def __init__(self):
    if CouchDatabase:
      self.db = sqlite3.connect(SQLITE_DB_FILENAME)
      sqlite_accounts = json.loads(self.List())
        accounts = CouchDatabase(COUCH_DB_ACCOUNTS, create=False)
        records = accounts.get_records()
      except NoSuchDatabase:"Nothing to migrate from desktopcouch")

      migrate = {}"Looking for accounts to migrate from desktopcouch to sqlite")

      for record in records:
        id = str(record["value"]["protocol"] + "-" + record["value"]["username"])
        migrate[id] = True

        if len(sqlite_accounts) > 0:
          for sqlite_account in sqlite_accounts:
            if record["value"]["protocol"] == sqlite_account["service"] and record["value"]["username"] == sqlite_account["username"]:
              migrate[id] = False
        if migrate[id]:
          new_account = {}
          new_account["service"] = record["value"]["protocol"]
          new_account["id"] = record["value"]["_id"]
          for param in SERVICES[record["value"]["protocol"]]["config"]: 
            key = param.replace('private:','')
            new_account[key] = record["value"][key]
"Found account %s - %s that needs to be migrated", new_account["service"], new_account["username"])
Exemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self):
    if CouchDatabase:
      self.gwibber = GwibberPublic()
      sqlite_accounts = json.loads(self.gwibber.GetAccounts())
        accounts = CouchDatabase(COUCH_DB_ACCOUNTS, create=False)
        records = accounts.get_records()
      except NoSuchDatabase:"Nothing to migrate from desktopcouch")

      migrate = {}
      needs_auth = []"Looking for accounts to migrate from desktopcouch to sqlite")

      for record in records:
        id = str(record["value"]["protocol"] + "-" + record["value"]["username"])
        migrate[id] = True

        if len(sqlite_accounts) > 0:
          for sqlite_account in sqlite_accounts:
            if record["value"]["protocol"] == sqlite_account["service"] and record["value"]["username"] == sqlite_account["username"]:
              migrate[id] = False
        if not SERVICES.has_key(record["value"]["protocol"]):
          migrate[id] = False
        if migrate[id]:
          new_account = {}
          new_account["service"] = record["value"]["protocol"]
          new_account["id"] = record["value"]["_id"]
          for param in SERVICES[record["value"]["protocol"]]["config"]: 
            key = param.replace('private:','')
            new_account[key] = record["value"].get(key, None)
            if key == "access_token" and record["value"].has_key("secret_key"):
              new_account[key] = record["value"]["secret_key"]
            if (key == "secret_token" or key == "access_token") and new_account[key] is None and new_account["id"] not in needs_auth:
              needs_auth.append (new_account["id"])
            if key == "uid" and new_account[key] is None and new_account["id"] not in needs_auth:
              needs_auth.append (new_account["id"])
"Found account %s - %s that needs to be migrated", new_account["service"], new_account["username"])
      logger.debug("ACCOUNTS NEED RE-AUTH: %s", needs_auth)
      if len(needs_auth) > 0:
        cmd = []
        cmd.append ("-a")
        cmd.append (string.join (needs_auth, ","))
        cmd.append ("-c")
        cmd.append ("info")
        cmd.append ("-m")
        cmd.append (_("Authorize"))
        if os.path.exists (os.path.join ("bin", "gwibber-accounts")):
          cmd.insert (0, os.path.join ("bin", "gwibber-accounts"))
          cmd.insert (0, "gwibber-accounts")
        process = subprocess.Popen (cmd)
Exemplo n.º 3
class User_dict(dict):
    ''' a dictionary with extra methods:

    persistence: load, save and db_connect
    gobject signals: connect and emit.
    Don't use this directly. Please use the preferences instance.'''
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
        # Set up couchdb.
        self._db_name = "ubuntu-pomadoro-tasks"
        self._key = None
        self._database = None
        self._record_type = (
        class Publisher(gtk.Invisible): # pylint: disable=R0904
            '''set up signals in a separate class
            gtk.Invisible has 230 public methods'''
            __gsignals__ = {'changed' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
                 gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)),
                 'loaded' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
                 gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,))}
        publisher = Publisher()
        self.emit  = publisher.emit
        self.connect  = publisher.connect

    def db_connect(self):
        '''connect to couchdb
        create if necessary'''
        # logging.basicConfig will be called now
        self._database = CouchDatabase(self._db_name, create=True)

    def save(self):
        'save to couchdb'
        self._database.update_fields(self._key, self)

    def load(self):
        'load from couchdb'
        self.update({"record_type": self._record_type})

        results = self._database.get_records(
            record_type=self._record_type, create_view=True)

        if len(results.rows) == 0:
            # No preferences have ever been saved
            # save them before returning.
            self._key = self._database.put_record(Record(self))
            del self['_rev']
            self._key = results.rows[0].value["_id"]
        self.emit('loaded', None)

    def update(self, *args, **kwds):
        ''' interface for dictionary
        send changed signal when appropriate '''
        # parse args
        new_data = {}
        new_data.update(*args, **kwds)

        changed_keys = []
        for key in new_data.keys():
            if new_data.get(key) != dict.get(self, key):
        dict.update(self, new_data)
        if changed_keys:
            self.emit('changed', tuple(changed_keys))

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        ''' interface for dictionary
        send changed signal when appropriate '''
        if value != dict.get(self, key):
            dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
            self.emit('changed', (key,))
Exemplo n.º 4

from desktopcouch.records.server import CouchDatabase
from desktopcouch.records.record import Record

#First, we want to put a record into a database and then get it out
#create the database
db = CouchDatabase("fetchrecordsexample", create=True)

#Create some records
record_type = ""
new_record = Record({"afield" : "a value", 
                     "anotherfield" : "another value"}, record_type)
another_record = Record({"afield" : "some value", 
                         "anotherfield" : "some other value"}, record_type)

#put our new records into the datbase

#Fetch all the records in the database and display them
results = db.get_records(record_type = record_type, create_view = True)

for records in results:
    record = records.value
    print "a field: %s" % record["afield"]
    print "another field: %s" % record["anotherfield"]

class PreferencesCalculatorDialog(gtk.Dialog):
    __gtype_name__ = "PreferencesCalculatorDialog"
    preferences = {}

    def __new__(cls):
        """Special static method that's automatically called by Python when 
        constructing a new instance of this class.
        Returns a fully instantiated PreferencesCalculatorDialog object.
        builder = get_builder("PreferencesCalculatorDialog")
        new_object = builder.get_object("preferences_calculator_dialog")
        return new_object

    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """Called while initializing this instance in __new__

        finish_initalizing should be called after parsing the ui definition
        and creating a PreferencesCalculatorDialog object with it in order to
        finish initializing the start of the new PerferencesCalculatorDialog
        Put your initialization code in here and leave __init__ undefined.

        # Get a reference to the builder and set up the signals.
        self.builder = builder

        # Set up couchdb and the preference info.
        self._db_name = "calculator"
        self._database = CouchDatabase(self._db_name, create=True)
        self._preferences = None
        self._key = None

        # Set the record type and then initalize the preferences.
        self._record_type = "" "Preferences"
        self._preferences = self.get_preferences()
        # TODO: code for other initialization actions should be added here

    def get_preferences(self):
        """Return a dict of preferences for calculator.

        Creates a couchdb record if necessary.
        if self._preferences == None:
            # The dialog is initializing.

        # If there were no saved preference, this.
        return self._preferences

    def _load_preferences(self):
        # TODO: add preferences to the self._preferences dict default
        # preferences that will be overwritten if some are saved
        self._preferences = {"record_type": self._record_type}

        results = self._database.get_records(record_type=self._record_type, create_view=True)

        if len(results.rows) == 0:
            # No preferences have ever been saved, save them before returning.
            self._key = self._database.put_record(Record(self._preferences))
            self._preferences = results.rows[0].value
            del self._preferences["_rev"]
            self._key = results.rows[0].value["_id"]

    def _save_preferences(self):
        self._database.update_fields(self._key, self._preferences)

    def ok(self, widget, data=None):
        """The user has elected to save the changes.

        Called before the dialog returns gtk.RESONSE_OK from run().

        # Make any updates to self._preferences here. e.g.
        # self._preferences["preference1"] = "value2"

    def cancel(self, widget, data=None):
        """The user has elected cancel changes.

        Called before the dialog returns gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL for run()
        # Restore any changes to self._preferences here.
Exemplo n.º 6
class PreferencesWiitrackerDialog(gtk.Dialog):
    __gtype_name__ = "PreferencesWiitrackerDialog"
    prefernces = {}

    def __init__(self):
        """__init__ - This function is typically not called directly.
        Creation of a PreferencesWiitrackerDialog requires redeading the associated ui
        file and parsing the ui definition extrenally,
        and then calling PreferencesWiitrackerDialog.finish_initializing().

        Use the convenience function NewPreferencesWiitrackerDialog to create
        NewAboutWiitrackerDialog objects.


    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """finish_initalizing should be called after parsing the ui definition
        and creating a AboutWiitrackerDialog object with it in order to finish
        initializing the start of the new AboutWiitrackerDialog instance.

        #get a reference to the builder and set up the signals
        self.builder = builder

        #set up couchdb and the preference info
        self.__db_name = "wiitracker"
        self.__database = CouchDatabase(self.__db_name, create=True)
        self.__preferences = None
        self.__key = None

        #set the record type and then initalize the preferences
        self.__record_type = ""
        self.__preferences = self.get_preferences()
        #TODO:code for other initialization actions should be added here
        self.addressEntry = self.builder.get_object("AddressEntry")
        self.dampingScale = self.builder.get_object("dampingScale")
        self.dampingScale.set_range(1, 100)

    def get_preferences(self):
        """get_preferences  -returns a dictionary object that contain
        preferences for wiitracker. Creates a couchdb record if

        if self.__preferences == None: #the dialog is initializing
        #if there were no saved preference, this 
        return self.__preferences

    def __load_preferences(self):
        #TODO: add prefernces to the self.__preferences dict
        #default preferences that will be overwritten if some are saved
        self.__preferences = {"record_type":self.__record_type,
                              "wiiAddress": "00:17:AB:39:49:98",
                              "filterSize": 15}
        results = self.__database.get_records(record_type=self.__record_type, create_view=True)
#        self.__key = self.__database.put_record(Record(self.__preferences))
        if len(results.rows) == 0:
            #no preferences have ever been saved
            #save them before returning
            self.__key = self.__database.put_record(Record(self.__preferences))
            self.__preferences = results.rows[0].value
            self.__key = results.rows[0].value["_id"]
    def __save_preferences(self):
        self.__database.update_fields(self.__key, self.__preferences)

    def ok(self, widget, data=None):
        """ok - The user has elected to save the changes.
        Called before the dialog returns gtk.RESONSE_OK from run().

        #make any updates to self.__preferences here
        #self.__preferences["preference1"] = "value2"
        self.__preferences["wiiAddress"] = self.addressEntry.get_text()
        self.__preferences["filterSize"] = self.dampingScale.get_value()

    def cancel(self, widget, data=None):
        """cancel - The user has elected cancel changes.
        Called before the dialog returns gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL for run()

        #restore any changes to self.__preferences here
Exemplo n.º 7
class JottyWindow(Window):
    __gtype_name__ = "JottyWindow"
    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """Set up the main window"""
        super(JottyWindow, self).finish_initializing(builder)

        self.AboutDialog = AboutJottyDialog
        self.PreferencesDialog = PreferencesJottyDialog

        # Code for other initialization actions should be added here.
        self.database = CouchDatabase("jotty", create=True)

    def on_mnu_save_activate(self, widget, data=None):
        #get the title for the note
        title = self.ui.entry1.get_text()

        #get the string
        buff = self.ui.textview1.get_buffer()
        start_iter = buff.get_start_iter()
        end_iter = buff.get_end_iter()
        text = buff.get_text(start_iter,end_iter)

        #get all the records
        record_type = ""
        results = self.database.get_records(record_type = record_type, create_view = True)

        #update a record that has the same title
        for result in results:
            document = result.value
            if document["title"] == title:
                key = document["_id"]
                self.database.update_fields(key, {"text":text})

        #if no records had the title, create it 
        new_rec = Record({"record_type":record_type, "title":title, "text":text})

    def on_mnu_open_activate(self, widget, data=None):
        #get the name of the document to open
        title = self.ui.entry1.get_text()
        text = ""
        #get all the records
        record_type = ""
        results = self.database.get_records(record_type = record_type,create_view = True)
        #get the text if there is a matching title
        for result in results:
            document = result.value
            if document["title"] == title:
                text = document["text"]

        #set the UI to display the string
        buff = self.ui.textview1.get_buffer()

    def on_mnu_new_activate(self, widget, data=None):
        self.ui.entry1.set_text("Note Title")
        buff = self.ui.textview1.get_buffer()
Exemplo n.º 8
class PreferencesFooDialog(gtk.Dialog):
    __gtype_name__ = "PreferencesFooDialog"
    preferences = {}

    def __new__(cls):
        """Special static method that's automatically called by Python when 
        constructing a new instance of this class.
        Returns a fully instantiated PreferencesFooDialog object.
        builder = get_builder('PreferencesFooDialog')
        new_object = builder.get_object("preferences_foo_dialog")
        return new_object

    def finish_initializing(self, builder):
        """Called while initializing this instance in __new__

        finish_initalizing should be called after parsing the ui definition
        and creating a PreferencesFooDialog object with it in order to
        finish initializing the start of the new PerferencesFooDialog
        Put your initialization code in here and leave __init__ undefined.

        # Get a reference to the builder and set up the signals.
        self.builder = builder

        # Set up couchdb and the preference info.
        self._db_name = "foo"
        self._database = CouchDatabase(self._db_name, create=True)
        self._preferences = None
        self._key = None

        # Set the record type and then initalize the preferences.
        self._record_type = (
        self._preferences = self.get_preferences()
        # TODO: code for other initialization actions should be added here

    def get_preferences(self):
        """Return a dict of preferences for foo.

        Creates a couchdb record if necessary.
        if self._preferences == None:
            # The dialog is initializing.

        # If there were no saved preference, this.
        return self._preferences

    def _load_preferences(self):
        # TODO: add preferences to the self._preferences dict default
        # preferences that will be overwritten if some are saved
        self._preferences = {"record_type": self._record_type}

        results = self._database.get_records(
            record_type=self._record_type, create_view=True)

        if len(results.rows) == 0:
            # No preferences have ever been saved, save them before returning.
            self._key = self._database.put_record(Record(self._preferences))
            self._preferences = results.rows[0].value
            del self._preferences['_rev']
            self._key = results.rows[0].value["_id"]

    def _save_preferences(self):
        self._database.update_fields(self._key, self._preferences)

    def ok(self, widget, data=None):
        """The user has elected to save the changes.

        Called before the dialog returns gtk.RESONSE_OK from run().

        # Make any updates to self._preferences here. e.g.
        #self._preferences["preference1"] = "value2"

    def cancel(self, widget, data=None):
        """The user has elected cancel changes.

        Called before the dialog returns gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL for run()
        # Restore any changes to self._preferences here.
Exemplo n.º 9
class User_dict(dict):
    ''' a dictionary with extra methods:

    persistence: load, save and db_connect
    gobject signals: connect and emit.
    Don't use this directly. Please use the preferences instance.'''
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
        # Set up couchdb.
        self._db_name = "gopu"
        self._key = None
        self._database = None

        self._record_type = (""

        class Publisher(gtk.Invisible):  # pylint: disable=R0904
            '''set up signals in a separate class
            gtk.Invisible has 230 public methods'''
            __gsignals__ = {
                'changed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
                            (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, )),
                'loaded': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
                           (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, ))

        publisher = Publisher()
        self.emit = publisher.emit
        self.connect = publisher.connect

    def db_connect(self):
        '''connect to couchdb
        create if necessary'''
        # logging.basicConfig will be called now
        self._database = CouchDatabase(self._db_name, create=True)

    def save(self):
        'save to couchdb'
        self._database.update_fields(self._key, self)

    def load(self):
        'load from couchdb'
        self.update({"record_type": self._record_type})

        results = self._database.get_records(record_type=self._record_type,

        if len(results.rows) == 0:
            # No preferences have ever been saved
            # save them before returning.
            self._key = self._database.put_record(Record(self))
            del self['_rev']
            self._key = results.rows[0].value["_id"]
        self.emit('loaded', None)

    def update(self, *args, **kwds):
        ''' interface for dictionary
        send changed signal when appropriate '''

        # parse args
        new_data = {}
        new_data.update(*args, **kwds)

        changed_keys = []
        for key in new_data.keys():
            if new_data.get(key) != dict.get(self, key):
        dict.update(self, new_data)
        if changed_keys:
            self.emit('changed', tuple(changed_keys))

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        ''' interface for dictionary
        send changed signal when appropriate '''
        if value != dict.get(self, key):
            dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
            self.emit('changed', (key, ))
Exemplo n.º 10
class HudsonNotifierConfig(object):

    def __init__(self):
        #set up couchdb and the preference info
        self.__db_name = "hudson-notifier"
        self.__database = CouchDatabase(self.__db_name, create=True)
        self.__preferences = None
        self.__key = None

        #set the record type and then initalize the preferences
        self.__record_type = ""
        self.__preferences = self.__get_preferences()
        #configuration change event
        self.configurationChanged = Event()

    def __get_preferences(self):
        """get_preferences  -returns a dictionary object that contain
        preferences for hudsonnotifier. Creates a couchdb record if

        if self.__preferences == None: #the dialog is initializing

        #if there were no saved preference, this
        return self.__preferences

    def __load_preferences(self):
        #TODO: add prefernces to the self.__preferences dict
        #default preferences that will be overwritten if some are saved
        self.__preferences = {"record_type":self.__record_type}

        results = self.__database.get_records(record_type=self.__record_type, create_view=True)

        if len(results.rows) == 0:
            #no preferences have ever been saved
            #save them before returning
            self.__key = self.__database.put_record(Record(self.__preferences))
            self.__preferences = results.rows[0].value
            del self.__preferences['_rev']
            self.__key = results.rows[0].value["_id"]

    def __save_preferences(self):
        self.__database.update_fields(self.__key, self.__preferences)

    def getUrl(self):
        return self.__preferences.get("url", None)

    def setUrl(self, url):
        self.__preferences["url"] = url

    def save_project(self, project, value):
        self.__preferences["project_%s"%(project)] = value

    def get_project(self, project):
        print "Loading project %s"%project
        return self.__preferences.get("project_%s"%(project), True)

    url = property(getUrl, setUrl, doc="Url to connect to the hudson build server on")
Exemplo n.º 11
# [SNIPPET_DESCRIPTION: Delete records from the desktop couch database]
# [SNIPPET_AUTHOR: Andy Breiner <*****@*****.**>]

from desktopcouch.records.server import CouchDatabase
from desktopcouch.records.record import Record

#Similar to the by Huntly Cameron
#See for additional information

db = CouchDatabase("deleterecordsexample", create=True)
record_type = ""
record = Record({"first" : "Andy", 
                 "last"  : "Breiner"}, record_type)

record = Record({"first" : "Jono", 
                 "last"  : "Bacon"}, record_type)

results = db.get_records(record_type = record_type, create_view = True)

for records in results:
    record = records.value
    print "First: %s" % record["first"]
    print "Last : %s" % record["last"]
    if record["first"] == "Andy":