Exemplo n.º 1
 def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
     """Function returned by the decorator."""
         return func(*args, **kwargs)
         type_, value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
         add_suggestions_to_exception(type_, value, traceback)
Exemplo n.º 2
def didyoumean_postmortem():
    """Post postem function to add suggestions to last exception thrown.

    Add suggestions to last exception thrown (in interactive mode) and
    return it (which should print it).
    if hasattr(sys, 'last_type'):
        typ, val, trace = sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback
        add_suggestions_to_exception(typ, val, trace)
        return val
    return None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback):
        """Method called when exiting the context manager.

        Add suggestions to the exception (if any).
        assert (type_ is None) == (value is None)
        if value is not None:
            if isinstance(value, type_):
                # Error is not re-raised as it is the caller's responsability
                # but the error is enhanced nonetheless
                add_suggestions_to_exception(type_, value, traceback)
                # Python 2.6 bug : http://bugs.python.org/issue7853
                # Instead of having the exception, we have its representation
                # We can try to rebuild the exception, add suggestions to it
                # and re-raise it (re-raise shouldn't be done normally but it
                # is a dirty work-around for a dirty issue).
                if isinstance(value, str):
                    value = type_(value)
                    value = type_(*value)
                add_suggestions_to_exception(type_, value, traceback)
                raise value
Exemplo n.º 4
def didyoumean_custom_exc(shell, etype, evalue, tb, tb_offset=None):
    """Custom exception handler to replace the iPython one."""
    add_suggestions_to_exception(etype, evalue, tb)
    return shell.showtraceback((etype, evalue, tb), tb_offset=tb_offset)
Exemplo n.º 5
def didyoumean_hook(type_, value, traceback, prev_hook=sys.excepthook):
    """Hook to be substituted to sys.excepthook to enhance exceptions."""
    add_suggestions_to_exception(type_, value, traceback)
    return prev_hook(type_, value, traceback)
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
    # Different examples :
    # Code examples are groupes by error type then by suggestion type
    # Numbers have been added in dict keys just to be able to iterate
    # over them and have the result in the wanted order.
    examples = {
        (1, NameError): {
            (1, "Fuzzy matches on existing names "
             "(local, builtin, keywords, modules, etc)"): [
                "def my_func(foo, bar):\n\treturn foob\nmy_func(1, 2)",
                "leng([0])", "import math\nmaths.pi", "passs",
                "def my_func():\n\tfoo = 1\n\tfoob +=1\nmy_func()"
            (2, "Checking if name is the attribute of a defined object"): [
                "class Duck():\n\tdef __init__(self):\n\t\tquack()"
                "\n\tdef quack(self):\n\t\tpass\nd = Duck()",
                "import math\npi",
            (3, "Looking for missing imports"): [
            (4, "Looking in missing imports"): [
            (5, "Special cases"): [
                "assert j ** 2 == -1",
        (2, AttributeError): {
            (1, "Fuzzy matches on existing attributes"): [
                "lst = [1, 2, 3]\nlst.appendh(4)",
                "import math\nmath.pie",
            (2, "Trying to find method with similar meaning (hardcoded)"): [
                "lst = [1, 2, 3]\nlst.add(4)",
                "lst = [1, 2, 3]\nlst.get(5, None)",
            (3, "Detection of mis-used builtins"): [
                "lst = [1, 2, 3]\nlst.max()",
            (4, "Period used instead of comma"): [
                "a, b = 1, 2\nmax(a. b)",
        (3, ImportError): {
            (1, "Fuzzy matches on existing modules"): [
                "from maths import pi",
            (2, "Fuzzy matches on elements of the module"): [
                "from math import pie",
            (3, "Looking for import from wrong module"): [
                "from itertools import pi",
        (4, TypeError): {
            (1, "Fuzzy matches on keyword arguments"): [
                "def my_func(abcde):\n\tpass\nmy_func(abcdf=1)",
            (2, "Confusion between brackets and parenthesis"): [
                "lst = [1, 2, 3]\nlst(0)",
                "def my_func(a):\n\tpass\nmy_func[1]",
        (5, ValueError): {
            (1, "Special cases"): [
                'import datetime\n'
                'datetime.datetime.strptime("%d %b %y", "30 Nov 00")',
        (6, SyntaxError): {
            (1, "Fuzzy matches when importing from __future__"): [
                "from __future__ import divisio",
            (2, "Various"): [
        (7, MemoryError): {
            (1, "Search for a memory-efficient equivalent"): [
        (8, OverflowError): {
            (1, "Search for a memory-efficient equivalent"): [
        (9, (OSError, IOError)): {
            (1, "Suggestion for tilde/variable expansions"): [
        (10, RuntimeError): {
            (1, "Suggestion to avoid reaching maximum recursion depth"):
            ["global rec\ndef rec(n): return rec(n-1)\nrec(0)"],

    str_func = repr  # could be str or repr
    for (_, exc_types), exc_examples in sorted(examples.items()):
        if not isinstance(exc_types, tuple):
            exc_types = (exc_types, )
        print("### {0}\n".format("/".join(e.__name__ for e in exc_types)))
        for (_, desc), codes in sorted(exc_examples.items()):
            print("##### {0}\n".format(desc))
            for code in codes:
                exc = common.get_exception(code)
                if exc is None:
                    before = after = \
                        "No exception thrown on this version of Python"
                    type_, value, traceback = exc
                    if not issubclass(type_, exc_types):
                        before = after = \
                            "Wrong exception thrown on this version of Python"
                        before = standardise(str_func(value))
                        add_suggestions_to_exception(type_, value, traceback)
                        after = standardise(str_func(value))
                        if before == after:
                            after += " (unchanged on this version of Python)"
#>>> Before: {1}
#>>> After: {2}
```""".format(standardise(code), before, after))