Exemplo n.º 1
def test_list_directory(tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    base_path = tensorboard.get_base_path({"base_path": BASE_PATH}, manager=True)
    sync_path = tensorboard.get_sync_path(test_util.get_dummy_env())
    manager = tensorboard.SharedFSTensorboardManager(str(tmp_path), base_path, sync_path)

    full_event_path = BASE_PATH.joinpath("tensorboard", "events.out.tfevents.example")

    assert set(manager.list_tfevents()) == {full_event_path}
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        TorchWriter uses pytorch file writers and summary operations to write
        out tfevent files containing scalar batch metrics.

        self.writer: Any = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tensorboard.get_base_path(
            {}))  # type: ignore
Exemplo n.º 3
def move_tensorboard_files(event_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    Given a TensorFlow Estimator model directory, find all nested Tensorboard
    files and move them to the TensorBoard log directory.
    tensorboard_dir = tensorboard.get_base_path({})
    tensorboard_files = tensorboard.util.find_tb_files(event_dir)
    for file in tensorboard_files:
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
     self.workload_end_count = 0
     user_log_dir = kwargs.pop("log_dir", None)
     if user_log_dir is not None:
             f"arg log_dir={user_log_dir} to det.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard will be ignored"
     log_dir = str(tensorboard.get_base_path({}).resolve())
     tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard.__init__(self, log_dir=log_dir, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 5
def move_tf_events(event_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    Given a TensorFlow Estimator model directory, find all nested tfevents
    files and move them to the TensorBoard log directory. For the most part, we
    expect only one tfevents file in the root_dir tree. This recursive search
    for tfevents is an extra measure to make sure we do not miss any events.
    tensorboard_dir = tensorboard.get_base_path({})
    for event_file in event_dir.rglob("*tfevents*"):
Exemplo n.º 6
 def set_profiler(self, *args: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> None:
     Sets a torch profiler instance on the trial context to be called in _pytorch_trial
     when training.
     self.profiler = torch.profiler.profile(
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.writer = EventFileWriter(logdir=str(tensorboard.get_base_path(
        self.createSummary = tf.Summary

        # _seen_summary_tags is vendored from TensorFlow: tensorflow/python/summary/writer/writer.py
        # This set contains tags of Summary Values that have been encountered
        # already. The motivation here is that the SummaryWriter only keeps the
        # metadata property (which is a SummaryMetadata proto) of the first Summary
        # Value encountered for each tag. The SummaryWriter strips away the
        # SummaryMetadata for all subsequent Summary Values with tags seen
        # previously. This saves space.
        self._seen_summary_tags: Set[str] = set()
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_list_tb_files(tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> None:
    env = get_dummy_env()
    base_path = get_base_path({"base_path": BASE_PATH}, manager=True)
    sync_path = get_sync_path(env.det_cluster_id, env.det_experiment_id, env.det_trial_id)

    manager = SharedFSTensorboardManager(str(tmp_path), base_path, sync_path)
    test_files = [

    test_filepaths = [BASE_PATH.joinpath("tensorboard", test_file) for test_file in test_files]
    tb_files = manager.list_tb_files(0)

    assert set(test_filepaths) == set(tb_files)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, estimator_trial_controller: "EstimatorTrialController") -> None:
        self.batches_processed_in_step = 0
        self.estimator_trial_controller = estimator_trial_controller

        # step_metrics keeps track of the metrics associated with a step (see
        # DeterminedControlCallback). It is cleared in between training steps.
        self.step_metrics = []  # type: List[Dict[str, Any]]
        self.num_batches = None  # type: Optional[int]

        self._global_step_of_last_checkpoint = None  # type: Optional[int]
        self._session = None  # type: Optional[tf.Session]
        self._current_global_step = None  # type: Optional[int]
        self._saver = None  # type: Optional[tf.train.Saver]
        self._writer = tf.compat.v1.summary.FileWriter(tensorboard.get_base_path({}))

        # Store the response_func for train_for_step workloads while we do the training.
        self.train_response_func = None  # type: Optional[workload.ResponseFunc]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __new__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> callbacks.TFEventWriter:
        fixed_parameters = ["logdir", "split_files"]
        for param in fixed_parameters:
            if param in kwargs:
                    f"parameter {param} to TFEventWriter will be ignored")

        # Tensorpacks TFEventWriter requires that the logdir is created before
        # the TFEventWriter is created.
        base_path = tensorboard.get_base_path({})
        base_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        kwargs["logdir"] = str(base_path)

        # split_files forces the TFEventWriter to start a new log file after
        # flushing tf events to disk. This creates distinct files that
        # TensorboardManagers expect for syncing tf events to persistent storage.
        kwargs["split_files"] = True

        return callbacks.TFEventWriter(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
     log_dir = str(tensorboard.get_base_path({}).resolve())
     super().__init__(log_dir=log_dir, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self) -> None:

        self.writer: Any = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tensorboard.get_base_path({}))  # type: ignore