
        return Session.query(

    return user.get_organizations()
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _to_python(self, value, state):

        if type(value) != type(u""):
            raise fv.Invalid('You must supply a valid subdomain.', value,

        subd = Session.query(users.Organization).filter(
            sa.func.lower(users.Organization.subdomain) ==

        if subd:
            raise fv.Invalid('%s is already taken' % value, value, state)

        return value.lower()
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _to_python(self, value, state):
        # we don't support multiple values, so we run a quick check here (we got a webapp where this was a problem)
        if not isinstance(value, unicode):
            raise fv.Invalid('You must supply a valid string.', value, state)

        file = Session.query(projects.Entity
        file = file.filter(projects.Entity.id != self.file.id)
        file = file.first()

        if file:
            raise fv.Invalid('A file with this name already exists. Please choose another.', value, state)
        return value
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _to_python(self, value, state):
        # we don't support multiple values, so we run a quick check here (we got a webapp where this was a problem)
        if not isinstance(value, unicode):
            raise fv.Invalid('You must supply a valid string.', value, state)

        project = Session.query(projects.Project
        if self.project:
            project = project.filter(projects.Project.id != self.project.id)
        project = project.first()

        if project:
            raise fv.Invalid('A project with this name already exists. Please choose another.', value, state)
        return value
Exemplo n.º 16
def get(real_user, user, change=None, parse_type=None, parse_status=None):
    if change:
        return change

    if not parse_status and not parse_type:
        raise ClientException('either parse_type or parse_status')
    q = Session.query(projects.Change)
    if parse_type:
        q = q.filter(projects.Change.parse_type.in_(parse_type))
    if parse_status:
        q = q.filter(projects.Change.parse_status.in_(parse_status))
    q = q.order_by(sa.asc(projects.Change.created_date))
    return q.all()
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _to_python(self, value, state):
        # we don't support multiple values, so we run a quick check here (we got a webapp where this was a problem)
        if not isinstance(value, unicode):
            raise fv.Invalid('You must supply a valid string.', value, state)

        file = Session.query(projects.Entity).filter(
            projects.Entity.project == self.project).filter(
                projects.Entity.path == self.file.path).filter(
                    projects.Entity.name == value)

        file = file.filter(projects.Entity.id != self.file.id)
        file = file.first()

        if file:
            raise fv.Invalid(
                'A file with this name already exists. Please choose another.',
                value, state)

        return value
Exemplo n.º 18
        indices[e.extract_type] += 1

    change.parse_type = parse_info.type
    change.parse_status = parse_info.status

    return extracts

if __name__ == '__main__':
    accept 2 params:
    eid of the change
    path to file, the raw file (PSD, PDF, whatev...)
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
        print 'Usage: %s development.ini change_eid /path/to/tmp_file.blah' % sys.argv[

    ini, eid, filepath = sys.argv[1:]


    change = Session.query(projects.Change).filter_by(eid=eid).first()
    if not change:
        print 'Cannot find change %s' % eid

    print gen_extracts(change, filepath)
Exemplo n.º 19
        indices[e.extract_type] += 1
    change.parse_type = parse_info.type
    change.parse_status = parse_info.status
    return extracts

if __name__ == '__main__':
    accept 2 params:
    eid of the change
    path to file, the raw file (PSD, PDF, whatev...)
    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
        print 'Usage: %s development.ini change_eid /path/to/tmp_file.blah' % sys.argv[0]
    ini, eid, filepath = sys.argv[1:]
    change = Session.query(projects.Change).filter_by(eid=eid).first()
    if not change:
        print 'Cannot find change %s' % eid
    print gen_extracts(change, filepath)