Exemplo n.º 1
def _send_state(state):
    models = [ResourcePool().default_model]
    policy = {"method": "add", "models": models}

    state_id = generate_id(False)
    statements = [
        state_id + " rdf:type " + state, "myself experiences " + state_id
    logger.info(colored_print("Setting my mood to " + state, "magenta"))
    #logger.warning(colored_print("Not setting my mood due to Pellet bugs!", "magenta"))
    ResourcePool().ontology_server.revise(statements, policy)
Exemplo n.º 2
def _send_state(state):
    models = [ResourcePool().default_model]
    policy = {"method": "add", "models": models}

    state_id = generate_id(False)
    statements = [state_id + " rdf:type " + state,
                  "myself experiences " + state_id]
        logger.info(colored_print("Setting my mood to " + state, "magenta"))
        #logger.warning(colored_print("Not setting my mood due to Pellet bugs!", "magenta"))
        ResourcePool().ontology_server.revise(statements, policy)

    except AttributeError: #the ontology server is not started of doesn't know the method
Exemplo n.º 3
    def process_adjectives(self, nominal_group, ng_id, negative_object):
        """For any adjectives, we add it in the ontology with the objectProperty 
        'hasFeature' except if a specific category has been specified in the 
        adjectives list.
        for adj in nominal_group.adj:
            # Case of 'other'
            # E.g: the other cube:
            if adj[0].lower() == "other":
                self.process_on_other = True
                #self._statements.append(ng_id + " owl:differentFrom " + nominal_group.id)

            elif adj[0].lower() == "same":

            #TODO: case of class Feature
            # Apple are yellow fruits

            # Case of features
                #Getting the object property if there exists a specific class
                object_property = ''
                    object_property = " has" + ResourcePool().adjectives[adj[0]] + " "

                #Default case, creating hasFeature object Property
                except KeyError:
                    object_property = " hasFeature "

                #Case negative assertion
                if negative_object:
                    negative_adj = generate_id(with_question_mark=not nominal_group._resolved)

                    self._statements.append(ng_id + object_property + negative_adj)
                    self._statements.append(negative_adj + ' owl:differentFrom ' + adj[0])

                #Case Affirmative assertion
                    if isinstance(ng_id, basestring):
                        ng_id = [ng_id]
                    self._statements += [id + object_property + adj[0] for id in ng_id]
Exemplo n.º 4
    def set_nominal_group_id(self, ng):
        if ng.id:
            return ng.id

        onto = ResourcePool().ontology_server.lookupForAgent(
            ResourcePool().get_model_mapping(self._current_speaker), ng.noun[0])

        if onto:
            for c in onto:
                if "instance" in c:
                    return c[0]

        if ng.noun[0].lower() in ['i', 'me']:
            return self._current_speaker

        if ng.noun[0].lower() == 'you':
            return 'myself'

        id = generate_id()
        return id
Exemplo n.º 5
    def set_nominal_group_id(self, ng):
        if ng.id:
            return ng.id

        onto = ''
            onto = ResourcePool().ontology_server.lookupForAgent(self._current_speaker, ng.noun[0])
        except AttributeError: #the ontology server is not started of doesn't know the method

        if onto:
            for c in onto:
                if "INSTANCE" in c:
                    return c[0]

        if ng.noun[0].lower() in ['i', 'me']:
            return self._current_speaker

        if ng.noun[0].lower() == 'you':
            return 'myself'

        id = generate_id()
        return id
Exemplo n.º 6
 def process_sentence_adverb(self, verbal_group):
     id = generate_id(with_question_mark=False)
     for a in verbal_group.advrb:
         if a in ResourcePool().location_adverbs:
             self._statements += ["%s hasGoal %s" % (self.situation_id, id),
                                  "%s rdf:type %sZone" % (id, a.capitalize())]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def process_indirect_complement(self, indirect_cmpls, verb, sit_id):

        for ic in indirect_cmpls:

            # Case 1: if there is no preposition, the indirect complement is obviously an indirect object.
            # Therefore, it receives the action
            #            e.g. I gave you a ball also means I gave a ball 'to' you
            #        see http://www.englishlanguageguide.com/english/grammar/indirect-object.asp

            #Case 2: if there is a preposition, the indirect complement is either an indirect object or an adverbial
            #        if the main verb is specified as a thematic role, we extract the matching object_property to the preposition.
            #            e.g I moved the bottle 'to' the table. The object_property takes the value "hasGoal"
            #        if the preposition is 'to' , by default we assume the indirect complement is an indirect object
            #            e.g. I gave a ball to Jido. The object_property takes the value "receivedBy"
            #        otherwise, the default processing is to create an object_property by concatenating is and the preposition
            #            e.g. I bought a ball for Jido. The object_property takes the value "isFor"

            i_stmt_builder = NominalGroupStatementBuilder(ic.gn, self._current_speaker)
            for ic_noun in ic.gn:

                #Indirect object ID
                if ic_noun.id:
                    ic_noun_id = ic_noun.id
                    ic_noun_id = i_stmt_builder.set_nominal_group_id(ic_noun)

                #Proposition role
                icmpl_role = None
                icmpl_qualification = None

                # Case of no preposition
                if not ic.prep:
                    icmpl_role = " receivedBy "

                    # Case of a preposition. Attempt to get from thematic roles
                    icmpl_role = ResourcePool().thematic_roles.get_cmplt_role_for_preposition(verb, ic.prep[0], True)

                    # If no thematic role exist AND the verb is not a state
                    # verb, use the generic role 'involves' and try to qualify it properly.
                    #  E.g: 'move the ball next to the table' ->
                    # action type Move, ..., action involves id1, id1 isNextTo table
                    if not icmpl_role:
                            if verb not in ResourcePool().state:
                                icmpl_qualification = ResourcePool().preposition_rdf_object_property[ic.prep[0]][0]
                                icmpl_role = " %s " % ResourcePool().preposition_rdf_object_property[ic.prep[0]][0]
                        except IndexError:
                            if ic.prep:
                                icmpl_qualification = "is" + ic.prep[0].capitalize()

                #Creating statements
                # Case of negation
                if self._process_on_negative:
                    negative_ic_noun_id = generate_id(with_question_mark=False)
                    self._statements.append(sit_id + icmpl_role + negative_ic_noun_id)

                    self._statements.append(negative_ic_noun_id + ' owl:differentFrom ' + ic_noun_id)

                # Case of affirmation
                    if icmpl_qualification:
                        qualification_id = generate_id(with_question_mark=False)
                        self._statements += \
                            ["%s involves %s" % (sit_id, qualification_id),
                             "%s %s %s" % (qualification_id, icmpl_qualification, ic_noun_id)]
                        self._statements.append(sit_id + icmpl_role + ic_noun_id)

                i_stmt_builder.process_nominal_group(ic_noun, ic_noun_id, None, False)

Exemplo n.º 8
    def process_verb(self, verbal_group, subject_id, subject_quantifier, second_verb_sit_id):

        for verb in verbal_group.vrb_main:

            # Case 1:  the state verb 'to be'/ to become"""
            #Case 2:  actions or stative verbs with a specified 'goal' or 'thematic' role:
            #                          see '../../share/dialog/thematic_roles'
            #Case 3: actions verbs with 'passive behaviour' like 'see'
            #Case 4: special case for 'know'
            #Case 5:  other action or stative verbs

            # Modal or phrasal verbs. E.g: can+do, look+for , ...
            #                   verb = must+do
            modal = ''
            if '+' in verb:
                # Case of Modals
                [modal, verb] = verb.split('+')
                if modal in ResourcePool().modal:
                    #self._statements.append(sit_id + " rdf:type " + verb.capitalize())
                    #self._statements.append(subject_id+ " " + modal +"Performs " + sit_id)

            #Case 1:
            if verb in ResourcePool().state:
                if isinstance(subject_id, basestring):
                    subjects_id = [subject_id]
                    subjects_id = subject_id

                agentslist = ResourcePool().ontology_server.listAgents()

                if agentslist is None:
                    agentslist = [ResourcePool().default_model, self._current_speaker]

                for subject_id in subjects_id:
                    if subject_id in agentslist:
                        sit_id = generate_id(with_question_mark=False)
                        self._statements.append(subject_id + " experiences " + sit_id)
                        #TODO: Will keep only the last one is several ids
                        sit_id = subject_id

                # First, create a situation ID that represent the
                # semantic situation carried by the verbal phrase

                #Case : the verbal group that is being processed is the second verbs . i.e : it is held in the field sentence.sv.sv_sec
                if second_verb_sit_id:
                    sit_id = second_verb_sit_id

                # Case of question
                elif self._process_on_question:
                    sit_id = '?event'

                #case of negation : Creating a fake ID that is to find in the ontology for later removal
                #   Setting up the field process_statement_to_remove to True
                elif self._process_on_negative:
                    sit_id = generate_id(with_question_mark=True)
                    self.process_statements_to_remove = True

                # General case: we generate an ID
                    sit_id = generate_id(with_question_mark=not self._process_on_resolved_sentence)

                # Then, process the type of verb

                #Case 2:
                if verb in ResourcePool().goal_verbs:
                    self._statements.append(subject_id + " desires " + sit_id)

                    if verbal_group.sv_sec:
                        self.process_vrb_sec(verbal_group, subject_id, subject_quantifier, sit_id)

                #Case 3: action verbs wit passive behaviour
                elif verb.lower() in ResourcePool().action_verb_with_passive_behaviour.keys():
                    sit_id = subject_id

                # Case 4: 'know'
                elif verb.lower() == 'know':

                #Case 5: other verbs -> reification
                    self._statements.append(sit_id + " rdf:type " + verb.capitalize())
                    self._statements.append(sit_id + " performedBy " + subject_id)
                    if not self._process_on_question and \
                            not self._process_on_negative \
                            and self._process_on_resolved_sentence:
                        # If I'm not processing a question, add a label
                        # to this action
                        self._statements.append(sit_id + " rdfs:label \"" + \
                                                verb.capitalize() + " action #" + sit_id + "\"")

            # Store the situation id
            self.situation_id = sit_id

            #Imperative specification, add the goal verb 'desire'
            if self._process_on_imperative:
                self._statements.append(self._current_speaker + " desires " + sit_id)

            #Direct object
            if verbal_group.d_obj:
                self.process_direct_object(verbal_group.d_obj, verb, sit_id, subject_quantifier)

            #Indirect Complement
            if verbal_group.i_cmpl:
                self.process_indirect_complement(verbal_group.i_cmpl, verb, sit_id)

            # Adverbs modifiying the manner of an action verb
            if verbal_group.vrb_adv:
                self.process_action_verb_adverb(verbal_group.vrb_adv, verb, sit_id)

            #verb tense
            if verbal_group.vrb_tense:
                self.process_verb_tense(verbal_group, verb, sit_id)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def clarify(self, description, ignoreFeatureL=None):

        if not ignoreFeatureL: ignoreFeatureL = []
        objL = self.get_all_objects_with_desc(description)

        if len(objL) == 0:
            logger.debug(colored_print('Nothing found!', "magenta"))
                colored_print('Found these possible concepts ID: ', "magenta")
                + colored_print(str(objL), 'blue'))

        if not self.oro:  #No ontology server
            return 'UNKNOWN_CONCEPT_' + generate_id(with_question_mark=False)

        if not objL:
            questions = SentenceFactory().create_i_dont_understand()
            raise UnsufficientInputError({
                'status': 'FAILURE',
                'question': questions
            #return "I don't understand"

            # Check if the speaker sees only some of the object.
            # If he sees none of them, discriminate on the whole set.
            # Else, discriminate only on visible objects.
            agent = description[0][0]
            logger.debug("Checking which of these objects are visible for " +
            visible_objects = self.visible_subset(agent, objL)

            if visible_objects:
                objL = visible_objects
                    colored_print('Only ', "magenta") +
                    colored_print(str(objL), 'blue') +
                    colored_print(" are visible by " + agent, "magenta"))
                    colored_print('None are visible by ' + agent, "magenta"))

            if len(objL) == 1:
                return objL[0]

            if len(objL) == 2 and self.oro.check(
                ['%s owl:sameAs %s' % (objL[0], objL[1])]):
                return objL[0]

            agent, descriptor = self.get_descriptor(description,
            object = self.get_type_description(description)

            if descriptor:
                sentence_builder = SentenceFactory()

                question = None
                values = self.get_values_for_descriptor(
                    agent, descriptor, objL)
                if not object: object = 'object'

                if descriptor == 'hasColor' or descriptor == 'mainColorOfObject':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_choice(
                        object, 'color', values)

                elif descriptor == 'hasShape':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_choice(
                        object, 'shape', values)

                elif descriptor == 'hasSize':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_choice(
                        object, 'size', values)

                elif descriptor == 'isOn':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_location(
                        object, 'on', values)

                elif descriptor == 'isIn':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_location(
                        object, 'in', values)

                elif descriptor == 'isNextTo':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_location(
                        object, 'next to', values)

                elif descriptor == 'isAt':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_location(
                        object, 'at', values)

                elif descriptor == 'isLocated':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_location_PT(
                        values, agent)

                elif descriptor == 'rdf:type':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_choice(
                        object, 'type', values)

                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_generic_descriptor(
                        object, descriptor, values)

                raise UnsufficientInputError({
                    'status': 'SUCCESS',
                    'question': questions
                #return questions

                questions = [
                    Sentence(IMPERATIVE, '', [], [
                        VerbalGroup(['give'], [], 'present simple', [
                            NominalGroup([], ['information'], [['more', []]],
                                         [], [])
                        ], [
                                [], [NominalGroup([], ['me'], [], [], [])]),
                                [NominalGroup(['the'], [object], [], [], [])])
                        ], [], [], VerbalGroup.affirmative, [])
                raise UnsufficientInputError({
                    'status': 'SUCCESS',
                    'question': questions
Exemplo n.º 10
    def clarify(self, description, ignoreFeatureL=None):

        if not ignoreFeatureL: ignoreFeatureL = []
        objL = self.get_all_objects_with_desc(description)

        if len(objL) == 0:
            logger.debug(colored_print('Nothing found!', "magenta"))
                colored_print('Found these possible concepts ID: ', "magenta") + colored_print(str(objL), 'blue'))

        if not self.oro: #No ontology server
            return 'UNKNOWN_CONCEPT_' + generate_id(with_question_mark=False)

        if not objL:
            questions = SentenceFactory().create_i_dont_understand()
            raise UnsufficientInputError({'status': 'FAILURE', 'question': questions})
            #return "I don't understand"

            # Check if the speaker sees only some of the object.
            # If he sees none of them, discriminate on the whole set.
            # Else, discriminate only on visible objects.
            agent = description[0][0]
            logger.debug("Checking which of these objects are visible for " + agent)
            visible_objects = self.visible_subset(agent, objL)

            if visible_objects:
                objL = visible_objects
                logger.debug(colored_print('Only ', "magenta") +
                             colored_print(str(objL), 'blue') +
                             colored_print(" are visible by " + agent, "magenta"))
                logger.debug(colored_print('None are visible by ' + agent, "magenta"))

            if len(objL) == 1:
                return objL[0]

            if len(objL) == 2 and self.oro.check(['%s owl:sameAs %s' % (objL[0], objL[1])]):
                return objL[0]

            agent, descriptor = self.get_descriptor(description, ignoreFeatureL)
            object = self.get_type_description(description)

            if descriptor:
                sentence_builder = SentenceFactory()

                question = None
                values = self.get_values_for_descriptor(agent, descriptor, objL)
                if not object: object = 'object'

                if descriptor == 'hasColor' or descriptor == 'mainColorOfObject':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_choice(object, 'color', values)

                elif descriptor == 'hasShape':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_choice(object, 'shape', values)

                elif descriptor == 'hasSize':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_choice(object, 'size', values)

                elif descriptor == 'isOn':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_location(object, 'on', values)

                elif descriptor == 'isIn':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_location(object, 'in', values)

                elif descriptor == 'isNextTo':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_location(object, 'next to', values)

                elif descriptor == 'isAt':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_location(object, 'at', values)

                elif descriptor == 'isLocated':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_location_PT(values, agent)

                elif descriptor == 'rdf:type':
                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_choice(object, 'type', values)

                    questions = sentence_builder.create_w_question_generic_descriptor(object, descriptor, values)

                raise UnsufficientInputError({'status': 'SUCCESS', 'question': questions})
                #return questions

                questions = [Sentence(IMPERATIVE, '', [],
                                      [Verbal_Group(['give'], [], 'present simple',
                                                    [Nominal_Group([], ['information'], [['more', []]], [], [])],
                                                    [Indirect_Complement([], [Nominal_Group([], ['me'], [], [], [])]),
                                                     Indirect_Complement(['about'], [
                                                         Nominal_Group(['the'], [object], [], [], [])])],
                                          [], [], Verbal_Group.affirmative, [])])]
                raise UnsufficientInputError({'status': 'SUCCESS', 'question': questions})