Exemplo n.º 1
    def compute_summed_intensity(self, image_volume=None):
    Compute intensity via summation integration.

        from dials.algorithms.integration.sum import IntegrationAlgorithm
        algorithm = IntegrationAlgorithm()
        success = algorithm(self, image_volume=image_volume)
        self.set_flags(~success, self.flags.failed_during_summation)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_for_reflections(self, refl):
        from dials.algorithms.integration.sum import IntegrationAlgorithm
        from dials.array_family import flex
        from dials.algorithms.statistics import \

        # Get the calculated background and simulated background
        B_sim = refl['background.sim.a'].as_double()
        I_sim = refl['intensity.sim'].as_double()
        I_exp = refl['intensity.exp']

        # Set the background as simulated
        shoebox = refl['shoebox']
        for i in range(len(shoebox)):
            bg = shoebox[i].background
            ms = shoebox[i].mask
            for j in range(len(bg)):
                bg[j] = B_sim[i]

        # Integrate
        integration = IntegrationAlgorithm()
        I_cal = refl['intensity.sum.value']
        I_var = refl['intensity.sum.variance']

        # Only select variances greater than zero
        mask = I_var > 0
        I_cal = I_cal.select(mask)
        I_var = I_var.select(mask)
        I_sim = I_sim.select(mask)
        I_exp = I_exp.select(mask)

        # Calculate the z score
        perc = self.mv3n_tolerance_interval(3 * 3)
        Z = (I_cal - I_exp) / flex.sqrt(I_var)
        mv = flex.mean_and_variance(Z)
        Z_mean = mv.mean()
        Z_var = mv.unweighted_sample_variance()
        print "Z: mean: %f, var: %f" % (Z_mean, Z_var)

        # Do the kolmogorov smirnov test
        D, p = kolmogorov_smirnov_test_standard_normal(Z)
        print "KS: D: %f, p-value: %f" % (D, p)

        # FIXME Z score should be a standard normal distribution. When background is
        # the main component, we do indeed see that the z score is in a standard
        # normal distribution. When the intensity dominates, the variance of the Z
        # scores decreases indicating that for increasing intensity of the signal,
        # the variance is over estimated.
        assert (abs(Z_mean) <= 3 * Z_var)

        #from matplotlib import pylab
        #pylab.hist(Z, 20)

        #Z_I = sorted(Z)
        ##n = int(0.05 * len(Z_I))
        ##Z_I = Z_I[n:-n]
        ##mv = flex.mean_and_variance(flex.double(Z_I))
        ##print "Mean: %f, Sdev: %f" % (mv.mean(), mv.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation())
        #edf = [float(i+1) / len(Z_I) for i in range(len(Z_I))]
        #cdf = [0.5 * (1.0 + erf(z / sqrt(2.0))) for z in Z_I]

        print 'OK'
Exemplo n.º 3
def integrate_3d_summation(rlist):
    from dials.algorithms.integration.sum import IntegrationAlgorithm

    integration = IntegrationAlgorithm()