Exemplo n.º 1
def run(plot=True):

    ## Suppress mundane output
    # When running scripts, especially involving multiple trials, it can be
    # useful to suppress many of the diffpy.srmise messages.  Valid levels
    # include "debug", "info" (the default), "warning", "error", and
    # "critical."  See diffpy.srmise.srmiselog for more information.

    ## Initialize peak extraction from saved trial
    ppe = PDFPeakExtraction()

    ## Set up extraction parameters
    # All parameters loaded from .srmise file.
    # Setting new values will override the previous values.
    kwds["rng"] = [10.9, 15] # Region of PDF with some overlap.

    ## Create multimodel selection object.
    # The MultimodelSelection class keeps track of the results of peak
    # extraction as the assumed uncertainty dg is varied.
    ms = MultimodelSelection()

    ## Define range of dg values
    # For the purpose of illustration use 15 evenly-spaced values of dg where
    # 50% < dg < 120% of mean experimental dG in extraction range.
    dg_mean = np.mean(ppe.dy[ppe.getrangeslice()])
    dgs = np.linspace(.5*dg_mean, 1.2*dg_mean, 15)

    ## Perform peak extraction for each of the assumed uncertainties.

    ## Save results
    # The file known_dG_models.dat saves the models generated above.  The file
    # known_dG_aics.dat saves the value of the AIC of each model when evaluated
    # on a Nyquist-sampled grid using each of the dg values used to generate
    # the models in the first place.
    dr = np.pi/ppe.qmax
    ms.makeaics(dgs, dr, filename="output/known_dG_aics.dat")
def run(plot=True):

    ## Suppress mundane output
    # When running scripts, especially involving multiple trials, it can be
    # useful to suppress many of the diffpy.srmise messages.  Valid levels
    # include "debug", "info" (the default), "warning", "error", and
    # "critical."  See diffpy.srmise.srmiselog for more information.

    ## Initialize peak extraction from saved trial
    ppe = PDFPeakExtraction()

    ## Set up extraction parameters
    # All parameters loaded from .srmise file.
    # Setting new values will override the previous values.
    kwds = {}
    kwds["rng"] = [10.9, 15]  # Region of PDF with some overlap.

    ## Create multimodel selection object.
    # The MultimodelSelection class keeps track of the results of peak
    # extraction as the assumed uncertainty dg is varied.
    ms = MultimodelSelection()

    ## Define range of dg values
    # For the purpose of illustration use 15 evenly-spaced values of dg where
    # 50% < dg < 120% of mean experimental dG in extraction range.
    dg_mean = np.mean(ppe.dy[ppe.getrangeslice()])
    dgs = np.linspace(.5 * dg_mean, 1.2 * dg_mean, 15)

    ## Perform peak extraction for each of the assumed uncertainties.

    ## Save results
    # The file known_dG_models.dat saves the models generated above.  The file
    # known_dG_aics.dat saves the value of the AIC of each model when evaluated
    # on a Nyquist-sampled grid using each of the dg values used to generate
    # the models in the first place.
    dr = np.pi / ppe.qmax
    ms.makeaics(dgs, dr, filename="output/known_dG_aics.dat")
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # configure options parsing
    usage = ("%prog srmise_file [options]\n"
            "srmise_file can be an extraction file saved by SrMise, "
            "or a data file saved by PeakStability.")
    descr = ("A very basic tool for somewhat prettier plotting than provided by "
             "the basic SrMise classes.  Can be used to compare peak positions "
             "with those from a list.\n"
             "NOTE: At this time the utility only works with peaks extracted using diffpy.srmise.PDFPeakExtraction.")

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=descr)
    parser.add_option("--compare", type="string",
            help="Compare extracted distances to distances listed (1/line) in this file.")
    parser.add_option("--model", type="int",
            help="Plot given model from set.  Ignored if srmise_file is not a PeakStability file.")
    parser.add_option("--show", action="store_true",
            help="execute pylab.show() blocking call")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--output", type="string",
            help="save plot to the specified file")
    parser.add_option("--format", type="string", default="eps",
            help="output format for plot saving")
    parser.allow_interspersed_args = True
    opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

    if len(args) != 1:
        parser.error("Exactly one argument required. \n"+usage)

    filename = args[0]

    if filename is not None:
        toplot = PDFPeakExtraction()
        except (Exception):
            toplot = PeakStability()
            except Exception:
                print "File '%s' is not a .srmise or PeakStability data file." %filename

    if opts.model is not None:
        except (Exception):
            print "Ignoring model, %s is not a PeakStability file." %filename

    distances = None
    if opts.compare is not None:
        # use baseline from existing file
        distances = readcompare(opts.compare)

    setfigformat(figsize=(6., 4.0))
    figdict = makeplot(toplot, distances)
    if opts.output:
        plt.savefig(opts.output, format=opts.format, dpi=600)
    if opts.show:
Exemplo n.º 4
def run(plot=True):
    ## Initialize peak extraction
    # Create peak extraction object
    ppe = PDFPeakExtraction()
    # Load the PDF from a file
    # Obtain baseline from a saved diffpy.srmise trial.  This is not the
    # initial baseline estimate from the previous example, but the baseline
    # after both it and the extracted peaks have been fit to the data.
    ppebl = PDFPeakExtraction()
    baseline = ppebl.extracted.baseline

    ## Set up extraction parameters.
    # Peaks are extracted between 2 and 10 angstroms, using the baseline
    # from the isolated peak example.
    kwds = {} 
    kwds["rng"] = [2.0, 10.]
    kwds["baseline"] = baseline
    # Apply peak extraction parameters.

    ## Perform peak extraction, and retain object containing a copy of the
    # model and the full covariance matrix.
    cov = ppe.extract()

    print "\n======= Accessing SrMise Results ========"
    ## Accessing results of extraction
    # Model parameters are organized using a nested structure, with a list
    # of peaks each of which is a list of parameters, similar to the the
    # following schematic.
    #     Peak
    #         Position
    #         Width
    #         Area
    #     Peak
    #         Position
    #         Width
    #         Area*
    #     ...
    #     Baseline
    #         Slope
    #         Intercept
    # By convention, the baseline is the final "peak."  The ModelCovariance
    # object returned by extract() can return information about any peak by
    # using the appropriate tuple of indices (i,j).  That is, (i,j) denotes
    # the jth parameter of the ith peak.  For example, the starred parameter
    # above is the area (index = 2) of the next nearest neighbor (index = 1)
    # peak. Thus, this parameter can be referenced as (1,2).  Several examples
    # are presented below.

    print "\n------ Parameter values and uncertainties ------"
    # ModelCovariance.get() returns a (value, uncertainty) tuple for a given
    # parameter.  These are the results for the nearest-neighbor peak.
    p0 = cov.get((0,0))
    w0 = cov.get((0,1))
    a0 = cov.get((0,2))
    print "Nearest-neighbor peak: "
    print "    position = %f +/- %f" %p0
    print "    width = %f +/- %f" %w0
    print "    area = %f +/- %f" %a0
    print "    Covariance(width, area) = ", cov.getcovariance((0,1),(0,2))

    # Baseline parameters.  By convention, baseline is final element in cov.
    (slope, intercept) = cov.model[-1]
    print "\nThe linear baseline B(r)=%f*r + %f" \
          % tuple(par for par in cov.model[-1])

    print "\n ------ Uncertainties from a Saved File --------"
    # A .srmise file does not save the full covariance matrix, so it must be
    # recalculated when loading from these files.  For example, here is the
    # nearest-neighbor peak in the file which we used to define the initial
    # baseline.
    cov2 = ModelCovariance()
    ppebl.extracted.fit(fitbaseline=True, cov=cov2, cov_format="default_output")
    p0_saved = cov2.get((0,0))
    w0_saved = cov2.get((0,1))
    a0_saved = cov2.get((0,2))
    print "Nearest-neighbor peak:"
    print "    position = %f +/- %f" %p0_saved
    print "    width == %f +/- %f" %w0_saved
    print "    area = = %f +/- %f" %a0_saved
    print "    Covariance(width, area) = ", cov2.getcovariance((0,1),(0,2))

    print "\n ---------- Alternate Parameterizations ---------"
    ## Different Parameterizations
    # Peaks and baselines may have equivalent parameterizations that are useful
    # in different situations.  For example, the types defined by the
    # GaussianOverR peak function are:
    #   "internal" - Used in diffpy.srmise calculations, explicitly enforces a
    #                maximum peak width
    #   "pwa" - The position, width (full-width at half-maximum), area.
    #   "mu_sigma_area" - The position, width (the distribution standard
    #                     deviation sigma), area.
    #   "default_output" - Defines default format to use in most user-facing
    #                      scenarios. Maps to the "pwa" parameterization.
    #   "default_input" - Defines default format to use when specifying peak
    #                     parameters.  Maps to the "internal" parameterization.
    # All diffpy.srmise peak and baseline functions are required to have the
    # "internal", "default_output", and "default_input" formats.  In many
    # cases, such as polynomial baselines, all of these are equivalent.
    # Suppose you want to know peak widths in terms of the standard deviation
    # sigma of the Gaussian distribution.  It is then appropriate to convert
    # all peaks to the "mu_sigma_area" format.  Valid options for the "parts"
    # keyword are "peaks", "baseline", or a sequence of indices (e.g. [1,2,3]
    # would transform the second, third, and fourth peaks).  If the keyword
    # is omitted, the transformation is attempted for all parts of the fit.
    cov.transform(in_format="pwa", out_format="mu_sigma_area", parts="peaks")
    print "Width (sigma) of nearest-neighbor peak: %f +/- %f" %cov.get((0,1))

    print "\n ------------ Highly Correlated Parameters ------------"
    # Highly-correlated parameters can indicate difficulties constraining the
    # fit.  This function lists all pairs of parameters with an absolute value
    # of correlation which exceeds a given threshold.
    print "|Correlation| > 0.9:"
    print "par1     par2    corr(par1, par2)"
    print "\n".join(str(c) for c in cov.correlationwarning(.9))

    print "\n-------- Estimate coordination shell occupancy ---------"
    # Estimate the scale factor and its uncertainty from first peak's intensity.
    # G_normalized = scale * G_observed
    # dscale = scale * dG_observed/G_observed
    scale = 12./a0[0]
    dscale = scale * a0[1]/a0[0]
    print "Estimate scale factor assuming nearest-neighbor intensity = 12"
    print "Scale factor is %f +/- %f" %(scale, dscale)

    # Reference for number of atoms in coordination shells for FCC.
    # http://chem-faculty.lsu.edu/watkins/MERLOT/cubic_neighbors/cubic_near_neighbors.html
    ideal_intensity = [12, 6, 24, 12, 24, 8, 48, 6, 36, 24, 24, 24]
    # Calculated the scaled intensities and uncertainties.
    intensity = []
    for i in range(0, len(cov.model)-1):
        (area, darea) = cov.get((i,2))
        area *= scale
        darea = area*np.sqrt((dscale/scale)**2 + (darea/area)**2)
        intensity.append((ideal_intensity[i], area, darea))
    print "\nIntensity"
    print "Ideal: Estimated"
    for i in intensity:
        print "%i: %f +/- %f" %i

    print "\nTotal intensity"
    # It is possible to iterate over peaks directly without using indices.
    # In addition, peak parameters can be accessed using string keys.  For the
    # Gaussian over r all of "position", "width", and "area" are valid.
    total_observed_intensity = 0
    total_ideal_intensity = 0
    for peak, ii in zip(cov.model[:-1], ideal_intensity):
        total_observed_intensity += scale*peak["area"]
        total_ideal_intensity += ii
    print "Ideal: Observed (using estimated scale factor)"
    print "%i: %f" %(total_ideal_intensity, total_observed_intensity)

    ## Save output

    ## Evaluating a model.
    # Although the ModelCovariance object is useful, the model used for fitting
    # can be directly accessed through PDFPeakExtraction as well, albeit
    # without uncertainties.  This is particularly helpful when evaluating a
    # model since the parameters stay in the "internal" format used for
    # calculations.  For example, here we plot the data and every second peak
    # on an arbitrary grid.  Unlike with ModelCovariance, the baseline and
    # peaks are kept separate.
    if plot:
        grid = np.arange(2, 10, .01)
        bl = ppe.extracted.baseline
        everysecondpeak = ppe.extracted.model[::2]
        plt.plot(ppe.x, ppe.y, 'o')
        for peak in everysecondpeak:
            plt.plot(grid, bl.value(grid) + peak.value(grid))
        plt.xlim(2, 10)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    # configure options parsing
    usage = ("%prog srmise_file [options]\n"
             "srmise_file can be an extraction file saved by SrMise, "
             "or a data file saved by PeakStability.")
    descr = (
        "A very basic tool for somewhat prettier plotting than provided by "
        "the basic SrMise classes.  Can be used to compare peak positions "
        "with those from a list.\n"
        "NOTE: At this time the utility only works with peaks extracted using diffpy.srmise.PDFPeakExtraction."

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=descr)
        "Compare extracted distances to distances listed (1/line) in this file."
        "Plot given model from set.  Ignored if srmise_file is not a PeakStability file."
                      help="execute pylab.show() blocking call")
                      help="save plot to the specified file")
                      help="output format for plot saving")
    parser.allow_interspersed_args = True
    opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

    if len(args) != 1:
        parser.error("Exactly one argument required. \n" + usage)

    filename = args[0]

    if filename is not None:
        toplot = PDFPeakExtraction()
        except (Exception):
            toplot = PeakStability()
            except Exception:
                print "File '%s' is not a .srmise or PeakStability data file." % filename

    if opts.model is not None:
        except (Exception):
            print "Ignoring model, %s is not a PeakStability file." % filename

    distances = None
    if opts.compare is not None:
        # use baseline from existing file
        distances = readcompare(opts.compare)

    setfigformat(figsize=(6., 4.0))
    figdict = makeplot(toplot, distances)
    if opts.output:
        plt.savefig(opts.output, format=opts.format, dpi=600)
    if opts.show: