def main(args):
    devices = list(map(int, args.gpu.split(',')))
    n_gpus = len(devices)

    # load dataset
    if args.dataset == 'reddit':
        g, n_classes = load_reddit(self_loop=False)
    elif args.dataset == 'ogbn-products':
        g, n_classes = load_ogb('ogbn-products')
        raise Exception('unknown dataset')

    train_nid = g.ndata.pop('train_mask').nonzero().squeeze()
    val_nid = g.ndata.pop('val_mask').nonzero().squeeze()
    test_nid = g.ndata.pop('test_mask').nonzero().squeeze()

    nfeat = g.ndata.pop('features')
    labels = g.ndata.pop('labels')

    # Create csr/coo/csc formats before launching training processes with multi-gpu.
    # This avoids creating certain formats in each sub-process, which saves memory and CPU.

    # this to avoid competition overhead on machines with many cores.
    # Change it to a proper number on your machine, especially for multi-GPU training.
    os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(mp.cpu_count() // 2 // n_gpus)
    if n_gpus > 1:
        # Copy the graph to shared memory explicitly before pinning.
        # In other cases, we can just rely on fork's copy-on-write.
        # TODO: the original graph g is not freed.
        if args.graph_device == 'uva':
            g = g.shared_memory('g')
        if args.data_device == 'uva':
            nfeat = nfeat.share_memory_()
            labels = labels.share_memory_()
    # Pack data
    data = train_nid, val_nid, test_nid, n_classes, g, nfeat, labels

    if devices[0] == -1:
        assert args.graph_device == 'cpu', \
               f"Must have GPUs to enable {args.graph_device} sampling."
        assert args.data_device == 'cpu', \
               f"Must have GPUs to enable {args.data_device} feature storage."
        run(0, 0, args, ['cpu'], data)
    elif n_gpus == 1:
        run(0, n_gpus, args, devices, data)
        procs = []
        for proc_id in range(n_gpus):
            p = mp.Process(target=run,
                           args=(proc_id, n_gpus, args, devices, data))
        for p in procs:
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(args, devices):
    g, num_rels, num_classes, labels, train_idx, test_idx, target_idx, inv_target = load_data(
        args.dataset, inv_target=True)

    # Create csr/coo/csc formats before launching training processes.
    # This avoids creating certain formats in each sub-process, which saves momory and CPU.

    n_gpus = len(devices)
    n_cpus = mp.cpu_count()
    queue = mp.Queue(n_gpus)
    procs = []
    for proc_id in range(n_gpus):
        # We use distributed data parallel dataloader to handle the data splitting
        p = mp.Process(target=run,
                       args=(proc_id, n_gpus, n_cpus // n_gpus, args, devices,
                             (g, num_classes, num_rels, target_idx, inv_target,
                              train_idx, test_idx, labels), queue))
    for p in procs:
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(args, devices):
    # load graph data
    ogb_dataset = False
    if args.dataset == 'aifb':
        dataset = AIFBDataset()
    elif args.dataset == 'mutag':
        dataset = MUTAGDataset()
    elif args.dataset == 'bgs':
        dataset = BGSDataset()
    elif args.dataset == 'am':
        dataset = AMDataset()
    elif args.dataset == 'ogbn-mag':
        dataset = DglNodePropPredDataset(name=args.dataset)
        ogb_dataset = True
        raise ValueError()

    if ogb_dataset is True:
        split_idx = dataset.get_idx_split()
        train_idx = split_idx["train"]['paper']
        val_idx = split_idx["valid"]['paper']
        test_idx = split_idx["test"]['paper']
        hg_orig, labels = dataset[0]
        subgs = {}
        for etype in hg_orig.canonical_etypes:
            u, v = hg_orig.all_edges(etype=etype)
            subgs[etype] = (u, v)
            subgs[(etype[2], 'rev-'+etype[1], etype[0])] = (v, u)
        hg = dgl.heterograph(subgs)
        hg.nodes['paper'].data['feat'] = hg_orig.nodes['paper'].data['feat']
        labels = labels['paper'].squeeze()

        num_rels = len(hg.canonical_etypes)
        num_of_ntype = len(hg.ntypes)
        num_classes = dataset.num_classes
        if args.dataset == 'ogbn-mag':
            category = 'paper'
        print('Number of relations: {}'.format(num_rels))
        print('Number of class: {}'.format(num_classes))
        print('Number of train: {}'.format(len(train_idx)))
        print('Number of valid: {}'.format(len(val_idx)))
        print('Number of test: {}'.format(len(test_idx)))

        # Load from hetero-graph
        hg = dataset[0]

        num_rels = len(hg.canonical_etypes)
        num_of_ntype = len(hg.ntypes)
        category = dataset.predict_category
        num_classes = dataset.num_classes
        train_mask = hg.nodes[category].data.pop('train_mask')
        test_mask = hg.nodes[category].data.pop('test_mask')
        labels = hg.nodes[category].data.pop('labels')
        train_idx = th.nonzero(train_mask, as_tuple=False).squeeze()
        test_idx = th.nonzero(test_mask, as_tuple=False).squeeze()

        # AIFB, MUTAG, BGS and AM datasets do not provide validation set split.
        # Split train set into train and validation if args.validation is set
        # otherwise use train set as the validation set.
        if args.validation:
            val_idx = train_idx[:len(train_idx) // 5]
            train_idx = train_idx[len(train_idx) // 5:]
            val_idx = train_idx

    node_feats = []
    for ntype in hg.ntypes:
        if len(hg.nodes[ntype].data) == 0 or args.node_feats is False:
            assert len(hg.nodes[ntype].data) == 1
            feat = hg.nodes[ntype].data.pop('feat')

    # get target category id
    category_id = len(hg.ntypes)
    for i, ntype in enumerate(hg.ntypes):
        if ntype == category:
            category_id = i
        print('{}:{}'.format(i, ntype))

    g = dgl.to_homogeneous(hg)
    g.ndata['ntype'] = g.ndata[dgl.NTYPE]
    g.edata['etype'] = g.edata[dgl.ETYPE]
    g.ndata['type_id'] = g.ndata[dgl.NID]
    node_ids = th.arange(g.number_of_nodes())

    # find out the target node ids
    node_tids = g.ndata[dgl.NTYPE]
    loc = (node_tids == category_id)
    target_idx = node_ids[loc]
    # Create csr/coo/csc formats before launching training processes with multi-gpu.
    # This avoids creating certain formats in each sub-process, which saves momory and CPU.

    n_gpus = len(devices)
    n_cpus = mp.cpu_count()
    # cpu
    if devices[0] == -1:
        run(0, 0, n_cpus, args, ['cpu'],
            (g, node_feats, num_of_ntype, num_classes, num_rels, target_idx,
             train_idx, val_idx, test_idx, labels), None, None)
    # gpu
    elif n_gpus == 1:
        run(0, n_gpus, n_cpus, args, devices,
            (g, node_feats, num_of_ntype, num_classes, num_rels, target_idx,
            train_idx, val_idx, test_idx, labels), None, None)
    # multi gpu
        queue = mp.Queue(n_gpus)
        procs = []
        num_train_seeds = train_idx.shape[0]
        num_valid_seeds = val_idx.shape[0]
        num_test_seeds = test_idx.shape[0]
        train_seeds = th.randperm(num_train_seeds)
        valid_seeds = th.randperm(num_valid_seeds)
        test_seeds = th.randperm(num_test_seeds)
        tseeds_per_proc = num_train_seeds // n_gpus
        vseeds_per_proc = num_valid_seeds // n_gpus
        tstseeds_per_proc = num_test_seeds // n_gpus
        for proc_id in range(n_gpus):
            # we have multi-gpu for training, evaluation and testing
            # so split trian set, valid set and test set into num-of-gpu parts.
            proc_train_seeds = train_seeds[proc_id * tseeds_per_proc :
                                           (proc_id + 1) * tseeds_per_proc \
                                           if (proc_id + 1) * tseeds_per_proc < num_train_seeds \
                                           else num_train_seeds]
            proc_valid_seeds = valid_seeds[proc_id * vseeds_per_proc :
                                           (proc_id + 1) * vseeds_per_proc \
                                           if (proc_id + 1) * vseeds_per_proc < num_valid_seeds \
                                           else num_valid_seeds]
            proc_test_seeds = test_seeds[proc_id * tstseeds_per_proc :
                                         (proc_id + 1) * tstseeds_per_proc \
                                         if (proc_id + 1) * tstseeds_per_proc < num_test_seeds \
                                         else num_test_seeds]
            p = mp.Process(target=run, args=(proc_id, n_gpus, n_cpus // n_gpus, args, devices,
                                             (g, node_feats, num_of_ntype, num_classes, num_rels, target_idx,
                                             train_idx, val_idx, test_idx, labels),
                                             (proc_train_seeds, proc_valid_seeds, proc_test_seeds),
        for p in procs:
Exemplo n.º 4
    test_nid = test_g.ndata.pop(
        'test_mask', ~(test_g.ndata['train_mask']
                       | test_g.ndata['val_mask'])).nonzero().squeeze()
    train_nid = train_g.ndata.pop('train_mask').nonzero().squeeze()
    val_nid = val_g.ndata.pop('val_mask').nonzero().squeeze()

    # Create csr/coo/csc formats before launching training processes with multi-gpu.
    # This avoids creating certain formats in each sub-process, which saves momory and CPU.

    # this to avoid competition overhead on machines with many cores.
    # Change it to a proper number on your machine, especially for multi-GPU training.
    os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(mp.cpu_count() // 2 // n_gpus)
    if n_gpus > 1:
        # Copy the graph to shared memory explicitly before pinning.
        # In other cases, we can just rely on fork's copy-on-write.
        # TODO: the original train_g is not freed.
        if args.graph_device == 'uva':
            train_g = train_g.shared_memory('train_g')
        if args.data_device == 'uva':
            train_nfeat = train_nfeat.share_memory_()
            train_labels = train_labels.share_memory_()

    # Pack data
    data = n_classes, train_g, val_g, test_g, train_nfeat, val_nfeat, test_nfeat, \
           train_labels, val_labels, test_labels, train_nid, val_nid, test_nid

    if devices[0] == -1:
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(args, devices):
    # load graph data
    ogb_dataset = False
    if args.dataset == 'aifb':
        dataset = AIFBDataset()
    elif args.dataset == 'mutag':
        dataset = MUTAGDataset()
    elif args.dataset == 'bgs':
        dataset = BGSDataset()
    elif args.dataset == 'am':
        dataset = AMDataset()
    elif args.dataset == 'ogbn-mag':
        dataset = DglNodePropPredDataset(name=args.dataset)
        ogb_dataset = True
        raise ValueError()

    if ogb_dataset is True:
        split_idx = dataset.get_idx_split()
        train_idx = split_idx["train"]['paper']
        val_idx = split_idx["valid"]['paper']
        test_idx = split_idx["test"]['paper']
        hg_orig, labels = dataset[0]
        subgs = {}
        for etype in hg_orig.canonical_etypes:
            u, v = hg_orig.all_edges(etype=etype)
            subgs[etype] = (u, v)
            subgs[(etype[2], 'rev-' + etype[1], etype[0])] = (v, u)
        hg = dgl.heterograph(subgs)
        hg.nodes['paper'].data['feat'] = hg_orig.nodes['paper'].data['feat']
        labels = labels['paper'].squeeze()

        num_rels = len(hg.canonical_etypes)
        num_of_ntype = len(hg.ntypes)
        num_classes = dataset.num_classes
        if args.dataset == 'ogbn-mag':
            category = 'paper'
        print('Number of relations: {}'.format(num_rels))
        print('Number of class: {}'.format(num_classes))
        print('Number of train: {}'.format(len(train_idx)))
        print('Number of valid: {}'.format(len(val_idx)))
        print('Number of test: {}'.format(len(test_idx)))

        # Load from hetero-graph
        hg = dataset[0]

        num_rels = len(hg.canonical_etypes)
        num_of_ntype = len(hg.ntypes)
        category = dataset.predict_category
        num_classes = dataset.num_classes
        train_mask = hg.nodes[category].data.pop('train_mask')
        test_mask = hg.nodes[category].data.pop('test_mask')
        labels = hg.nodes[category].data.pop('labels')
        train_idx = th.nonzero(train_mask, as_tuple=False).squeeze()
        test_idx = th.nonzero(test_mask, as_tuple=False).squeeze()

        # AIFB, MUTAG, BGS and AM datasets do not provide validation set split.
        # Split train set into train and validation if args.validation is set
        # otherwise use train set as the validation set.
        if args.validation:
            val_idx = train_idx[:len(train_idx) // 5]
            train_idx = train_idx[len(train_idx) // 5:]
            val_idx = train_idx

    node_feats = []
    for ntype in hg.ntypes:
        if len(hg.nodes[ntype].data) == 0 or args.node_feats is False:
            assert len(hg.nodes[ntype].data) == 1
            feat = hg.nodes[ntype].data.pop('feat')

    # get target category id
    category_id = len(hg.ntypes)
    for i, ntype in enumerate(hg.ntypes):
        if ntype == category:
            category_id = i
        print('{}:{}'.format(i, ntype))

    g = dgl.to_homogeneous(hg)
    g.ndata['ntype'] = g.ndata[dgl.NTYPE]
    g.edata['etype'] = g.edata[dgl.ETYPE]
    g.ndata['type_id'] = g.ndata[dgl.NID]
    node_ids = th.arange(g.number_of_nodes())

    # find out the target node ids
    node_tids = g.ndata[dgl.NTYPE]
    loc = (node_tids == category_id)
    target_idx = node_ids[loc]

    # This is a graph with multiple node types, so we want a way to map
    # our target node from their global node numberings, back to their
    # numberings within their type. This is used when taking the nodes in a
    # mini-batch, and looking up their type-specific labels
    inv_target = th.empty(node_ids.shape, dtype=node_ids.dtype)
    inv_target[target_idx] = th.arange(0,

    # Create csr/coo/csc formats before launching training processes with multi-gpu.
    # This avoids creating certain formats in each sub-process, which saves momory and CPU.

    n_gpus = len(devices)
    n_cpus = mp.cpu_count()
    # cpu
    if devices[0] == -1:
        run(0, 0, n_cpus, args, ['cpu'],
            (g, node_feats, num_of_ntype, num_classes, num_rels, target_idx,
             inv_target, train_idx, val_idx, test_idx, labels), None)
    # gpu
    elif n_gpus == 1:
        run(0, n_gpus, n_cpus, args, devices,
            (g, node_feats, num_of_ntype, num_classes, num_rels, target_idx,
             inv_target, train_idx, val_idx, test_idx, labels), None)
    # multi gpu
        queue = mp.Queue(n_gpus)
        procs = []
        for proc_id in range(n_gpus):
            # We use distributed data parallel dataloader to handle the data
            # splitting
            p = mp.Process(target=run,
                           args=(proc_id, n_gpus, n_cpus // n_gpus, args,
                                 (g, node_feats, num_of_ntype, num_classes,
                                  num_rels, target_idx, inv_target, train_idx,
                                  val_idx, test_idx, labels), queue))
        for p in procs: