Exemplo n.º 1
    def getGraph(self, sessionId):

        allGraphs = {}
        thrExs = {}

        self._tp.map(functools.partial(self._getGraph, sessionId, allGraphs, thrExs), self._dmHosts)

        if thrExs:
            raise Exception("One ore more exceptions occurred while getting the graph for session %s" % (sessionId), thrExs)

        # The graphs coming from the DMs are not interconnected, we need to
        # add the missing connections to the graph before returning upstream
        for rel in self._interDMRelations[sessionId]:
            graph_loader.addLink(rel.rel, allGraphs[rel.rhs], rel.lhs)

        return allGraphs
Exemplo n.º 2
    def getGraph(self, sessionId):

        allGraphs = {}
                       "getting the graph",

        # The graphs coming from the DMs are not interconnected, we need to
        # add the missing connections to the graph before returning upstream
        rels = set([
            z for x in self._drop_rels[sessionId].values() for y in x.values()
            for z in y
        for rel in rels:
            graph_loader.addLink(rel.rel, allGraphs[rel.rhs], rel.lhs)

        return allGraphs
Exemplo n.º 3
    def linkGraphParts(self, lhOID, rhOID, linkType, force=False):
        Links together two DROP specifications (i.e., those pointed by
        `lhOID` and `rhOID`) using `linkType`. The DROP specifications
        must both already be part of one of the graph specs contained in this
        session; otherwise an exception will be raised.
        if self.status != SessionStates.BUILDING:
            raise InvalidSessionState("Can't link DROPs anymore since this session isn't in the BUILDING state")

        # Look for the two DROPs in all our graph parts and reporting
        # missing DROPs
        lhDropSpec = self._graph.get(lhOID, None)
        rhDropSpec = self._graph.get(rhOID, None)
        missingOids = []
        if lhDropSpec is None: missingOids.append(lhOID)
        if rhDropSpec is None: missingOids.append(rhOID)
        if missingOids:
            oids = 'OID' if len(missingOids) == 1 else 'OIDs'
            raise InvalidGraphException('No DROP found for %s %r' % (oids, missingOids))

        graph_loader.addLink(linkType, lhDropSpec, rhOID, force=force)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def linkGraphParts(self, lhOID, rhOID, linkType, force=False):
        Links together two DROP specifications (i.e., those pointed by
        `lhOID` and `rhOID`) using `linkType`. The DROP specifications
        must both already be part of one of the graph specs contained in this
        session; otherwise an exception will be raised.
        if self.status != SessionStates.BUILDING:
            raise Exception("Can't link DROPs anymore since this session isn't in the BUILDING state")

        # Look for the two DROPs in all our graph parts and reporting
        # missing DROPs
        lhDropSpec = self.findByOidInParts(lhOID)
        rhDropSpec = self.findByOidInParts(rhOID)
        missingOids = []
        if lhDropSpec is None: missingOids.append(lhOID)
        if rhDropSpec is None: missingOids.append(rhOID)
        if missingOids:
            oids = 'OID' if len(missingOids) == 1 else 'OIDs'
            raise Exception('No DROP found for %s %r' % (oids, missingOids))

        graph_loader.addLink(linkType, lhDropSpec, rhOID, force=force)