Exemplo n.º 1
def test_1234():
    source = Source(path.join(here, 'files/1234'))

    assert len(source) == 4

    with source:
        assert len(source) == 4

        buffer = bytearray(32)

        assert source.readinto(buffer) == 4
        assert buffer[:4] == b'\x01\x02\x03\x04'
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_empty():
    source = Source(path.join(here, 'files/empty'))

    assert source.source.endswith('/files/empty')
    assert source.fd is None
    assert len(source) == 0

    with source:
        assert source.fd is not None
        assert len(source) == 0
        assert source.readinto(bytearray(32)) == 0

    assert source.fd is None
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_blocks():
    source = Source(path.join(here, 'files/1234'))

    with source:
        for (read, expected) in zip(source.blocks(2), (b'\x01\x02', b'\x03\x04')):
            assert read == expected

    with source:
        generator = source.blocks(2)
        assert next(generator) == b'\x01\x02'
        assert next(generator) == b'\x03\x04'
        with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
            raise AssertionError('StopIteration should have been raised')