Exemplo n.º 1
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster

from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.aws.compute import Lambda
from diagrams.aws.integration import SNS, Eventbridge
from diagrams.aws.management import Cloudwatch
from diagrams.onprem.queue import ActiveMQ

with Diagram("Alerting Workflow", show=True):
    with Cluster('main account'):
        topic = SNS('SNS Topic')

        with Cluster('Lambda'):
            l = Lambda('processor')
            topic >> l
            S3('lambda source') - l

        cl = Cloudwatch('Cloudwatch')
        l >> cl

        event = Eventbridge('Cloudwatch\nevent rule')
        cl >> event

    with Cluster('Event Bus'):
        event_bus = ActiveMQ('bus')
        event >> event_bus
Exemplo n.º 2
from diagrams.aws.database import Dynamodb
from diagrams.aws.integration import Eventbridge
from diagrams.aws.network import APIGateway
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3

with Diagram("Message Broker Refactored", show=False):
    with Cluster("Event Processors"):
        with Cluster("System C", direction="TB"):
            apig = APIGateway("webhook")
            handler = Lambda("handler")

        with Cluster("System D", direction="TB"):

            processor = Lambda("handler")
            ddb = Dynamodb("database")
            stream_listener = Lambda("processor")

        broker = Eventbridge("message broker")

        with Cluster("System B", direction="TB"):
            event_handler = Lambda("handler")
            bucket = S3("S3")
            file_processor = Lambda("processor")

        apig >> handler >> broker >> processor

        processor >> ddb >> stream_listener >> broker

        broker >> event_handler >> bucket >> file_processor
Exemplo n.º 3
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.aws.compute import Lambda, Batch, ECS, EKS, ElasticBeanstalk, Compute, AutoScaling, Fargate, Lightsail, SAR, ServerlessApplicationRepository
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3, Backup, EBS, EFS, S3Glacier, Storage, StorageGateway
from diagrams.aws.database import Dynamodb, RDS, Redshift, DB, ElastiCache, Neptune, Timestream
from diagrams.aws.network import APIGateway, CloudFront, GlobalAccelerator, Route53, VPC
from diagrams.aws.integration import Eventbridge, SNS, SQS, Appsync, StepFunctions
from diagrams.aws.analytics import Kinesis, Athena, Quicksight, ES, ElasticsearchService, Analytics, DataPipeline, Glue, EMR, KinesisDataAnalytics, KinesisDataFirehose, KinesisDataStreams, LakeFormation, Redshift, ManagedStreamingForKafka
from diagrams.aws.ml import Sagemaker, Comprehend, Rekognition, Forecast, Personalize, Polly, Textract, Transcribe, Translate, MachineLearning, Lex, SagemakerNotebook, SagemakerModel, SagemakerTrainingJob

with Diagram("Event-based Application", show=False):
    eb = Eventbridge("EventBridge (Event Router)")
    apig = APIGateway("REST API")
    apig >> Lambda("API Handler(s)") >> Dynamodb("Data")
Exemplo n.º 4
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.aws.compute import Lambda, ECS
from diagrams.aws.devtools import Codebuild
from diagrams.aws.integration import Eventbridge
from diagrams.aws.database import Dynamodb, Timestream
from diagrams.onprem.client import User

with Diagram("SLO Infrastructure", direction="TB"):
    ci = Codebuild("CI/CD")
    producer = Eventbridge("Event Bus")
    function = Lambda("Event Handler")
    event_store = Dynamodb("EventStore")
    series_store = Timestream("SLO/Events")
    stores = [event_store, series_store]
    grafana = ECS("Dashboard")

    user = User()

    ci >> producer >> function >> stores
    user >> grafana >> series_store
Exemplo n.º 5
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster
from diagrams.aws.network import Route53
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.aws.mobile import APIGateway
from diagrams.aws.compute import Lambda
from diagrams.aws.integration import Eventbridge
from diagrams.programming.language import Python, Javascript
from diagrams.aws.database import DDB
from diagrams.aws.engagement import SES
from diagrams.aws.ml import Textract

with Diagram("architecture", show=False):

    with Cluster(" Envoie_de_la notification "):
        flux_2 = Eventbridge(
            "planifie l'execution \nde la fonction\nscan_user du lundi \nau vendredi à 8H00"
        ) >> Lambda("Handler:lambdascan_handeler")

        #with Cluster("Enregistrement_de_l'utilisateur "):
        flux_1 = Route53(
            "redirige le trafic \n de mtchou-mouh.mongulu.cm \n vers le bucket S3 de meme nom"
        ) >> S3(
            "3 PAGES WEB :\n-index.html\n-demo.html\n-error.html"
        ) >> APIGateway(
            "-OPTIONS:résout\nproblèmeCORS\n-POST:donne les\n informations à LAMBDA"
        ) >> Lambda(
            "Handler:lambda.register_handler\n-Enregistrement information dans\n DynamoDB table Register\n-Envoie mail de verification \nvia AmazoneSES"

    with Cluster("Programming"):
        languages = [Python("BackEnd"), Javascript("FrontEnd")]
Exemplo n.º 6
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.aws.compute import Compute, Lambda
from diagrams.aws.database import Dynamodb
from diagrams.aws.integration import SQS, SNS, Eventbridge
from diagrams.aws.network import APIGateway
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3
from diagrams.aws.analytics import Kinesis, KinesisDataFirehose

with Diagram("Procurement services", show=False):

    broker = Eventbridge()

    with Cluster("Lot Selection"):
        inbox = S3("Listings")
        listing_queue = SQS()
        textract = Lambda("Extract lots")
        listings_db = Dynamodb("Listings db")
        selector = Lambda("Select lots")

        inbox >> listing_queue >> textract >> listings_db >> selector

    with Cluster("Buying app"):
        pricer = Lambda("Bid calculator")
        purchases = Dynamodb("Buying db")
        apig = APIGateway("Manager app")
        ls = Lambda("View proposals")
        put = Lambda("Set price")
        invoices = S3("Invoice bucket")
        invoice_listener = Lambda("Invoice listener")
        listener = Lambda("Lot listener")
Exemplo n.º 7
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.aws.analytics import ES, Kinesis
from diagrams.aws.compute import Lambda
from diagrams.aws.integration import Eventbridge
from diagrams.aws.storage import S3

with Diagram("Event capture", show=False):
    with Cluster("Production Account"):
        prod_lambdas = [Lambda("Func"), Lambda("Func"), Lambda("Func")]
        prod_bus = Eventbridge("Default")
        prod_lambdas >> prod_bus

    with Cluster("Test Account"):
        test_lambdas = [Lambda("Func"), Lambda("Func"), Lambda("Func")]
        test_bus = Eventbridge("Default")
        test_lambdas >> test_bus

    with Cluster("Logging Account"):
        event_bus = Eventbridge("Shared")
        prod_bus >> event_bus
        test_bus >> event_bus

        stream = Kinesis("Event stream")

        event_bus >> stream
        stream >> S3("Archive")
        stream >> ES("Analytics")
Exemplo n.º 8
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.aws.integration import Eventbridge
from diagrams.aws.compute import Lambda

graph_attr = {
    "fontsize": "10",
    "bgcolor": "white",

with Diagram(
    "EventBridge -> DynamoDB table (dynamodb-logs) reads",
    handler = Lambda("Lambda")
    event_bridge = Eventbridge("EventBridge")
    event_bridge >> handler
Exemplo n.º 9
                # with Cluster("Private Subnet (2)") as priv2:
                tableau = Tableau("Tableau Server\n(EC2)")

        with Cluster("S3 Data Lake"):
            s3data = storage.S3("Data Bucket")
            s3meta = storage.S3("Metadata Bucket")
            s3logs = storage.S3("Logging Bucket")
            sftp = TransferForSftp("SFTP\nTransfer Service")
            py_fn1 = compute.Lambda("File Listener\n(Lambda Python)")
            glue = Glue("Spark Transforms\n(Glue)")

        # with Cluster("AWS Serverless"):
        events = Eventbridge("Event Triggers\n(AWS Eventbridge)")
        secrets = security.SecretsManager("AWS Secrets\nManager")
        cw = Cloudwatch("Cloudwatch Logs")

    source = Internet("External\nData Source")

    py_fn1 << s3data << py_fn1
    glue << s3data << glue

    nat << singer1
    nat >> source
    elb >> tableau
    s3meta >> singer1 >> s3data
    singer1 << secrets
    singer1 << events
    rs1 << singer1