Exemplo n.º 1
def _compact_temporaries(exprs):
    Drop temporaries consisting of isolated symbols.
    # First of all, convert to SSA
    exprs = makeit_ssa(exprs)

    # What's gonna be dropped
    mapper = {e.lhs: e.rhs for e in exprs
              if e.lhs.is_Symbol and (q_leaf(e.rhs) or e.rhs.is_Function)}

    processed = []
    for e in exprs:
        if e.lhs not in mapper:
            # The temporary is retained, and substitutions may be applied
            expr = e
            while True:
                handle = uxreplace(expr, mapper)
                if handle == expr:
                    expr = handle

    return processed
Exemplo n.º 2
def _compact_temporaries(exprs):
    Drop temporaries consisting of isolated symbols.
    # First of all, convert to SSA
    exprs = makeit_ssa(exprs)

    # Drop candidates are all exprs in the form `t0 = s` where `s` is a symbol
    # Note: only CSE-captured Temps, which are by construction local objects, may
    # safely be compacted; a generic Symbol could instead be accessed in a subsequent
    # Cluster, for example: `for (i = ...) { a = b; for (j = a ...) ...`
    mapper = {
        e.lhs: e.rhs
        for e in exprs
        if isinstance(e.lhs, Temp) and (q_leaf(e.rhs) or e.rhs.is_Function)

    processed = []
    for e in exprs:
        if e.lhs not in mapper:
            # The temporary is retained, and substitutions may be applied
            expr = e
            while True:
                handle = uxreplace(expr, mapper)
                if handle == expr:
                    expr = handle

    return processed
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _extract_sum_of_products(self, cluster, template, **kwargs):
        Extract sub-expressions in sum-of-product form, and assign them to temporaries.
        make = lambda: Scalar(name=template(), dtype=cluster.dtype).indexify()
        rule = q_sum_of_product
        costmodel = lambda e: not (q_leaf(e) or q_terminalop(e))
        processed, _ = yreplace(cluster.exprs, make, rule, costmodel)

        return cluster.rebuild(processed)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _extract_sum_of_products(self, cluster, template, **kwargs):
        Extract sub-expressions in sum-of-product form, and assign them to temporaries.
        make = lambda: Scalar(name=template(), dtype=cluster.dtype).indexify()
        rule = q_sum_of_product
        costmodel = lambda e: not (q_leaf(e) or q_terminalop(e))
        processed, _ = xreplace_constrained(cluster.exprs, make, rule, costmodel)

        return cluster.rebuild(processed)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def callbacks_sops(context, n):
        # The `depth` determines "how big" the extracted sum-of-products will be.
        # We observe that in typical FD codes:
        #   add(mul, mul, ...) -> stems from first order derivative
        #   add(mul(add(mul, mul, ...), ...), ...) -> stems from second order derivative
        # To catch the former, we would need `depth=1`; for the latter, `depth=3`
        depth = 2 * n + 1

        extractor = lambda e: q_sum_of_product(e, depth)
        model = lambda e: not (q_leaf(e) or q_terminalop(e, depth - 1))
        ignore_collected = lambda g: len(g) <= 1
        selector = lambda c, n: c >= MIN_COST_ALIAS and n > 1
        return extractor, model, ignore_collected, selector
Exemplo n.º 6
def potential_max_deriv_order(exprs):
    The maximum FD derivative order in a list of expressions.
    # NOTE: e might propagate the Derivative(...) information down from the
    # symbolic language, but users may do crazy things and write their own custom
    # expansions "by hand" (i.e., not resorting to Derivative(...)), hence instead
    # of looking for Derivative(...) we use the following heuristic:
    #   add(mul, mul, ...) -> stems from first order derivative
    #   add(mul(add(mul, mul, ...), ...), ...) -> stems from second order derivative
    #   ...
    nadds = lambda e: (int(e.is_Add) + max([nadds(a) for a in e.args],
                                           default=0) if not q_leaf(e) else 0)
    return max([nadds(e) for e in exprs], default=0)
Exemplo n.º 7
def search_potential_deriv(expr, n, c=0):
    Retrieve the expressions at depth `n` that potentially stem from FD derivatives.
    assert n >= c >= 0
    if q_leaf(expr) or expr.is_Pow:
        return []
    elif expr.is_Mul:
        if c == n:
            return [expr]
            return flatten([search_potential_deriv(a, n, c+1) for a in expr.args])
        return flatten([search_potential_deriv(a, n, c) for a in expr.args])
Exemplo n.º 8
def _doit(expr):
        if q_function(expr) or q_leaf(expr):
            # Do not waste time
            return _doit_handle(expr, [])
    except AttributeError:
        # E.g., `Injection`
        return _doit_handle(expr, [])
    args = []
    terms = []
    for a in expr.args:
        ax, term = _doit(a)
    expr = expr.func(*args, evaluate=False)
    return _doit_handle(expr, terms)
Exemplo n.º 9
def _compact_temporaries(exprs):
    Drop temporaries consisting of isolated symbols.
    # First of all, convert to SSA
    exprs = makeit_ssa(exprs)

    # What's gonna be dropped
    mapper = {e.lhs: e.rhs for e in exprs
              if e.lhs.is_Symbol and (q_leaf(e.rhs) or e.rhs.is_Function)}

    processed = []
    for e in exprs:
        if e.lhs not in mapper:
            # The temporary is retained, and substitutions may be applied
            handle, _ = yreplace(e, mapper, repeat=True)
            assert len(handle) == 1

    return processed
Exemplo n.º 10
def compact_temporaries(temporaries, leaves):
    """Drop temporaries consisting of isolated symbols."""
    exprs = temporaries + leaves
    targets = {i.lhs for i in leaves}

    graph = FlowGraph(exprs)

    mapper = {k: v.rhs for k, v in graph.items()
              if v.is_Scalar and
              (q_leaf(v.rhs) or v.rhs.is_Function) and
              not v.readby.issubset(targets)}

    processed = []
    for k, v in graph.items():
        if k not in mapper:
            # The temporary /v/ is retained, and substitutions may be applied
            handle, _ = xreplace_constrained(v, mapper, repeat=True)
            assert len(handle) == 1

    return processed
Exemplo n.º 11
def compact_temporaries(temporaries, leaves):
    """Drop temporaries consisting of single symbols."""
    exprs = temporaries + leaves
    targets = {i.lhs for i in leaves}

    g = FlowGraph(exprs)

    mapper = {k: v.rhs for k, v in g.items()
              if v.is_Scalar and
              (q_leaf(v.rhs) or v.rhs.is_Function) and
              not v.readby.issubset(targets)}

    processed = []
    for k, v in g.items():
        if k not in mapper:
            # The temporary /v/ is retained, and substitutions may be applied
            handle, _ = xreplace_constrained(v, mapper, repeat=True)
            assert len(handle) == 1

    return processed
Exemplo n.º 12
def cire(cluster, template, mode, options, platform):
    Cross-iteration redundancies elimination.

    cluster : Cluster
        Input Cluster, subject of the optimization pass.
    template : callable
        To build the symbols (temporaries) storing the redundant expressions.
    mode : str
        The transformation mode. Accepted: ['invariants', 'sops'].
        * 'invariants' is for sub-expressions that are invariant w.r.t. one or
          more Dimensions.
        * 'sops' stands for sums-of-products, that is redundancies are searched
          across all expressions in sum-of-product form.
    options : dict
        The optimization mode. Accepted: ['min-storage'].
        * 'min-storage': if True, the pass will try to minimize the amount of
          storage introduced for the tensor temporaries. This might also reduce
          the operation count. On the other hand, this might affect fusion and
          therefore data locality. Defaults to False (legacy).
    platform : Platform
        The underlying platform. Used to optimize the shape of the introduced
        tensor symbols.

    1) 'invariants'. Below is an expensive sub-expression invariant w.r.t. `t`

    t0 = (cos(a[x,y,z])*sin(b[x,y,z]))*c[t,x,y,z]


    t1[x,y,z] = cos(a[x,y,z])*sin(b[x,y,z])
    t0 = t1[x,y,z]*c[t,x,y,z]

    2) 'sops'. Below are redundant sub-expressions in sum-of-product form (in this
    case, the sum degenerates to a single product).

    t0 = 2.0*a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
    t1 = 3.0*a[x,y,z+1]*b[x,y,z+1]


    t2[x,y,z] = a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
    t0 = 2.0*t2[x,y,z]
    t1 = 3.0*t2[x,y,z+1]
    # Sanity checks
    assert mode in ['invariants', 'sops']
    assert all(i > 0 for i in options['cire-repeats'].values())

    # Relevant options
    min_storage = options['min-storage']

    # Setup callbacks
    if mode == 'invariants':
        # Extraction rule
        def extractor(context):
            is_time_invariant = make_is_time_invariant(context)
            return lambda e: is_time_invariant(e)

        # Extraction model
        model = lambda e: estimate_cost(e, True) >= MIN_COST_ALIAS_INV

        # Selection rule
        selector = lambda c, n: c >= MIN_COST_ALIAS_INV and n >= 1

    elif mode == 'sops':
        # Extraction rule
        def extractor(context):
            return lambda e: q_sum_of_product(e)

        # Extraction model
        model = lambda e: not (q_leaf(e) or q_terminalop(e))

        # Selection rule
        selector = lambda c, n: c >= MIN_COST_ALIAS and n > 1

    # Actual CIRE
    processed = []
    context = cluster.exprs
    for _ in range(options['cire-repeats'][mode]):
        # Extract potentially aliasing expressions
        exprs, extracted = extract(cluster, extractor(context), model,
        if not extracted:
            # Do not waste time

        # Search aliasing expressions
        aliases = collect(extracted, min_storage)

        # Rule out aliasing expressions with a bad flops/memory trade-off
        chosen, others = choose(exprs, aliases, selector)
        if not chosen:
            # Do not waste time

        # Create Aliases and assign them to Clusters
        clusters, subs = process(cluster, chosen, aliases, template, platform)

        # Rebuild `cluster` so as to use the newly created Aliases
        rebuilt = rebuild(cluster, others, aliases, subs)

        # Prepare for the next round
        cluster = rebuilt
        context = flatten(c.exprs for c in processed) + list(cluster.exprs)


    return processed