Exemplo n.º 1
    def evaluate(self, std_path, test_path, output_path=''):
        """Run evaluation on all files in the given directories"""
        std = loadAllStandard(std_path)
        test = loadAllTest(test_path)

        diff = set([x.name for x in std]).symmetric_difference(
            set([y.name for y in test]))

        if len(diff) > 0:
            print('Warning: missing files :\n  {}'.format('\n  '.join(diff)))
            std = [s for s in std if s.name not in diff]
            test = [t for t in test if t.name not in diff]
        res = []
        for tag in Evaluator.stat_tags:

        for i, s in enumerate(std):
            if not s.has_coref:
                # do not compare documents without a .coref file
                # this is just for convenience
            m_tuple = self.evaluateDocument(s, test[i])
            self.printReport(s.name, output_path)
            for i, val in enumerate(res):
Exemplo n.º 2
    def evaluate(self, std_path, test_path, output_path='', is_silent=False):
        """Run evaluation on all files in the given directories.
        If output_path is provided, evaluation reports will be written there.
        is_silent determines if the result is printed to the output"""
        std = loadAllStandard(std_path)
        test = loadAllTest(test_path)

        diff = set([x.name for x in std
                    ]).symmetric_difference(set([y.name for y in test]))

        if len(diff) > 0:
            print('Warning: missing files :\n  {}'.format('\n  '.join(diff)))
            std = [s for s in std if s.name not in diff]
            test = [t for t in test if t.name not in diff]
        res = dict((tag, Metrics()) for tag in Evaluator.stat_tags)

        for i, s in enumerate(std):
            if not s.has_coref:
                # do not compare documents without a .coref file
                # this is just for convenience
            m_tuple = self.evaluateDocument(s, test[i])
            self.printReport(s.name, output_path)
            for j, tag in enumerate(Evaluator.stat_tags):

        if not is_silent:

        return res
Exemplo n.º 3
    def evaluate(self, std_path, test_path, output_path=''):
        """Run evaluation on all files in the given directories"""
        std = loadAllStandard(std_path)
        test = loadAllTest(test_path)

        diff = set([x.name for x in std
                    ]).symmetric_difference(set([y.name for y in test]))

        if len(diff) > 0:
            print('Warning: missing files :\n  {}'.format('\n  '.join(diff)))
            std = [s for s in std if s.name not in diff]
            test = [t for t in test if t.name not in diff]
        res = []
        for tag in Evaluator.stat_tags:

        for i, s in enumerate(std):
            if not s.has_coref:
                # do not compare documents without a .coref file
                # this is just for convenience
            m_tuple = self.evaluateDocument(s, test[i])
            self.printReport(s.name, output_path)
            for i, val in enumerate(res):

Exemplo n.º 4
    def evaluate(self, std_path, test_path, output_path='', is_silent=False):
        """Run evaluation on all files in the given directories.
        If output_path is provided, evaluation reports will be written there.
        is_silent determines if the result is printed to the output"""
        std = loadAllStandard(std_path)
        test = loadAllTest(test_path)

        diff = set([x.name for x in std]).symmetric_difference(
            set([y.name for y in test]))

        if len(diff) > 0:
            print('Warning: missing files :\n  {}'.format('\n  '.join(diff)))
            std = [s for s in std if s.name not in diff]
            test = [t for t in test if t.name not in diff]
        res = dict((tag, Metrics()) for tag in Evaluator.stat_tags)

        for i, s in enumerate(std):
            if not s.has_coref:
                # do not compare documents without a .coref file
                # this is just for convenience
            m_tuple = self.evaluateDocument(s, test[i])
            self.printReport(s.name, output_path)
            for j, tag in enumerate(Evaluator.stat_tags):
        if not is_silent:

        return res
Exemplo n.º 5
    def generate(self, standard_path, test_path):
        """Loads the stnadard markup from standard_path, generates a response and saves 
        it to the test_path"""

        os.makedirs(test_path, exist_ok = True)

        std = loadAllStandard(standard_path)
        for s in std:
            self.generateDoc(s, os.path.join(test_path, s.name + '.task3'))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def generate(self, standard_path, test_path):
        """Loads the stnadard markup from standard_path, generates a response and saves 
        it to the test_path"""

        os.makedirs(test_path, exist_ok = True)

        std = loadAllStandard(standard_path)
        for s in std:
            self.generateDoc(s, os.path.join(test_path, s.name + '.task3'))
Exemplo n.º 7
def validate(standard_path):
    """Prints various information on standard files in the given directory"""
    std = loadAllStandard(standard_path)

    no_fact_count = 0
    f_attr_count = dict()
    f_attr_value_count = dict()

    for s in std:
        if not s.has_facts:
            no_fact_count += 1
        for f in s.facts:
            for a in f.arguments:
                key = f.tag + ' - ' + a.name
                if key in f_attr_count:
                    f_attr_count[key] += 1
                    f_attr_count[key] = 1

                for val in a.values:
                    if not isinstance(val, StringValue):
                        if 'span' in val.values:
                            print('SPAN IN VAL!!!!')

                if a.name in ['модальность', 'сложность', 'фаза']:
                    key = f.tag + ' - ' + a.name + ' - ' + a.values[0].descr
                    if key in f_attr_value_count:
                        f_attr_value_count[key] += 1
                        f_attr_value_count[key] = 1

    print('Fact standard statistics for "{}":'.format(standard_path))
    print('Total files: {}'.format(len(std)))
    print('Files with no fact layer: {}'.format(no_fact_count))
    print('Fact-argument pair counts:')
    for key in sorted(f_attr_count.keys()):
        print('    {}\t{}'.format(key, f_attr_count[key]))
    print('Fact-argument-value counts for the auxiliary arguments:')
    for key in sorted(f_attr_value_count.keys()):
        print('    {}\t{}'.format(key, f_attr_value_count[key]))