Exemplo n.º 1
    def make_background(self):
        import copy

        if hasattr(self, "background"):
            return self.background

        # raw background data
        background = copy.deepcopy(self.raw_data).as_double()

        # mask out the signal areas
        mask = self.get_signal_mask()
        background.as_1d().set_selected(mask.as_1d(), 0.0)
        inv_mask = (~mask).as_1d().as_int()

        from dials.algorithms.image.filter import summed_area
        from dials.array_family import flex

        summed_background = summed_area(background, (5, 5))
        summed_mask = summed_area(inv_mask, (5, 5))
        mean_background = summed_background / summed_mask.as_double()
        background.as_1d().set_selected(mask.as_1d(), mean_background.as_1d())

        self.background = background
        return background
Exemplo n.º 2
def fit(data, mask, model_data, model_mask, kernel):

  from dials.array_family import flex
  from dials.algorithms.image.filter import summed_area

  mask = mask & model_mask
  mask = mask.as_1d().as_int()
  data = data * mask
  model_data = model_data * mask.as_double()

  summed_data = summed_area(data, kernel).as_1d()
  summed_mask = summed_area(mask, kernel).as_1d()
  summed_model = summed_area(model_data, kernel).as_1d()
  scaled_mask = (model_mask.as_1d() == True) & (summed_mask > 2) & (summed_model > 0)

  indices = flex.size_t(range(len(data))).select(scaled_mask)

  scaled_data = flex.double(len(data))
    summed_data.select(indices).as_double() / summed_model.select(indices))

  #for j in range(scaled_data.all()[0]):
  #  last_scale = None
  #  for i in range(scaled_data.all()[1]):
  #    if scaled_mask[j,i] == False:
  #      if last_scale != None:
  #        scaled_data[j,i] = last_scale
  #        scaled_mask[j,i] = True
  #    else:
  #      last_scale = scaled_data[j,i]

  return scaled_data, scaled_mask
Exemplo n.º 3
def fit(data, mask, model_data, model_mask, kernel):

    from dials.array_family import flex
    from dials.algorithms.image.filter import summed_area

    mask = mask & model_mask
    mask = mask.as_1d().as_int()
    data = data * mask
    model_data = model_data * mask.as_double()

    summed_data = summed_area(data, kernel).as_1d()
    summed_mask = summed_area(mask, kernel).as_1d()
    summed_model = summed_area(model_data, kernel).as_1d()
    scaled_mask = (model_mask.as_1d()
                   == True) & (summed_mask > 2) & (summed_model > 0)

    indices = flex.size_t(range(len(data))).select(scaled_mask)

    scaled_data = flex.double(len(data))
        summed_data.select(indices).as_double() / summed_model.select(indices))

    # for j in range(scaled_data.all()[0]):
    #  last_scale = None
    #  for i in range(scaled_data.all()[1]):
    #    if scaled_mask[j,i] == False:
    #      if last_scale != None:
    #        scaled_data[j,i] = last_scale
    #        scaled_mask[j,i] = True
    #    else:
    #      last_scale = scaled_data[j,i]

    return scaled_data, scaled_mask
Exemplo n.º 4
def test():
    from dials.algorithms.image.filter import summed_area
    from scitbx.array_family import flex

    # Create an image
    image = flex.random_double(2000 * 2000)
    image.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000))

    # Calculate the summed area table
    sa = summed_area(image, (3, 3))

    # For a selection of random points, ensure that the value is the
    # sum of the area under the kernel
    for i in range(10000):
        i = random.randint(10, 1990)
        j = random.randint(10, 1990)
        v = sa[j, i]
        e = flex.sum(image[j - 3:j + 4, i - 3:i + 4])
        assert e == pytest.approx(v, abs=1e-7)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def run(self):
        from dials.algorithms.image.filter import summed_area
        from scitbx.array_family import flex
        from random import randint

        # Create an image
        image = flex.random_double(2000 * 2000)
        image.reshape(flex.grid(2000, 2000))

        # Calculate the summed area table
        sa = summed_area(image, (3, 3))

        # For a selection of random points, ensure that the value is the
        # sum of the area under the kernel
        eps = 1e-7
        for i in range(10000):
            i = randint(10, 1990)
            j = randint(10, 1990)
            v = sa[j, i]
            e = flex.sum(image[j - 3:j + 4, i - 3:i + 4])
            assert (abs(e - v) <= eps)

        # Test passed
        print 'OK'
Exemplo n.º 6
    def run(self):
        """Extract the shoeboxes."""
        from dials.util.options import flatten_reflections
        from dials.util.options import flatten_experiments
        from dials.util.options import flatten_experiments
        from dials.util import log
        from dials.array_family import flex
        from dials.util import Sorry

        # Parse the command line
        params, options = self.parser.parse_args(show_diff_phil=False)

        # Configure logging

        # Log the diff phil
        diff_phil = self.parser.diff_phil.as_str()
        if diff_phil is not "":
            logger.info("The following parameters have been modified:\n")

        # Get the data
        reflections = flatten_reflections(params.input.reflections)
        experiments = flatten_experiments(params.input.experiments)
        if not any([experiments, reflections]):
        elif len(experiments) > 1:
            raise Sorry("More than 1 experiment set")
        elif len(experiments) == 1:
            imageset = experiments[0].imageset
        if len(reflections) != 1:
            raise Sorry("Need 1 reflection table, got %d" % len(reflections))
            reflections = reflections[0]

        # Check the reflections contain the necessary stuff
        assert "bbox" in reflections
        assert "panel" in reflections

        # Get some models
        detector = imageset.get_detector()
        scan = imageset.get_scan()
        frame0, frame1 = scan.get_array_range()

        # Add some padding but limit to image volume
        if params.padding > 0:
            logger.info("Adding %d pixels as padding" % params.padding)
            x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1 = reflections["bbox"].parts()
            x0 -= params.padding
            x1 += params.padding
            y0 -= params.padding
            y1 += params.padding
            panel = reflections["panel"]
            for i in range(len(reflections)):
                width, height = detector[panel[i]].get_image_size()
                if x0[i] < 0:
                    x0[i] = 0
                if x1[i] > width:
                    x1[i] = width
                if y0[i] < 0:
                    y0[i] = 0
                if y1[i] > height:
                    y1[i] = height
            reflections["bbox"] = flex.int6(x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1)

        # Now iterate through the images, masking the shoebox pixels as necessary,
        # then model the background & compute intensity statistics

        x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1 = reflections["bbox"].parts()

        for frame in range(frame0, frame1):
            data = imageset.get_raw_data(frame)[0]
            mask = data < 0
            data = data.as_double()
            sel = (z0 <= frame) & (z1 >= frame)
            _x0 = x0.select(sel)
            _x1 = x1.select(sel)
            _y0 = y0.select(sel)
            _y1 = y1.select(sel)
            for __x0, __x1, __y0, __y1 in zip(_x0, _x1, _y0, _y1):
                for y in range(__y0, __y1):
                    for x in range(__x0, __x1):
                        data[y, x] = 0.0
                        mask[y, x] = True
            imask = (~mask).as_1d().as_int()

            from dials.algorithms.image.filter import summed_area

            # smooth over scale corresponding to max shoebox size
            d = max(flex.max(_x1 - _x0), flex.max(_y1 - _y0))

            summed_background = summed_area(data, (d, d))
            summed_mask = summed_area(imask, (d, d))
            mean_background = summed_background / summed_mask.as_double()
            data.as_1d().set_selected(mask.as_1d(), mean_background.as_1d())
            print(flex.sum(data.select(data.as_1d() > 0)))