Exemplo n.º 1
    def make_grid(self, obj):
        Create and return a new :class:`Data`, a YASK grid wrapper. Memory
        is allocated.

        :param obj: The :class:`Function` for which a YASK grid is allocated.
        if set(obj.indices) < set(self.space_dimensions):
            exit("Need a Function[x,y,z] to create a YASK grid.")

        name = 'devito_%s_%d' % (obj.name, contexts.ngrids)

        # Set up the YASK grid and allocate memory
        grid = self.yk_hook.new_grid(name, obj)
        for i, s, h in zip(obj.indices, obj.shape, obj._halo):
            if i.is_Time:
                assert grid.is_dim_used(i.name)
                assert grid.get_alloc_size(i.name) == s
                # Note:
                # 1) The halo is set to a value which is the max between the number
                # of points on the left and the number of points on the right of
                # the approximation (the same with a centered approximation)
                # 2) from the YASK docs: "If the halo is set to a value larger than
                # the padding size, the padding size will be automatically increased
                # to accomodate it
                grid.set_halo_size(i.name, max(h))

        self.grids[name] = grid

        return grid
Exemplo n.º 2
def find_offloadable_trees(nodes):
    Return the trees within ``nodes`` that can be computed by YASK.

    A tree is "offloadable to YASK" if it is embedded in a time stepping loop
    *and* all of the grids accessed by the enclosed equations are homogeneous
    (i.e., same dimensions and data type).
    offloadable = []
    for tree in retrieve_iteration_tree(nodes):
        parallel = filter_iterations(tree, lambda i: i.is_Parallel)
        if not parallel:
            # Cannot offload non-parallel loops
        if not (IsPerfectIteration().visit(tree)
                and all(i.is_Expression for i in tree[-1].nodes)):
            # Don't know how to offload this Iteration/Expression to YASK
        functions = flatten(i.functions for i in tree[-1].nodes)
        keys = set((i.grid, i.dtype) for i in functions if i.is_TimeFunction)
        if len(keys) == 0:
        elif len(keys) > 1:
            exit("Cannot handle Operators w/ heterogeneous grids")
        grid, dtype = keys.pop()
        # Is this a "complete" tree iterating over the entire grid?
        dims = [i.dim for i in tree]
        if all(i in dims for i in grid.dimensions) and\
                any(j in dims for j in [grid.time_dim, grid.stepping_dim]):
            offloadable.append((tree, grid, dtype))
    return offloadable
Exemplo n.º 3
def find_offloadable_trees(nodes):
    Return the trees within ``nodes`` that can be computed by YASK.

    A tree is "offloadable to YASK" if it is embedded in a time stepping loop
    *and* all of the grids accessed by the enclosed equations are homogeneous
    (i.e., same dimensions, shape, data type).
    offloadable = []
    for tree in retrieve_iteration_tree(nodes):
        parallel = filter_iterations(tree, lambda i: i.is_Parallel)
        if not parallel:
            # Cannot offload non-parallel loops
        if not (IsPerfectIteration().visit(tree)
                and all(i.is_Expression for i in tree[-1].nodes)):
            # Don't know how to offload this Iteration/Expression to YASK
        functions = flatten(i.functions for i in tree[-1].nodes)
        keys = set((i.indices, i.shape, i.dtype) for i in functions
                   if i.is_TimeFunction)
        if len(keys) == 0:
        elif len(keys) > 1:
            exit("Cannot handle Operators w/ heterogeneous grids")
        dimensions, shape, dtype = keys.pop()
        if len(dimensions) == len(tree) and\
                all(i.dim == j for i, j in zip(tree, dimensions)):
            # Detected a "full" Iteration/Expression tree (over both
            # time and space dimensions)
            offloadable.append((tree, dimensions, shape, dtype))
    return offloadable
Exemplo n.º 4
    def fetch(self, dimensions, shape, dtype):
        Fetch the :class:`YaskContext` in ``self`` uniquely identified by
        ``dimensions``, ``shape``, and ``dtype``. Create a new (empty)
        :class:`YaskContext` on miss.
        # Sanity checks
        assert len(dimensions) == len(shape)
        dimensions = [str(i) for i in dimensions]
        if set(dimensions) < {'x', 'y', 'z'}:
            exit("Need a Function[x,y,z] for initialization")

        # The time dimension is dropped as implicit to the context
        domain = OrderedDict([(i, j) for i, j in zip(dimensions, shape)
                              if i != namespace['time-dim']])

        # A unique key for this context.
        key = tuple([configuration['isa'], dtype] + list(domain.items()))

        # Fetch or create a YaskContext
        if key in self:
            log("Fetched existing context from cache")
            self[key] = YaskContext('ctx%d' % self.ncontexts, domain, dtype)
            self.ncontexts += 1
            log("Context successfully created!")
        return self[key]
    def _specialize_iet(self, nodes):
        """Transform the Iteration/Expression tree to offload the computation of
        one or more loop nests onto YASK. This involves calling the YASK compiler
        to generate YASK code. Such YASK code is then called from within the
        transformed Iteration/Expression tree."""
        log("Specializing a Devito Operator for YASK...")

        self.context = YaskNullContext()
        self.yk_soln = YaskNullKernel()

        offloadable = find_offloadable_trees(nodes)
        if len(offloadable) == 0:
            log("No offloadable trees found")
        elif len(offloadable) == 1:
            tree, grid, dtype = offloadable[0]
            self.context = contexts.fetch(grid, dtype)

            # Create a YASK compiler solution for this Operator
            yc_soln = self.context.make_yc_solution(namespace['jit-yc-soln'])

            transform = sympy2yask(self.context, yc_soln)
                for i in tree[-1].nodes:

                funcall = make_sharedptr_funcall(namespace['code-soln-run'],
                funcall = Element(c.Statement(ccode(funcall)))
                nodes = Transformer({tree[1]: funcall}).visit(nodes)

                # Track /funcall/ as an external function call
                self.func_table[namespace['code-soln-run']] = MetaCall(
                    None, False)

                # JIT-compile the newly-created YASK kernel
                local_grids = [i for i in transform.mapper if i.is_Array]
                self.yk_soln = self.context.make_yk_solution(
                    namespace['jit-yk-soln'], yc_soln, local_grids)

                # Print some useful information about the newly constructed solution
                log("Solution '%s' contains %d grid(s) and %d equation(s)." %
                    (yc_soln.get_name(), yc_soln.get_num_grids(),

                log("Unable to offload a candidate tree.")
            exit("Found more than one offloadable trees in a single Operator")

        # Some Iteration/Expression trees are not offloaded to YASK and may
        # require further processing to be executed in YASK, due to the differences
        # in storage layout employed by Devito and YASK
        nodes = make_grid_accesses(nodes)

        log("Specialization successfully performed!")

        return nodes
Exemplo n.º 6
    def fetch(self, dimensions, dtype):
        Fetch the :class:`YaskContext` in ``self`` uniquely identified by
        ``dimensions`` and ``dtype``.
        key = self._getkey(None, dtype, dimensions)

        context = self.get(key, self._partial_map.get(key))
        if context is not None:
            log("Fetched existing YaskContext from cache")
            return context
            exit("Couldn't find YaskContext for key=`%s`" % str(key))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def fetch(self, dimensions, dtype):
        Fetch the YaskContext in ``self`` uniquely identified by ``dimensions`` and
        key = self._getkey(None, dtype, dimensions)

        context = self.get(key, self._partial_map.get(key))
        if context is not None:
            log("Fetched existing YaskContext from cache")
            return context
            exit("Couldn't find YaskContext for key=`%s`" % str(key))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def fetch(self, grid, dtype, dimensions=None):
        Fetch the :class:`YaskContext` in ``self`` uniquely identified by
        ``grid`` and ``dtype``.
        key = self._getkey(grid, dtype, dimensions)

        context = self.get(key, self._partial_map.get(key))
        if context is not None:
            log("Fetched existing context from cache")
            return context
            exit("Couldn't find context for grid %s" % grid)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def make_grid(self, obj):
        Create and return a new :class:`YaskGrid`, a YASK grid wrapper. Memory
        is allocated.

        :param obj: The symbolic data object for which a YASK grid is allocated.
        if set(obj.indices) < set(self.space_dimensions):
            exit("Need a Function[x,y,z] to create a YASK grid.")
        name = 'devito_%s_%d' % (obj.name, contexts.ngrids)
        log("Allocating YaskGrid for %s (%s)" % (obj.name, str(obj.shape)))
        grid = self.yk_hook.new_grid(name, obj)
        wrapper = YaskGrid(grid, obj.shape, obj.space_order, obj.dtype)
        self.grids[name] = wrapper
        return wrapper
Exemplo n.º 10
    def make_grid(self, obj):
        Create and return a new :class:`Data`, a YASK grid wrapper. Memory
        is allocated.

        :param obj: The :class:`Function` for which a YASK grid is allocated.
        if set(obj.indices) < set(self.space_dimensions):
            exit("Need a Function[x,y,z] to create a YASK grid.")

        name = 'devito_%s_%d' % (obj.name, contexts.ngrids)

        # Create the YASK grid
        grid = self.yk_hook.new_grid(name, obj)

        # Where should memory be allocated ?
        alloc = obj._allocator
        if alloc.is_Numa:
            if alloc.put_onnode:
            elif alloc.put_local:

        for i, s, h in zip(obj.indices, obj.shape_allocated, obj._extent_halo):
            if i.is_Time:
                assert grid.is_dim_used(i.name)
                assert grid.get_alloc_size(i.name) == s
                # Note:
                # From the YASK docs: "If the halo is set to a value larger than
                # the padding size, the padding size will be automatically increased
                # to accomodate it."
                grid.set_left_halo_size(i.name, h.left)
                grid.set_right_halo_size(i.name, h.right)

        self.grids[name] = grid

        return grid
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _specialize(self, nodes, parameters):
        Create a YASK representation of this Iteration/Expression tree.

        ``parameters`` is modified in-place adding YASK-related arguments.
        log("Specializing a Devito Operator for YASK...")

        self.context = YaskNullContext()
        self.yk_soln = YaskNullKernel()
        local_grids = []

        offloadable = find_offloadable_trees(nodes)
        if len(offloadable) == 0:
            log("No offloadable trees found")
        elif len(offloadable) == 1:
            tree, grid, dtype = offloadable[0]
            self.context = contexts.fetch(grid, dtype)

            # Create a YASK compiler solution for this Operator
            yc_soln = self.context.make_yc_solution(namespace['jit-yc-soln'])

            transform = sympy2yask(self.context, yc_soln)
                for i in tree[-1].nodes:

                funcall = make_sharedptr_funcall(namespace['code-soln-run'],
                funcall = Element(c.Statement(ccode(funcall)))
                nodes = Transformer({tree[1]: funcall}).visit(nodes)

                # Track /funcall/ as an external function call
                self.func_table[namespace['code-soln-run']] = MetaCall(
                    None, False)

                # JIT-compile the newly-created YASK kernel
                local_grids += [i for i in transform.mapper if i.is_Array]
                self.yk_soln = self.context.make_yk_solution(
                    namespace['jit-yk-soln'], yc_soln, local_grids)

                # Now we must drop a pointer to the YASK solution down to C-land

                # Print some useful information about the newly constructed solution
                log("Solution '%s' contains %d grid(s) and %d equation(s)." %
                    (yc_soln.get_name(), yc_soln.get_num_grids(),
                log("Unable to offload a candidate tree.")
            exit("Found more than one offloadable trees in a single Operator")

        # Some Iteration/Expression trees are not offloaded to YASK and may
        # require further processing to be executed in YASK, due to the differences
        # in storage layout employed by Devito and YASK
        nodes = make_grid_accesses(nodes)

        # Update the parameters list adding all necessary YASK grids
        for i in list(parameters) + local_grids:
                if i.from_YASK:
            except AttributeError:
                # Ignore e.g. Dimensions

        log("Specialization successfully performed!")

        return nodes
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, name, yc_soln, local_grids=None):
        Write out a YASK kernel, build it using YASK's Makefiles,
        import the corresponding SWIG-generated Python module, and finally
        create a YASK kernel solution object.

        :param name: Unique name of this YaskKernel.
        :param yc_soln: YaskCompiler solution.
        :param local_grids: A local grid is necessary to run the YaskKernel,
                            but its final content can be ditched. Indeed, local
                            grids are hidden to users -- for example, they could
                            represent temporary arrays introduced by the DSE.
                            This parameter tells which of the ``yc_soln``'s grids
                            are local.
        self.name = name

        # Shared object name
        self.soname = "%s.%s.%s" % (name, yc_soln.get_name(),

        # It's necessary to `clean` the YASK kernel directory *before*
        # writing out the first `yask_stencil_code.hpp`
        make(namespace['path'], ['-C', namespace['kernel-path'], 'clean'])

        # Write out the stencil file
        if not os.path.exists(namespace['kernel-path-gen']):

        # JIT-compile it
            compiler = configuration.yask['compiler']
            opt_level = 1 if configuration.yask['develop-mode'] else 3
                    'YK_CXX=%s' % compiler.cc,
                    'YK_CXXOPT=-O%d' % opt_level,
                    'mpi=0',  # Disable MPI for now
                    # "EXTRA_MACROS=TRACE",
                    'YK_BASE=%s' % str(name),
                    'stencil=%s' % yc_soln.get_name(),
                    'arch=%s' % configuration['platform'],
        except CompilationError:
            exit("Kernel solution compilation")

        # Import the corresponding Python (SWIG-generated) module
            yk = getattr(__import__('yask', fromlist=[name]), name)
        except ImportError:
            exit("Python YASK kernel bindings")
            yk = reload(yk)
        except NameError:
            # Python 3.5 compatibility
            yk = importlib.reload(yk)

        # Create the YASK solution object
        kfac = yk.yk_factory()
        self.env = kfac.new_env()
        self.soln = kfac.new_solution(self.env)

        # MPI setup: simple rank configuration in 1st dim only.
        # TODO: in production runs, the ranks would be distributed along all
        # domain dimensions.

        # Redirect stdout/strerr to a string or file
        if configuration.yask['dump']:
            filename = 'yk_dump.%s.%s.%s.txt' % (
                self.name, configuration['platform'], configuration['isa'])
            filename = os.path.join(configuration.yask['dump'], filename)
            self.output = yk.yask_output_factory().new_file_output(filename)
            self.output = yk.yask_output_factory().new_string_output()

        # Users may want to run the same Operator (same domain etc.) with
        # different grids.
        self.grids = {i.get_name(): i for i in self.soln.get_grids()}
        self.local_grids = {
            i.name: self.grids[i.name]
            for i in (local_grids or [])
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _specialize(self, nodes, parameters):
        Create a YASK representation of this Iteration/Expression tree.

        ``parameters`` is modified in-place adding YASK-related arguments.

        log("Specializing a Devito Operator for YASK...")

        # Find offloadable Iteration/Expression trees
        offloadable = []
        for tree in retrieve_iteration_tree(nodes):
            parallel = filter_iterations(tree, lambda i: i.is_Parallel)
            if not parallel:
                # Cannot offload non-parallel loops
            if not (IsPerfectIteration().visit(tree)
                    and all(i.is_Expression for i in tree[-1].nodes)):
                # Don't know how to offload this Iteration/Expression to YASK
            functions = flatten(i.functions for i in tree[-1].nodes)
            keys = set((i.indices, i.shape, i.dtype) for i in functions
                       if i.is_TimeData)
            if len(keys) == 0:
            elif len(keys) > 1:
                exit("Cannot handle Operators w/ heterogeneous grids")
            dimensions, shape, dtype = keys.pop()
            if len(dimensions) == len(tree) and\
                    all(i.dim == j for i, j in zip(tree, dimensions)):
                # Detected a "full" Iteration/Expression tree (over both
                # time and space dimensions)
                offloadable.append((tree, dimensions, shape, dtype))

        # Construct YASK ASTs given Devito expressions. New grids may be allocated.
        if len(offloadable) == 0:
            # No offloadable trees found
            self.context = YaskNullContext()
            self.yk_soln = YaskNullSolution()
            processed = nodes
            log("No offloadable trees found")
        elif len(offloadable) == 1:
            # Found *the* offloadable tree for this Operator
            tree, dimensions, shape, dtype = offloadable[0]
            self.context = contexts.fetch(dimensions, shape, dtype)

            # Create a YASK compiler solution for this Operator
            # Note: this can be dropped as soon as the kernel has been built
            yc_soln = self.context.make_yc_solution(namespace['jit-yc-soln'])

            transform = sympy2yask(self.context, yc_soln)
                for i in tree[-1].nodes:

                funcall = make_sharedptr_funcall(namespace['code-soln-run'],
                funcall = Element(c.Statement(ccode(funcall)))
                processed = Transformer({tree[1]: funcall}).visit(nodes)

                # Track this is an external function call
                self.func_table[namespace['code-soln-run']] = FunMeta(
                    None, False)

                # JIT-compile the newly-created YASK kernel
                self.yk_soln = self.context.make_yk_solution(
                    namespace['jit-yk-soln'], yc_soln)

                # Now we must drop a pointer to the YASK solution down to C-land

                # Print some useful information about the newly constructed solution
                log("Solution '%s' contains %d grid(s) and %d equation(s)." %
                    (yc_soln.get_name(), yc_soln.get_num_grids(),
                self.yk_soln = YaskNullSolution()
                processed = nodes
                log("Unable to offload a candidate tree.")
            exit("Found more than one offloadable trees in a single Operator")

        # Some Iteration/Expression trees are not offloaded to YASK and may
        # require further processing to be executed in YASK, due to the differences
        # in storage layout employed by Devito and YASK
        processed = make_grid_accesses(processed)

        # Update the parameters list adding all necessary YASK grids
        for i in list(parameters):
                if i.from_YASK:
                               namespace['type-grid'], i.data.rawpointer))
            except AttributeError:
                # Ignore e.g. Dimensions

        log("Specialization successfully performed!")

        return processed
Exemplo n.º 14
 def run_py(self, ntimesteps):
     exit("Cannot run a NullSolution through YASK's Python bindings")
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, name, yc_soln, domain):
        Write out a YASK kernel, build it using YASK's Makefiles,
        import the corresponding SWIG-generated Python module, and finally
        create a YASK kernel solution object.

        :param name: Unique name of this YaskKernel.
        :param yc_soln: YaskCompiler solution.
        :param domain: A mapper from space dimensions to their domain size.
        self.name = name

        # Shared object name
        self.soname = "%s.%s.%s" % (name, yc_soln.get_name(),

        # It's necessary to `clean` the YASK kernel directory *before*
        # writing out the first `yask_stencil_code.hpp`
        make(namespace['path'], ['-C', namespace['kernel-path'], 'clean'])

        # Write out the stencil file
        if not os.path.exists(namespace['kernel-path-gen']):

        # JIT-compile it
            opt_level = 1 if yask_configuration['develop-mode'] else 3
                    'YK_CXXOPT=-O%d' % opt_level,
                    # "EXTRA_MACROS=TRACE",
                    'YK_BASE=%s' % str(name),
                    'stencil=%s' % yc_soln.get_name(),
                    'arch=%s' % yask_configuration['arch'],
        except CompilationError:
            exit("Kernel solution compilation")

        # Import the corresponding Python (SWIG-generated) module
            yk = importlib.import_module(name)
        except ImportError:
            exit("Python YASK kernel bindings")
            yk = reload(yk)
        except NameError:
            # Python 3.5 compatibility
            yk = importlib.reload(yk)

        # Create the YASK solution object
        kfac = yk.yk_factory()
        self.env = kfac.new_env()
        self.soln = kfac.new_solution(self.env)

        # MPI setup: simple rank configuration in 1st dim only.
        # TODO: in production runs, the ranks would be distributed along all
        # domain dimensions.

        # Redirect stdout/strerr to a string
        self.output = yk.yask_output_factory().new_string_output()

        # Set up the solution domain size
        for k, v in domain.items():
            self.soln.set_rank_domain_size(k, v)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, name, yc_soln, local_grids=None):
        Write out a YASK kernel, build it using YASK's Makefiles,
        import the corresponding SWIG-generated Python module, and finally
        create a YASK kernel solution object.

        :param name: Unique name of this YaskKernel.
        :param yc_soln: YaskCompiler solution.
        :param local_grids: A local grid is necessary to run the YaskKernel,
                            but its final content can be ditched. Indeed, local
                            grids are hidden to users -- for example, they could
                            represent temporary arrays introduced by the DSE.
                            This parameter tells which of the ``yc_soln``'s grids
                            are local.
        self.name = name

        # Shared object name
        self.soname = "%s.devito.%s" % (name, configuration['platform'])

        # The directory in which the YASK-generated code (.hpp) will be placed
        yk_codegen = namespace['yask-codegen'](name, 'devito',
        if not os.path.exists(yk_codegen):

        # Write out the stencil file
        yk_codegen_file = os.path.join(yk_codegen,

        # JIT-compile it
            compiler = configuration.yask['compiler']
            if configuration['develop-mode']:
                if yc_soln.get_num_equations() == 0:
                    # YASK will compile more quickly, and no price has to be paid
                    # in terms of performance, as this is a void kernel
                    opt_level = 0
                    opt_level = 1
                opt_level = 3
            args = [
                'YK_CXX=%s' % compiler.cc,
                'YK_CXXOPT=-O%d' % opt_level,
                # No MPI support at the moment
                # To locate the YASK compiler
                'YC_EXEC=%s' % os.path.join(namespace['path'], 'bin'),
                # Error out if a grid not explicitly defined in the compiler is created
                # To give a unique name to the generated Python modules, rather
                # than creating `yask_kernel.py`
                'YK_BASE=%s' % name,
                # `stencil` and `arch` should always be provided
                'stencil=%s' % 'devito',
                'arch=%s' % configuration['platform'],
                # The root directory of generated code files, shared libs, Python modules
                'YASK_OUTPUT_DIR=%s' % namespace['yask-output-dir'],
                # Pick the YASK kernel Makefile, i.e. the one under `yask/src/kernel`
            # Other potentially useful args:
            # - "EXTRA_MACROS=TRACE", -- debugging option
            make(namespace['path'], args)
        except CompilationError:
            exit("Kernel solution compilation")

        # Import the corresponding Python (SWIG-generated) module
            sys.path.append(os.path.join(namespace['yask-output-dir'], 'yask'))
            yk = importlib.import_module(name)
        except ImportError:
            exit("Python YASK kernel bindings")

        # Create the YASK solution object
        kfac = yk.yk_factory()
        self.env = kfac.new_env()
        self.soln = kfac.new_solution(self.env)

        # Apply any user-provided options, if any.
        # These are applied here instead of just before prepare_solution()
        # so that applicable options will apply to all API calls.
                                             or '')

        # MPI setup: simple rank configuration in 1st dim only.
        # TODO: in production runs, the ranks would be distributed along all
        # domain dimensions.

        # Redirect stdout to a string or file
        if configuration.yask['dump']:
            filename = 'yk_dump.%s.%s.%s.txt' % (
                name, configuration['platform'], configuration['isa'])
            filename = os.path.join(configuration.yask['dump'], filename)
            self.output = yk.yask_output_factory().new_file_output(filename)
            self.output = yk.yask_output_factory().new_string_output()

        # Users may want to run the same Operator (same domain etc.) with
        # different grids.
        self.grids = {i.get_name(): i for i in self.soln.get_grids()}
        self.local_grids = {
            i.name: self.grids[i.name]
            for i in (local_grids or [])