Exemplo n.º 1
 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
     if is_float(key):
         msg = 'array index cannot be float; please cast to int'
         raise KeyError(msg)
     elif is_bool(key):
         msg = 'logical indexing must provide an iterable of full length'
         raise KeyError(msg)
     elif is_string(key):
         msg = 'array index cannot be string'
         raise TypeError(msg)
     elif isinstance(key, tuple):
         msg = ('tuple is ambiguous because it can refer to dual-indexing; '
                'convert index to list')
         raise TypeError(msg)
     elif is_integer(key):
         if self._is_valid_dtype_element(value):
             self._data.iloc[key] = value
             msg = 'value type does not match array dtype = {}'
             raise ValueError(msg.format(self.dtype.__name__))
         if is_scalar(value):
             if self._is_valid_dtype_element(value):
                 self._data.iloc[key] = value
                 msg = 'value type does not match array dtype = {}'
                 raise ValueError(msg.format(self.dtype.__name__))
             if self._is_valid_dtype_iterable(value):
                 self._data.iloc[key] = value
                 msg = 'value type does not match array dtype = {}'
                 raise ValueError(msg.format(self.dtype.__name__))
     self._data = self._data.astype(object)
     self.dtype = infer_dtype(self._data)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _init_from_dict(self, data):
        scalarity_per_value = [is_scalar(value) for value in data.values()]
        if all(scalarity_per_value):
            # Box all scalar values
            _data = [Array(value) for value in data.values()]
        elif any(scalarity_per_value):
            # At least one value is scalar but all values are not scalars
            # Allocate a list and put non-scalar values inside.
            _data = [None] * len(data)
            length_per_value = [None] * len(data)
            for i, value in enumerate(data.values()):
                if not scalarity_per_value[i]:
                    _data[i] = Array(value)
                    length_per_value[i] = len(_data[i])

            # All non-scalar columns must have the same length or
            # we raise a ValueError
            length_non_scalars = set([
                length for length, scalarity in zip(
                    length_per_value, scalarity_per_value) if not scalarity
            if len(length_non_scalars) > 1:
                msg = 'columns do not have the same length'
                raise ValueError(msg)
            elif len(length_non_scalars) == 0:
                msg = 'you found a bug, please report it'
                raise InternalError(msg)
                length = list(length_non_scalars)[0]

            # Now that we have the length, we can fill out the columns
            # using scalars.
            for i, value in enumerate(data.values()):
                if scalarity_per_value[i]:
                    _data[i] = Array([value] * length)
            # All values are non-scalars. No need to box them.
            _data = [Array(value) for value in data.values()]

        # Ensure dict keys are string types
        if not is_iterable_string(data.keys()):
            msg = 'non string names are not allowed'
            raise ValueError(msg)
            _names = data.keys()

        # Ensure all columns have the same length
        if not is_list_same([len(column) for column in _data]):
            msg = 'columns do not have the same lengths'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # Set curated internal vars
        self._data = Array(_data)
        self._names = Array(_names)

        # Update all other fields
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __mod__(self, other):
     if is_scalar(other):
         return Array([__mod__(e, other) for e in self])
     elif isinstance(other, Iterable):
         if len(self) == get_length(other):
             return Array([__mod__(x, y) for x, y in zip(self, other)])
             msg = 'iterables have different lengths'
             raise ValueError(msg)
         msg = 'cannot perform this operation with {} object'
         raise ValueError(msg.format(type(object)))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
     if is_float(key):
         msg = 'float index is not supported; please cast to int'
         raise KeyError(msg)
     elif is_bool(key):
         msg = 'logical indexing must provide a list of full length'
         raise KeyError(msg)
     elif is_integer(key):
         self._setitem_using_int_key(key, value)
     elif is_string(key):
         if key in self._names:
             self._setitem_using_int_key(self._names_to_index[key], value)
             self._append_new_column(key, value)
     elif isinstance(key, (slice, Iterable)) and not isinstance(key, tuple):
         key = self._parse_colkey(key)
         if is_scalar(value):
             for k in key:
                 self._setitem_using_int_key(k, value)
         elif isinstance(value, np.array):
             self._setitem_using_list_of_int_key_numpy_value(key, value)
         elif isinstance(value, pd.Series):
             msg = ('pandas Series is not supported, please use pandas '
                    'DataFrame instead')
             raise ValueError(msg)
         elif isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
             self._setitem_using_list_of_int_key_pandas_value(key, value)
         elif isinstance(value, Iterable):
             if len(key) == len(value):
                 for k, v in zip(key, value):
                     self._setitem_using_int_key(k, v)
                 msg = ('key and value do not have the same number '
                        'of columns')
                 raise ValueError(msg)
             msg = 'cannot assign {} type value'.format(type(value))
             raise ValueError(msg)
     elif isinstance(key, tuple):
         # Dual Indexing. Set both rows and columns.
         if len(key) == 2:
             rowkey = key[0]
             colkey = key[1]
             self._setitem_using_rowkey_colkey(rowkey, colkey, value)
             msg = 'tuple indexing must have exactly 2 elements'
             raise KeyError(msg)
         # Catchall for all other addresses
         msg = 'key must be int, string, list, slice, or a 2-tuple'
         raise KeyError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _setitem_using_rowkey_colkey(self, rowkey, colkey, value):
     if is_float(colkey):
         msg = 'float index is not supported; please cast to int'
         raise KeyError(msg)
     elif is_bool(colkey):
         msg = 'logical indexing must provide a list of full length'
         raise KeyError(msg)
     elif is_integer(colkey):
         self._data[colkey][rowkey] = value
     elif is_string(colkey):
         colkey = self._names_to_index[colkey]
         self._data[colkey][rowkey] = value
     elif isinstance(colkey, (slice, list)):
         colkey = self._parse_colkey(colkey)
         if is_scalar(value):
             for k in colkey:
                 self._data[k][rowkey] = value
         elif isinstance(value, np.array):
                 rowkey, colkey, value)
         elif isinstance(value, pd.Series):
             msg = ('pandas Series is not supported, please use pandas '
                    'DataFrame instead')
             raise ValueError(msg)
         elif isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
                 rowkey, colkey, value)
         elif isinstance(value, Iterable):
             if len(colkey) == len(value):
                 for k, v in zip(colkey, value):
                     self._data[k][rowkey] = v
                 msg = ('key and value do not have the same number '
                        'of columns')
                 raise ValueError(msg)
             msg = 'cannot assign {} type value'.format(type(value))
             raise ValueError(msg)
         # Catchall for all other addresses
         msg = 'column key must be int, string, list, or slice'
         raise KeyError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _create_array(self, value):
     if is_scalar(value):
         return Array([value] * self._nrow)
         return Array(value)