Exemplo n.º 1
def initializeRuntime():
    # initialize DIANE's own configuration (read the config file etc)
    from diane.config import initialize, ConfigError
    except ConfigError,x:
        from diane import getLogger
        logger = getLogger('setup')
Exemplo n.º 2
def fullSetup(print_env=False):
    # switch off the warnings from incompatible extension modules (if any)
    import warnings
    warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning)

    # keep all var names which have been modified so we can print their values later
    modified_vars = {}
    # setup the environment only if the process has not been already rexecuted
    if not os.environ.has_key('DIANE_NO_INTERNAL_SETUP'):

        # the first element in the sys.path is the diane package directory (defined in the executable boiler plate)

        # put diane workspace apps directory into the python path
        import diane.workspace

        os.environ['DIANE_RELEASE_DIR'] = getReleaseDir()
        for name in _externalPackages:
            for v in _externalPackages[name]['vars']:
                pp = getPackagePath(name,v)
                if pp:
                    modified_vars[v] = 1

        if print_env:
            for v in modified_vars:
                print 'export %s=%s'%(v,os.environ[v]),
            print #add new line to flush stdout
            from diane import getLogger
            logger = getLogger('setup')
            logger.debug('re-executing setup process, sys.executable=%s, sys.argv=%s',sys.executable,sys.argv)
            # restart current process (for LD_LIBRARY_PATH to take effect)
            os.environ['DIANE_NO_INTERNAL_SETUP'] = '1'

    from diane import getLogger
    logger = getLogger('setup')
    logger.info('This is DIANE version "%s"',getVersion())
    logger.debug('current process: sys.executable=%s, sys.argv=%s',sys.executable,sys.argv)
Exemplo n.º 3
def getPackagePath(name,var=None,check=True,force=False):
    """Return the top of the external package (including version and platform components of the path).
    If var is specified the return the full path to the subdirectory defined by var.
    Note that var may define multiple subdirectories separated by colon.
    If check is True then print warning messages if the paths do not exist.
    If force is True then disable conditional packages (such as specified with maxHexVersion).
    If platform is NOPLATF then return an empty string.
    p = _externalPackages[name]

    # if checking enabled and current python interpreter version is high enough
    # then return empty string (package is not required)
    if not force and p.has_key('maxHexVersion'):
        if sys.hexversion >= int(p['maxHexVersion'],16):
            return ""

    if p.has_key('noarch') and p['noarch']:
        platf = 'noarch'
        platf = getPlatformString()
    if platf == 'NOPLATF':
        return ''

    prefix_path = [getExternalDir(),name,p['version'],platf]
    def transform(s):
        # get the distribution id
            distver = platf.split('-')[1]
        except IndexError:
            distver = platf

        # end look up the fixed python version in the pyver table if needed
            pyver = pyver_table[distver]
        except KeyError:
            pyver = sys.version[:3]
        return s%{"PYVER":pyver}

    if var:
        paths = [transform(os.path.join(*(prefix_path+[p]))) for p in p['vars'][var].split(':') if p]
        paths = [os.path.join(*prefix_path)]

    for p in paths:
        if not os.path.exists(p):
            from diane import getLogger
            logger = getLogger('setup')
            logger.debug('path %s does not exist (setting %s for %s)',p,var,name)

    return ':'.join(paths)
Exemplo n.º 4
import diane
logger = diane.getLogger('WorkerAgent')
config = diane.getConfig('WorkerAgent')
logger.debug('original config %s',repr(config))
config.addOption('HEARTBEAT_DELAY',10,"default periodicity of heartbeat")
config.addOption('HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT',30,"timeout for heartbeat calls, if a heartbeat call may not be completed in HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT seconds, we assume that the peer (master or directory service) is lost")
config.addOption('BOOTSTRAP_CONTACT_TIMEOUT',30,"timeout for bootstraping new connections")
config.addOption('BOOTSTRAP_CONTACT_REPEAT',10,"the number of times the agent will attempt to establish the first contact with the master")
config.addOption('PULL_REQUEST_DELAY',0.2,"delay in seconds between updating the result to the master and pulling new task")
config.addOption('APPLICATION_SHELL','','Shell for running the application. If left empty then the application package is imported directly into the WorkerAgent process. Otherwise, a separate process is started with the specified shell (e.g. "sh"). That process is called a servlet (and implemented by WorkerServlet module) and the application package is imported there.')

# constants
miliseconds = 1000

import omniORB
from omniORB import CORBA
import time
import os
import sys
import streamer

from diane.application import create_application_proxy

import diane.application

from diane.BaseThread import BaseThread
class HeartbeatThread(BaseThread):
    """ Periodically ping given peer (master or directory service).
Exemplo n.º 5
import os
import diane

logger = diane.getLogger('CachingExecutableApplication')

# main hooks

# this application plugin extends the executable application, hence a convenience shortcut
import diane_test_applications.ExecutableApplication as executable

# the main hook for the user run file
def run(input,config):
     input.scheduler = diane.SimpleTaskScheduler
     input.manager = ApplicationManager
     input.worker = Worker
     input.data = RunData()

# use the same posprocessing hook as ExecutableApplication
run_post = executable.run_post

# run data extensions

class Policy(executable.ExecutablePolicy):
    """ Extended policies to control caching parameters.


Exemplo n.º 6
""" This is a dummy application to check if the configuration options are passed correctly to the worker.

import diane
logger = diane.getLogger('test_config')

import diane.config

class TCWorker:
    def check(self):
        for name in self.config_dict:
            d = self.config_dict[name]
            c = diane.config.getConfig(name)
            for opt in d:
                    val = getattr(c,opt)
                    if val != d[opt]:
                        logger.error("problem with option %s.%s : requested value %s, actual configuration value: %s",name,opt,d[opt],val)
                except AttributeError:
                    logger.error("problem with option %s.%s : not found in the actual configuration")
    def initialize(self,config_dict):
        self.config_dict = config_dict
    def finalize(self,x):
    def do_work(self,x):
Exemplo n.º 7
## functions dealing with reading user-defined run files and preparing run input

from diane import getLogger

logger = getLogger("RunMaster")

from diane.diane_exceptions import DianeException

class InputError(DianeException):

class Input:
    """Collection of user-controllable parameters of diane-run.
    The parameters starting with underscore are read-only and are initialized by DIANE automatically:
    _runfile : name (absolute path) of the runfile
    _rundir : absolute path of the run directory

    def __init__(self):
        self._runfile = None
        self._rundir = None

class Runfile:
    """ Interface to runfile: resolve attribute values and call functions
    using the priority mechanism: stuff defined in runfile explicitly has
    precedence over the stuff defined at the application level.
Exemplo n.º 8
from Data import *

from diane.util import File
from diane import IApplicationWorker, SimpleApplicationManager

from diane import getLogger

logger = getLogger('G4Analysis')

from diane.analysis_tools.stats import Histogram1D

import StringIO
import os

class ApplicationManager(SimpleApplicationManager):
    def __init__(self):
        self.done_counter = 0
    def initialize(self,run_data):

        # compute and store the number of tasks
        self.task_num = run_data.runParameters.eventNumber/run_data.eventChunk + 1

        # original C++ module used CLHEP for initial table of random seeds
        #HepRandom::setTheEngine(new HepJamesRandom);

        import random
Exemplo n.º 9
import os,sys
import time
import pickle

from config import config

from diane.util.compatibility import uuid

import diane
logger = diane.getLogger('FileTransfer.Client')

def unique_md5sum_hexdigest(name,opts=None):
   """ Return md5 checksum of a file. If a file does not exist or there is a read error
   return a globally unique identifier.
   if opts is None:
      opts = FileTransferOptions()
      f = file(name,'r')
      import md5
      m = md5.new()
      data = f.read(opts.CHUNK_SIZE)
      while bool(data):
         data = f.read(opts.CHUNK_SIZE)
      return m.hexdigest()
   except IOError,x:
      logger.debug('md5sum: %s',str(x))
      return uuid()
Exemplo n.º 10
import diane
logger = diane.getLogger('RunMaster')

import diane.util


import sys, time

config = diane.getConfig('RunMaster')
config.addOption('LOST_WORKER_TIMEOUT',60,'timout in seconds to declare worker as "lost"')
config.addOption('CONTROL_DELAY',1,'default periodicity of control loop')
config.addOption('IDLE_WORKER_TIMEOUT', 600, 'if a worker stays idle for this time then it is automatically removed from the pool, 0 means that the worker is never removed')

# --- temporary config and logger workaround
import diane.WorkerRegistry as WorkerRegistryModule
WorkerRegistryModule.config = config
WorkerRegistryModule.logger = logger
# ---

import diane.journal

from diane.TaskInfo import TaskInfo,TaskStatus

from diane.Peer import Peer

# make sure that you always import with full package name (otherwise pickle on the client side will compain)
from diane.WorkerRegistry import WorkerRegistry

import streamer
Exemplo n.º 11
import diane

logger = diane.getLogger("idle")

# this is an application adapter which does nothing (useful for testing purposes)

class Worker:
    def initialize(self, x):
        logger.debug("idle initialize")

    def finalize(self, x):
        logger.debug("idle finalize")

    def do_work(self, x):
        logger.debug("idle do work")

from diane import SimpleApplicationManager
from diane import SimpleTaskScheduler

class IdleApplicationManager(SimpleApplicationManager):
    def has_more_work(self):
        return True

# define application symbol to point to this module if we are not being imported
# this allows to use this file as a run file
if __name__ != "diane_test_applications.idle":
    import diane_test_applications.idle as application
Exemplo n.º 12
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ===============================================
# Note: this is copy/paste logic for executable scripts.
# Note: minimal diane environment must be already set up (i.e. diane-env in PATH)
# Note: this code does not work in interactive python sessions or with -c python option.
import os.path,sys
setup_done = False
for p in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(p,'diane-env')):
        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(p),'python'))
        import diane.PACKAGE
        setup_done = True
if not setup_done:
    print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: cannot set up DIANE environment (diane-env not in PATH)'
# ===============================================    

# Here is an example:
import diane
logger = diane.getLogger('mylogger')
logger.info('Hey, I am using DIANE logger')
Exemplo n.º 13
#!/usr/bin/env ganga
# author: [email protected]
# This Script implements a RemoteSubmitter using
# ganga's remote backend
# Please consult ganga's manual on usage of remote backend
# usage:
# diane-env -d ganga RemoteSubmitter.py --host="somehost.cern.ch" --username="******" [--prescript=any_additional_cmd] \
#           [--ganga_cmd="ganga_executable_full_path_on_remote_host"] [--ganga_dir="ganga_directory_for_remote_backend]

#from Ganga.GPIDev.Base import *
#from Ganga.GPIDev.Schema import *

from diane import getLogger

from diane.submitters import Submitter
prog = Submitter()

prog.parser.description="Submit worker agents to a remote host "+prog.parser.description

prog.parser.add_option("--host",dest="host",type="string",default='localhost',help="Set remote host name")
prog.parser.add_option("--username",dest="username",type="string",default='',help="Remote user name")
prog.parser.add_option("--prescript",dest="prescript",default=[],help="Additional script to be executed on remote host before applicaiton. Can be used several times",action="append")
prog.parser.add_option("--ganga_cmd",dest="gangacmd",help="Ganga command (with full path) on remote host")
prog.parser.add_option("--ganga_dir",dest="gangadir",help="Ganga remote directory for jobs")
prog.parser.add_option("--delay",dest="delay",type="int",default=0,help="delay in seconds in between the worker submission (to avoid spikes in the worker agent registration)")
prog.parser.add_option("--config_file",dest="config_file",help="Configuration file for defaults value of some parameters, if not specified use $DIANE_USER_WORKSAPCE/remotesubmitters_config.py")
prog.parser.add_option("--ssh_key",dest="ssh_key",help="SSH Key file. Needed to avoid ganga asking password for remote host. Refer to Ganga Remote backend for details.")
prog.parser.add_option("--key_type",dest="key_type",help="SSH Key type. Needed if ssh_key is specified. Refer to Ganga Remote backend for details.")
Exemplo n.º 14
import diane

logger = diane.getLogger('AtlasPilotJobs')

import os.path, shutil, glob

from diane_test_applications import ExecutableApplication 

class AtlasPilotRunData(ExecutableApplication.ExecutableRunData):
    def __init__(self):

    def newTask(self):
        d = AtlasPilotTaskData()
        return d

AtlasPilotWorkerData = ExecutableApplication.ExecutableWorkerData

class AtlasPilotTaskData(ExecutableApplication.ExecutableTaskData):
    def __init__(self):
        self.requirements = PilotTaskRequirements()

AtlasPilotTaskResult = ExecutableApplication.ExecutableTaskResult
PilotWorkerCapabilities = frozenset
PilotTaskRequirements = frozenset
Exemplo n.º 15
import diane

logger = diane.getLogger("StandingCall")

import time

class StandingCallFailed(Exception):

class StandingCallStopped(Exception):

class StandingCall:
    """ Invoke methods of a remote object as standing calls.

    Standing call is a mechanism which provides automatic retry in case
    of (transient) network problems, so when the standing call ultimately fails
    the client may be pretty sure that the server cannot be reached.

    Additionally standing call implements the handling of the XHangup
    andXRepeatCall exceptions so that the server may explicitly request to
    have the call repeated or to terminate the converation with the client.

    The StandingCall class is a wrapper for a remote object reference. Each
    method is implicitly invoked as a standing call.  The configuration
    parameters of the standing call are defined in the constructor.
Exemplo n.º 16
# Modified 01/2007

import os

def chmod_executable(path):
    "make a file executable"
    import stat,os

from diane import IApplicationWorker, SimpleApplicationManager, SimpleTaskScheduler

from diane import getLogger
logger = getLogger('CrashApplication')

class G4ProdApplicationManager(SimpleApplicationManager):
    def initialize(self, job_data):

        # Creating Plan:
        #  Input:
        #   job_data: Includes dictionary 'JobInitData' specified in .job file, with 
        #             the keys {'exedir','tarname'}, where:
        #    exedir:   directory containing the following files:
        #                - geant4_executables*.py -- executable files
        #                (one file corresponds to one task)
        #                the parent directory must contain:
        #                - geant4_production.sh -- the driver (script running the executable)
Exemplo n.º 17
import diane

logger = diane.getLogger('ExecutableApplication')

import os.path, shutil, glob

class ExecutablePolicy:
    """ Collection of parameters (with default values) to control the Executable application.
    ## Allow missing output files.
    ## True => worker will try to upload as many output files as possible and report the task as completed.
    ## False => if any of the output files cannot be uploaded then report the task as failed.

class ExecutableRunData:
    def __init__(self):
        # list of TaskData items
        self.tasks = []

        # unless specified otherwise all tasks share these defaults
        self.task_defaults = ExecutableTaskData()
        self.task_defaults.input_files = []
        self.task_defaults.output_files = []
        self.task_defaults.args = []

        self.policy = ExecutablePolicy()

        # these attributes are set automatically and are needed to copy the input files
        self._udir = None # user directory (where the diane-run was executed)
        self._idir = None # input_files directory
Exemplo n.º 18
import diane

logger = diane.getLogger("TaskScheduler")

class Policy:
    """ Collection of policy values. Empty by default."""


# PENDING: TODO: instrument on the fly methods of TaskScheduler with
# log and journal statements. This will guarantee that all user-defined
# schedulers will be logged and journalled correctly.

from diane.BaseThread import BaseThread

class ITaskScheduler(BaseThread):
    """ TaskScheduler keeps track of the tasks, controls how tasks are
    assigned to workers and how task output is processed (integrated).
    TaskInfo objects are used to represent tasks.  WorkerEntry objects are
    used to represent the worker agents.  Task manager runs in a separate
    thread and is notified by RunMaster by callback methods (defined below).

    An application manager (if defined) may be used to separate the scheduling functionality from
    the application-specific actions. See IApplicationManager.

    ## Policy parameters defining the behaviour of the TaskScheduler.
    ## The parameters are specific to the implementation and may be set by the user at runtime.
Exemplo n.º 19
def _make_logger():
    global logger
    if logger is None:
        from diane import getLogger
        logger = getLogger('config')
Exemplo n.º 20
import threading
import traceback

import diane
logger = diane.getLogger('BaseThread')

class BaseThread(threading.Thread):
    Application thread base class.

    def __init__(self,name=None,auto_register=True):
        """ Create a DIANE service thread (and register it as such into the singleton program unless auto_register == False)."""
        if name is None:
            name = ''
        name = '.'.join(['diane.BaseThread',name])
        self.setDaemon(1) # we can exit entire application at any time
        self.__should_stop_flag = False
        logger.debug("BaseThread object created:%s",self.__class__.__name__)
        if auto_register:
            import diane.CORBAProgram
    def should_stop(self):
        return self.__should_stop_flag
    def stop(self):
        if not self.__should_stop_flag:
            logger.debug("Stopping: %s",self.__class__.__name__)
            self.__should_stop_flag = True       
Exemplo n.º 21
import os
import glob
import shutil
import time

def chmod_executable(path):
    "make a file executable"
    import stat,os

from diane import IApplicationWorker, SimpleApplicationManager, SimpleTaskScheduler,IApplicationManager
from diane.BaseThread import BaseThread

from diane import getLogger
logger = getLogger('THISApplication')

#FIXME: hardcoded for the time being
EVENT_BUNCH  = 100000
TOTAL_EVENTS = 20000000

# basedir contains:
# input/* - all files to be copied to the WN
# output/* - output files received from WN
# rndm/* - random seeds (one file per task sequence)

class RunData:
    def __init__(self):
        self.basedir = None
        self.executable = 'this' # name of an executable file
        self.rundir = 'this/Thorax' # run directory on the worker node (containing executable and mac directory)
        self.args = ['mac/Thorax-segRe-6-RV.mac',
Exemplo n.º 22
from G4Analysis import Worker, ApplicationManager

# uncomment this line if you want to enable the shared library mode
#from G4AnalysisSharedLibWorker import SharedLibWorker, setup_application

from Data import *

from diane import SimpleTaskScheduler
import diane
logger = diane.getLogger('G4Analysis')

def run(input,config):    
    input.worker = Worker
    input.manager = ApplicationManager
    input.scheduler = SimpleTaskScheduler

    #shared library mode
    #config.WorkerAgent.APPLICATION_SHELL='sh' # run via a separate shell process
    #input.worker = SharedLibWorker

# clean and tar up the application directory
def run_post(input,config):
    import os    
    appname = input.data.workerInit.G4ApplicationName

    logger.info('simulation module: %s',appname)
Exemplo n.º 23
from ITaskScheduler import ITaskScheduler

import time
import Queue

import diane
logger = diane.getLogger('SimpleTaskScheduler')

class SimplePolicy:
    """ Collection of parameters to control the SimpleTaskScheduler.
    ## True => automatically discard init_input and init_output after worker is fully initialized
    ## by resetting the corresponding attributes of WorkerEntry to None.
    ## This gives a chance for garbage collection of unneeded data in memory

    ## True => automatically discard task.input_data after the task has been handed out by the task scheduler (completed or ignored).
    ## True => automatically discard task.details.output_data after the task has been handed out by the task scheduler (completed or ignored).

    ## A number of times task execution is attempted (while task is reported as failed).
    ## After reaching this number the policy STOP_IF_FAILED_TASKS is applied.
    ## For example: FAILED_TASK_MAX_ASSIGN == 2 => failed task will be retried only once.

    ## False => ignore failed tasks and continue running. True => stop run immediately after detecting the faulty tasks.
    ## This policy applies when failed tasks exceed the FAILED_TASK_MAX_ASSIGN number.
Exemplo n.º 24
#!/usr/bin/env ganga
# This script may be placed in ~/diane/submitters (it will then take precedence over any submitters with the same name contained in the release tree).
# usage:
# diane-submitter SAGA [options]
# print all available options: diane-submitter SAGA -h

import sys

from diane import getLogger

from diane.submitters import Submitter
prog = Submitter()

prog.parser.description="Submit worker agents using SAGA. "+prog.parser.description

# These parameters are required for the SAGA backend
prog.parser.add_option("--jobservice-url",type="string",default="",help="the remote job service url (e.g. gram://qb1.loni.org/jobmanager-pbs)")
prog.parser.add_option("--filesystem-url",type="string",default="",help="the remote filesystem root (e.g. gsiftp://qb1.loni.org/work/oweidner/diane-worker/)")
prog.parser.add_option("--allocation",type="string",default="",help="the allocation to be used for job accounting")
prog.parser.add_option("--delay",dest="delay",type="int",default=0,help="delay in seconds in between the worker submission (to avoid spikes in the worker agent registration)")

# this wrapper will start a number of worker agents using ssh hosts specified by $PBS_NODEFILE
# it assumes, however, that all the nodes are connected by a shared file system 
Exemplo n.º 25
from crash import *
run2 = run

from diane import getLogger
logger = getLogger('FinalizeCrashApplication')

class FinalizeCrashApplicationManager(CrashApplicationManager):
    def finalize(self):
        N = 20
        import time
        logger.info('finalizing for %d seconds',N)
        logger.info('finalize finished')

def run(input,config):
    input.manager = FinalizeCrashApplicationManager
Exemplo n.º 26
import atexit, diane, gzip, logging, os, pickle, random, sys, threading, time
from diane.util import importName

#store lockfile, timestamp data and error logs in gangadir/agent_factory
DATA_PATH = os.path.join(config.Configuration.gangadir, 'agent_factory')

#pickled timestamps
AGENT_FACTORY_DATA_FILE = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'agent_factory_data')

#failure_log directory to store the information about the failed jobs
FAILURE_LOG_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'failure_log')

#setup the logger
logger = diane.getLogger('agent_factory')

#exception definitions for the FLock class 
class LockAcquireError(Exception):

class LockReleaseError(Exception):

class FLock(object): 
    """A simple file lock class. Creates a directory (since mkdir on UNIX is atomic) which serves as a lock and allows detecting previous instances of the application."""
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path
        self.filename = 'lockfile'
        self.pid = os.getpid()
        self.lockfile = os.path.join(self.path, self.filename + '_' + str(self.pid))

    def acquire(self):
Exemplo n.º 27
from diane import getLogger

logger = getLogger('sample1')

from diane import IApplicationWorker, SimpleApplicationManager
from diane.application import  ApplicationFailure

class Worker(IApplicationWorker):
    def initialize(self,x):
        return None
    def finalize(self,x):
        # PENDING: define what gets called on do_work() error or when there is a system problem
    def do_work(self,x):
        import time
        if x%2:
            #logger.info('failing task %s',x)
            #raise ApplicationFailure()
        return None

class SampleStaticApplicationManager(SimpleApplicationManager):
    def initialize(self,job_input):
        self.N = 10
        self.done_counter = 0
        return [self._task() for tid in range(1,self.N+1)]

    def tasks_done(self,tasks):
Exemplo n.º 28
    parser.add_option("-c","--config", dest="config",default=None,help="specify the configuration file",metavar="FILE.cfg")

    options,args = parser.parse_args()

    if options.config:
        configs = [options.config] # use a specified config file
        configs = configs() # use all *.cfg files
    import diane.test.utils

    import logging

    from diane import getLogger
    logger = getLogger('test.driver')

    if len(configs)>1:
        logger.user('selected test configurations: %s',configs)
        import subprocess
        for c in configs:
            # run each test configuration in a separate process (to avoid possible interference between runs)
            if subprocess.call(['python',sys.argv[0],'--config=%s'%c]) != 0:
        c = configs[0]
        logger.user('running full test suite using %s',c)
        cf = os.path.abspath(c)
        if not os.path.exists(cf):
            logger.error('config file %s does not exist',c)
Exemplo n.º 29
import subprocess
import time
import os, signal

import diane
logger = diane.getLogger('test.case')

from diane.test.utils import *

# added optional detection of false positives (e.g. NameError), case does not matter
def report_errors(fn,false_positives=[]):
    """The false_positives must contain ERROR or EXCEPT substrings (the case
    does not matter).  However the search for false_positives is
    for sub in false_positives:
        if sub.upper().find('ERROR') == -1 and sub.upper().find('EXCEPT') == -1:
            raise ValueError('False positive %s must contain ERROR or EXCEPT substring'%sub)
    for l in file(fn).readlines():
        false_positives_cnt = 0
        for sub in false_positives:
        if false_positives_cnt != l.upper().count('ERROR') + l.upper().count('EXCEPT'):
            logger.error('%s: %s',fn,l)
            return False
    return True

def get_output_dir():
        return os.path.join('output',os.path.basename(os.environ['DIANE_CONFIG']))
    except KeyError:
Exemplo n.º 30
import diane

logger = diane.getLogger("application")

class Boot:
    def __init__(self):
        self.application_name = None
        self.worker_class_name = None
        self.config = None
        self.runid = None
        self.master_uuid = None

    def log(self):
        for x in self.__dict__:
            logger.info("%s = %s", x, repr(getattr(self, x)))

from diane.util import importName

# recoverable application problem
class ApplicationFailure(Exception):
    pass  # FIXME: traceback_string variable

# unrecoverable application problem (e.g. crash due to abort())
class ApplicationCritical(Exception):

import traceback