Exemplo n.º 1
    def install_cmake_package(self, requirement_specifier, cmake_options, ignore_index):
        Build and install cmake package into cache & copy it to env.
        pkg_cache_dir = os.path.abspath(
            os.path.join(self.cache, "%s-%s" % (requirement_specifier.name, requirement_specifier.version))

        def in_cache():
            return os.path.isdir(pkg_cache_dir)

        if not in_cache() and not ignore_index:
            cwd = os.getcwd()
            archive = None
            archive_name = None
                archive = self.download(requirement_specifier.name, requirement_specifier.version)
                archive_name = unpack(archive)

                logging.info("Building %s" % requirement_specifier.name)
                env = os.environ.copy()
                env["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"] = ",".join(self.search_pkg_config_locations())
                retcode = run_shell(
                    ["cmake", ".", "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s" % pkg_cache_dir] + cmake_options,
                    verbose=self.settings["verbosity"] >= 1,
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise RequirementException("%s configure failed" % requirement_specifier.name)
                retcode = run_shell(["make", "-j4"], verbose=self.settings["verbosity"] >= 1)
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise RequirementException("%s build failed" % requirement_specifier.name)
                retcode = run_shell(["make", "install"], verbose=self.settings["verbosity"] >= 1)
                if retcode != 0:
                    raise RequirementException('%s "make install" failed' % requirement_specifier.name)

        pkg_install_dir = os.path.join(
            self.env, "lib/%s-%s" % (requirement_specifier.name, requirement_specifier.version)
        if in_cache():
            # install gazebo somewhere into venv
            if os.path.exists(pkg_install_dir):
            shutil.copytree(pkg_cache_dir, pkg_install_dir)
            raise RequirementException("can't find gazebo-%s in robustus cache" % requirement_specifier.version)

        return pkg_install_dir
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _perrepo(self, cmd_str):
        verbose = self.settings["verbosity"] > 0
            'cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" && . "%s" && %s' % (self._activate_path(), cmd_str),

        for d in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.env, "src")):
            full_path = os.path.join(self.env, "src", d)
            if os.path.isdir(full_path):
                logging.info("Running command in %s" % full_path)
                    'cd "%s" && . "%s" && %s' % (full_path, self._activate_path(), cmd_str), shell=True, verbose=verbose
Exemplo n.º 3
    def install_satisfactory_requirement_from_remote(self, requirement_specifier):
        If wheel for satisfactory requirement found on remote, install it.
        :param requirement_specifier: specifies package namd and package version string
        :return: True if package installed by function (according to pip return code);
        False otherwise.
        logging.info("Attempting to install package from remote wheel")
        for find_link in self.settings["find_links"]:
            find_links_url = (find_link + "/python-wheels/index.html",)  # TEMPORARY.
            dtemp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            return_code = run_shell(
                    "--download-cache=%s" % dtemp_path,
                    "--find-links=%s" % find_links_url,
                verbose=self.settings["verbosity"] >= 2,
            if return_code == 0:
                # The following downloads the wheels of the requirment (and those of
                # dependencies) into a pip download cache and moves (renames) the downloaded
                # wheels into the local Robustus cache.  Regarding the need for this see "Wheels
                # for Dependencies" "http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2014/1/27/python-on-wheels/".
                for file_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(dtemp_path, "http*.whl")):
                    if os.path.isfile(file_path):
                        file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
                        file_name_new = file_name.rpartition("%2F")[-1]
                        file_path_new = os.path.join(self.cache, file_name_new)
                        shutil.move(file_path, file_path_new)  # NOTE: Allow overwrites.
                return True
                    "pip failed to install requirement %s from remote wheels cache %s."
                    % (requirement_specifier.freeze(), find_links_url)

        return False
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _pip_install_requirement(self, requirement_specifier):
     command = " ".join([self.pip_executable, "install", requirement_specifier.freeze()])
     logging.info("Got url-based requirement. " "Fall back to pip shell command:%s" % (command,))
     ret_code = run_shell(command, shell=True, verbose=self.settings["verbosity"] >= 1)
     return ret_code
Exemplo n.º 5
    def install_through_wheeling(self, requirement_specifier, rob_file, ignore_index):
        Check if package cache already contains package of specified version, if so install it.
        Otherwise make a wheel and put it into cache.
        Hope manual check for requirements file won't be necessary, waiting for pip 1.5 https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/855
        :param package: package name
        :param version: package version string
        :return: None
        # If wheelhouse doesn't contain necessary requirement attempt to install from remote wheel archive or make a wheel.
        installed = False
        if self.find_satisfactory_requirement(requirement_specifier) is None:
            # Pip does not download the wheels of dependencies unless it installs.
            installed = False
            if not self.settings["no_remote_cache"]:
                installed = self.install_satisfactory_requirement_from_remote(requirement_specifier)
            if not installed:
                logging.info("Wheel not found, downloading package")
                return_code = run_shell(
                    [self.pip_executable, "install", "--download", self.cache, requirement_specifier.freeze()],
                    verbose=self.settings["verbosity"] >= 2,
                if return_code != 0:
                    raise RequirementException("pip failed to download requirement %s" % requirement_specifier.freeze())

                logging.info("Building wheel")
                wheel_cmd = [
                    "--find-links=%s" % self.cache,
                    "--wheel-dir=%s" % self.cache,
                # we probably sometimes will want to see build log
                for i in xrange(self.settings["verbosity"]):
                return_code = run_shell(wheel_cmd, verbose=self.settings["verbosity"] >= 1)
                if return_code != 0:
                    raise RequirementException(
                        "pip failed to build wheel for requirement %s" % requirement_specifier.freeze()

        if not installed:
            # install from new prebuilt wheel
            logging.info("Installing package from wheel")
            return_code = run_shell(
                    "--find-links=%s" % self.cache,
                verbose=self.settings["verbosity"] >= 2,
            if return_code != 0:
                raise RequirementException(
                    "pip failed to install requirement %s from wheels cache %s."
                    % (requirement_specifier.freeze(), self.cache)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def env(args):
        Create robustus environment.
        @param args: command line arguments
        settings = dict()
        settings = Robustus._override_settings(settings, args)

        # create virtualenv
        python_executable = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.env, "bin/python"))
        if os.path.isfile(python_executable):
            logging.info("Found virtualenv in " + args.env)
            logging.info("Creating virtualenv")
            virtualenv_args = ["virtualenv", args.env, "--prompt", args.prompt]
            if args.python is not None:
                virtualenv_args += ["--python", args.python]
            if args.system_site_packages:
                virtualenv_args += ["--system-site-packages"]
            run_shell(virtualenv_args, settings["verbosity"] >= 1)

        pip_executable = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.env, "bin/pip"))
        if not os.path.isfile(pip_executable):
            raise RobustusException("failed to create virtualenv, pip not found")
        easy_install_executable = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.env, "bin/easy_install"))
        if not os.path.isfile(easy_install_executable):
            raise RobustusException("failed to create virtualenv, easy_install not found")

        # http://wheel.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
        # wheel is binary packager for python/pip
        # we store all packages in binary wheel somewhere on the PC to avoid recompilation of packages

        # wheel needs pip>=1.4, setuptools>=0.8 and wheel packages for wheeling
        run_shell([pip_executable, "install", "pip==1.4.1", "--upgrade"], settings["verbosity"] >= 1)
        # some sloppy maintained packages (like ROS) require outdated distribute for installation
        # and we need to install it before setuptools
        run_shell([pip_executable, "install", "distribute==0.7.3"], settings["verbosity"] >= 1)
        run_shell([pip_executable, "install", "setuptools==1.1.6", "--upgrade"], settings["verbosity"] >= 1)
        run_shell([pip_executable, "install", "wheel==0.22.0", "--upgrade"], settings["verbosity"] >= 1)

        # linking BLAS and LAPACK libraries
        if os.path.isfile("/usr/lib64/libblas.so.3"):
            logging.info("Linking CentOS libblas to venv")
            blas_so = os.path.join(args.env, "lib64/libblas.so")
            ln("/usr/lib64/libblas.so.3", blas_so, True)
            os.environ["BLAS"] = os.path.join(args.env, "lib64")
        elif os.path.isfile("/usr/lib/libblas.so"):
            logging.info("Linking Ubuntu libblas to venv")
            blas_so = os.path.join(args.env, "lib/libblas.so")
            ln("/usr/lib/libblas.so", blas_so, True)
            os.environ["BLAS"] = os.path.join(args.env, "lib")

        if os.path.isfile("/usr/lib64/liblapack.so.3"):
            logging.info("Linking CentOS liblapack to venv")
            lapack_so = os.path.join(args.env, "lib64/liblapack.so")
            ln("/usr/lib64/liblapack.so.3", lapack_so, True)
            os.environ["LAPACK"] = os.path.join(args.env, "lib64")
        elif os.path.isfile("/usr/lib/liblapack.so"):
            logging.info("Linking Ubuntu liblapack to venv")
            lapack_so = os.path.join(args.env, "lib/liblapack.so")
            ln("/usr/lib/liblapack.so", lapack_so, True)
            os.environ["LAPACK"] = os.path.join(args.env, "lib")

        # readline must be come before everything else
        run_shell([easy_install_executable, "-q", "readline==6.2.2"], settings["verbosity"] >= 1)

        # compose settings file
        logging.info("Write .robustus config file")
        settings = Robustus._override_settings(Robustus.default_settings, args)
        with open(os.path.join(args.env, Robustus.settings_file_path), "w") as file:

        # Install Robustus in the Python virtual environment if its "setup.py" is available.
        # If Robustus has already been installed in the virtual environment, running "setup.py"
        # should be harmless.  This is required to pass the "test_robustus" test.
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        setup_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_dir, os.path.pardir))
        logging.info("python_executable = %s" % python_executable)
        logging.info("script_dir = %s" % script_dir)
        logging.info("setup_dir = %s" % setup_dir)
        if os.path.exists("setup.py"):
            run_shell([python_executable, "setup.py", "install"], settings["verbosity"] >= 1)
            logging.warn("Cannot find setup.py in %s.  Continuing..." % setup_dir)

        logging.info("Robustus initialized environment with cache located at %s" % settings["cache"])