Exemplo n.º 1
from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster
from diagrams.onprem.vcs import Github
from diagrams.azure.security import KeyVaults
from diagrams.azure.devops import ApplicationInsights
from diagrams.azure.compute import FunctionApps
from diagrams.azure.storage import StorageAccounts, BlobStorage

graph_attr = {"bgcolor": "white", "pad": "0.5"}

with Diagram("Azure Stack Hub MarketPlace RSS Feed",

    gh = Github("MarketPlace Changelog page")

    with Cluster("Azure Services"):
        func = FunctionApps("Functions App")
        appinsight = ApplicationInsights("Application Insights")
        kv = KeyVaults("Keyvault")

        with Cluster("Storage"):
            sc = StorageAccounts("Storage Account")
            blob = BlobStorage("rss/feed.xml")

    gh >> func >> sc
    sc - blob
    appinsight >> func << kv
Exemplo n.º 2
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.gcp.network import DNS
from diagrams.azure.web import AppServices
from diagrams.azure.database import DatabaseForMysqlServers
from diagrams.azure.compute import FunctionApps
from diagrams.azure.database import CosmosDb

with Diagram("", show=False):
    dns = DNS("dns (GCP)")

    with Cluster("azure_virtual_network internal-it"):
        with Cluster("azurerm_subnet public"):
            snipe_it_web = AppServices("snipe-it")
            stns_api = FunctionApps("stns-api")

        with Cluster("azurerm_subnet db"):
            rdb = DatabaseForMysqlServers("snipe-it-db")
            cosmos_db = CosmosDb("stnd-db")

    dns >> snipe_it_web >> rdb
    dns >> stns_api >> cosmos_db
Exemplo n.º 3
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from diagrams.azure.web import AppServices
from diagrams.azure.database import SQLDatabases
from diagrams.azure.web import APIConnections
from diagrams.azure.compute import FunctionApps
from diagrams.azure.mobile import AppServiceMobile
from diagrams.programming.framework import React

graph_attr = {"fontsize": "45", "bgcolor": "transparent"}

with Diagram("Cashback", show=True, graph_attr=graph_attr, direction="TB"):

    with Cluster("Internal"):
        with Cluster("Azure"):
            checkSupplier = FunctionApps("Push Notification")
            apiRestFul = AppServices("ApiRestFul")
            sqlServerDataBase = SQLDatabases("Database")
            apiRestFul >> sqlServerDataBase

        with Cluster("Aplicativos"):
            reactAppClient = AppServiceMobile("App Cliente")
            reactAppParnet = AppServiceMobile("App Parceiro")

    with Cluster("External"):
        agendamentoApi = APIConnections("Agendamento")
        carteiraApi = APIConnections("Pagamento Api")
        cashBackApi = APIConnections("CashBack Api")

    reactAppClient >> apiRestFul
    reactAppParnet >> apiRestFul
    apiRestFul << checkSupplier
Exemplo n.º 4
from diagrams.azure.compute import FunctionApps

graph_attr = {
    "fontsize": "45"

react_url = "http://assets.stickpng.com/images/584830f5cef1014c0b5e4aa1.png"
react_icon = "react.png"
urlretrieve(react_url, react_icon)

with Diagram("Marketplace", show=True, graph_attr=graph_attr):

    apiSupplier = APIConnections("Supplier Api")
    sapConnection = APIConnections("Order Creation")

    with Cluster("Azure"):
        checkSupplier = FunctionApps("Get Products")
        checkSAPStatus = FunctionApps("Order Status")
        apiRestFul = AppServices("ApiRestFul")
        sqlServerDataBase = SQLDatabases("Database")
        reactFrontend = Custom("WebApp", react_icon) 
        checkSupplier >> apiRestFul 
        reactFrontend >> apiRestFul
        apiRestFul << checkSAPStatus
        apiRestFul >> sqlServerDataBase

    apiSupplier << checkSupplier  
    checkSAPStatus >> sapConnection
    apiRestFul >> sapConnection
Exemplo n.º 5
        "ML integrated into website",
    storage = DataLakeStorage("Historical Data", pin="true", pos="0,4")

    with Cluster(label="Modelling Pipeline"):
        ml_ws = MachineLearningServiceWorkspaces("ML Workspace",
        acr = ContainerRegistries("Container Registry", pin="true", pos="3,8")

    with Cluster("Data pipeline"):
        cache = CacheForRedis("Real-time DB", pin="true", pos="6,0")
        cache_function = FunctionApps("Update Cache Function",

    with Cluster("Prediction pipeline"):
        website = AppServiceEnvironments("Website", pin="true", pos="9,4")
        scoring_container = ContainerInstances("Real-time Scoring API",
        predict_function = FunctionApps("User profile enrichment",

    # storage connections
    storage << Edge(label="Read Training data", color="blue") << ml_ws >> Edge(
        label="Image with trained model", style="dashed") >> acr
Exemplo n.º 6
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.azure.integration import APIManagement
from diagrams.azure.compute import FunctionApps
from diagrams.azure.database import CosmosDb
from diagrams.azure.network import TrafficManagerProfiles

graph_attr = {"fontsize": "2", "bgcolor": "transparent"}

with Diagram("Label Promo Pool", show=False, direction="TB"):
    tfm = TrafficManagerProfiles("Traffic Manager")
    apim1 = APIManagement("API-Management-UKsouth")
    apim2 = APIManagement("API-Management-UKwest")
    db = CosmosDb("db")
    worker1 = FunctionApps("Label-API")
    worker2 = FunctionApps("Label-API")
    worker3 = FunctionApps("Label-API")
    tfm >> apim1
    tfm >> apim2
    apim1 >> worker1
    apim1 >> worker2
    apim1 >> worker3
    apim2 >> worker1
    apim2 >> worker2
    apim2 >> worker3
    worker1 >> db
    worker2 >> db
    worker3 >> db
Exemplo n.º 7
        with Cluster("Hadoop", graph_attr=graph_attr):
            beam = Beam("\nBeam")
            airflow = Airflow("\nAirflow")
            sqoop = Hadoop("\nSqoop")
            beam - [airflow] - sqoop
            pig = Hadoop("\nPig")
            hive = Hive("\nHive")
            nifi = Nifi("\nNiFi")
            pig - [hive] - nifi
        with Cluster("Classic ETL", graph_attr=graph_attr):
            sql = Mssql("\nSSIS")
            abinitio = DataTransfer("\nAb Initio")
            embulk = Embulk("\nEmbulk")
            informatica = DataTransfer("\nInformatica")
            embulk - [abinitio]
            sql - [informatica]

    with Cluster("Cloud", graph_attr=graph_attr):
        with Cluster("Azure", graph_attr=graph_attr):
            adf = DataFactories("\nData\nFactory")
            azdatabricks = Databricks("\nDatabricks")
            polybase = SQLDatawarehouse("\nPolyBase\nin Synapse")
            fn = FunctionApps("\nAzure\nFunctions")
            adf - [azdatabricks]
            polybase - [fn]
        with Cluster("AWS", graph_attr=graph_attr):
            glue = Glue("\nGlue")
            awsdatabricks = Databricks("\nDatabricks")
            l = Lambda("\nLambda")
            glue - [awsdatabricks]
Exemplo n.º 8
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
from diagrams.azure.compute import FunctionApps

img_watson_ui = "watson-ui.png"
img_weather = "hg-weather.png"

with Diagram("Chatbot - Messenger", show=False, direction="TB"):
    watson_ui = Custom("Watson UI", img_watson_ui)
    chatbot_api = FunctionApps("API Chatbot")
    weather = Custom("HG weather", img_weather)

    watson_ui >> Edge(color="Orange",
                      label=" /webhook") >> chatbot_api >> weather