Exemplo n.º 1
  def _collect_metrics(self, func, command_name, *args, **kwargs):
    self.add('command', command_name)
      start = time.time()
      func(*args, **kwargs)
      exception = None
    # pylint: disable=bare-except
      exception = sys.exc_info()
      self.add('execution_time', time.time() - start)

    # Print the exception before the metrics notice, so that the notice is
    # clearly visible even if gclient fails.
    if exception and not isinstance(exception[1], SystemExit):

    exit_code = metrics_utils.return_code_from_exception(exception)
    self.add('exit_code', exit_code)

    # Print the metrics notice only if the user has not explicitly opted in
    # or out.
    if self.config.opted_in is None:

    # Add metrics regarding environment information.
    self.add('timestamp', metrics_utils.seconds_to_weeks(time.time()))
    self.add('python_version', metrics_utils.get_python_version())
    self.add('host_os', gclient_utils.GetMacWinOrLinux())
    self.add('host_arch', detect_host_arch.HostArch())
    self.add('depot_tools_age', metrics_utils.get_repo_timestamp(DEPOT_TOOLS))

Exemplo n.º 2
def DetectArch(gyp_defines):
    # Check for optional target_arch and only install for that architecture.
    # If target_arch is not specified, then only install for the host
    # architecture.
    if 'target_arch=x64' in gyp_defines:
        return 'amd64'
    elif 'target_arch=ia32' in gyp_defines:
        return 'i386'
    elif 'target_arch=arm' in gyp_defines:
        return 'arm'
    elif 'target_arch=mipsel' in gyp_defines:
        return 'mips'

    # Figure out host arch using build/detect_host_arch.py and
    # set target_arch to host arch
    build_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR)))
    import detect_host_arch

    detected_host_arch = detect_host_arch.HostArch()
    if detected_host_arch == 'x64':
        return 'amd64'
    elif detected_host_arch == 'ia32':
        return 'i386'
    elif detected_host_arch == 'arm':
        return 'arm'
    elif detected_host_arch == 'mips':
        return 'mips'
        print "Unknown host arch: %s" % detected_host_arch

    return None
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(args):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
                        help='Do nothing on host architecture ARCH')

    options = parser.parse_args(args)

    if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
        return 0

    arch = detect_host_arch.HostArch()
    if arch in options.ignore_if_arch:
        return 0

    if arch == 'x64':
        return FetchAndExtract(arch)
    if arch == 'ia32':
        ret = FetchAndExtract(arch)
        if ret != 0:
            return ret
        # Fetch the x64 toolchain as well for official bots with 64-bit kernels.
        return FetchAndExtract('x64')

    print "Host architecture %s is not supported." % arch
    return 1
Exemplo n.º 4
def DetectHostArch():
    # Figure out host arch using build/detect_host_arch.py and
    # set target_arch to host arch
    detected_host_arch = detect_host_arch.HostArch()
    if detected_host_arch == 'x64':
        return 'amd64'
    elif detected_host_arch == 'ia32':
        return 'i386'
    elif detected_host_arch == 'arm':
        return 'arm'
    elif detected_host_arch == 'mips':
        return 'mips'

    raise Error('Unrecognized host arch: %s' % detected_host_arch)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _collect_metrics(self, func, command_name, *args, **kwargs):
        # If we're already collecting metrics, just execute the function.
        # e.g. git-cl split invokes git-cl upload several times to upload each
        # split CL.
        if self.collecting_metrics:
            # Don't collect metrics for this function.
            # e.g. Don't record the arguments git-cl split passes to git-cl upload.
            with self.pause_metrics_collection():
                return func(*args, **kwargs)

        self._collecting_metrics = True
        self.add('metrics_version', metrics_utils.CURRENT_VERSION)
        self.add('command', command_name)
            start = time.time()
            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
            exception = None
        # pylint: disable=bare-except
            exception = sys.exc_info()
            self.add('execution_time', time.time() - start)

        exit_code = metrics_utils.return_code_from_exception(exception)
        self.add('exit_code', exit_code)

        # Add metrics regarding environment information.
        self.add('timestamp', int(time.time()))
        self.add('python_version', metrics_utils.get_python_version())
        self.add('host_os', gclient_utils.GetMacWinAixOrLinux())
        self.add('host_arch', detect_host_arch.HostArch())

        depot_tools_age = metrics_utils.get_repo_timestamp(DEPOT_TOOLS)
        if depot_tools_age is not None:
            self.add('depot_tools_age', int(depot_tools_age))

        git_version = metrics_utils.get_git_version()
        if git_version:
            self.add('git_version', git_version)

        bot_metrics = metrics_utils.get_bot_metrics()
        if bot_metrics:
            self.add('bot_metrics', bot_metrics)

        if exception:
            gclient_utils.reraise(exception[0], exception[1], exception[2])
        return result
    def testHostArch(self):
        test_cases = [
            ('ia86', '', [''], 'x86'),
            ('i86pc', '', [''], 'x86'),
            ('x86_64', '', [''], 'x64'),
            ('amd64', '', [''], 'x64'),
            ('x86_64', '', ['32bit'], 'x86'),
            ('amd64', '', ['32bit'], 'x86'),
            ('arm', '', [''], 'arm'),
            ('aarch64', '', [''], 'arm64'),
            ('aarch64', '', ['32bit'], 'arm'),
            ('mips64', '', [''], 'mips64'),
            ('mips', '', [''], 'mips'),
            ('ppc', '', [''], 'ppc'),
            ('foo', 'powerpc', [''], 'ppc'),
            ('s390', '', [''], 's390'),

        for machine, processor, arch, expected in test_cases:
            platform.machine.return_value = machine
            platform.processor.return_value = processor
            platform.architecture.return_value = arch
            self.assertEqual(expected, detect_host_arch.HostArch())
Exemplo n.º 7
def DetectArch(gyp_defines, is_android):
    # Check for optional target_arch and only install for that architecture.
    # If target_arch is not specified, then only install for the host
    # architecture.
    target_arch = gyp_defines.get('target_arch')
    if target_arch == 'x64':
        return 'amd64'
    elif target_arch == 'ia32':
        return 'i386'
    elif target_arch == 'arm':
        return 'arm'
    elif target_arch == 'arm64':
        return 'arm64'
    elif target_arch == 'mipsel':
        return 'mips'
    elif target_arch:
        raise Exception('Unrecognized target_arch: %s' % target_arch)

    if is_android:
        return 'arm'

    # Figure out host arch using build/detect_host_arch.py and
    # set target_arch to host arch
    detected_host_arch = detect_host_arch.HostArch()
    if detected_host_arch == 'x64':
        return 'amd64'
    elif detected_host_arch == 'ia32':
        return 'i386'
    elif detected_host_arch == 'arm':
        return 'arm'
    elif detected_host_arch == 'mips':
        return 'mips'
        print "Unknown host arch: %s" % detected_host_arch

    return None
Exemplo n.º 8
def BuildAndTest(options):
    # Refuse to run under cygwin.
    if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
        raise Exception('I do not work under cygwin, sorry.')

    # By default, use the version of Python is being used to run this script.
    python = sys.executable
    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
        # Mac 10.5 bots tend to use a particularlly old version of Python, look for
        # a newer version.
        macpython27 = '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python'
        if os.path.exists(macpython27):
            python = macpython27

    script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    src_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(script_dir)))
    nacl_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'native_client')

    # Decide platform specifics.
    if options.browser_path:
        chrome_filename = options.browser_path
        chrome_filename = find_chrome.FindChrome(src_dir, [options.mode])
        if chrome_filename is None:
            raise Exception('Cannot find a chrome binary - specify one with '

    env = dict(os.environ)
    if sys.platform in ['win32', 'cygwin']:
        if options.bits == 64:
            bits = 64
        elif options.bits == 32:
            bits = 32
        elif '64' in os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', '') or \
             '64' in os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432', ''):
            bits = 64
            bits = 32
        msvs_path = ';'.join([
            r'c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC',
            r'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC',
            r'c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools',
            r'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools',
            r'c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC',
            r'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC',
            r'c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools',
            r'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools',
        env['PATH'] += ';' + msvs_path
        scons = [python, 'scons.py']
    elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
        if options.bits == 64:
            bits = 64
        elif options.bits == 32:
            bits = 32
            p = subprocess.Popen(['file', chrome_filename],
            (p_stdout, _) = p.communicate()
            assert p.returncode == 0
            if p_stdout.find('executable x86_64') >= 0:
                bits = 64
                bits = 32
        scons = [python, 'scons.py']
        if options.bits == 64:
            bits = 64
        elif options.bits == 32:
            bits = 32
        elif '64' in detect_host_arch.HostArch():
            bits = 64
            bits = 32
        # xvfb-run has a 2-second overhead per invocation, so it is cheaper to wrap
        # the entire build step rather than each test (browser_headless=1).
        # We also need to make sure that there are at least 24 bits per pixel.
        # https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=316687
        scons = [
            '-screen 0 1024x768x24',

    if options.jobs > 1:
        scons.append('-j%d' % options.jobs)

    scons.append('disable_tests=%s' % options.disable_tests)

    if options.buildbot is not None:
        scons.append('buildbot=%s' % (options.buildbot, ))

    # Clean the output of the previous build.
    # Incremental builds can get wedged in weird ways, so we're trading speed
    # for reliability.
    shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(nacl_dir, 'scons-out'), True)

    # check that the HOST (not target) is 64bit
    # this is emulating what msvs_env.bat is doing
    if '64' in os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', '') or \
       '64' in os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432', ''):
        # 64bit HOST
        env['VS90COMNTOOLS'] = (
            'c:\\Program Files (x86)\\'
            'Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\Common7\\Tools\\')
        env['VS80COMNTOOLS'] = (
            'c:\\Program Files (x86)\\'
            'Microsoft Visual Studio 8.0\\Common7\\Tools\\')
        # 32bit HOST
        env['VS90COMNTOOLS'] = (
            'c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\'
        env['VS80COMNTOOLS'] = (
            'c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8.0\\'

    # Run nacl/chrome integration tests.
    # Note that we have to add nacl_irt_test to --mode in order to get
    # inbrowser_test_runner to run.
    # TODO(mseaborn): Change it so that inbrowser_test_runner is not a
    # special case.
    cmd = scons + [
        'platform=x86-%d' % bits,
        'chrome_browser_path=%s' % chrome_filename,
    if not options.integration_bot and not options.morenacl_bot:

    # Propagate path to JSON output if present.
    # Note that RunCommand calls sys.exit on errors, so potential errors
    # from one command won't be overwritten by another one. Overwriting
    # a successful results file with either success or failure is fine.
    if options.json_build_results_output_file:
        cmd.append('json_build_results_output_file=%s' %

    # Download the toolchain(s).
    pkg_ver_dir = os.path.join(nacl_dir, 'build', 'package_version')
        os.path.join(pkg_ver_dir, 'package_version.py'), '--exclude',
        'arm_trusted', '--exclude', 'pnacl_newlib', '--exclude',
        'nacl_arm_newlib', 'sync', '--extract'
    ], nacl_dir, os.environ)


    if options.enable_newlib:
        RunTests('nacl-newlib', cmd, nacl_dir, env)

    if options.enable_glibc:
        RunTests('nacl-glibc', cmd + ['--nacl_glibc'], nacl_dir, env)
Exemplo n.º 9
    # Always include common.gypi.
    args.extend(['-I' + os.path.join(src_dir, 'build', 'common.gypi')])

    # Set these default GYP_DEFINES if user does not set the value explicitly.
        'test_isolation_mode': 'noop',
        'use_glib': 0,
        'use_openssl': 1,
        'use_x11': 0,
        'linux_use_gold_binary': 0,
        'linux_use_gold_flags': 0

    # Disable clang on 32 bit systems by default, which is not supported.
    if detect_host_arch.HostArch() == 'ia32':
        _DEFAULT_DEFINES['clang'] = 0

    gyp_defines = (os.environ['GYP_DEFINES']
                   if os.environ.get('GYP_DEFINES') else '')
    for key in _DEFAULT_DEFINES:
        if key not in gyp_defines:
            gyp_defines += ' {0}={1}'.format(key, _DEFAULT_DEFINES[key])
    os.environ['GYP_DEFINES'] = gyp_defines.strip()

    # Default to ninja, but only if no generator has explicitly been set.
    if not os.environ.get('GYP_GENERATORS'):
        os.environ['GYP_GENERATORS'] = 'ninja'

    # There shouldn't be a circular dependency relationship between .gyp files,
    # but in Chromium's .gyp files, on non-Mac platforms, circular relationships
Exemplo n.º 10
def main(args):
  if options.arch not in ['amd64', 'i386']:
    print 'Unknown architecture: %s' % options.arch
    return 1

  if options.linux_only:
    # This argument is passed when run from the gclient hooks.
    # In this case we return early on non-linux platforms.
    if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
      return 0

    # Only install the sysroot for an Official Chrome Linux build.
    defined = ['branding=Chrome', 'buildtype=Official']
    undefined = ['chromeos=1']
    gyp_defines = os.environ.get('GYP_DEFINES', '')
    for option in defined:
      if option not in gyp_defines:
        return 0
    for option in undefined:
      if option in gyp_defines:
        return 0

    # Check for optional target_arch and only install for that architecture.
    # If target_arch is not specified, then only install for the host
    # architecture.
    host_arch = ''
    if 'target_arch=x64' in gyp_defines:
      host_arch = 'amd64'
    elif 'target_arch=ia32' in gyp_defines:
      host_arch = 'i386'
      # Figure out host arch using build/detect_host_arch.py.
      SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(
          os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '..', '..', '..', '..'))
      sys.path.append(os.path.join(SRC_DIR, 'build'))
      import detect_host_arch

      detected_host_arch = detect_host_arch.HostArch()
      if detected_host_arch == 'x64':
        host_arch = 'amd64'
      elif detected_host_arch == 'ia32':
        host_arch = 'i386'
    if host_arch != options.arch:
      return 0

  # The sysroot directory should match the one specified in build/common.gypi.
  # TODO(thestig) Consider putting this else where to avoid having to recreate
  # it on every build.
  linux_dir = os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR)
  if options.arch == 'amd64':
    sysroot = os.path.join(linux_dir, SYSROOT_DIR_AMD64)
    tarball_filename = TARBALL_AMD64
    tarball_sha1sum = TARBALL_AMD64_SHA1SUM
    sysroot = os.path.join(linux_dir, SYSROOT_DIR_I386)
    tarball_filename = TARBALL_I386
    tarball_sha1sum = TARBALL_I386_SHA1SUM
  url = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (URL_PREFIX, URL_PATH, REVISION, tarball_filename)

  stamp = os.path.join(sysroot, '.stamp')
  if os.path.exists(stamp):
    with open(stamp) as s:
      if s.read() == url:
        print 'Debian Wheezy %s root image already up-to-date: %s' % \
            (options.arch, sysroot)
        return 0

  print 'Installing Debian Wheezy %s root image: %s' % (options.arch, sysroot)
  if os.path.isdir(sysroot):
  tarball = os.path.join(sysroot, tarball_filename)
  subprocess.check_call(['curl', '-L', url, '-o', tarball])
  sha1sum = get_sha1(tarball)
  if sha1sum != tarball_sha1sum:
    print 'Tarball sha1sum is wrong.'
    print 'Expected %s, actual: %s' % (tarball_sha1sum, sha1sum)
    return 1
  subprocess.check_call(['tar', 'xf', tarball, '-C', sysroot])

  with open(stamp, 'w') as s:
  return 0
def DetectHostArch():
  # Figure out host arch using build/detect_host_arch.py and
  # set target_arch to host arch
  detected_host_arch = detect_host_arch.HostArch()
  if detected_host_arch == 'x64':