def set_clock(ent): logging.debug('set_clock') with Serial(PORT, 115200, timeout=1) as ser: set_rtc(ser)
def f(): try: return abs(time.time() - float(set_rtc(ser))) < 5 except: return False
def set_clock(self): logging.debug('set_rtc') with Serial(PORT, 115200, timeout=1) as ser: set_rtc(ser, time.time()) self.label1.set(read_rtc(ser))
def cl(lx): #print(lx) lx = float(lx.strip().split(',')[0].replace('lx', '')) return lx >= 0 and lx <= 130e3 check('read_ambient_lx', cl) def crgbw(r): #print(r) r = [float(v) for v in r.strip().split(',')] return all([rr >= 0 for rr in r]) check('read_rgbw', crgbw) set_rtc(ser) def f(r): #print(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(r.strip()))) return abs(float(r) - time.time()) < 5 check('read_rtc', f) def f(r): Vcc, Vbatt = r.split(',') Vcc = float(Vcc) Vbatt = float(Vbatt) #print('Vcc = {}V, Vbatt = {}V'.format(Vcc, Vbatt)) return abs(Vcc - 3.3) / 3.3 < 0.1 and Vbatt >= 1.8 check('read_sys_volt', f)