Exemplo n.º 1
    def testRestraint(self):
        """Test the Restraint class."""

        p1 = Parameter("p1", 1)
        p2 = Parameter("p2", 2)

        factory = EquationFactory()

        factory.registerArgument("p1", p1)
        factory.registerArgument("p2", p2)

        # Restrain 1 <  p1 + p2 < 5
        eq = equationFromString("p1 + p2", factory)
        r = Restraint(eq, 1, 5)

        # This should have no penalty
        self.assertEqual(0, r.penalty())

        # Make p1 + p2 = 0
        # This should have a penalty of 1*(1 - 0)**2 = 1
        self.assertEqual(1, r.penalty())

        # Make p1 + p2 = 8
        # This should have a penalty of 1*(8 - 5)**2 = 9
        self.assertEqual(9, r.penalty())

        # Set the chi^2 to get a dynamic penalty
        r.scaled = True
        self.assertEqual(13.5, r.penalty(1.5))

        # Make a really large number to check the upper bound
        import numpy
        r.ub = numpy.inf
        self.assertEqual(0, r.penalty())

Exemplo n.º 2
    def restrain(self, res, lb=-inf, ub=inf, sig=1, scaled=False, ns={}):
        """Restrain an expression to specified bounds

        res     --  An equation string or Parameter to restrain.
        lb      --  The lower bound on the restraint evaluation (default -inf).
        ub      --  The lower bound on the restraint evaluation (default inf).
        sig     --  The uncertainty on the bounds (default 1).
        scaled  --  A flag indicating if the restraint is scaled (multiplied)
                    by the unrestrained point-average chi^2 (chi^2/numpoints)
                    (default False).
        ns      --  A dictionary of Parameters, indexed by name, that are used
                    in the equation string, but not part of the RecipeOrganizer
                    (default {}).

        The penalty is calculated as
        (max(0, lb - val, val - ub)/sig)**2
        and val is the value of the calculated equation.  This is multipled by
        the average chi^2 if scaled is True.

        Raises ValueError if ns uses a name that is already used for a
        Raises ValueError if res depends on a Parameter that is not part of
        the RecipeOrganizer and that is not defined in ns.

        Returns the Restraint object for use with the 'unrestrain' method.

        if isinstance(res, basestring):
            eqstr = res
            eq = equationFromString(res, self._eqfactory, ns)
            eq = Equation(root=res)
            eqstr = res.name

        # Make and store the restraint
        res = Restraint(eq, lb, ub, sig, scaled)
        res.eqstr = eqstr
        return res