Exemplo n.º 1
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
    rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM)
    fg_rois_per_image = int(np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image))
    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH)[0]
    # Guard against the case when an image has fewer than fg_rois_per_image
    # foreground RoIs
    fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if fg_inds.size > 0:
        fg_inds = npr.choice(fg_inds,

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    bg_inds = np.where((max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI)
                       & (max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO))[0]
    # Compute number of background RoIs to take from this image (guarding
    # against there being fewer than desired)
    bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
    bg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(bg_rois_per_this_image, bg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if bg_inds.size > 0:
        bg_inds = npr.choice(bg_inds,

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
    sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][keep_inds]

    bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(
        roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :])
    bbox_outside_weights = np.array(bbox_inside_weights > 0,

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),

    return blob_dict
def _sample_rois_stage_3(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):

    rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM)
    fg_rois_per_image = int(np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image))
    max_overlaps_stage_3 = roidb['max_overlaps_stage_3']

    fg_inds_stage_3 = np.where(
        max_overlaps_stage_3 >= cfg.TRAIN.CASCADE_THRESHOLDS[2])[0]

    fg_rois_stage_3_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image,

    if fg_inds_stage_3.size > 0:
        fg_inds_stage_3 = npr.choice(fg_inds_stage_3,

    bg_inds_stage_3 = np.where(
        (max_overlaps_stage_3 < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI)
        & (max_overlaps_stage_3 >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO))[0]

    bg_rois_stage_3_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_stage_3_per_this_image
    bg_rois_stage_3_per_this_image = np.minimum(bg_rois_stage_3_per_this_image,

    if bg_inds_stage_3.size > 0:
        bg_inds_stage_3 = npr.choice(bg_inds_stage_3,

    keep_inds_stage_3 = np.append(fg_inds_stage_3, bg_inds_stage_3)

    sampled_labels_stage_3 = roidb['max_classes_stage_3'][keep_inds_stage_3]

        fg_rois_stage_3_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes_stage_3 = roidb['boxes_stage_3'][keep_inds_stage_3]

    bbox_targets_stage_3, bbox_inside_weights_stage_3 = _expand_bbox_targets(
        roidb['bbox_targets_stage_3'][keep_inds_stage_3, :])
    bbox_outside_weights_stage_3 = np.array(
        bbox_inside_weights_stage_3 > 0,

    sampled_rois_stage_3 = sampled_boxes_stage_3 * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois_stage_3.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois_stage_3 = np.hstack(
        (repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois_stage_3))

    blob_dict = dict(labels_stage_3=sampled_labels_stage_3.astype(np.int32,
    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 3
def add_keypoint_rcnn_blobs(
    blobs, roidb, fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds, im_scale, batch_idx
    """Add Mask R-CNN keypoint specific blobs to the given blobs dictionary."""
    # Note: gt_inds must match how they're computed in
    # datasets.json_dataset._merge_proposal_boxes_into_roidb
    gt_inds = np.where(roidb['gt_classes'] > 0)[0]
    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']
    gt_keypoints = roidb['gt_keypoints']

    ind_kp = gt_inds[roidb['box_to_gt_ind_map']]
    within_box = _within_box(gt_keypoints[ind_kp, :, :], roidb['boxes'])
    vis_kp = gt_keypoints[ind_kp, 2, :] > 0
    is_visible = np.sum(np.logical_and(vis_kp, within_box), axis=1) > 0
    kp_fg_inds = np.where(
        np.logical_and(max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH, is_visible)

    kp_fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, kp_fg_inds.size)
    if kp_fg_inds.size > kp_fg_rois_per_this_image:
        kp_fg_inds = np.random.choice(
            kp_fg_inds, size=kp_fg_rois_per_this_image, replace=False

    sampled_fg_rois = roidb['boxes'][kp_fg_inds]
    box_to_gt_ind_map = roidb['box_to_gt_ind_map'][kp_fg_inds]

    num_keypoints = gt_keypoints.shape[2]
    sampled_keypoints = -np.ones(
        (len(sampled_fg_rois), gt_keypoints.shape[1], num_keypoints),
    for ii in range(len(sampled_fg_rois)):
        ind = box_to_gt_ind_map[ii]
        if ind >= 0:
            sampled_keypoints[ii, :, :] = gt_keypoints[gt_inds[ind], :, :]
            assert np.sum(sampled_keypoints[ii, 2, :]) > 0

    heats, weights = keypoint_utils.keypoints_to_heatmap_labels(
        sampled_keypoints, sampled_fg_rois

    shape = (sampled_fg_rois.shape[0] * cfg.KRCNN.NUM_KEYPOINTS, 1)
    heats = heats.reshape(shape)
    weights = weights.reshape(shape)

    sampled_fg_rois *= im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_fg_rois.shape[0], 1)
    sampled_fg_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_fg_rois))

    blobs['keypoint_rois'] = sampled_fg_rois
    blobs['keypoint_locations_int32'] = heats.astype(np.int32, copy=False)
    blobs['keypoint_weights'] = weights
Exemplo n.º 4
def add_keypoint_rcnn_blobs(
    blobs, roidb, fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds, im_scale, batch_idx
    """Add Mask R-CNN keypoint specific blobs to the given blobs dictionary."""
    # Note: gt_inds must match how they're computed in
    # datasets.json_dataset._merge_proposal_boxes_into_roidb
    gt_inds = np.where(roidb['gt_classes'] > 0)[0]
    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']
    gt_keypoints = roidb['gt_keypoints']

    ind_kp = gt_inds[roidb['box_to_gt_ind_map']]
    within_box = _within_box(gt_keypoints[ind_kp, :, :], roidb['boxes'])
    vis_kp = gt_keypoints[ind_kp, 2, :] > 0
    is_visible = np.sum(np.logical_and(vis_kp, within_box), axis=1) > 0
    kp_fg_inds = np.where(
        np.logical_and(max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH, is_visible)

    kp_fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, kp_fg_inds.size)
    if kp_fg_inds.size > kp_fg_rois_per_this_image:
        kp_fg_inds = np.random.choice(
            kp_fg_inds, size=kp_fg_rois_per_this_image, replace=False

    sampled_fg_rois = roidb['boxes'][kp_fg_inds]
    box_to_gt_ind_map = roidb['box_to_gt_ind_map'][kp_fg_inds]

    num_keypoints = gt_keypoints.shape[2]
    sampled_keypoints = -np.ones(
        (len(sampled_fg_rois), gt_keypoints.shape[1], num_keypoints),
    for ii in range(len(sampled_fg_rois)):
        ind = box_to_gt_ind_map[ii]
        if ind >= 0:
            sampled_keypoints[ii, :, :] = gt_keypoints[gt_inds[ind], :, :]
            assert np.sum(sampled_keypoints[ii, 2, :]) > 0

    heats, weights = keypoint_utils.keypoints_to_heatmap_labels(
        sampled_keypoints, sampled_fg_rois

    shape = (sampled_fg_rois.shape[0] * cfg.KRCNN.NUM_KEYPOINTS, 1)
    heats = heats.reshape(shape)
    weights = weights.reshape(shape)

    sampled_fg_rois *= im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_fg_rois.shape[0], 1)
    sampled_fg_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_fg_rois))

    blobs['keypoint_rois'] = sampled_fg_rois
    blobs['keypoint_locations_int32'] = heats.astype(np.int32, copy=False)
    blobs['keypoint_weights'] = weights
Exemplo n.º 5
def add_classification_blobs(blobs, im_scales, roidb):
    """Add blobs needed for training classification models."""
    # Sample training RoIs from each image and append them to the blob lists
    for im_i, entry in enumerate(roidb):
        blobs['rois'].append(im_i * blob_utils.ones(
            (entry['gt_classes'].shape[0], 1)))

    # Concat the training blob lists into tensors
    for k, v in blobs.items():
        if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) > 0:
            blobs[k] = np.concatenate(v)
    valid = True

    return valid
Exemplo n.º 6
def _sample_da_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs for domain adaptation.
    # max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']
    da_boxes = roidb['da_boxes']
    rois_per_image = min(da_boxes.shape[0], int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM))

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    # keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)

    # keep_inds = npr.choice(range(max_overlaps.shape[0]), size=rois_per_image, replace=False)
    keep_inds = np.arange(
        rois_per_image)  # take top k, they are ordered by rpn_prob.

    # keep_inds = np.arange(max_overlaps.shape[0])
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    # sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
    # sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    # sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][keep_inds]
    # sampled_boxes = da_boxes[keep_inds,:]

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = da_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(da_rois=sampled_rois)

    # add Domain Adaptive R-CNN blobs
    if roidb['is_source']:
        blob_dict['dc_label'] = np.expand_dims(np.ones(rois_per_image,
        blob_dict['dc_label'] = np.expand_dims(np.zeros(rois_per_image,

    if cfg.TRAIN.PADA:
        blob_dict['pada_roi_weights'] = roidb['pada_roi_weights']
        blob_dict['da_dc_mask'] = np.full(rois_per_image,

    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 7
def add_track_rcnn_blobs(blobs, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Add Track R-CNN specific blobs to the input blob dictionary."""
    # Prepare the track targets by associating one gt track to each training roi
    # that has a fg (non-bg) class label.
    max_track = roidb['track_ids'][roidb['box_to_gt_ind_map']]

    sampled_rois = roidb['boxes']

    # Scale rois_fg and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois *= im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Update blobs dict with Track R-CNN blobs
    blobs['track_rois'] = sampled_rois
    blobs['track_ids_int32'] = max_track
    blobs['track_n_rois'] = np.array([len(sampled_rois)], dtype=np.int32)
Exemplo n.º 8
def _expand_to_class_specific_mask_targets(masks, mask_class_labels):
    """Expand masks from shape (#masks, M ** 2) to (#masks, #classes * M ** 2)
    to encode class specific mask targets.
    assert masks.shape[0] == mask_class_labels.shape[0]

    # Target values of -1 are "don't care" / ignore labels
    mask_targets = -blob_utils.ones(
        (masks.shape[0], cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES * M**2), int32=True)

    for i in range(masks.shape[0]):
        cls = int(mask_class_labels[i])
        start = M**2 * cls
        end = start + M**2
        # Ignore background instance
        # (only happens when there is no fg samples in an image)
        if cls > 0:
            mask_targets[i, start:end] = masks[i, :]

    return mask_targets
Exemplo n.º 9
def _expand_to_class_specific_mask_targets(masks, mask_class_labels):
    """Expand masks from shape (#masks, M ** 2) to (#masks, #classes * M ** 2)
    to encode class specific mask targets.
    assert masks.shape[0] == mask_class_labels.shape[0]

    # Target values of -1 are "don't care" / ignore labels
    mask_targets = -blob_utils.ones(
        (masks.shape[0], cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES * M**2), int32=True

    for i in range(masks.shape[0]):
        cls = int(mask_class_labels[i])
        start = M**2 * cls
        end = start + M**2
        # Ignore background instance
        # (only happens when there is no fg samples in an image)
        if cls > 0:
            mask_targets[i, start:end] = masks[i, :]

    return mask_targets
Exemplo n.º 10
def _sample_da_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs for domain adaptation.
    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']
    rois_per_image = min(max_overlaps.shape[0],

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    # keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    keep_inds = npr.choice(range(max_overlaps.shape[0]),
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
    # sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][keep_inds]

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(da_rois=sampled_rois)

    # optionally add Domain Adaptive R-CNN blobs
        if roidb['is_source']:
            blob_dict['dc_label'] = np.expand_dims(np.ones(
                sampled_labels.shape, dtype=np.int32),
            blob_dict['dc_label'] = np.expand_dims(np.zeros(
                sampled_labels.shape, dtype=np.int32),

    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 11
def add_body_uv_rcnn_blobs(blobs, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    IsFlipped = roidb['flipped']
    polys_gt_inds = np.where(roidb['ignore_UV_body'] == 0)[0]
    boxes_from_polys = [roidb['boxes'][i, :] for i in polys_gt_inds]
    if not (boxes_from_polys):
        boxes_from_polys = np.vstack(boxes_from_polys)
    boxes_from_polys = np.array(boxes_from_polys)

    fg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] > 0)[0]
    roi_has_mask = np.zeros(blobs['labels_int32'].shape)

    if (bool(boxes_from_polys.any()) & (fg_inds.shape[0] > 0)):
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
        boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = box_utils.bbox_overlaps(
            rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False))
        fg_polys_value = np.max(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)
        fg_inds = fg_inds[fg_polys_value > 0.7]

    if (bool(boxes_from_polys.any()) & (fg_inds.shape[0] > 0)):
        for jj in fg_inds:
            roi_has_mask[jj] = 1

        # Create blobs for densepose supervision.
        ################################################## The mask
        All_labels = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M**2), int32=True)
        All_Weights = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M**2), int32=True)
        ################################################# The points
        X_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        Y_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        Ind_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=True)
        I_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=True)
        U_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        V_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        Uv_point_weights = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196),

        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = box_utils.bbox_overlaps(
            rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False))
        fg_polys_inds = np.argmax(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)

        for i in range(rois_fg.shape[0]):
            fg_polys_ind = polys_gt_inds[fg_polys_inds[i]]
            Ilabel = segm_utils.GetDensePoseMask(
            GT_I = np.array(roidb['dp_I'][fg_polys_ind])
            GT_U = np.array(roidb['dp_U'][fg_polys_ind])
            GT_V = np.array(roidb['dp_V'][fg_polys_ind])
            GT_x = np.array(roidb['dp_x'][fg_polys_ind])
            GT_y = np.array(roidb['dp_y'][fg_polys_ind])
            GT_weights = np.ones(GT_I.shape).astype(np.float32)
            ## Do the flipping of the densepose annotation !
            if (IsFlipped):
                GT_I, GT_U, GT_V, GT_x, GT_y, Ilabel = DP.get_symmetric_densepose(
                    GT_I, GT_U, GT_V, GT_x, GT_y, Ilabel)
            roi_fg = rois_fg[i]
            roi_gt = boxes_from_polys[fg_polys_inds[i], :]
            x1 = roi_fg[0]
            x2 = roi_fg[2]
            y1 = roi_fg[1]
            y2 = roi_fg[3]
            x1_source = roi_gt[0]
            x2_source = roi_gt[2]
            y1_source = roi_gt[1]
            y2_source = roi_gt[3]
            x_targets = (np.arange(x1, x2, (x2 - x1) / M) -
                         x1_source) * (256. / (x2_source - x1_source))
            y_targets = (np.arange(y1, y2, (y2 - y1) / M) -
                         y1_source) * (256. / (y2_source - y1_source))
            x_targets = x_targets[
                M]  ## Strangely sometimes it can be M+1, so make sure size is OK!
            y_targets = y_targets[0:M]
            [X_targets, Y_targets] = np.meshgrid(x_targets, y_targets)
            New_Index = cv2.remap(Ilabel,
            All_L = np.zeros(New_Index.shape)
            All_W = np.ones(New_Index.shape)
            All_L = New_Index
            gt_length_x = x2_source - x1_source
            gt_length_y = y2_source - y1_source
            GT_y = ((GT_y / 256. * gt_length_y) + y1_source - y1) * (M /
                                                                     (y2 - y1))
            GT_x = ((GT_x / 256. * gt_length_x) + x1_source - x1) * (M /
                                                                     (x2 - x1))
            GT_I[GT_y < 0] = 0
            GT_I[GT_y > (M - 1)] = 0
            GT_I[GT_x < 0] = 0
            GT_I[GT_x > (M - 1)] = 0
            points_inside = GT_I > 0
            GT_U = GT_U[points_inside]
            GT_V = GT_V[points_inside]
            GT_x = GT_x[points_inside]
            GT_y = GT_y[points_inside]
            GT_weights = GT_weights[points_inside]
            GT_I = GT_I[points_inside]
            X_points[i, 0:len(GT_x)] = GT_x
            Y_points[i, 0:len(GT_y)] = GT_y
            Ind_points[i, 0:len(GT_I)] = i
            I_points[i, 0:len(GT_I)] = GT_I
            U_points[i, 0:len(GT_U)] = GT_U
            V_points[i, 0:len(GT_V)] = GT_V
            Uv_point_weights[i, 0:len(GT_weights)] = GT_weights
            All_labels[i, :] = np.reshape(All_L.astype(np.int32), M**2)
            All_Weights[i, :] = np.reshape(All_W.astype(np.int32), M**2)
        bg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] == 0)[0]
        if (len(bg_inds) == 0):
            rois_fg = sampled_boxes[0].reshape((1, -1))
            rois_fg = sampled_boxes[bg_inds[0]].reshape((1, -1))

        roi_has_mask[0] = 1
        X_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        Y_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        Ind_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=True)
        I_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=True)
        U_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        V_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        Uv_point_weights = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        All_labels = -blob_utils.ones((1, M**2), int32=True) * 0  ## zeros
        All_Weights = -blob_utils.ones((1, M**2), int32=True) * 0  ## zeros
    rois_fg *= im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones((rois_fg.shape[0], 1))
    rois_fg = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, rois_fg))
    U_points = np.tile(U_points, [1, K + 1])
    V_points = np.tile(V_points, [1, K + 1])
    Uv_Weight_Points = np.zeros(U_points.shape)
    for jjj in xrange(1, K + 1):
        Uv_Weight_Points[:, jjj * I_points.shape[1]:(jjj + 1) *
                         I_points.shape[1]] = (I_points == jjj).astype(
    # Update blobs dict with Mask R-CNN blobs
    blobs['body_uv_rois'] = np.array(rois_fg)
    blobs['roi_has_body_uv_int32'] = np.array(roi_has_mask).astype(np.int32)
    blobs['body_uv_ann_labels'] = np.array(All_labels).astype(np.int32)
    blobs['body_uv_ann_weights'] = np.array(All_Weights).astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_X_points'] = X_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_Y_points'] = Y_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_Ind_points'] = Ind_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_I_points'] = I_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_U_points'] = U_points.astype(
        np.float32)  #### VERY IMPORTANT :   These are switched here :
    blobs['body_uv_V_points'] = V_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_point_weights'] = Uv_Weight_Points.astype(np.float32)
Exemplo n.º 12
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
    rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM)
    fg_rois_per_image = int(np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image))
    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH)[0]
    # Guard against the case when an image has fewer than fg_rois_per_image
    # foreground RoIs
    fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if fg_inds.size > 0:
        fg_inds = npr.choice(
            fg_inds, size=fg_rois_per_this_image, replace=False

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    bg_inds = np.where(
        (max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI) &
        (max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO)
    # Compute number of background RoIs to take from this image (guarding
    # against there being fewer than desired)
    bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
    bg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(bg_rois_per_this_image, bg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if bg_inds.size > 0:
        bg_inds = npr.choice(
            bg_inds, size=bg_rois_per_this_image, replace=False

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
    sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][keep_inds]

    bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(
        roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :]
    bbox_outside_weights = np.array(
        bbox_inside_weights > 0, dtype=bbox_inside_weights.dtype

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones((sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(
        labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),

    # Optionally add Mask R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON:
            blob_dict, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx

    # Optionally add Keypoint R-CNN blobs
            blob_dict, roidb, fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds, im_scale, batch_idx

    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 13
def add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blobs, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Add Mask R-CNN specific blobs to the input blob dictionary."""
    # Prepare the mask targets by associating one gt mask to each training roi
    # that has a fg (non-bg) class label.

    input_w = roidb['input_width']
    input_h = roidb['input_height']
    polys_gt_inds = np.where((roidb['gt_classes'] > 0)
                             & (roidb['is_crowd'] == 0))[0]
    polys_gt = [roidb['segms'][i] for i in polys_gt_inds]
    boxes_from_polys = segm_utils.polys_to_boxes(polys_gt)
    fg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] > 0)[0]
    roi_has_mask = blobs['labels_int32'].copy()
    roi_has_mask[roi_has_mask > 0] = 1
    mask_fg_rois_per_this_image = cfg.MRCNN.MAX_ROIS_PER_IM
    if fg_inds.shape[0] > 0:
        if fg_inds.size > mask_fg_rois_per_this_image:
            fg_inds = np.random.choice(fg_inds,
        # Class labels for the foreground rois
        mask_class_labels = blobs['labels_int32'][fg_inds]
        masks = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M**2), int32=True)
        all_person_masks = np.zeros(
            (int(input_h / im_scale), int(input_w / im_scale)),

        # Find overlap between all foreground rois and the bounding boxes
        # enclosing each segmentation
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = box_utils.bbox_overlaps(
            rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False))
        # Map from each fg rois to the index of the mask with highest overlap
        # (measured by bbox overlap)
        fg_polys_inds = np.argmax(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)

        # add fg targets
        for i in range(rois_fg.shape[0]):
            fg_polys_ind = fg_polys_inds[i]
            poly_gt = polys_gt[fg_polys_ind]
            roi_fg = rois_fg[i]
            # Rasterize the portion of the polygon mask within the given fg roi
            # to an M x M binary image
            mask = segm_utils.polys_to_mask_wrt_box(poly_gt, roi_fg, M)
            mask = np.array(mask > 0, dtype=np.int32)  # Ensure it's binary
            masks[i, :] = np.reshape(mask, M**2)
            # to an box_h x box_w binary image
            mask_wrt_bbox = segm_utils.convert_polys_to_mask_wrt_box(
                poly_gt, roi_fg)
            start_y, start_x = int(roi_fg[1]), int(roi_fg[0])
            end_y, end_x = start_y + mask_wrt_bbox.shape[
                0], start_x + mask_wrt_bbox.shape[1]
            all_person_masks[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x] = mask_wrt_bbox
        proposal_all_mask = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M, M),
        for i in range(rois_fg.shape[0]):
            roi_fg = rois_fg[i]
            w = roi_fg[2] - roi_fg[0]
            h = roi_fg[3] - roi_fg[1]
            w = int(np.maximum(w, 1))
            h = int(np.maximum(h, 1))
            proposal_mask = all_person_masks[int(roi_fg[1]):int(roi_fg[1]) + h,
                                             int(roi_fg[0]):int(roi_fg[0]) + w]
            # proposal_mask = proposal_mask.astype(np.float32)
            proposal_mask = cv2.resize(proposal_mask, (M, M))
            proposal_mask = (proposal_mask > 0.5).astype(np.int32)
            proposal_all_mask[i] = proposal_mask
    else:  # If there are no fg masks (it does happen)
        # The network cannot handle empty blobs, so we must provide a mask
        # We simply take the first bg roi, given it an all -1's mask (ignore
        # label), and label it with class zero (bg).
        bg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] == 0)[0]
        # rois_fg is actually one background roi, but that's ok because ...
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[bg_inds[0]].reshape((1, -1))
        # We give it an -1's blob (ignore label)
        masks = -blob_utils.ones((1, M**2), int32=True)
        # We label it with class = 0 (background)
        mask_class_labels = blob_utils.zeros((1, ))
        # Mark that the first roi has a mask
        roi_has_mask[0] = 1
        proposal_all_mask = -blob_utils.ones((1, M, M), int32=True)

        masks = _expand_to_class_specific_mask_targets(masks,

    # Scale rois_fg and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    rois_fg *= im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones((rois_fg.shape[0], 1))
    rois_fg = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, rois_fg))

    # Update blobs dict with Mask R-CNN blobs
    blobs['mask_rois'] = rois_fg
    blobs['roi_has_mask_int32'] = roi_has_mask
    blobs['masks_int32'] = masks
    #    blobs['mask_labels'] = np.argmax(masks.reshape((-1,cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES,M,M)),axis=1).reshape((-1,M,M)).astype(np.int32)
    #    blobs['mask_weights'] = np.ones(blobs['mask_labels'].shape, dtype=np.float32)
    # add by wxh
    if cfg.MRCNN.USE_CLS_EMBS:
        fg_embs, bg_embs, fg_weights, bg_weights = masks_to_embs(
            masks.reshape((-1, cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES, M, M)))
        # print('fg',fg_embs.max(), fg_embs.min())
        # print('bg',bg_embs.max(), bg_embs.min())
        fg_norms = np.sum(fg_embs, axis=(1, 2))
        fg_norms[fg_norms != 0] = 28. * 28. / (fg_norms[fg_norms != 0] + 1e-6)
        bg_norms = np.sum(bg_embs, axis=(1, 2))
        bg_norms[bg_norms != 0] = 28. * 28. / (bg_norms[bg_norms != 0] + 1e-6)

        blobs['fg_mask'] = np.repeat(np.reshape(fg_embs, (-1, 1, M, M)),
        blobs['bg_mask'] = np.repeat(np.reshape(bg_embs, (-1, 1, M, M)),
        blobs['fg_norm'] = np.repeat(np.reshape(fg_norms, (-1, 1)), 2, axis=1)
        blobs['bg_norm'] = np.repeat(np.reshape(bg_norms, (-1, 1)), 2, axis=1)

        blobs['mask_emb_fg_labels'] = np.ones((fg_embs.shape[0], 1),
        blobs['mask_emb_bg_labels'] = np.zeros((bg_embs.shape[0], 1),

#        blobs['mask_emb_weights'] = np.vstack([fg_weights, bg_weights]).reshape((-1,1)).astype(np.float32)
        blobs['inter_masks_int32'] = proposal_all_mask
Exemplo n.º 14
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, im_crop, batch_idx):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
    rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM)
    rois_this_image = np.minimum(rois_per_image, roidb['boxes'].shape[0])

    if False:
        choice = np.random.choice(roidb['boxes'].shape[0],
        sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][choice, :].copy()
        obn_scores = roidb['obn_scores'][choice, :].copy()
        sampled_scores = np.add(obn_scores, 1.0)
        sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][:rois_this_image].copy()
        obn_scores = roidb['obn_scores'][:rois_this_image].copy()
        sampled_scores = np.add(obn_scores, 1.0)

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    # sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    sampled_rois = _project_im_rois(sampled_boxes, im_scale, im_crop)
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # gt_inds = np.where((roidb['gt_classes'] > 0) & (roidb['is_crowd'] == 0))[0]
    gt_inds = np.where(roidb['gt_classes'] > 0)[0]
    np.delete(sampled_rois, gt_inds, 0)
    np.delete(sampled_scores, gt_inds, 0)

    if cfg.WSL.CONTEXT and False:
        sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][:rois_this_image].copy()
        sampled_boxes_inner, sampled_boxes_outer = get_inner_outer_rois(
            sampled_boxes, cfg.WSL.CONTEXT_RATIO)

        sampled_rois_origin = _project_im_rois(sampled_boxes, im_scale,
        sampled_rois_inner = _project_im_rois(sampled_boxes_inner, im_scale,
        sampled_rois_outer = _project_im_rois(sampled_boxes_outer, im_scale,

        repeated_batch_idx_inner = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
            (sampled_rois_origin.shape[0], 1))
        repeated_batch_idx_outer = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
            (sampled_rois_origin.shape[0], 1))

        sampled_rois_frame = np.hstack(
            (repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois_origin, sampled_rois_inner))
        sampled_rois_context = np.hstack(
            (repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois_outer, sampled_rois_origin))

        # Delete GT Boxes
        np.delete(sampled_rois_frame, gt_inds, 0)
        np.delete(sampled_rois_context, gt_inds, 0)

    # Get image label
    img_labels_oh = np.zeros((1, cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES - 1), dtype=np.float32)
    img_labels = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32)

    # gt_inds = np.where((roidb['gt_classes'] > 0) & (roidb['is_crowd'] == 0))[0]
    gt_inds = np.where(roidb['gt_classes'] > 0)[0]
    assert len(gt_inds) > 0, roidb['gt_classes']
    assert len(
    ) > 0, 'Empty ground truth empty for image is not allowed. Please check.'
    gt_classes = roidb['gt_classes'][gt_inds].copy()
    num_valid_objs = gt_classes.shape[0]
    for o in range(num_valid_objs):
        img_labels_oh[0][gt_classes[o] - 1] = 1
        img_labels[0] = gt_classes[o] - 1

    blob_dict = dict(
        labels_int32=img_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),
        labels_oh=img_labels_oh.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
        rois=sampled_rois.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
    if cfg.WSL.CONTEXT and False:
        blob_dict['rois_frame'] = sampled_rois_frame.astype(np.float32,
        blob_dict['rois_context'] = sampled_rois_context.astype(np.float32,

    # Optionally add Mask R-CNN blobs
    # if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON:
    # mask_rcnn_roi_data.add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, sampled_boxes, roidb,
    # im_scale, batch_idx)

    # Optionally add Keypoint R-CNN blobs
        keypoint_rcnn_roi_data.add_keypoint_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, roidb,
                                                       fg_inds, im_scale,

    return blob_dict
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx, stage):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
    fg_thresh = cfg.CASCADE_RCNN.FG_THRESHS[stage - 1]
    bg_thresh_hi = cfg.CASCADE_RCNN.BG_THRESHS_HI[stage - 1]
    bg_thresh_lo = cfg.CASCADE_RCNN.BG_THRESHS_LO[stage - 1]

    max_overlaps = roidb["max_overlaps"]

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= fg_thresh)[0]
    fg_rois_per_this_image = fg_inds.size

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    bg_inds = np.where((max_overlaps < bg_thresh_hi)
                       & (max_overlaps >= bg_thresh_lo))[0]

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    sampled_labels = roidb["max_classes"][keep_inds]
    sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes = roidb["boxes"][keep_inds]

    gt_inds = np.where(roidb["gt_classes"] > 0)[0]
    gt_boxes = roidb["boxes"][gt_inds, :]
    gt_assignments = gt_inds[roidb["box_to_gt_ind_map"][keep_inds]]

    # [mapped_gt_boxes, max_overlaps]
    mapped_gt_boxes = blob_utils.zeros((keep_inds.size, 5))
    mapped_gt_boxes[:, :4] = gt_boxes[gt_assignments, :] * im_scale
    mapped_gt_boxes[:, 4] = max_overlaps[keep_inds]
    mapped_gt_boxes[fg_rois_per_this_image:, :] = 0

    if "bbox_targets" not in roidb:
        bbox_targets = _compute_targets(sampled_boxes,
                                        gt_boxes[gt_assignments, :],
                                        sampled_labels, stage)
        bbox_targets = roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :]

    bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(bbox_targets)
    bbox_outside_weights = np.array(bbox_inside_weights > 0,

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Cascade R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(
        labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),

    # Optionally add Mask R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON and cfg.MRCNN.AT_STAGE == stage:
        mask_rcnn_roi_data.add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, sampled_boxes, roidb,
                                               im_scale, batch_idx)

    # Optionally add Keypoint R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.KEYPOINTS_ON and cfg.KRCNN.AT_STAGE == stage:
        keypoint_rcnn_roi_data.add_keypoint_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, roidb,
                                                       fg_inds, im_scale,
                                                       batch_idx, fg_thresh)

    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 16
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
    rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM)
    fg_rois_per_image = int(np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image))
    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH)[0]
    # Guard against the case when an image has fewer than fg_rois_per_image
    # foreground RoIs
    fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if fg_inds.size > 0:
        fg_inds = npr.choice(
            fg_inds, size=fg_rois_per_this_image, replace=False

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    bg_inds = np.where(
        (max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI) &
        (max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO)
    # Compute number of background RoIs to take from this image (guarding
    # against there being fewer than desired)
    bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
    bg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(bg_rois_per_this_image, bg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if bg_inds.size > 0:
        bg_inds = npr.choice(
            bg_inds, size=bg_rois_per_this_image, replace=False

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
    sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][keep_inds]

    bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(
        roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :]
    bbox_outside_weights = np.array(
        bbox_inside_weights > 0, dtype=bbox_inside_weights.dtype

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones((sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(
        labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),

    # Optionally add Mask R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON:
            blob_dict, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx

    # Optionally add Keypoint R-CNN blobs
            blob_dict, roidb, fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds, im_scale, batch_idx
    ### added by srmani
        ss_fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps[keep_inds] >= 0.5)[0]
        ss_bg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps[keep_inds] < 0.5)[0]
        label_weights = np.zeros(keep_inds.shape[0], dtype=max_overlaps.dtype)
        label_weights[ss_fg_inds] = 1   # high weight for positive instances
        sigma1 = 0.25
        sigma2 = 50.0
        sigma3 = 20.0
        label_weights[ss_bg_inds] = sigma1 + (1-sigma1)*np.exp(-sigma2*np.exp(-sigma3 * max_overlaps[keep_inds][ss_bg_inds]))
        blob_dict['label_weights'] = label_weights
    ### end added by srmani
    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 17
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx, label_code):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
    rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM)
    fg_rois_per_image = int(np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image))
    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH)[0]
    # Guard against the case when an image has fewer than fg_rois_per_image
    # foreground RoIs
    fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if fg_inds.size > 0:
        fg_inds = npr.choice(fg_inds,

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    bg_inds = np.where((max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI)
                       & (max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO))[0]
    # Compute number of background RoIs to take from this image (guarding
    # against there being fewer than desired)
    bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
    bg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(bg_rois_per_this_image, bg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if bg_inds.size > 0:
        bg_inds = npr.choice(bg_inds,

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
    sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    action_sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
        fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][keep_inds]
    # code.interact(local=locals())

    if 'bbox_targets' not in roidb:
        gt_inds = np.where(roidb['gt_classes'] > 0)[0]
        gt_boxes = roidb['boxes'][gt_inds, :]
        gt_assignments = gt_inds[roidb['box_to_gt_ind_map'][keep_inds]]
        bbox_targets = _compute_targets(sampled_boxes,
                                        gt_boxes[gt_assignments, :],
        bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(bbox_targets)
        # code.interact(local=locals())
        bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(
            roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :])

    bbox_outside_weights = np.array(bbox_inside_weights > 0,

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # new version for hierachy training
    for idx in range(0, len(sampled_labels)):
        label_int = sampled_labels[idx]
        if label_int != 0:
            sampled_labels[idx] = 1
            action_sampled_labels[idx] = 0
            multi_label_str = label_code['idx_to_label'][str(label_int)]
            multi_label = map(int, list(multi_label_str))
            for k in range(0, 14):
                if int(multi_label[k + 1]) == 1:
                    action_sampled_labels[idx] = k + 1
            sampled_labels[idx] = 0
            action_sampled_labels[idx] = 0

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),
                         np.int32, copy=False),

    # previous version for multilabel training
    expand_sampled_labels = np.expand_dims(sampled_labels,axis=2)
    expand_sampled_labels = np.repeat(expand_sampled_labels,81,axis=1)

    for idx in range(0,len(sampled_labels)):
        label_int = sampled_labels[idx]
        if label_int != 0:
            sampled_labels[idx] = 1
            multi_label_str = label_code['idx_to_label'][str(label_int)]
            multi_label = map(int, list(multi_label_str))
            expand_sampled_labels[idx] = multi_label
            sampled_labels[idx] = 0
            expand_sampled_labels[idx] = [0]*81

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(
        labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),
        multilabels_int32=expand_sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(
        labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),
    # Optionally add Mask R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON:
        mask_rcnn_roi_data.add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, sampled_boxes, roidb,
                                               im_scale, batch_idx)

    # Optionally add Keypoint R-CNN blobs
        keypoint_rcnn_roi_data.add_keypoint_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, roidb,
                                                       fg_inds, im_scale,

    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 18
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background

    获得fg和bg roi

    # 512
    rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM)

    # 128
    fg_rois_per_image = int(np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image))

    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    # 选择overlaps大于给定值的作为正样本
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH)[0]
    # Guard against the case when an image has fewer than fg_rois_per_image
    # foreground RoIs
    # fg的数量
    fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds.size)

    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    # 随机选择fg_rois_per_this_image个正样本
    if fg_inds.size > 0:
        fg_inds = npr.choice(
            fg_inds, size=fg_rois_per_this_image, replace=False

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    bg_inds = np.where(
        (max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI) &
        (max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO)
    # Compute number of background RoIs to take from this image (guarding
    # against there being fewer than desired)
    bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
    bg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(bg_rois_per_this_image, bg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    # 选择bg目标
    if bg_inds.size > 0:
        bg_inds = npr.choice(
            bg_inds, size=bg_rois_per_this_image, replace=False

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    # 合并fg和bg
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
    # bg rois的标签置为0
    sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][keep_inds]

    bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(
        roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :]
    bbox_outside_weights = np.array(
        bbox_inside_weights > 0, dtype=bbox_inside_weights.dtype

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    # 构造选择的选择的rois
    # 获得相对于原始图片大小的rois
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones((sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(
        labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),

    # Optionally add Mask R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON:
            blob_dict, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx

    # Optionally add Keypoint R-CNN blobs
            blob_dict, roidb, fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds, im_scale, batch_idx

    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 19
def add_body_uv_rcnn_blobs(blobs, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    IsFlipped = roidb['flipped']
    polys_gt_inds = np.where(roidb['ignore_UV_body'] == 0)[0]
    boxes_from_polys = [roidb['boxes'][i, :] for i in polys_gt_inds]
    input_w = roidb['input_width']
    input_h = roidb['input_height']
    if not (boxes_from_polys):
        boxes_from_polys = np.vstack(boxes_from_polys)
    boxes_from_polys = np.array(boxes_from_polys)

    fg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] > 0)[0]
    roi_has_mask = np.zeros(blobs['labels_int32'].shape)

    if (bool(boxes_from_polys.any()) & (fg_inds.shape[0] > 0)):
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
        boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = box_utils.bbox_overlaps(
            rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False))
        fg_polys_value = np.max(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)
        fg_inds = fg_inds[fg_polys_value > 0.7]
    all_person_masks = np.zeros((int(input_h), int(input_w)), dtype=np.float32)
    if (bool(boxes_from_polys.any()) & (fg_inds.shape[0] > 0)):
        # controle the number of roi
        if fg_inds.shape[0] > 6:
            fg_inds = fg_inds[:6]
        for jj in fg_inds:
            roi_has_mask[jj] = 1

        # Create blobs for densepose supervision.
        ################################################## The mask
        All_labels = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M**2), int32=True)
        All_Weights = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M**2), int32=True)
        ################################################# The points
        X_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        Y_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        Ind_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=True)
        I_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=True)
        U_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        V_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        Uv_point_weights = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196),

        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = box_utils.bbox_overlaps(
            rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False))
        fg_polys_inds = np.argmax(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)

        rois = np.copy(rois_fg)
        for i in range(rois_fg.shape[0]):
            fg_polys_ind = polys_gt_inds[fg_polys_inds[i]]
            Ilabel = segm_utils.GetDensePoseMask(
            GT_I = np.array(roidb['dp_I'][fg_polys_ind])
            GT_U = np.array(roidb['dp_U'][fg_polys_ind])
            GT_V = np.array(roidb['dp_V'][fg_polys_ind])
            GT_x = np.array(roidb['dp_x'][fg_polys_ind])
            GT_y = np.array(roidb['dp_y'][fg_polys_ind])
            GT_weights = np.ones(GT_I.shape).astype(np.float32)
            ## Do the flipping of the densepose annotation !
            if (IsFlipped):
                GT_I, GT_U, GT_V, GT_x, GT_y, Ilabel = DP.get_symmetric_densepose(
                    GT_I, GT_U, GT_V, GT_x, GT_y, Ilabel)
            roi_fg = rois_fg[i]
            roi_gt = boxes_from_polys[fg_polys_inds[i], :]
            x1 = roi_fg[0]
            x2 = roi_fg[2]
            y1 = roi_fg[1]
            y2 = roi_fg[3]
            x1_source = roi_gt[0]
            x2_source = roi_gt[2]
            y1_source = roi_gt[1]
            y2_source = roi_gt[3]
            x_targets = (np.arange(x1, x2, (x2 - x1) / M) -
                         x1_source) * (256. / (x2_source - x1_source))
            y_targets = (np.arange(y1, y2, (y2 - y1) / M) -
                         y1_source) * (256. / (y2_source - y1_source))
            x_targets = x_targets[
                M]  ## Strangely sometimes it can be M+1, so make sure size is OK!
            y_targets = y_targets[0:M]
            [X_targets, Y_targets] = np.meshgrid(x_targets, y_targets)
            New_Index = cv2.remap(Ilabel,
            All_L = np.zeros(New_Index.shape)
            All_W = np.ones(New_Index.shape)
            All_L = New_Index
            gt_length_x = x2_source - x1_source
            gt_length_y = y2_source - y1_source
            GT_y = ((GT_y / 256. * gt_length_y) + y1_source - y1) * (M /
                                                                     (y2 - y1))
            GT_x = ((GT_x / 256. * gt_length_x) + x1_source - x1) * (M /
                                                                     (x2 - x1))
            GT_I[GT_y < 0] = 0
            GT_I[GT_y > (M - 1)] = 0
            GT_I[GT_x < 0] = 0
            GT_I[GT_x > (M - 1)] = 0
            points_inside = GT_I > 0
            GT_U = GT_U[points_inside]
            GT_V = GT_V[points_inside]
            GT_x = GT_x[points_inside]
            GT_y = GT_y[points_inside]
            GT_weights = GT_weights[points_inside]
            GT_I = GT_I[points_inside]

            X_points[i, 0:len(GT_x)] = GT_x
            Y_points[i, 0:len(GT_y)] = GT_y
            Ind_points[i, 0:len(GT_I)] = i
            I_points[i, 0:len(GT_I)] = GT_I
            U_points[i, 0:len(GT_U)] = GT_U
            V_points[i, 0:len(GT_V)] = GT_V
            Uv_point_weights[i, 0:len(GT_weights)] = GT_weights
            All_labels[i, :] = np.reshape(All_L.astype(np.int32), M**2)
            All_Weights[i, :] = np.reshape(All_W.astype(np.int32), M**2)
            # proposal based segmentation
            p_mask = (Ilabel > 0).astype(np.float32)
            target_roi = roi_gt * im_scale
            p_mask = cv2.resize(p_mask, (int(target_roi[2] - target_roi[0]),
                                         int(target_roi[3] - target_roi[1])))
            p_mask = (p_mask > 0.5).astype(np.float32)
            start_y, start_x = int(target_roi[1]), int(target_roi[0])
            end_y, end_x = start_y + p_mask.shape[0], start_x + p_mask.shape[1]
            # if all_person_masks[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x].shape[0]!=p_mask.shape[0] or all_person_masks[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x].shape[1]!=p_mask.shape[1]:
            #     print('shape exception:',all_person_masks[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x].shape,p_mask.shape)
            #     print('roi:',target_roi)
            #     print(start_y,end_y, start_x,end_x)
            #     print('input image:',all_person_masks.shape)
            #     assert False
            all_person_masks[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x] = p_mask
        bg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] == 0)[0]
        if (len(bg_inds) == 0):
            rois_fg = sampled_boxes[0].reshape((1, -1))
            rois_fg = sampled_boxes[bg_inds[0]].reshape((1, -1))

        roi_has_mask[0] = 1
        X_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        Y_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        Ind_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=True)
        I_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=True)
        U_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        V_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        Uv_point_weights = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        All_labels = -blob_utils.ones((1, M**2), int32=True) * 0  ## zeros
        All_Weights = -blob_utils.ones((1, M**2), int32=True) * 0  ## zeros
    rois_fg *= im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones((rois_fg.shape[0], 1))
    rois_fg = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, rois_fg))
    u_points = np.copy(U_points)
    v_points = np.copy(V_points)
    U_points = np.tile(U_points, [1, K + 1])
    V_points = np.tile(V_points, [1, K + 1])
    Uv_Weight_Points = np.zeros(U_points.shape)
    for jjj in xrange(1, K + 1):
        Uv_Weight_Points[:, jjj * I_points.shape[1]:(jjj + 1) *
                         I_points.shape[1]] = (I_points == jjj).astype(

    # person masks here
    person_mask = (All_labels > 0).astype(np.int32)
    # extra
    # index_targets = np.zeros_like(person_mask).reshape((-1,M,M)).astype(np.int32)
    # index_targets_weights = np.zeros_like(index_targets)
    # u_targets = np.zeros((index_targets.shape[0],25,M,M),dtype=np.float32)
    # v_targets = np.zeros((index_targets.shape[0], 25, M, M),dtype=np.float32)
    # uv_weights = np.zeros((index_targets.shape[0], 25, M, M),dtype=np.float32)
    # for ibatch in range(index_targets.shape[0]):
    #     for i_surface in range(1,K+1):
    #         points_i = I_points[ibatch] == i_surface
    #         if len(points_i)>0:
    #             points_x = np.asarray(X_points[ibatch][points_i], dtype=np.int32).reshape((-1,1))
    #             points_y = np.asarray(Y_points[ibatch][points_i], dtype=np.int32).reshape((-1,1))
    #             points_u = u_points[ibatch][points_i].reshape((1, -1))
    #             points_v = v_points[ibatch][points_i].reshape((1, -1))
    #             locs = np.hstack([points_x, points_y])
    #             for step in [1]:
    #                 x_plus_locs = np.copy(points_x) + step
    #                 y_plus_locs = np.copy(points_y) + step
    #                 x_minus_locs = np.copy(points_x) - step
    #                 y_minus_locs = np.copy(points_y) - step
    #                 locs = np.vstack([locs, np.hstack([x_plus_locs, y_plus_locs])])
    #                 locs = np.vstack([locs, np.hstack([x_plus_locs, y_minus_locs])])
    #                 locs = np.vstack([locs, np.hstack([x_minus_locs, y_plus_locs])])
    #                 locs = np.vstack([locs, np.hstack([x_minus_locs, y_minus_locs])])
    #             locs[locs < 0] = 0.
    #             locs[locs >= M] = M - 1
    #             points_u = np.repeat(points_u, 5, axis=0).reshape((-1))
    #             points_v = np.repeat(points_v, 5, axis=0).reshape((-1))
    #             index_targets[ibatch][locs[:,1], locs[:, 0]] = i_surface
    #             index_targets_weights[ibatch][locs[:, 1], locs[:, 0]] = 1
    #             u_targets[ibatch, i_surface][locs[:, 1], locs[:, 0]] = points_u
    #             v_targets[ibatch, i_surface][locs[:, 1], locs[:, 0]] = points_v
    #             uv_weights[ibatch, i_surface][locs[:, 1], locs[:, 0]] = 1.
    #     if random.random() <= 0.5:
    #         _,index_targets[ibatch], v_targets[ibatch], v_targets[ibatch], index_targets_weights[ibatch], uv_weights[ibatch] = expand_dp_targets(All_labels[ibatch].reshape((M,M)),
    #                                                                                                                                              index_targets[ibatch], v_targets[ibatch],
    #                                                                                                                                              v_targets[ibatch],
    #                                                                                                                                              index_targets_weights[ibatch],
    #                                                                                                                                              uv_weights[ibatch])

    # proposal all masks here

    if (bool(boxes_from_polys.any()) & (fg_inds.shape[0] > 0)):
        proposal_all_mask = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M, M),
        for i in range(rois_fg.shape[0]):

            roi_fg = rois_fg[i][1:]

            proposal_mask = all_person_masks[int(roi_fg[1]):int(roi_fg[3]),
            proposal_mask = cv2.resize(proposal_mask, (M, M))
            proposal_mask = (proposal_mask > 0.5).astype(np.int32)
            proposal_all_mask[i] = proposal_mask
        proposal_all_mask = -blob_utils.ones(
            (1, M, M), int32=True) * 0  ## zeros

    # Update blobs dict with Mask R-CNN blobs
    blobs['body_mask_labels'] = person_mask.reshape((-1, M, M))
    blobs['body_uv_rois'] = np.array(rois_fg)
    blobs['roi_has_body_uv_int32'] = np.array(roi_has_mask).astype(np.int32)
    blobs['body_uv_ann_labels'] = np.array(All_labels).astype(np.int32)
    blobs['body_uv_ann_weights'] = np.array(All_Weights).astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_X_points'] = X_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_Y_points'] = Y_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_Ind_points'] = Ind_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_I_points'] = I_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_U_points'] = U_points.astype(
        np.float32)  #### VERY IMPORTANT :   These are switched here :
    blobs['body_uv_V_points'] = V_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_point_weights'] = Uv_Weight_Points.astype(np.float32)
    # extra
    # blobs['body_uv_Index_targets'] = index_targets
    # blobs['body_uv_Index_targets_weights'] = index_targets_weights.astype(np.float32)
    # blobs['body_uv_U_targets'] = u_targets
    # blobs['body_uv_V_targets'] = v_targets
    # blobs['body_uv_weights'] = uv_weights
    # add by wxh
        fg_embs, bg_embs, fg_weights, bg_weights = masks_to_embs(
            All_labels.reshape((-1, M, M)))
        # print('fg',fg_embs.max(), fg_embs.min())
        # print('bg',bg_embs.max(), bg_embs.min())
        fg_norms = np.sum(fg_embs, axis=(1, 2))
        fg_norms[fg_norms != 0] = 56. * 56. / fg_norms[fg_norms != 0]
        bg_norms = np.sum(bg_embs, axis=(1, 2))
        bg_norms[bg_norms != 0] = 56. * 56. / bg_norms[bg_norms != 0]

        blobs['fg_mask'] = np.repeat(np.reshape(fg_embs, (-1, 1, M, M)),
        blobs['bg_mask'] = np.repeat(np.reshape(bg_embs, (-1, 1, M, M)),
        blobs['fg_norm'] = np.repeat(np.reshape(fg_norms, (-1, 1)), 2, axis=1)
        blobs['bg_norm'] = np.repeat(np.reshape(bg_norms, (-1, 1)), 2, axis=1)
        blobs['mask_emb_fg_labels'] = np.ones((fg_embs.shape[0], 1),
        blobs['mask_emb_bg_labels'] = np.zeros((bg_embs.shape[0], 1),
        blobs['mask_emb_weights'] = np.vstack([fg_weights,
                                                   (-1, 1)).astype(np.float32)
        blobs['body_masks_wrt_box'] = proposal_all_mask
Exemplo n.º 20
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx, stage_num):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background

    # set improving rcnn iou threshold for cascade rcnn
    bg_thresh_lo = cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO

    if stage_num == 1:
        fg_thresh = cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH  # 0.5
        bg_thresh_hi = cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI  # 0.5
    elif stage_num == 2:
        fg_thresh = 0.6
        bg_thresh_hi = 0.6
    elif stage_num == 3:
        fg_thresh = 0.7
        bg_thresh_hi = 0.7

    rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM)
    fg_rois_per_image = int(np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image))
    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= fg_thresh)[0]
    # Guard against the case when an image has fewer than fg_rois_per_image
    # foreground RoIs
    fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if fg_inds.size > 0:
        fg_inds = npr.choice(fg_inds,

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    bg_inds = np.where((max_overlaps < bg_thresh_hi)
                       & (max_overlaps >= bg_thresh_lo))[0]
    # Compute number of background RoIs to take from this image (guarding
    # against there being fewer than desired)
    bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
    bg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(bg_rois_per_this_image, bg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if bg_inds.size > 0:
        bg_inds = npr.choice(bg_inds,

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
    sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][keep_inds]
    sampled_max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps'][keep_inds]

    bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(
        roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :])
    bbox_outside_weights = np.array(bbox_inside_weights > 0,
    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    if stage_num == 1:
        blob_dict = dict(labels_int32_1st=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32,

    if stage_num == 2:
        blob_dict = dict(labels_int32_2nd=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32,

    if stage_num == 3:
        blob_dict = dict(labels_int32_3rd=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32,
        # Optionally add Mask R-CNN blobs
        if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON:
            mask_rcnn_roi_data.add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, sampled_boxes,
                                                   roidb, im_scale, batch_idx)

        # Optionally add Keypoint R-CNN blobs
        if cfg.MODEL.KEYPOINTS_ON:
                blob_dict, roidb, fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds, im_scale,

    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 21
def add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blobs, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Add Mask R-CNN specific blobs to the input blob dictionary."""
    # Prepare the mask targets by associating one gt mask to each training roi
    # that has a fg (non-bg) class label.
    polys_gt_inds = np.where(
        (roidb['gt_classes'] > 0) & (roidb['is_crowd'] == 0)
    polys_gt = [roidb['segms'][i] for i in polys_gt_inds]
    boxes_from_polys = segm_utils.polys_to_boxes(polys_gt)
    fg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] > 0)[0]
    roi_has_mask = blobs['labels_int32'].copy()
    roi_has_mask[roi_has_mask > 0] = 1

    if fg_inds.shape[0] > 0:
        # Class labels for the foreground rois
        mask_class_labels = blobs['labels_int32'][fg_inds]
        masks = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M**2), int32=True)

        # Find overlap between all foreground rois and the bounding boxes
        # enclosing each segmentation
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = box_utils.bbox_overlaps(
            rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
        # Map from each fg rois to the index of the mask with highest overlap
        # (measured by bbox overlap)
        fg_polys_inds = np.argmax(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)

        # add fg targets
        for i in range(rois_fg.shape[0]):
            fg_polys_ind = fg_polys_inds[i]
            poly_gt = polys_gt[fg_polys_ind]
            roi_fg = rois_fg[i]
            # Rasterize the portion of the polygon mask within the given fg roi
            # to an M x M binary image
            mask = segm_utils.polys_to_mask_wrt_box(poly_gt, roi_fg, M)
            mask = np.array(mask > 0, dtype=np.int32)  # Ensure it's binary
            masks[i, :] = np.reshape(mask, M**2)
    else:  # If there are no fg masks (it does happen)
        # The network cannot handle empty blobs, so we must provide a mask
        # We simply take the first bg roi, given it an all -1's mask (ignore
        # label), and label it with class zero (bg).
        bg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] == 0)[0]
        # rois_fg is actually one background roi, but that's ok because ...
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[bg_inds[0]].reshape((1, -1))
        # We give it an -1's blob (ignore label)
        masks = -blob_utils.ones((1, M**2), int32=True)
        # We label it with class = 0 (background)
        mask_class_labels = blob_utils.zeros((1, ))
        # Mark that the first roi has a mask
        roi_has_mask[0] = 1

        masks = _expand_to_class_specific_mask_targets(masks, mask_class_labels)

    # Scale rois_fg and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    rois_fg *= im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones((rois_fg.shape[0], 1))
    rois_fg = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, rois_fg))

    # Update blobs dict with Mask R-CNN blobs
    blobs['mask_rois'] = rois_fg
    blobs['roi_has_mask_int32'] = roi_has_mask
    blobs['masks_int32'] = masks
Exemplo n.º 22
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
    if cfg.REID.PSE_ON:
        img_labels = np.array([0], dtype=np.float32)
        attr_img_labels = np.array([0], dtype=np.float32)
        weight = np.array([0.0], dtype=np.float32)
        attr_weight = np.array([0.0], dtype=np.float32)

        gt_inds = np.where(roidb['gt_classes'] > 0)[0]
        assert len(gt_inds) <= 2, 'Only one ground truth for image is allowed.'
        gt_classes = roidb['gt_classes'][gt_inds].copy()

        gt_inds = np.where(roidb['gt_attributions'] > 0)[0]
        assert len(gt_inds) <= 2, 'Only one ground truth for image is allowed.'
        gt_attributions = roidb['gt_attributions'][gt_inds].copy()

        classes_or_attributions = roidb['classes_or_attributions']
        for i in range(len(gt_classes)):
            if classes_or_attributions[i] == 0:
                img_labels[0] = gt_classes[i] - 1
                weight[0] = 1.0
            elif classes_or_attributions[i] == 1:
                attr_img_labels[0] = gt_attributions[i] - 1
                attr_weight[0] = cfg.REID.PSE_WEIGHT
                img_labels[0] = gt_classes[i] - 1
                weight[0] = 1.0
                attr_img_labels[0] = gt_attributions[i] - 1
                attr_weight[0] = cfg.REID.PSE_WEIGHT
        blob_dict = dict(
            labels_int32=img_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),
            attr_labels_int32=attr_img_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),
            weight=weight.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            attr_weight=attr_weight.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
        return blob_dict

    # Get image label
    img_labels_oh = np.zeros((1, cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES - 1), dtype=np.float32)
    img_labels = np.zeros((1), dtype=np.float32)

    gt_inds = np.where(roidb['gt_classes'] > 0)[0]
    assert len(gt_inds) == 1, 'Only one ground truth for image is allowed.'
    gt_classes = roidb['gt_classes'][gt_inds].copy()

    img_labels_oh[0][gt_classes[0] - 1] = 1
    img_labels[0] = gt_classes[0] - 1

    blob_dict = dict(
        labels_int32=img_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),
        labels_oh=img_labels_oh.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
    return blob_dict

    rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM)
    fg_rois_per_image = int(np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image))
    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH)[0]
    # Guard against the case when an image has fewer than fg_rois_per_image
    # foreground RoIs
    fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if fg_inds.size > 0:
        fg_inds = npr.choice(
            fg_inds, size=fg_rois_per_this_image, replace=False)

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    bg_inds = np.where((max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI) &
                       (max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO))[0]
    # Compute number of background RoIs to take from this image (guarding
    # against there being fewer than desired)
    bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
    bg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(bg_rois_per_this_image, bg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if bg_inds.size > 0:
        bg_inds = npr.choice(
            bg_inds, size=bg_rois_per_this_image, replace=False)

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
    sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][keep_inds]

    bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(
        roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :])
    bbox_outside_weights = np.array(
        bbox_inside_weights > 0, dtype=bbox_inside_weights.dtype)

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(
        labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),

    # Optionally add Mask R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON:
        mask_rcnn_roi_data.add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, sampled_boxes, roidb,
                                               im_scale, batch_idx)

    # Optionally add Keypoint R-CNN blobs
            blob_dict, roidb, fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds, im_scale, batch_idx)

    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 23
def add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blobs, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Add Mask R-CNN specific blobs to the input blob dictionary."""
    # Prepare the mask targets by associating one gt mask to each training roi
    # that has a fg (non-bg) class label.
    polys_gt_inds = np.where(
        (roidb['gt_classes'] > 0) & (roidb['is_crowd'] == 0)
    polys_gt = [roidb['segms'][i] for i in polys_gt_inds]
    boxes_from_polys = segm_utils.polys_to_boxes(polys_gt)
    fg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] > 0)[0]
    roi_has_mask = blobs['labels_int32'].copy()
    roi_has_mask[roi_has_mask > 0] = 1

    if fg_inds.shape[0] > 0:
        # Class labels for the foreground rois
        mask_class_labels = blobs['labels_int32'][fg_inds]
        masks = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M**2), int32=True)

        # Find overlap between all foreground rois and the bounding boxes
        # enclosing each segmentation
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = box_utils.bbox_overlaps(
            rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
        # Map from each fg rois to the index of the mask with highest overlap
        # (measured by bbox overlap)
        fg_polys_inds = np.argmax(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)

        # add fg targets
        for i in range(rois_fg.shape[0]):
            fg_polys_ind = fg_polys_inds[i]
            poly_gt = polys_gt[fg_polys_ind]
            roi_fg = rois_fg[i]
            # Rasterize the portion of the polygon mask within the given fg roi
            # to an M x M binary image
            mask = segm_utils.polys_to_mask_wrt_box(poly_gt, roi_fg, M)
            mask = np.array(mask > 0, dtype=np.int32)  # Ensure it's binary
            masks[i, :] = np.reshape(mask, M**2)
    else:  # If there are no fg masks (it does happen)
        # The network cannot handle empty blobs, so we must provide a mask
        # We simply take the first bg roi, given it an all -1's mask (ignore
        # label), and label it with class zero (bg).
        bg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] == 0)[0]
        # rois_fg is actually one background roi, but that's ok because ...
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[bg_inds[0]].reshape((1, -1))
        # We give it an -1's blob (ignore label)
        masks = -blob_utils.ones((1, M**2), int32=True)
        # We label it with class = 0 (background)
        mask_class_labels = blob_utils.zeros((1, ))
        # Mark that the first roi has a mask
        roi_has_mask[0] = 1

        masks = _expand_to_class_specific_mask_targets(masks, mask_class_labels)

    # Scale rois_fg and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    rois_fg *= im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones((rois_fg.shape[0], 1))
    rois_fg = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, rois_fg))

    # Update blobs dict with Mask R-CNN blobs
    blobs['mask_rois'] = rois_fg
    blobs['roi_has_mask_int32'] = roi_has_mask
    blobs['masks_int32'] = masks
Exemplo n.º 24
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
    rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM)
    fg_rois_per_image = int(np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image))
    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH)[0]
    # Guard against the case when an image has fewer than fg_rois_per_image
    # foreground RoIs
    fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if fg_inds.size > 0:
        fg_inds = npr.choice(fg_inds,

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    bg_inds = np.where((max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI)
                       & (max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO))[0]
    # Compute number of background RoIs to take from this image (guarding
    # against there being fewer than desired)
    bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
    bg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(bg_rois_per_this_image, bg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if bg_inds.size > 0:
        bg_inds = npr.choice(bg_inds,

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
    sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][keep_inds]

    gt_inds = np.where(roidb['gt_classes'] > 0)[0]
    gt_boxes = roidb['boxes'][gt_inds, :]
    gt_assignments = gt_inds[roidb['box_to_gt_ind_map'][keep_inds]]

    # [mapped_gt_boxes, max_overlaps]
    mapped_gt_boxes = blob_utils.zeros((keep_inds.size, 5))
    mapped_gt_boxes[:, :4] = gt_boxes[gt_assignments, :] * im_scale
    mapped_gt_boxes[:, 4] = max_overlaps[keep_inds]
    mapped_gt_boxes[fg_rois_per_this_image:, :] = 0

    bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(
        roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :])
    bbox_outside_weights = np.array(bbox_inside_weights > 0,

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),

    # Optionally add Mask R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON and cfg.MRCNN.AT_STAGE == 1:
        mask_rcnn_roi_data.add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, sampled_boxes, roidb,
                                               im_scale, batch_idx)

    # Optionally add Keypoint R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.KEYPOINTS_ON and cfg.KRCNN.AT_STAGE == 1:
        keypoint_rcnn_roi_data.add_keypoint_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, roidb,
                                                       fg_inds, im_scale,

    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 25
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx, stage):
    # 随机产生包含前景和背景的正负样本,即rois集合
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
    fg_thresh = cfg.CASCADE_RCNN.FG_THRESHS[stage - 1]
    bg_thresh_hi = cfg.CASCADE_RCNN.BG_THRESHS_HI[stage - 1]
    bg_thresh_lo = cfg.CASCADE_RCNN.BG_THRESHS_LO[stage - 1]

    #### 这个变量很关键:定义了每一个roi与所有gt-bboxes所对应的最大的iou ???
    max_overlaps = roidb["max_overlaps"]

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    #### 选择最大iou高于fg_thresh的那些rois,作为前景的indexes-->fg_inds
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= fg_thresh)[0]
    #### 一张img所包含的所有fg_rois数量
    fg_rois_per_this_image = fg_inds.size

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    #### 选择那些对应的最大iou值介于(bg_thesh_lo, bg_thresh_hi)的那些rois,采样为背景
    bg_inds = np.where((max_overlaps < bg_thresh_hi)
                       & (max_overlaps >= bg_thresh_lo))[0]

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    #### keep_inds为我们将要采样的样本的索引列表(包括正,负样本)
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)

    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    #### sampled_labels即为roidb中采样的rois所对应的标签值labels
    sampled_labels = roidb["max_classes"][keep_inds]
    #### 将采样的负样本所对应的标签值都置为0
    sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    #### sampled_boxes即为roidb中采样的所有正负样本,shape为(, 4)
    sampled_boxes = roidb["boxes"][keep_inds]

    #### 得到roidb中所有的gt_bbox的index
    gt_inds = np.where(roidb["gt_classes"] > 0)[0]
    #### 得到gt_bbox构成的集合,shape为(, 4)
    gt_boxes = roidb["boxes"][gt_inds, :]
    #### 这个有点不太理解了,gt_assignments为所有采样的作为正样本的rois所对应的gt_bboxes集合
    gt_assignments = gt_inds[roidb["box_to_gt_ind_map"][keep_inds]]

    # [mapped_gt_boxes, max_overlaps]
    #### 初始化mapped_gt_boxes变量,保存所有采样的rois所对应的gt_bboxes的坐标(
    # 疑问:对于负样本也有gt_bbox??? )
    mapped_gt_boxes = blob_utils.zeros((keep_inds.size, 5))
    #### mapped_gt_boxes
    #### 将原图对应的
    mapped_gt_boxes[:, :4] = gt_boxes[gt_assignments, :] * im_scale
    mapped_gt_boxes[:, 4] = max_overlaps[keep_inds]

    mapped_gt_boxes[fg_rois_per_this_image:, :] = 0

    if "bbox_targets" not in roidb:
        bbox_targets = _compute_targets(sampled_boxes,
                                        gt_boxes[gt_assignments, :],
                                        sampled_labels, stage)
        bbox_targets = roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :]

    bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(bbox_targets)
    bbox_outside_weights = np.array(bbox_inside_weights > 0,

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Cascade R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(
        labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),

    # Optionally add Mask R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON and cfg.MRCNN.AT_STAGE == stage:
        mask_rcnn_roi_data.add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, sampled_boxes, roidb,
                                               im_scale, batch_idx)

    # Optionally add Keypoint R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.KEYPOINTS_ON and cfg.KRCNN.AT_STAGE == stage:
        keypoint_rcnn_roi_data.add_keypoint_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, roidb,
                                                       fg_inds, im_scale,
                                                       batch_idx, fg_thresh)

    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 26
def add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blobs, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Add Mask R-CNN specific blobs to the input blob dictionary."""
    # Prepare the mask targets by associating one gt mask to each training roi
    # that has a fg (non-bg) class label.
    # gao 6,29
    gt_inds = np.where((roidb['gt_classes'] > 0) & (roidb['is_crowd'] == 0))[0]
    boxes_from_polys = roidb['boxes'][gt_inds, :]
    gt_classes = roidb['gt_classes'][gt_inds]

    im_label = cv2.imread(roidb['ins_seg'], 0)
    if roidb['flipped'] == 1:  # convert flipped label to original
        im_label = im_label[:, ::-1]
        dataset_name = cfg.TRAIN.DATASETS[0]
        if 'LIP' in dataset_name:
            flipped_2_orig_class = {
                14: 15,
                15: 14,
                16: 17,
                17: 16,
                18: 19,
                19: 18
        if 'ATR' in dataset_name:
            flipped_2_orig_class = {
                9: 10,
                10: 9,
                12: 13,
                13: 12,
                14: 15,
                15: 14
        gt_classes_ = copy.deepcopy(gt_classes)
        for i in flipped_2_orig_class.keys():
            index_i = np.where(gt_classes_ == i)[0]
            if len(index_i) == 0:
            gt_classes[index_i] = flipped_2_orig_class[i]

#        gt_inds_flip = np.where(gt_classes>13)[0]
#        for i in gt_inds_flip:
#            gt_classes[i] = flipped_2_orig_class[gt_classes[i]]

    fg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] > 0)[0]
    roi_has_mask = blobs['labels_int32'].copy()
    roi_has_mask[roi_has_mask > 0] = 1

    if fg_inds.shape[0] > 0:
        # Class labels for the foreground rois
        mask_class_labels = blobs['labels_int32'][fg_inds]
        masks = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M**2), int32=True)

        # Find overlap between all foreground rois and the bounding boxes
        # enclosing each segmentation
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = box_utils.bbox_overlaps(
            rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False))
        # Map from each fg rois to the index of the mask with highest overlap
        # (measured by bbox overlap)
        fg_polys_inds = np.argmax(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)

        # add fg targets
        for i in range(rois_fg.shape[0]):
            fg_polys_ind = fg_polys_inds[i]
            # poly_gt = polys_gt[fg_polys_ind]
            roi_fg = rois_fg[i]
            # Rasterize the portion of the polygon mask within the given fg roi
            # to an M x M binary image
            #logger.info('roi_fg, label shape: {},{}'.format(roi_fg,im_label.shape))
            x0, y0, x1, y1 = roi_fg
            x0 = min(int(x0), im_label.shape[1])
            x1 = min(int(x1 + 1), im_label.shape[1])
            y0 = min(int(y0), im_label.shape[0])
            y1 = min(int(y1 + 1), im_label.shape[0])
            #logger.info('x0,y0,x1,y1: {}'.format(x0, y0, x1, y1))
            mask_ = im_label[y0:y1, x0:x1]
            #logger.info('mask_ shape: {}, gt_classes[fg_polys_ind]:{}'.format(mask_.shape, boxes_from_polys[fg_polys_ind]))
            #            mask = segm_utils.polys_to_mask_wrt_box(poly_gt, roi_fg, M)
            mask = np.array(mask_ == gt_classes[fg_polys_ind],
                            dtype=np.int32)  # Ensure it's binary

            mask = cv2.resize(mask, (M, M), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
            masks[i, :] = np.reshape(mask, M**2)
        im_label = None
    else:  # If there are no fg masks (it does happen)
        # The network cannot handle empty blobs, so we must provide a mask
        # We simply take the first bg roi, given it an all -1's mask (ignore
        # label), and label it with class zero (bg).
        bg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] == 0)[0]
        # rois_fg is actually one background roi, but that's ok because ...
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[bg_inds[0]].reshape((1, -1))
        # We give it an -1's blob (ignore label)
        masks = -blob_utils.ones((1, M**2), int32=True)
        # We label it with class = 0 (background)
        mask_class_labels = blob_utils.zeros((1, ))
        # Mark that the first roi has a mask
        roi_has_mask[0] = 1

        masks = _expand_to_class_specific_mask_targets(masks,

    # Scale rois_fg and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    rois_fg *= im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones((rois_fg.shape[0], 1))
    rois_fg = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, rois_fg))

    # Update blobs dict with Mask R-CNN blobs
    blobs['mask_rois'] = rois_fg
    blobs['roi_has_mask_int32'] = roi_has_mask
    blobs['masks_int32'] = masks
Exemplo n.º 27
def add_body_uv_rcnn_blobs(blobs, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    IsFlipped = roidb['flipped']
    polys_gt_inds = np.where(roidb['ignore_UV_body'] == 0)[0]
    boxes_from_polys = [roidb['boxes'][i,:] for i in polys_gt_inds]
    if not(boxes_from_polys):
        boxes_from_polys = np.vstack(boxes_from_polys)
    boxes_from_polys = np.array(boxes_from_polys)

    fg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] > 0)[0]
    roi_has_mask = np.zeros( blobs['labels_int32'].shape )

    if (bool(boxes_from_polys.any()) & (fg_inds.shape[0] > 0) ):
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
        boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = box_utils.bbox_overlaps(
            rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False))
        fg_polys_value = np.max(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)
        fg_inds = fg_inds[fg_polys_value>0.7]

    if (bool(boxes_from_polys.any()) & (fg_inds.shape[0] > 0) ):
        for jj in fg_inds:
            roi_has_mask[jj] = 1
        # Create blobs for densepose supervision.
        ################################################## The mask
        All_labels = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M ** 2), int32=True)
        All_Weights = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M ** 2), int32=True)
        ################################################# The points
        X_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        Y_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        Ind_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=True)
        I_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=True)
        U_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        V_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        Uv_point_weights = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)

        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = box_utils.bbox_overlaps(
            rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False))
        fg_polys_inds = np.argmax(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)

        for i in range(rois_fg.shape[0]):
            fg_polys_ind = polys_gt_inds[ fg_polys_inds[i] ]
            Ilabel = segm_utils.GetDensePoseMask( roidb['dp_masks'][ fg_polys_ind ] )
            GT_I = np.array(roidb['dp_I'][ fg_polys_ind ])
            GT_U = np.array(roidb['dp_U'][ fg_polys_ind ])
            GT_V = np.array(roidb['dp_V'][ fg_polys_ind ])
            GT_x = np.array(roidb['dp_x'][ fg_polys_ind ])
            GT_y = np.array(roidb['dp_y'][ fg_polys_ind ])
            GT_weights = np.ones(GT_I.shape).astype(np.float32)
            ## Do the flipping of the densepose annotation !
                GT_I,GT_U,GT_V,GT_x,GT_y,Ilabel = DP.get_symmetric_densepose(GT_I,GT_U,GT_V,GT_x,GT_y,Ilabel)
            roi_fg = rois_fg[i]
            roi_gt = boxes_from_polys[fg_polys_inds[i],:]
            x1 = roi_fg[0]  ;   x2 = roi_fg[2]
            y1 = roi_fg[1]  ;   y2 = roi_fg[3]
            x1_source = roi_gt[0];  x2_source = roi_gt[2]
            y1_source = roi_gt[1];  y2_source = roi_gt[3]
            x_targets  = ( np.arange(x1,x2, (x2 - x1)/M ) - x1_source ) * ( 256. / (x2_source-x1_source) )  
            y_targets  = ( np.arange(y1,y2, (y2 - y1)/M ) - y1_source ) * ( 256. / (y2_source-y1_source) )  
            x_targets = x_targets[0:M] ## Strangely sometimes it can be M+1, so make sure size is OK!
            y_targets = y_targets[0:M]
            [X_targets,Y_targets] = np.meshgrid( x_targets, y_targets )
            New_Index = cv2.remap(Ilabel,X_targets.astype(np.float32), Y_targets.astype(np.float32), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderMode= cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=(0))
            All_L = np.zeros(New_Index.shape)
            All_W = np.ones(New_Index.shape)
            All_L = New_Index
            gt_length_x = x2_source - x1_source
            gt_length_y = y2_source - y1_source
            GT_y =  ((  GT_y / 256. * gt_length_y  ) + y1_source - y1 ) *  ( M /  ( y2 - y1 ) )
            GT_x =  ((  GT_x / 256. * gt_length_x  ) + x1_source - x1 ) *  ( M /  ( x2 - x1 ) )
            GT_I[GT_y<0] = 0
            GT_I[GT_y>(M-1)] = 0
            GT_I[GT_x<0] = 0
            GT_I[GT_x>(M-1)] = 0
            points_inside = GT_I>0
            GT_U = GT_U[points_inside]
            GT_V = GT_V[points_inside]
            GT_x = GT_x[points_inside]
            GT_y = GT_y[points_inside]
            GT_weights = GT_weights[points_inside]
            GT_I = GT_I[points_inside]
            X_points[i, 0:len(GT_x)] = GT_x
            Y_points[i, 0:len(GT_y)] = GT_y
            Ind_points[i, 0:len(GT_I)] = i
            I_points[i, 0:len(GT_I)] = GT_I
            U_points[i, 0:len(GT_U)] = GT_U
            V_points[i, 0:len(GT_V)] = GT_V
            Uv_point_weights[i, 0:len(GT_weights)] = GT_weights
            All_labels[i, :] = np.reshape(All_L.astype(np.int32), M ** 2)
            All_Weights[i, :] = np.reshape(All_W.astype(np.int32), M ** 2)
        bg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] == 0)[0]
            rois_fg = sampled_boxes[0].reshape((1, -1))
            rois_fg = sampled_boxes[bg_inds[0]].reshape((1, -1))

        roi_has_mask[0] = 1
        X_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        Y_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        Ind_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=True)
        I_points = blob_utils.zeros((1,196), int32=True)
        U_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        V_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        Uv_point_weights = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        All_labels = -blob_utils.ones((1, M ** 2), int32=True) * 0 ## zeros
        All_Weights = -blob_utils.ones((1, M ** 2), int32=True) * 0 ## zeros
    rois_fg *= im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones((rois_fg.shape[0], 1))
    rois_fg = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, rois_fg))
    U_points = np.tile( U_points , [1,K+1] )
    V_points = np.tile( V_points , [1,K+1] )
    Uv_Weight_Points = np.zeros(U_points.shape)
    for jjj in xrange(1,K+1):
        Uv_Weight_Points[ : , jjj * I_points.shape[1]  : (jjj+1) * I_points.shape[1] ] = ( I_points == jjj ).astype(np.float32)
    # Update blobs dict with Mask R-CNN blobs
    blobs['body_uv_rois'] = np.array(rois_fg)
    blobs['roi_has_body_uv_int32'] = np.array(roi_has_mask).astype(np.int32)
    blobs['body_uv_ann_labels'] = np.array(All_labels).astype(np.int32)
    blobs['body_uv_ann_weights'] = np.array(All_Weights).astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_X_points'] = X_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_Y_points'] = Y_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_Ind_points'] = Ind_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_I_points'] = I_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_U_points'] = U_points.astype(np.float32)  #### VERY IMPORTANT :   These are switched here :
    blobs['body_uv_V_points'] = V_points.astype(np.float32)
    blobs['body_uv_point_weights'] = Uv_Weight_Points.astype(np.float32)
Exemplo n.º 28
def _sample_rois(roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Generate a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
    rois_per_image = int(cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IM)
    fg_rois_per_image = int(np.round(cfg.TRAIN.FG_FRACTION * rois_per_image))
    max_overlaps = roidb['max_overlaps']

    # Select foreground RoIs as those with >= FG_THRESH overlap
    fg_inds = np.where(max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.FG_THRESH)[0]
    # Guard against the case when an image has fewer than fg_rois_per_image
    # foreground RoIs
    fg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(fg_rois_per_image, fg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if fg_inds.size > 0:
        fg_inds = npr.choice(fg_inds,

    # Select background RoIs as those within [BG_THRESH_LO, BG_THRESH_HI)
    bg_inds = np.where((max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_HI)
                       & (max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.BG_THRESH_LO))[0]
    # Compute number of background RoIs to take from this image (guarding
    # against there being fewer than desired)
    bg_rois_per_this_image = rois_per_image - fg_rois_per_this_image
    bg_rois_per_this_image = np.minimum(bg_rois_per_this_image, bg_inds.size)
    # Sample foreground regions without replacement
    if bg_inds.size > 0:
        bg_inds = npr.choice(bg_inds,

    # The indices that we're selecting (both fg and bg)
    keep_inds = np.append(fg_inds, bg_inds)
    # Label is the class each RoI has max overlap with
    sampled_labels = roidb['max_classes'][keep_inds]
    sampled_labels[fg_rois_per_this_image:] = 0  # Label bg RoIs with class 0
    sampled_boxes = roidb['boxes'][keep_inds]

    bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights = _expand_bbox_targets(
        roidb['bbox_targets'][keep_inds, :])
    bbox_outside_weights = np.array(bbox_inside_weights > 0,

    # Scale rois and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    sampled_rois = sampled_boxes * im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones(
        (sampled_rois.shape[0], 1))
    sampled_rois = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, sampled_rois))

    # Base Fast R-CNN blobs
    blob_dict = dict(labels_int32=sampled_labels.astype(np.int32, copy=False),

    # Optionally add Mask R-CNN blobs
    if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON:
        mask_rcnn_roi_data.add_mask_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, sampled_boxes, roidb,
                                               im_scale, batch_idx)

    # Optionally add Keypoint R-CNN blobs
        keypoint_rcnn_roi_data.add_keypoint_rcnn_blobs(blob_dict, roidb,
                                                       fg_inds, im_scale,

    # optionally add Domain Adaptive R-CNN blobs
        if roidb['is_source']:
            blob_dict['dc_label'] = np.expand_dims(np.ones(
            blob_dict['label_mask'] = np.full(blob_dict['labels_int32'].shape,
            blob_dict['source_labels_int32'] = blob_dict['labels_int32']
            blob_dict['source_bbox_targets'] = blob_dict['bbox_targets']
            blob_dict['source_bbox_inside_weights'] = blob_dict[
            blob_dict['source_bbox_outside_weights'] = blob_dict[
            blob_dict['da_label_wide'] = np.ones((1, 1, 200, 400),
            blob_dict['dc_label'] = np.expand_dims(np.zeros(
            blob_dict['label_mask'] = np.full(blob_dict['labels_int32'].shape,
            blob_dict['da_label_wide'] = np.zeros((1, 1, 200, 400),

    return blob_dict
Exemplo n.º 29
def add_body_uv_rcnn_blobs(blobs, sampled_boxes, roidb, im_scale, batch_idx):
    """Add DensePose specific blobs to the given inputs blobs dictionary."""
    # Prepare the body UV targets by associating one gt box which contains
    # body UV annotations to each training roi that has a fg class label.
    polys_gt_inds = np.where(roidb['ignore_UV_body'] == 0)[0]
    boxes_from_polys = roidb['boxes'][polys_gt_inds]
    # Select foreground RoIs
    fg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] > 0)[0]
    roi_has_body_uv = np.zeros_like(blobs['labels_int32'], dtype=np.int32)

    if ((boxes_from_polys.shape[0] > 0) & (fg_inds.shape[0] > 0)):
        # Find overlap between all foreground RoIs and the gt bounding boxes
        # containing each body UV annotaion.
        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = box_utils.bbox_overlaps(
            rois_fg.astype(np.float32, copy=False),
            boxes_from_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False))
        # Select foreground RoIs as those with > 0.7 overlap
        fg_polys_value = np.max(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)
        fg_inds = fg_inds[fg_polys_value > 0.7]

    if ((boxes_from_polys.shape[0] > 0) & (fg_inds.shape[0] > 0)):
        roi_has_body_uv[fg_inds] = 1
        # Create body UV blobs
        # Dense masks, each mask for a given fg roi is of size M x M.
        part_inds = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M, M), int32=True)
        # Weights assigned to each target in `part_inds`. By default, all 1's.
        # part_inds_weights = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], M, M), int32=True)
        part_inds_weights = blob_utils.ones((fg_inds.shape[0], M, M),
        # 2D spatial coordinates (on the image). Shape is (#fg_rois, 2) in format
        # (x, y).
        coords_xy = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196, 2), int32=False)
        # 24 patch indices plus a background class
        I_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=True)
        # UV coordinates in each patch
        U_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        V_points = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)
        # Uv_point_weights = blob_utils.zeros((fg_inds.shape[0], 196), int32=False)

        rois_fg = sampled_boxes[fg_inds]
        overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys = overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys[fg_inds]
        # Map from each fg roi to the index of the gt box with highest overlap
        fg_polys_inds = np.argmax(overlaps_bbfg_bbpolys, axis=1)

        # Add body UV targets for each fg roi
        for i in range(rois_fg.shape[0]):
            fg_polys_ind = fg_polys_inds[i]
            polys_gt_ind = polys_gt_inds[fg_polys_ind]
            # RLE encoded dense masks which are of size 256 x 256.
            # Map all part masks to 14 labels (i.e., indices of semantic body parts).
            dp_masks = dp_utils.GetDensePoseMask(
            # Surface patch indices of collected points
            dp_I = np.array(roidb['dp_I'][polys_gt_ind], dtype=np.int32)
            # UV coordinates of collected points
            dp_U = np.array(roidb['dp_U'][polys_gt_ind], dtype=np.float32)
            dp_V = np.array(roidb['dp_V'][polys_gt_ind], dtype=np.float32)
            # dp_UV_weights = np.ones_like(dp_I).astype(np.float32)
            # Spatial coordinates on the image which are scaled such that the bbox
            # size is 256 x 256.
            dp_x = np.array(roidb['dp_x'][polys_gt_ind], dtype=np.float32)
            dp_y = np.array(roidb['dp_y'][polys_gt_ind], dtype=np.float32)
            # Do the flipping of the densepose annotation
            if roidb['flipped']:
                dp_I, dp_U, dp_V, dp_x, dp_y, dp_masks = DP.get_symmetric_densepose(
                    dp_I, dp_U, dp_V, dp_x, dp_y, dp_masks)

            roi_fg = rois_fg[i]
            gt_box = boxes_from_polys[fg_polys_ind]
            fg_x1, fg_y1, fg_x2, fg_y2 = roi_fg[0:4]
            gt_x1, gt_y1, gt_x2, gt_y2 = gt_box[0:4]
            fg_width = fg_x2 - fg_x1
            fg_height = fg_y2 - fg_y1
            gt_width = gt_x2 - gt_x1
            gt_height = gt_y2 - gt_y1
            fg_scale_w = float(M) / fg_width
            fg_scale_h = float(M) / fg_height
            gt_scale_w = 256. / gt_width
            gt_scale_h = 256. / gt_height
            # Sample M points evenly within the fg roi and scale the relative coordinates
            # (to associated gt box) such that the bounding box size is 256 x 256.
            x_targets = (np.arange(fg_x1, fg_x2, fg_width / M) -
                         gt_x1) * gt_scale_w
            y_targets = (np.arange(fg_y1, fg_y2, fg_height / M) -
                         gt_y1) * gt_scale_h
            # Construct 2D coordiante matrices
            x_targets, y_targets = np.meshgrid(x_targets[:M], y_targets[:M])
            ## Another implementation option (which results in similar performance)
            # x_targets = (np.linspace(fg_x1, fg_x2, M, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float32) - gt_x1) * gt_scale_w
            # y_targets = (np.linspace(fg_y1, fg_y2, M, endpoint=True, dtype=np.float32) - gt_y1) * gt_scale_h
            # x_targets = (np.linspace(fg_x1, fg_x2, M, endpoint=False) - gt_x1) * gt_scale_w
            # y_targets = (np.linspace(fg_y1, fg_y2, M, endpoint=False) - gt_y1) * gt_scale_h
            # x_targets, y_targets = np.meshgrid(x_targets, y_targets)

            # Map dense masks of size 256 x 256 to target heatmap of size M x M.
            part_inds[i] = cv2.remap(dp_masks,

            # Scale annotated spatial coordinates from bbox of size 256 x 256 to target
            # heatmap of size M x M.
            dp_x = (dp_x / gt_scale_w + gt_x1 - fg_x1) * fg_scale_w
            dp_y = (dp_y / gt_scale_h + gt_y1 - fg_y1) * fg_scale_h
            # Set patch index of points outside the heatmap as 0 (background).
            dp_I[dp_x < 0] = 0
            dp_I[dp_x > (M - 1)] = 0
            dp_I[dp_y < 0] = 0
            dp_I[dp_y > (M - 1)] = 0
            # Get body UV annotations of points inside the heatmap.
            points_inside = dp_I > 0
            dp_x = dp_x[points_inside]
            dp_y = dp_y[points_inside]
            dp_I = dp_I[points_inside]
            dp_U = dp_U[points_inside]
            dp_V = dp_V[points_inside]
            # dp_UV_weights = dp_UV_weights[points_inside]

            # Update body UV blobs
            num_dp_points = len(dp_I)
            # coords_xy[i, 0:num_dp_points, 0] = i  # fg_roi index
            coords_xy[i, 0:num_dp_points, 0] = dp_x
            coords_xy[i, 0:num_dp_points, 1] = dp_y
            I_points[i, 0:num_dp_points] = dp_I.astype(np.int32)
            U_points[i, 0:num_dp_points] = dp_U
            V_points[i, 0:num_dp_points] = dp_V
            # Uv_point_weights[i, 0:len(dp_UV_weights)] = dp_UV_weights
    else:  # If there are no fg rois
        # The network cannot handle empty blobs, so we must provide a blob.
        # We simply take the first bg roi, give it an all 0's body UV annotations
        # and label it with class zero (bg).
        bg_inds = np.where(blobs['labels_int32'] == 0)[0]
        # `rois_fg` is actually one background roi, but that's ok because ...
        if len(bg_inds) == 0:
            rois_fg = sampled_boxes[0].reshape((1, -1))
            rois_fg = sampled_boxes[bg_inds[0]].reshape((1, -1))
        # Mark that the first roi has body UV annotation
        roi_has_body_uv[0] = 1
        # We give it all 0's blobs
        part_inds = blob_utils.zeros((1, M, M), int32=True)
        part_inds_weights = blob_utils.zeros((1, M, M), int32=False)
        coords_xy = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196, 2), int32=False)
        I_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=True)
        U_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        V_points = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)
        # Uv_point_weights = blob_utils.zeros((1, 196), int32=False)

    # Scale rois_fg and format as (batch_idx, x1, y1, x2, y2)
    rois_fg *= im_scale
    repeated_batch_idx = batch_idx * blob_utils.ones((rois_fg.shape[0], 1))
    rois_fg = np.hstack((repeated_batch_idx, rois_fg))
    # Create body UV blobs for all patches (including background)
    # Construct U/V_points blobs for all patches by repeating it #num_patches times.
    # Shape: (#rois, 196, K)
    U_points = np.repeat(U_points[:, :, np.newaxis], K, axis=-1)
    V_points = np.repeat(V_points[:, :, np.newaxis], K, axis=-1)
    uv_point_weights = np.zeros_like(U_points)
    # Set binary weights for UV targets in each patch
    for i in np.arange(1, K):
        uv_point_weights[:, :, i] = (I_points == i).astype(np.float32)

    # Update blobs dict with body UV blobs
    blobs['body_uv_rois'] = rois_fg
    blobs['roi_has_body_uv_int32'] = roi_has_body_uv  # shape: (#rois,)
    blobs['body_uv_parts'] = part_inds  # shape: (#rois, M, M)
    blobs['body_uv_parts_weights'] = part_inds_weights
    blobs['body_uv_coords_xy'] = coords_xy.reshape(
        -1, 2)  # shape: (#rois * 196, 2)
    blobs['body_uv_I_points'] = I_points.reshape(-1,
                                                 1)  # shape: (#rois * 196, 1)
    blobs['body_uv_U_points'] = U_points  # shape: (#rois, 196, K)
    blobs['body_uv_V_points'] = V_points
    blobs['body_uv_point_weights'] = uv_point_weights