def parse_headers(headers, default_version, latest_version): """Determine the API version requested based on the headers supplied. :param headers: webob headers :param default_version: version to use if not specified in headers :param latest_version: version to use if latest is requested :returns: a tuple of (major, minor) version numbers :raises: webob.HTTPNotAcceptable """ version_hdr = headers.get(Version.string, default_version) try: version_service, version_str = version_hdr.split() except ValueError: raise exc.HTTPNotAcceptable( _("Invalid service type for %s header") % Version.string) if version_str.lower() == 'latest': version_service, version_str = latest_version.split() if version_service != Version.service_string: raise exc.HTTPNotAcceptable( _("Invalid service type for %s header") % Version.string) try: version = tuple(int(i) for i in version_str.split('.')) except ValueError: version = () if len(version) != 2: raise exc.HTTPNotAcceptable( _("Invalid value for %s header") % Version.string) return version
def get_validate_region_name(self, region_name): if region_name is None: message = _("region_name needs to be configured in digital.conf") raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(message) """matches the region of a public endpoint for the Keystone service.""" regions = None try: regions = self.client.regions.list() except kc_exception.NotFound: pass except Exception: LOG.exception('Failed to list regions') raise exception.RegionsListFailed() region_list = [] for region in regions: region_list.append( if region_name not in region_list: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( 'region_name %(region_name)s is invalid, ' 'expecting a region_name in %(region_name_list)s.') % { 'region_name': region_name, 'region_name_list': '/'.join( region_list + ['unspecified'])}) return region_name
def _check_version(self, version, headers=None): if headers is None: headers = {} # ensure that major version in the URL matches the header if version.major != BASE_VERSION: raise http_error.HTTPNotAcceptableAPIVersion( _("Mutually exclusive versions requested. Version %(ver)s " "requested but not supported by this service." "The supported version range is: " "[%(min)s, %(max)s].") % { 'ver': version, 'min': MIN_VER_STR, 'max': MAX_VER_STR }, headers=headers, max_version=str(MAX_VER), min_version=str(MIN_VER)) # ensure the minor version is within the supported range if version < MIN_VER or version > MAX_VER: raise http_error.HTTPNotAcceptableAPIVersion( _("Version %(ver)s was requested but the minor version is not " "supported by this service. The supported version range is: " "[%(min)s, %(max)s].") % { 'ver': version, 'min': MIN_VER_STR, 'max': MAX_VER_STR }, headers=headers, max_version=str(MAX_VER), min_version=str(MIN_VER))
def get_cert(cert_ref, **kwargs): """Retrieves the specified cert. :param cert_ref: the UUID of the cert to retrieve :return: digital.common.cert_manager.cert_manager.Cert representation of the certificate data :raises CertificateStorageException: if certificate retrieval fails """ LOG.warning( "Loading certificate {0} from the local filesystem. " "CertManager type 'local' should be used for testing purpose.". format(cert_ref)) filename_base = os.path.join(CONF.certificates.storage_path, cert_ref) filename_certificate = "{0}.crt".format(filename_base) filename_private_key = "{0}.key".format(filename_base) filename_intermediates = "{0}.int".format(filename_base) filename_pkp = "{0}.pass".format(filename_base) cert_data = dict() try: with open(filename_certificate, 'r') as cert_file: cert_data['certificate'] = except IOError: LOG.error("Failed to read certificate for {0}.".format(cert_ref)) raise exception.CertificateStorageException( msg=_("Certificate could not be read.")) try: with open(filename_private_key, 'r') as key_file: cert_data['private_key'] = except IOError: LOG.error("Failed to read private key for {0}.".format(cert_ref)) raise exception.CertificateStorageException( msg=_("Private Key could not be read.")) try: if path.isfile(filename_intermediates): with open(filename_intermediates, 'r') as int_file: cert_data['intermediates'] = except IOError as ioe: LOG.error("Failed to read certificate.") raise exception.CertificateStorageException(msg=str(ioe)) try: if path.isfile(filename_pkp): with open(filename_pkp, 'r') as pass_file: cert_data['private_key_passphrase'] = except IOError as ioe: LOG.error("Failed to read certificate.") raise exception.CertificateStorageException(msg=str(ioe)) return Cert(**cert_data)
def _get_ssl_configs(use_ssl): if use_ssl: cert_file = CONF.api.ssl_cert_file key_file = CONF.api.ssl_key_file if cert_file and not os.path.exists(cert_file): raise RuntimeError(_("Unable to find cert_file : %s") % cert_file) if key_file and not os.path.exists(key_file): raise RuntimeError(_("Unable to find key_file : %s") % key_file) return cert_file, key_file else: return None
def __init__(self, cert_container): if not isinstance(cert_container, barbican_client.containers.CertificateContainer): raise TypeError(_( "Retrieved Barbican Container is not of the correct type " "(certificate).")) self._cert_container = cert_container
def validate(patch): if patch.path in patch.internal_attrs(): msg = _("'%s' is an internal attribute and can not be updated") raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg % patch.path) if patch.path in patch.non_removable_attrs() and patch.op == 'remove': msg = _("'%s' is a mandatory attribute and can not be removed") raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg % patch.path) if patch.op != 'remove': if not patch.value: msg = _("'add' and 'replace' operations needs value") raise wsme.exc.ClientSideError(msg) ret = {'path': patch.path, 'op': patch.op} if patch.value: ret['value'] = patch.value return ret
def validate(self, value): for t in self.types: try: return wtypes.validate_value(t, value) except (exception.InvalidUUID, ValueError): pass else: raise ValueError( _("Wrong type. Expected '%(type)s', got '%(value)s'") % { 'type': self.types, 'value': type(value) })
class DigitalException(Exception): """Base Digital Exception To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor. """ message = _("An unknown exception occurred.") code = 500 def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs if 'code' not in self.kwargs and hasattr(self, 'code'): self.kwargs['code'] = self.code if message: self.message = message try: self.message = self.message % kwargs except Exception: # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message # log the issue and the kwargs LOG.exception('Exception in string format operation, ' 'kwargs: %s', kwargs) try: if CONF.fatal_exception_format_errors: raise except cfg.NoSuchOptError: # Note: work around for Bug: #1447873 if CONF.oslo_versionedobjects.fatal_exception_format_errors: raise super(DigitalException, self).__init__(self.message) def __str__(self): if six.PY3: return self.message return self.message.encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): return self.message def format_message(self): if self.__class__.__name__.endswith('_Remote'): return self.args[0] else: return six.text_type(self)
def _paginate_query(model, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, query=None): if not query: query = model_query(model) sort_keys = ['id'] if sort_key and sort_key not in sort_keys: sort_keys.insert(0, sort_key) try: query = db_utils.paginate_query(query, model, limit, sort_keys, marker=marker, sort_dir=sort_dir) except db_exc.InvalidSortKey: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue( _('The sort_key value "%(key)s" is an invalid field for sorting') % {'key': sort_key}) return query.all()
def __init__(self, app, conf, public_api_routes=None): if public_api_routes is None: public_api_routes = [] route_pattern_tpl = '%s(\.json)?$' try: self.public_api_routes = [ re.compile(route_pattern_tpl % route_tpl) for route_tpl in public_api_routes ] except re.error as e: msg = _('Cannot compile public API routes: %s') % e LOG.error(msg) raise exception.ConfigInvalid(error_msg=msg) super(AuthTokenMiddleware, self).__init__(app, conf)
def replacement_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): """Overrides the default response to make errors parsable.""" try: status_code = int(status.split(' ')[0]) state['status_code'] = status_code except (ValueError, TypeError): # pragma: nocover raise Exception( _('ErrorDocumentMiddleware received an invalid ' 'status %s') % status) else: if (state['status_code'] // 100) not in (2, 3): # Remove some headers so we can replace them later # when we have the full error message and can # compute the length. headers = [(h, v) for (h, v) in headers if h not in ('Content-Length', 'Content-Type')] # Save the headers in case we need to modify them. state['headers'] = headers return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
def version_select(): """Select the correct method based on version @return: Returns the correct versioned method @raises: HTTPNotAcceptable if there is no method which matches the name and version constraints """ from pecan import request ver = request.version func_list = self.versioned_methods[key] for func in func_list: if ver.matches(func.start_version, func.end_version): return func.func raise exc.HTTPNotAcceptable( _("Version %(ver)s was requested but the requested API %(api)s " "is not supported for this version.") % { 'ver': ver, 'api': key })
class TrustDeleteFailed(DigitalException): message = _("Failed to delete trust %(trust_id)s.")
from oslo_config import cfg from digital.i18n import _ barbican_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='barbican_client', title='Options for the Barbican client') barbican_client_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('region_name', help=_('Region in Identity service catalog to use for ' 'communication with the OpenStack service.')), cfg.StrOpt('endpoint_type', default='publicURL', help=_('Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use ' 'for communication with the OpenStack service.')) ] def register_opts(conf): conf.register_group(barbican_group) conf.register_opts(barbican_client_opts, group=barbican_group) def list_opts(): return {barbican_group: barbican_client_opts}
class TrusteeCreateFailed(DigitalException): message = _("Failed to create trustee %(username)s " "in domain %(domain_id)s")
class TrusteeOrTrustToClusterFailed(DigitalException): message = _("Failed to create trustee or trust for Cluster: " "%(cluster_uuid)s")
from oslo_config import cfg from digital.i18n import _ trust_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='trust', title='Trustee options for the digital services') trust_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('cluster_user_trust', default=False, help=_('This setting controls whether to assign a trust to' ' the cluster user or not. You will need to set it to' ' True for clusters with volume_driver=cinder or' ' registry_enabled=true in the underlying cluster' ' template to work. This is a potential security risk' ' since the trust gives instances OpenStack API access' " to the cluster's project. Note that this setting" ' does not affect per-cluster trusts assigned to the' 'Digital service user.')), cfg.StrOpt('trustee_domain_id', help=_('Id of the domain to create trustee for clusters')), cfg.StrOpt('trustee_domain_name', help=_('Name of the domain to create trustee for s')), cfg.StrOpt('trustee_domain_admin_id', help=_('Id of the admin with roles sufficient to manage users' ' in the trustee_domain')), cfg.StrOpt('trustee_domain_admin_name', help=_('Name of the admin with roles sufficient to manage users' ' in the trustee_domain')), cfg.StrOpt('trustee_domain_admin_domain_id',
class KeyPairNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("Unable to find keypair %(keypair)s.")
class MemberAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A cluster with UUID %(uuid)s is already a member of the" "federation %(federation_name)s.")
class FederationAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A federation with UUID %(uuid)s already exists.")
class FederationNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("Federation %(federation)s could not be found.")
class CertificatesToClusterFailed(DigitalException): message = _("Failed to create certificates for Cluster: %(cluster_uuid)s")
class TrustCreateFailed(DigitalException): message = _("Failed to create trust for trustee %(trustee_user_id)s.")
class DigitalServiceAlreadyExists(Conflict): message = _("A digital service with ID %(id)s already exists.")
'running commands as root.'), cfg.StrOpt('tempdir', help='Explicitly specify the temporary working directory.'), cfg.ListOpt('password_symbols', default=DEFAULT_PASSWORD_SYMBOLS, help='Symbols to use for passwords') ] periodic_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('service_down_time', default=180, help='Max interval size between periodic tasks execution in ' 'seconds.'), ] urlfetch_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('max_manifest_size', default=524288, help=_('Maximum raw byte size of any manifest.')) ] ALL_OPTS = list(itertools.chain(utils_opts, periodic_opts, urlfetch_opts)) def register_opts(conf): conf.register_opts(ALL_OPTS) def list_opts(): return {"DEFAULT": ALL_OPTS}
class DigitalServiceNotFound(ResourceNotFound): message = _("A digital service %(digital_service_id)s could not be found.")
class RegionsListFailed(DigitalException): message = _("Failed to list regions.")
class TrusteeDeleteFailed(DigitalException): message = _("Failed to delete trustee %(trustee_id)s")
class ServicesListFailed(DigitalException): message = _("Failed to list services.")