Exemplo n.º 1
def hs_classify(scope):
    Return a mapper ``Function -> (Dimension -> [HaloLabel]`` describing what
    type of halo exchange is expected by the various :class:`TensorFunction`s
    in a :class:`Scope`.
    mapper = {}
    for f, r in scope.reads.items():
        if not f.is_TensorFunction:
        elif f.grid is None:
            # TODO: improve me
        v = mapper.setdefault(f, {})
        for i in r:
            for d in i.findices:
                if i.affine(d):
                    if f.grid.is_distributed(d):
                        if i.touch_halo(d):
                            v.setdefault(d, []).append(STENCIL)
                            v.setdefault(d, []).append(IDENTITY)
                        v.setdefault(d, []).append(NONE)
                elif i.is_increment:
                    # A read used for a distributed local-reduction. Users are expected
                    # to deal with this data access pattern by themselves, for example
                    # by resorting to common techniques such as redundant computation
                    v.setdefault(d, []).append(UNSUPPORTED)
                elif i.irregular(d) and f.grid.is_distributed(d):
                    v.setdefault(d, []).append(FULL)

    # Sanity check and reductions
    for f, v in mapper.items():
        for d, hl in list(v.items()):
            unique_hl = set(hl)
            if unique_hl == {STENCIL, IDENTITY}:
                v[d] = STENCIL
            elif len(unique_hl) == 1:
                v[d] = unique_hl.pop()
                raise HaloSchemeException(
                    "Inconsistency found while building a halo "
                    "scheme for `%s` along Dimension `%s`" % (f, d))

    # Drop functions needing no halo exchange
    mapper = {
        f: v
        for f, v in mapper.items()
        if any(i in [STENCIL, FULL] for i in v.values())

    # Emit a summary warning
    for f, v in mapper.items():
        unsupported = [d for d, hl in v.items() if hl is UNSUPPORTED]
        if configuration['mpi'] and unsupported:
            warning("Distributed local-reductions over `%s` along "
                    "Dimensions `%s` detected." % (f, unsupported))

    return mapper
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __setstate__(self, state):
     soname = state.pop('_soname', None)
     binary = state.pop('binary', None)
     for k, v in state.items():
         setattr(self, k, v)
     # If the `sonames` don't match, there *might* be a hidden bug as the
     # unpickled Operator might be generating code that differs from that
     # generated by the pickled Operator. For example, a stupid bug that we
     # had to fix was due to rebuilding SymPy expressions which weren't
     # automatically getting the flag `evaluate=False`, thus producing x+2
     # on the unpickler instead of x+1+1).  However, different `sonames`
     # doesn't necessarily means there's a bug: if the unpickler and the
     # pickler are two distinct processes and the unpickler runs with a
     # different `configuration` dictionary, then the `sonames` might indeed
     # be different, depending on which entries in `configuration` differ.
     if soname is not None:
         if soname != self._soname:
                 "The pickled and unpickled Operators have different .sonames; "
                 "this might be a bug, or simply a harmless difference in "
                 "`configuration`. You may check they produce the same code."
         self._compiler.save(self._soname, binary)
         self._lib = self._compiler.load(self._soname)
         self._lib.name = self._soname
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, obj, r, gridpoints_data, coefficients_data):
        if not isinstance(r, int):
            raise TypeError('Need `r` int argument')
        if r <= 0:
            raise ValueError('`r` must be > 0')
        self.r = r
        self.obj = obj
        self._npoint = obj._npoint
        gridpoints = SubFunction(name="%s_gridpoints" % self.obj.name, dtype=np.int32,
                                 dimensions=(self.obj.indices[-1], Dimension(name='d')),
                                 shape=(self._npoint, self.obj.grid.dim), space_order=0,

        assert(gridpoints_data is not None)
        gridpoints.data[:] = gridpoints_data[:]
        self.obj._gridpoints = gridpoints

        interpolation_coeffs = SubFunction(name="%s_interpolation_coeffs" % self.obj.name,
                                           shape=(self.obj.npoint, self.obj.grid.dim,
                                           dtype=self.obj.dtype, space_order=0,
        assert(coefficients_data is not None)
        interpolation_coeffs.data[:] = coefficients_data[:]
        self.obj._interpolation_coeffs = interpolation_coeffs
        warning("Ensure that the provided interpolation coefficient and grid point " +
                "values are computed on the final grid that will be used for other " +
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _specialize_iet(self, iet, **kwargs):
        mapper = {}


        ops_init = Call("ops_init", [0, 0, 2])
        ops_timing = Call("ops_timing_output", [FunctionPointer("stdout")])
        ops_exit = Call("ops_exit")

        global_declarations = []
        dims = None
        for n, (section, trees) in enumerate(find_affine_trees(iet).items()):
            callable_kernel, declarations, par_loop_call_block, dims = opsit(
                trees, n)

            mapper[trees[0].root] = par_loop_call_block
            mapper.update({i.root: mapper.get(i.root)
                           for i in trees})  # Drop trees

        self._headers.append('#define OPS_%sD' % dims)
        warning("The OPS backend is still work-in-progress")


        return List(
            body=[ops_init, *global_declarations, ops_timing, ops_exit])
Exemplo n.º 5
 def wrapper(self, key, value=None):
     if key in self._deprecated:
             "Trying to access deprecated config `%s`. Using `%s` instead"
             % (key, self._deprecated[key]))
         key = self._deprecated[key]
     return func(self, key, value)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self._cached():
            super(TimeFunction, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self.time_dim = kwargs.get('time_dim', None)
            self.save = kwargs.get('save', None)

            time_order = kwargs.get('time_order', 1)
            if isinstance(time_order, int):
                self.time_order = time_order
                self._halo = ((time_order, 0),) + self._halo
            elif isinstance(time_order, tuple) and len(time_order) == 3:
                time_order, left_points, right_points = time_order
                self.time_order = time_order
                self._halo = ((left_points, right_points),) + self._halo
                raise ValueError("'space_order' must be int or 3-tuple of ints")

            self._padding = (kwargs.get('time_padding', (0, 0)),) + self._padding

            if self.save is not None:
                if not isinstance(self.save, int):
                    raise ValueError("save must be an int indicating the number of " +
                                     "timesteps to be saved (is %s)" % type(self.save))
                available_mem = virtual_memory().available

                if np.dtype(self.dtype).itemsize * self.save > available_mem:
                    warning("Trying to allocate more memory for symbol %s " % self.name +
                            "than available on physical device, this will start swapping")
                self.time_size = self.save
                self.time_size = self.time_order + 1
                self.indices[0].modulo = self.time_size
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _indices(cls, **kwargs):
        """Return the default dimension indices for a given data shape

        :param grid: :class:`Grid` that defines the spatial domain.
        :param dimensions: Optional, list of :class:`Dimension`
                           objects that defines data layout.
        :return: Dimension indices used for each axis.


        Only one of :param grid: or :param dimensions: is required.
        grid = kwargs.get('grid', None)
        dimensions = kwargs.get('dimensions', None)
        if grid is None:
            if dimensions is None:
                error("Creating a Function object requries either "
                      "a 'grid' or the 'dimensions' argument.")
                raise ValueError("Unknown symbol dimensions or shape")
            if dimensions is not None:
                    "Creating Function with 'grid' and 'dimensions' "
                    "argument; ignoring the 'dimensions' and using 'grid'.")
            dimensions = grid.dimensions
        return dimensions
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(IntelCompiler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.cflags += ["-xhost"]

        language = kwargs.pop('language', configuration['language'])
        platform = kwargs.pop('platform', configuration['platform'])

        if platform is SKX:
            # Systematically use 512-bit vectors on skylake
            self.cflags += ["-qopt-zmm-usage=high"]

            if self.version >= version.StrictVersion("15.0.0"):
                # Append the OpenMP flag regardless of configuration['language'],
                # since icc15 and later versions implement OpenMP 4.0, hence
                # they support `#pragma omp simd`
                self.ldflags += ['-qopenmp']
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            if language == 'openmp':
                # Note: fopenmp, not qopenmp, is what is needed by icc versions < 15.0
                self.ldflags += ['-fopenmp']

        # Make sure the MPI compiler uses `icc` underneath -- whatever the MPI distro is
        if kwargs.get('mpi'):
            ver = check_output([self.MPICC, "--version"]).decode("utf-8")
            if not ver.startswith("icc"):
                warning("The MPI compiler `%s` doesn't use the Intel "
                        "C/C++ compiler underneath" % self.MPICC)
Exemplo n.º 9
def is_on_device(maybe_symbol, gpu_fit, only_writes=False):
    True if all given Functions are allocated in the device memory, False otherwise.

    maybe_symbol : Indexed or Function or Node
        The inspected object. May be a single Indexed or Function, or even an
        entire piece of IET.
    gpu_fit : list of Function
        The Function's which are known to definitely fit in the device memory. This
        information is given directly by the user through the compiler option
        `gpu-fit` and is propagated down here through the various stages of lowering.
    only_writes : bool, optional
        Only makes sense if `maybe_symbol` is an IET. If True, ignore all Function's
        that do not appear on the LHS of at least one Expression. Defaults to False.
        functions = (maybe_symbol.function,)
    except AttributeError:
        assert maybe_symbol.is_Node
        iet = maybe_symbol
        functions = set(FindSymbols().visit(iet))
        if only_writes:
            expressions = FindNodes(Expression).visit(iet)
            functions &= {i.write for i in expressions}

    fsave = [f for f in functions if f.is_TimeFunction and is_integer(f.save)]
    if 'all-fallback' in gpu_fit and fsave:
        warning("TimeFunction %s assumed to fit the GPU memory" % fsave)
        return True

    return all(f in gpu_fit for f in fsave)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def putdefault(self, grid):
        Derive a unique key ``K`` from a Grid`; if ``K`` is in ``self``,
        return the pre-existing YaskContext ``self[K]``, otherwise create a
        new context ``C``, set ``self[K] = C`` and return ``C``.
        assert grid is not None

        key = self._getkey(grid, grid.dtype)

        # Does a YaskContext exist already corresponding to this key?
        if key in self:
            return self[key]

        # Functions declared with explicit dimensions (i.e., with no Grid) must be
        # able to retrieve the right context
        partial_keys = [self._getkey(None, grid.dtype, i) for i in powerset(key[-1])]
        if any(i in self._partial_map for i in partial_keys if i[2]):
            warning("Non-unique Dimensions found in different contexts; dumping "
                    "all known contexts. Perhaps you're attempting to use multiple "
                    "Grids, and some of them share identical Dimensions? ")

        # Create a new YaskContext
        context = YaskContext('ctx%d' % self._ncontexts, grid)
        self._ncontexts += 1

        self[key] = context
        self._partial_map.update({i: context for i in partial_keys})

        log("Context successfully created!")
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _make_parallel_tree(self, root, candidates):
        ncollapse = self._ncollapse(root, candidates)
        parallel = self.lang['for'](ncollapse)

        yask_add = namespace['code-grid-add']

        # Introduce the `omp for` pragma
        mapper = OrderedDict()
        if root.is_ParallelAtomic:
            # Turn increments into atomic increments
            subs = {}
            for e in FindNodes(Expression).visit(root):
                if not e.is_Increment:
                # Try getting the increment components
                    target, value, indices = split_increment(e.expr)
                except (AttributeError, ValueError):
                        "Found a parallelizable tree, but couldn't ompize it "
                        "because couldn't understand the increment %s" %
                    return mapper
                # All good, can atomicize the increment
                subs[e] = e._rebuild(
                    expr=e.expr.func(yask_add, target, (value, indices)))
            handle = Transformer(subs).visit(root)
            mapper[root] = handle._rebuild(pragmas=root.pragmas + (parallel, ))
            mapper[root] = root._rebuild(pragmas=root.pragmas + (parallel, ))

        return mapper
Exemplo n.º 12
    def putdefault(self, grid):
        Derive a key ``K`` from the :class:`Grid` ``grid``; if ``K`` in ``self``,
        return the existing :class:`YaskContext` ``self[K]``, otherwise create a
        new context ``C``, set ``self[K] = C`` and return ``C``.
        assert grid is not None

        key = self._getkey(grid, grid.dtype)

        # Does a YaskContext exist already corresponding to this key?
        if key in self:
            return self[key]

        # Functions declared with explicit dimensions (i.e., with no Grid) must be
        # able to retrieve the right context
        partial_keys = [
            self._getkey(None, grid.dtype, i) for i in powerset(key[-1])
        if any(i in self._partial_map for i in partial_keys if i[2]):
                "Non-unique Dimensions found in different contexts; dumping "
                "all known contexts. Perhaps you're attempting to use multiple "
                "Grids, and some of them share identical Dimensions? ")

        # Create a new YaskContext
        context = YaskContext('ctx%d' % self._ncontexts, grid)
        self._ncontexts += 1

        self[key] = context
        self._partial_map.update({i: context for i in partial_keys})

        log("Context successfully created!")
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _arg_values(self, args, interval, grid, **kwargs):
        Produce a map of argument values after evaluating user input. If no user
        input is provided, get a known value in ``args`` and adjust it so that no
        out-of-bounds memory accesses will be performed. The adjustment exploits
        the information in ``interval``, an Interval describing the Dimension data
        space. If no value is available in ``args``, use a default value.

        args : dict
            Known argument values.
        interval : Interval
            Description of the Dimension data space.
        grid : Grid
            Used for spacing overriding and MPI execution; if ``self`` is a distributed
            Dimension, then ``grid`` is used to translate user input into rank-local
            Dictionary of user-provided argument overrides.
        # Fetch user input and convert into rank-local values
        glb_minv = kwargs.pop(self.min_name, None)
        glb_maxv = kwargs.pop(self.max_name, kwargs.pop(self.name, None))
        if grid is not None and grid.is_distributed(self):
            loc_minv, loc_maxv = grid.distributor.glb_to_loc(
                self, (glb_minv, glb_maxv))
            loc_minv, loc_maxv = glb_minv, glb_maxv

        # If no user-override provided, use a suitable default value
        defaults = self._arg_defaults()
        if glb_minv is None:
            loc_minv = args.get(self.min_name, defaults[self.min_name])
                loc_minv -= min(interval.lower, 0)
            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        if glb_maxv is None:
            loc_maxv = args.get(self.max_name, defaults[self.max_name])
                loc_maxv -= max(interval.upper, 0)
            except (AttributeError, TypeError):

        args = {self.min_name: loc_minv, self.max_name: loc_maxv}

        # Maybe override spacing
        if grid is not None:
                spacing_map = {k.name: v for k, v in grid.spacing_map.items()}
                args[self.spacing.name] = spacing_map[self.spacing.name]
            except KeyError:
            except AttributeError:
                # See issue #1524
                warning("Unable to override spacing")

        return args
Exemplo n.º 14
 def grid(self):
     grids = {getattr(i, 'grid', None) for i in self._args_diff} - {None}
     if len(grids) > 1:
         warning("Expression contains multiple grids, returning first found")
         return grids.pop()
     except KeyError:
         raise ValueError("No grid found")
Exemplo n.º 15
 def run(expr):
     if expr.is_Integer:
         return nfac.new_const_number_node(int(expr))
     elif expr.is_Float:
         return nfac.new_const_number_node(float(expr))
     elif expr.is_Symbol:
         function = expr.base.function
         if function.is_Constant:
             if function not in self.mapper:
                 self.mapper[function] = self.yc_soln.new_grid(
                     function.name, [])
             return self.mapper[function].new_relative_grid_point([])
             # A DSE-generated temporary, which must have already been
             # encountered as a LHS of a previous expression
             assert function in self.mapper
             return self.mapper[function]
     elif isinstance(expr, Indexed):
         function = expr.base.function
         if function not in self.mapper:
             if function.is_TimeFunction:
                 dimensions = [
                 dimensions += [
                     for i in function.indices[1:]
                 dimensions = [
                     for i in function.indices
             self.mapper[function] = self.yc_soln.new_grid(
                 function.name, dimensions)
         indices = [
             int((i.origin if isinstance(i, LoweredDimension) else i) -
                 j) for i, j in zip(expr.indices, function.indices)
         return self.mapper[function].new_relative_grid_point(indices)
     elif expr.is_Add:
         return nary2binary(expr.args, nfac.new_add_node)
     elif expr.is_Mul:
         return nary2binary(expr.args, nfac.new_multiply_node)
     elif expr.is_Pow:
         num, den = expr.as_numer_denom()
         if num == 1:
             return nfac.new_divide_node(run(num), run(den))
     elif expr.is_Equality:
         if expr.lhs.is_Symbol:
             function = expr.lhs.base.function
             assert function not in self.mapper
             self.mapper[function] = run(expr.rhs)
             return nfac.new_equation_node(*[run(i) for i in expr.args])
         warning("Missing handler in Devito-YASK translation")
         raise NotImplementedError
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(IntelKNLCompiler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.cflags += ["-xMIC-AVX512"]

        openmp = kwargs.pop('openmp', configuration['openmp'])

        if not openmp:
            warning("Running on Intel KNL without OpenMP is highly discouraged")
Exemplo n.º 17
def rewrite(clusters, mode='advanced'):
    Given a sequence of N Clusters, produce a sequence of M Clusters with reduced
    operation count, with M >= N.

    clusters : list of Cluster
        The Clusters to be transformed.
    mode : str, optional
        The aggressiveness of the rewrite. Accepted:
        - ``noop``: Do nothing.
        - ``basic``: Apply common sub-expressions elimination.
        - ``advanced``: Apply all transformations that will reduce the
                        operation count w/ minimum increase to the memory pressure,
                        namely 'basic', factorization, and cross-iteration redundancy
                        elimination ("CIRE") for time-invariants only.
        - ``aggressive``: Like 'advanced', but apply CIRE to time-varying
                          sub-expressions too.
                          Further, seek and drop cross-cluster redundancies (this
                          is the only pass that attempts to optimize *across*
                          Clusters, rather than within a Cluster).
                          The 'aggressive' mode may substantially increase the
                          symbolic processing time; it may or may not reduce the
                          JIT-compilation time; it may or may not improve the
                          overall runtime performance.
    if not (mode is None or isinstance(mode, str)):
        raise ValueError("Parameter 'mode' should be a string, not %s." % type(mode))

    if mode is None or mode == 'noop':
        return clusters
    elif mode not in dse_registry:
        warning("Unknown rewrite mode(s) %s" % mode)
        return clusters

    # We use separate rewriters for dense and sparse clusters; sparse clusters have
    # non-affine index functions, thus making it basically impossible, in general,
    # to apply the more advanced DSE passes.
    # Note: the sparse rewriter uses the same template for temporaries as
    # the dense rewriter, thus temporaries are globally unique
    rewriter = modes[mode]()
    fallback = BasicRewriter(False, rewriter.template)

    states = [rewriter.run(c) if c.is_dense else fallback.run(c) for c in clusters]

    # Print out the profiling data

    # Different clusters may have created new (smaller) clusters which are
    # potentially groupable within a single cluster
    clusters = ClusterGroup(flatten([i.clusters for i in states]))
    clusters = groupby(clusters)

    return clusters.finalize()
Exemplo n.º 18
def run(shape=(50, 50, 50), spacing=(20.0, 20.0, 20.0), tn=250.0,
        autotune=False, time_order=2, space_order=4, nbpml=10,
        kernel='centered', **kwargs):

    solver = tti_setup(shape, spacing, tn, space_order, nbpml, **kwargs)

    if space_order % 4 != 0:
        warning('WARNING: TTI requires a space_order that is a multiple of 4!')

    rec, u, v, summary = solver.forward(autotune=autotune, kernel=kernel)
    return summary.gflopss, summary.oi, summary.timings, [rec, u, v]
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _specialize_iet(self, iet, **kwargs):
        warning("The OPS backend is still work-in-progress")

        ops_init = Call(namespace['ops_init'], [0, 0, 2])
        ops_partition = Call(namespace['ops_partition'], Literal('""'))
        ops_exit = Call(namespace['ops_exit'])

        ops_block = OpsBlock('block')

        # Extract all symbols that need to be converted to ops_dat
        dims = []
        to_dat = set()
        for section, trees in find_affine_trees(iet).items():
            symbols = set(FindSymbols('symbolics').visit(trees[0].root))
            symbols -= set(FindSymbols('defines').visit(trees[0].root))
            to_dat |= symbols

        # To ensure deterministic code generation we order the datasets to
        # be generated (since a set is an unordered collection)
        to_dat = filter_sorted(to_dat)

        name_to_ops_dat = {}
        pre_time_loop = []
        for f in to_dat:
            if f.is_Constant:

            pre_time_loop.extend(create_ops_dat(f, name_to_ops_dat, ops_block))

        for n, (section, trees) in enumerate(find_affine_trees(iet).items()):
            pre_loop, ops_kernel = opsit(trees, n)


        assert (d == dims[0] for d in dims), \
            "The OPS backend currently assumes that all kernels \
            have the same number of dimensions"

        ops_block_init = Expression(
                   namespace['ops_decl_block'](dims[0], Literal('"block"')))))


        body = [
            ops_init, ops_block_init, *pre_time_loop, ops_partition, iet,

        return List(body=body)
Exemplo n.º 20
def locate_intel_advisor():
        path = Path(os.environ['ADVISOR_HOME'])
        # Little hack: assuming a 64bit system
        if path.joinpath('bin64').joinpath('advixe-cl').is_file():
            return path
            warning("Requested `advisor` profiler, but couldn't locate executable")
            return None
    except KeyError:
        warning("Requested `advisor` profiler, but ADVISOR_HOME isn't set")
        return None
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _build(cls, expressions, **kwargs):
        # Sanity check
        passes = as_tuple(kwargs['mode'])
        for i in passes:
            if i not in cls._known_passes:
                if i in cls._known_passes_disabled:
                    warning("Got explicit pass `%s`, but it's unsupported on an "
                            "Operator of type `%s`" % (i, str(cls)))
                    raise InvalidOperator("Unknown pass `%s`" % i)

        return super(DeviceOpenMPCustomOperator, cls)._build(expressions, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 22
def locate_intel_advisor():
        path = Path(os.environ['ADVISOR_HOME'])
        # Little hack: assuming a 64bit system
        if path.joinpath('bin64').joinpath('advixe-cl').is_file():
            return path
            warning("Requested `advisor` profiler, but couldn't locate executable")
            return None
    except KeyError:
        warning("Requested `advisor` profiler, but ADVISOR_HOME isn't set")
        return None
Exemplo n.º 23
 def _remove_memmap_file():
     """This method is used to clean up memmap file"""
     for f in MemmapManager._created_data:
         if MemmapManager._created_data[f]:
             except OSError:
                     "error removing %s it may be already removed, skipping",
             warning("file %s has been left", f)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def homogenise_gpus(gpu_infos):
        if gpu_infos == []:
            warning('No graphics cards detected')
            return None

        if all_equal(gpu_infos):
            gpu_infos[0]['ncards'] = len(gpu_infos)
            return gpu_infos[0]

        warning('Different models of graphics cards detected')

        return None
Exemplo n.º 25
def _at_callback(val):  # noqa
    if isinstance(val, str):
        level, mode = val, at_default_mode[configuration['backend']]
        level, mode = val
    if level == 'off':
        level = False
    if configuration['backend'] == 'core' and mode == 'runtime':
        warning("Unsupported auto-tuning mode `runtime` with backend `core`")
        return at_setup(level, 'preemptive')
        return at_setup(level, mode)
Exemplo n.º 26
def plot_field(field, xmin=0., xmax=2., ymin=0., ymax=2., zmin=None, zmax=None,
               view=None, linewidth=0):
    Utility plotting routine for 2D data.

    field : array_like
        Field data to plot.
    xmax : int, optional
        Length of the x-axis.
    ymax : int, optional
        Length of the y-axis.
    view: int, optional
        View point to intialise.
    if xmin > xmax or ymin > ymax:
        raise ValueError("Dimension min cannot be larger than dimension max.")
    if (zmin is not None and zmax is not None):
        if zmin > zmax:
            raise ValueError("Dimension min cannot be larger than dimension max.")
    elif(zmin is None and zmax is not None):
        if np.min(field) >= zmax:
            warning("zmax is less than field's minima. Figure deceptive.")
    elif(zmin is not None and zmax is None):
        if np.max(field) <= zmin:
            warning("zmin is larger than field's maxima. Figure deceptive.")
    x_coord = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, field.shape[0])
    y_coord = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, field.shape[1])
    fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(11, 7), dpi=100)
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_coord, y_coord, indexing='ij')
    ax.plot_surface(X, Y, field[:], cmap=cm.viridis, rstride=1, cstride=1,
                    linewidth=linewidth, antialiased=False)

    # Enforce axis measures and set view if given
    ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
    if zmin is None:
        zmin = np.min(field)
    if zmax is None:
        zmax = np.max(field)
    ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax)

    if view is not None:

    # Label axis

Exemplo n.º 27
 def load(self):
     Load timing results from individually keyed files.
     for params in self.sweep():
         filename = '%s_%s.json' % (self.name, self.param_string(params.items()))
             with open(path.join(self.resultsdir, filename), 'r') as f:
                 datadict = json.loads(f.read())
                 self.timings[tuple(params.items())] = datadict['timings']
                 self.meta[tuple(params.items())] = datadict['meta']
             warning("Could not load file: %s" % filename)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def _data_buffer(self):
        num_elements = self._data.grid.get_num_storage_elements()
        shape = self.shape_allocated
        ctype_1d = dtype_to_ctype(self.dtype) * reduce(mul, shape)

        if num_elements != reduce(mul, shape):
            warning("num_storage_elements(%d) != reduce(mul, %s)",
                    num_elements, str(shape))

        buf = ctypes.cast(int(self._data.grid.get_raw_storage_buffer()),

        return np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=self.dtype).reshape(shape)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        Create an instance of the request class for the current backend.

        # Try the selected backend first
            t = cls._backend.__dict__[cls.__name__]
        except KeyError as e:
            warning('Backend %s does not appear to implement class %s' %
                    (cls._backend.__name__, cls.__name__))
            raise e
        # Invoke the constructor with the arguments given
        return t(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        Create an instance of the request class for the current backend.

        # Try the selected backend first
            t = cls._backend.__dict__[cls.__name__]
        except KeyError as e:
            warning('Backend %s does not appear to implement class %s'
                    % (cls._backend.__name__, cls.__name__))
            raise e
        # Invoke the constructor with the arguments given
        return t(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def _arg_check(self, args, intervals):
     Check that ``args`` contains legal runtime values bound to ``self``.
     if self.name not in args:
         raise InvalidArgument("No runtime value for %s" % self.name)
     key = args[self.name]
         # Might be a plain number, w/o a dtype field
         if key.dtype != self.dtype:
             warning("Data type %s of runtime value `%s` does not match the "
                     "Constant data type %s" % (key.dtype, self.name, self.dtype))
     except AttributeError:
Exemplo n.º 32
 def _select_point_color(self, usercolor):
     if usercolor is None:
         return self.color[0]
     elif not self.fancycolor:
         return usercolor
     elif usercolor not in self.fancycolor.mapper:
             fancycolor = self.fancycolor.available.pop(0)
             self.fancycolor.mapper[usercolor] = fancycolor
         except IndexError:
             warning("No more fancycolor available")
         return fancycolor
         return self.fancycolor.mapper[usercolor]
Exemplo n.º 33
    def _data_buffer(self):
        num_elements = self._data.grid.get_num_storage_elements()
        shape = self.shape_allocated
        ctype_1d = dtype_to_ctype(self.dtype) * reduce(mul, shape)

        if num_elements != reduce(mul, shape):
            warning("num_storage_elements(%d) != reduce(mul, %s)",
                    num_elements, str(shape))

        buf = ctypes.cast(

        return np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=self.dtype).reshape(shape)
Exemplo n.º 34
 def _arg_check(self, args, intervals):
     Check that ``args`` contains legal runtime values bound to ``self``.
     if self.name not in args:
         raise InvalidArgument("No runtime value for %s" % self.name)
     key = args[self.name]
         # Might be a plain number, w/o a dtype field
         if key.dtype != self.dtype:
             warning("Data type %s of runtime value `%s` does not match the "
                     "Constant data type %s" % (key.dtype, self.name, self.dtype))
     except AttributeError:
Exemplo n.º 35
def create_profile(name):
    Create a new :class:`Profiler`.
    level = configuration['profiling']
    profiler = profiler_registry[level](name)
    if profiler.initialized:
        return profiler
        warning("Couldn't set up `%s` profiler; reverting to `basic`" % level)
        profiler = profiler_registry['basic'](name)
        # We expect the `basic` profiler to always initialize successfully
        assert profiler.initialized
        return profiler
Exemplo n.º 36
def locate_intel_advisor():
    Detect if Intel Advisor is installed on the machine and return
    its location if it is.

    path = None

        # Check if the directory to Intel Advisor is specified
        path = Path(os.environ['DEVITO_ADVISOR_DIR'])
    except KeyError:
        # Otherwise, 'sniff' the location of Advisor's directory
        error_msg = 'Intel Advisor cannot be found on your system, consider if you'\
                    ' have sourced its environment variables correctly. Information can'\
                    ' be found at https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/'\
            res = run(["advixe-cl", "--version"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL)
            ver = res.stdout.decode("utf-8")
            if not ver:
                return None
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, FileNotFoundError):
            return None

        env_path = os.environ["PATH"]
        env_path_dirs = env_path.split(":")

        for env_path_dir in env_path_dirs:
            # intel/advisor is the advisor directory for Intel Parallel Studio,
            # intel/oneapi/advisor is the directory for Intel oneAPI
            if "intel/advisor" in env_path_dir or "intel/oneapi/advisor" in env_path_dir:
                path = Path(env_path_dir)
                if path.name.startswith('bin'):
                    path = path.parent

        if not path:
            return None

    if path.joinpath('bin64').joinpath('advixe-cl').is_file():
        return path
        warning("Requested `advisor` profiler, but couldn't locate executable"
                "in advisor directory")
        return None
Exemplo n.º 37
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self._cached():
            self.time_dim = kwargs.get('time_dim', self.indices[self._time_position])
            self._time_order = kwargs.get('time_order', 1)
            super(TimeFunction, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

            # Check we won't allocate too much memory for the system
            available_mem = virtual_memory().available
            if np.dtype(self.dtype).itemsize * self.size > available_mem:
                warning("Trying to allocate more memory for symbol %s " % self.name +
                        "than available on physical device, this will start swapping")
            if not isinstance(self.time_order, int):
                raise TypeError("`time_order` must be int")

            self.save = kwargs.get('save')
Exemplo n.º 38
def create_profile(name):
    """Create a new :class:`Profiler`."""
    if configuration['log-level'] == 'DEBUG':
        # Enforce performance profiling in DEBUG mode
        level = 'advanced'
        level = configuration['profiling']
    profiler = profiler_registry[level](name)
    if profiler.initialized:
        return profiler
        warning("Couldn't set up `%s` profiler; reverting to `advanced`" % level)
        profiler = profiler_registry['basic'](name)
        # We expect the `advanced` profiler to always initialize successfully
        assert profiler.initialized
        return profiler
Exemplo n.º 39
def estimate_cost(expr, estimate_functions=False):
    Estimate the operation count of an expression.

    expr : expr-like or list of expr-like
        One or more expressions for which the operation count is calculated.
    estimate_functions : dict, optional
        A mapper from known functions (e.g., sin, cos) to (estimated) operation counts.
    external_functions = {sin: 50, cos: 50}
        # Is it a plain SymPy object ?
    except TypeError:
        expr = [expr]
        # Is it a dict ?
        expr = expr.values()
    except AttributeError:
            # Must be a list of dicts then
            expr = flatten([i.values() for i in expr])
        except AttributeError:
        # At this point it must be a list of SymPy objects
        # We don't use SymPy's count_ops because we do not count integer arithmetic
        # (e.g., array index functions such as i+1 in A[i+1])
        # Also, the routine below is *much* faster than count_ops
        expr = [i.rhs if i.is_Equality else i for i in expr]
        operations = flatten(retrieve_ops(i) for i in expr)
        flops = 0
        for op in operations:
            if op.is_Function:
                if estimate_functions:
                    flops += external_functions.get(op.__class__, 1)
                    flops += 1
                flops += len(op.args) - (1 + sum(True for i in op.args if i.is_Integer))
        return flops
        warning("Cannot estimate cost of %s" % str(expr))
Exemplo n.º 40
def set_backend(backend):
    Set the Devito backend.
    global _BackendSelector
    if _BackendSelector._backend != void:
        warning("WARNING: Switching backend to %s" % backend)

        # We need to pass a non-empty fromlist so that __import__
        # returns the submodule (i.e. the backend) rather than the
        # package.
        mod = __import__('devito.%s' % backend, fromlist=['None'])
    except ImportError as e:
        warning('Unable to import backend %s' % backend)
        raise e
    backends[backend] = mod
    _BackendSelector._backend = mod
Exemplo n.º 41
 def wrapper(self):
     if self._data is None:
         debug("Allocating memory for %s%s" % (self.name, self.shape_allocated))
         self._data = Data(self.shape_allocated, self.dtype,
                           modulo=self._mask_modulo, allocator=self._allocator)
         if self._first_touch:
             assign(self, 0)
         if callable(self._initializer):
             if self._first_touch:
                 warning("`first touch` together with `initializer` causing "
                         "redundant data initialization")
             except ValueError:
                 # Perhaps user only wants to initialise the physical domain
     return func(self)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def _arg_values(self, args, interval, grid, **kwargs):
     if self.step.name in kwargs:
         value = kwargs.pop(self.step.name)
         if value <= args[self.root.max_name] - args[self.root.min_name] + 1:
             return {self.step.name: value}
         elif value < 0:
             raise ValueError("Illegale block size `%s=%d` (it should be > 0)"
                              % (self.step.name, value))
             # Avoid OOB
             warning("The specified block size `%s=%d` is bigger than the "
                     "iteration range; shrinking it to `%s=1`."
                     % (self.step.name, value, self.step.name))
             return {self.step.name: 1}
         value = self._arg_defaults()[self.step.name]
         if value <= args[self.root.max_name] - args[self.root.min_name] + 1:
             return {self.step.name: value}
             # Avoid OOB
             return {self.step.name: 1}
Exemplo n.º 43
 def __setstate__(self, state):
     soname = state.pop('_soname', None)
     binary = state.pop('binary', None)
     for k, v in state.items():
         setattr(self, k, v)
     # If the `sonames` don't match, there *might* be a hidden bug as the
     # unpickled Operator might be generating code that differs from that
     # generated by the pickled Operator. For example, a stupid bug that we
     # had to fix was due to rebuilding SymPy expressions which weren't
     # automatically getting the flag `evaluate=False`, thus producing x+2
     # on the unpickler instead of x+1+1).  However, different `sonames`
     # doesn't necessarily means there's a bug: if the unpickler and the
     # pickler are two distinct processes and the unpickler runs with a
     # different `configuration` dictionary, then the `sonames` might indeed
     # be different, depending on which entries in `configuration` differ.
     if soname is not None:
         if soname != self._soname:
             warning("The pickled and unpickled Operators have different .sonames; "
                     "this might be a bug, or simply a harmless difference in "
                     "`configuration`. You may check they produce the same code.")
         save(self._soname, binary, self._compiler)
Exemplo n.º 44
    def _arg_check(self, args, intervals):
        Check that ``args`` contains legal runtime values bound to ``self``.

            If, given the runtime values ``args``, an out-of-bounds array
            access would be performed, or if shape/dtype don't match with
            self's shape/dtype.
        if self.name not in args:
            raise InvalidArgument("No runtime value for `%s`" % self.name)
        key = args[self.name]
        if len(key.shape) != self.ndim:
            raise InvalidArgument("Shape %s of runtime value `%s` does not match "
                                  "dimensions %s" % (key.shape, self.name, self.indices))
        if key.dtype != self.dtype:
            warning("Data type %s of runtime value `%s` does not match the "
                    "Function data type %s" % (key.dtype, self.name, self.dtype))
        for i, s in zip(self.indices, key.shape):
            i._arg_check(args, s, intervals[i])
Exemplo n.º 45
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(IntelCompiler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.cflags += ["-xhost"]
        if configuration['platform'] is SKX:
            # Systematically use 512-bit vectors on skylake
            self.cflags += ["-qopt-zmm-usage=high"]
            if self.version >= version.StrictVersion("15.0.0"):
                # Append the OpenMP flag regardless of configuration['openmp'],
                # since icc15 and later versions implement OpenMP 4.0, hence
                # they support `#pragma omp simd`
                self.ldflags += ['-qopenmp']
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            if configuration['openmp']:
                # Note: fopenmp, not qopenmp, is what is needed by icc versions < 15.0
                self.ldflags += ['-fopenmp']

        # Make sure the MPI compiler uses `icc` underneath -- whatever the MPI distro is
        if kwargs.get('mpi'):
            ver = check_output([self.MPICC, "--version"]).decode("utf-8")
            if not ver.startswith("icc"):
                warning("The MPI compiler `%s` doesn't use the Intel "
                        "C/C++ compiler underneath" % self.MPICC)
Exemplo n.º 46
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self._cached():
            super(PrecomputedSparseFunction, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

            # Grid points per sparse point (2 in the case of bilinear and trilinear)
            r = kwargs.get('r')
            if not isinstance(r, int):
                raise TypeError('Need `r` int argument')
            if r <= 0:
                raise ValueError('`r` must be > 0')
            self.r = r

            gridpoints = SubFunction(name="%s_gridpoints" % self.name, dtype=np.int32,
                                     dimensions=(self.indices[-1], Dimension(name='d')),
                                     shape=(self.npoint, self.grid.dim), space_order=0,

            gridpoints_data = kwargs.get('gridpoints', None)
            assert(gridpoints_data is not None)
            gridpoints.data[:] = gridpoints_data[:]
            self._gridpoints = gridpoints

            interpolation_coeffs = SubFunction(name="%s_interpolation_coeffs" % self.name,
                                               shape=(self.npoint, self.grid.dim,
                                               dtype=self.dtype, space_order=0,
            coefficients_data = kwargs.get('interpolation_coeffs', None)
            assert(coefficients_data is not None)
            interpolation_coeffs.data[:] = coefficients_data[:]
            self._interpolation_coeffs = interpolation_coeffs
            warning("Ensure that the provided interpolation coefficient and grid point " +
                    "values are computed on the final grid that will be used for other " +
Exemplo n.º 47
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(IntelKNLCompiler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.cflags += ["-xMIC-AVX512"]
     if not configuration['openmp']:
         warning("Running on Intel KNL without OpenMP is highly discouraged")
Exemplo n.º 48
def make_yask_ast(expr, yc_soln, mapper=None):

    def nary2binary(args, op):
        r = make_yask_ast(args[0], yc_soln, mapper)
        return r if len(args) == 1 else op(r, nary2binary(args[1:], op))

    if mapper is None:
        mapper = {}

    if expr.is_Integer:
        return nfac.new_const_number_node(int(expr))
    elif expr.is_Float:
        return nfac.new_const_number_node(float(expr))
    elif expr.is_Rational:
        a, b = expr.as_numer_denom()
        return nfac.new_const_number_node(float(a)/float(b))
    elif expr.is_Symbol:
        function = expr.function
        if function.is_Constant:
            # Create a YASK grid if it's the first time we encounter the embedded Function
            if function not in mapper:
                mapper[function] = yc_soln.new_grid(function.name, [])
                # Allow number of time-steps to be set in YASK kernel.
            return mapper[function].new_grid_point([])
        elif function.is_Dimension:
            if expr.is_Time:
                return nfac.new_step_index(expr.name)
            elif expr.is_Space:
                # `expr.root` instead of `expr` because YASK wants the SubDimension
                # information to be provided as if-conditions, and this is handled
                # a-posteriori directly by `yaskit`
                return nfac.new_domain_index(expr.root.name)
                return nfac.new_misc_index(expr.name)
            # E.g., A DSE-generated temporary, which must have already been
            # encountered as a LHS of a previous expression
            assert function in mapper
            return mapper[function]
    elif expr.is_Indexed:
        function = expr.function
        # Create a YASK grid if it's the first time we encounter the embedded Function
        if function not in mapper:
            dimensions = [make_yask_ast(i.root, yc_soln, mapper)
                          for i in function.indices]
            mapper[function] = yc_soln.new_grid(function.name, dimensions)
            # Allow number of time-steps to be set in YASK kernel.
            # We also get to know some relevant Dimension-related symbols
            # For example, the min point of the `x` Dimension, `x_m`, should
            # be mapped to YASK's `FIRST(x)`
            for d in function.indices:
                node = nfac.new_domain_index(d.name)
                mapper[d.symbolic_min] = nfac.new_first_domain_index(node)
                mapper[d.symbolic_max] = nfac.new_last_domain_index(node)
        indices = [make_yask_ast(i, yc_soln, mapper) for i in expr.indices]
        return mapper[function].new_grid_point(indices)
    elif expr.is_Add:
        return nary2binary(expr.args, nfac.new_add_node)
    elif expr.is_Mul:
        return nary2binary(expr.args, nfac.new_multiply_node)
    elif expr.is_Pow:
        base, exp = expr.as_base_exp()
        if not exp.is_integer:
            raise NotImplementedError("Non-integer powers unsupported in "
                                      "Devito-YASK translation")

        if int(exp) < 0:
            num, den = expr.as_numer_denom()
            return nfac.new_divide_node(make_yask_ast(num, yc_soln, mapper),
                                        make_yask_ast(den, yc_soln, mapper))
        elif int(exp) >= 1:
            return nary2binary([base] * exp, nfac.new_multiply_node)
            warning("0-power found in Devito-YASK translation? setting to 1")
            return nfac.new_const_number_node(1)
    elif isinstance(expr, IntDiv):
        return nfac.new_divide_node(make_yask_ast(expr.lhs, yc_soln, mapper),
                                    make_yask_ast(expr.rhs, yc_soln, mapper))
    elif expr.is_Equality:
        if expr.lhs.is_Symbol:
            function = expr.lhs.function
            # The IETs are always in SSA form, so the only situation in
            # which `function` may already appear in `mapper` is when we've
            # already processed it as part of a different set of
            # boundary conditions. For example consider `expr = a[x]*2`:
            # first time, expr executed iff `x == FIRST_INDEX(x) + 7`
            # second time, expr executed iff `x == FIRST_INDEX(x) + 6`
            if function not in mapper:
                mapper[function] = make_yask_ast(expr.rhs, yc_soln, mapper)
            return nfac.new_equation_node(*[make_yask_ast(i, yc_soln, mapper)
                                            for i in expr.args])
        raise NotImplementedError("Missing handler in Devito-YASK translation")
Exemplo n.º 49
    def _specialize_iet(self, iet, **kwargs):

        warning("The OPS backend is still work-in-progress")

        return iet