Exemplo n.º 1
class GetAllFormsRepeatsSpec(JsonObject):
    type = TypeProperty('icds_get_all_forms_repeats')
    forms_expression = DefaultProperty(required=True)
    repeat_path = ListProperty(required=True)
    case_id_path = ListProperty(required=True)
    repeat_filter = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    case_id_expression = DefaultProperty(required=False)
Exemplo n.º 2
class GetLastFormRepeatSpec(JsonObject):
    type = TypeProperty('icds_get_last_form_repeat')
    forms_expression = DefaultProperty(required=True)
    repeat_path = ListProperty(required=True)
    case_id_path = ListProperty(required=True)
    repeat_filter = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    case_id_expression = DefaultProperty(required=False)
Exemplo n.º 3
class CaseProperty(JsonObject):
    name = StringProperty()
    forms = ListProperty(CaseFormMeta)
    short_details = ListProperty(CaseDetailMeta)
    long_details = ListProperty(CaseDetailMeta)
    has_errors = BooleanProperty()
    description = StringProperty()

    def get_form(self, form_id):
            form = next(form for form in self.forms if form.form_id == form_id)
        except StopIteration:
            form = CaseFormMeta(form_id=form_id)
        return form

    def add_load(self, form_id, question):
        form = self.get_form(form_id)

    def add_save(self, form_id, question, condition=None):
        form = self.get_form(form_id)
            condition=(condition if condition and condition.type == 'if' else None)

    def add_detail(self, type_, module_id, header, format):
            "short": self.short_details,
            "long": self.long_details,
        }[type_].append(CaseDetailMeta(module_id=module_id, header=header, format=format))
Exemplo n.º 4
class Location(JsonObject):
    id = IntegerProperty()
    name = StringProperty()
    type = StringProperty()
    parent_id = IntegerProperty()
    latitude = StringProperty()
    longitude = StringProperty()
    code = StringProperty()
    groups = ListProperty()
    supervised_by = IntegerProperty()
    supply_points = ListProperty(item_type=SupplyPoint)
    is_active = BooleanProperty()
Exemplo n.º 5
class MigrationConfig(JsonObject):
    from_db_postfix = StringProperty()
    to_db_postfix = StringProperty()
    doc_types = ListProperty(required=True)
    couch_views = ListProperty()

    def source_db(self):
        return get_db(self.from_db_postfix)

    def dest_db(self):
        return get_db(self.to_db_postfix)
Exemplo n.º 6
class SupplyPoint(JsonObject):
    id = IntegerProperty()
    active = BooleanProperty()
    code = StringProperty()
    groups = ListProperty()
    last_reported = StringProperty()
    name = StringProperty()
    primary_reporter = IntegerProperty()
    supervised_by = IntegerProperty()
    supplied_by = IntegerProperty()
    type = StringProperty()
    location_id = IntegerProperty()
    products = ListProperty()
    incharges = ListProperty()
Exemplo n.º 7
class ChoiceListIndicatorSpec(PropertyReferenceIndicatorSpecBase):
    type = TypeProperty('choice_list')
    choices = ListProperty(required=True)
    select_style = StringProperty(choices=['single', 'multiple'])

    def get_operator(self):
        return IN_MULTISELECT if self.select_style == 'multiple' else EQUAL
Exemplo n.º 8
class IteratorExpressionSpec(NoPropertyTypeCoercionMixIn, JsonObject):
    type = TypeProperty('iterator')
    expressions = ListProperty(required=True)
    # an optional filter to test the values on - if they don't match they won't be included in the iteration
    test = DictProperty()

    def configure(self, expressions, test):
        self._expression_fns = expressions
        if test:
            self._test = test
            # if not defined then all values should be returned
            self._test = lambda *args, **kwargs: True

    def __call__(self, item, context=None):
        values = []
        for expression in self._expression_fns:
            value = expression(item, context)
            if self._test(value):
        return values

    def __str__(self):
        expressions_text = ", ".join(str(e) for e in self._expression_fns)
        return "iterate on [{}] if {}".format(expressions_text,
Exemplo n.º 9
class GetCaseFormsByDateSpec(JsonObject):
    type = TypeProperty('ext_get_case_forms_by_date')
    case_id_expression = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    xmlns = ListProperty(required=False)
    start_date = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    end_date = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    form_filter = DefaultProperty(required=False)
Exemplo n.º 10
class PropertyPathGetterSpec(JsonObject):
    This expression returns ``doc["child"]["age"]``:

    .. code:: json

           "type": "property_path",
           "property_path": ["child", "age"]

    An optional ``"datatype"`` attribute may be specified, which will
    attempt to cast the property to the given data type. The options are
    "date", "datetime", "string", "integer", and "decimal". If no datatype
    is specified, "string" will be used.
    type = TypeProperty('property_path')
    property_path = ListProperty(str, required=True)
    datatype = DataTypeProperty(required=False)

    def __call__(self, item, context=None):
        transform = transform_from_datatype(self.datatype)
        return transform(safe_recursive_lookup(item, self.property_path))

    def __str__(self):
        value = "/".join(self.property_path)
        if self.datatype:
            "({datatype}){value}".format(datatype=self.datatype, value=value)
        return value
Exemplo n.º 11
class CaseTypeMeta(JsonObject):
    name = StringProperty(required=True)
    relationships = DictProperty()  # relationship name -> case type
    properties = ListProperty(CaseProperty)  # property -> CaseProperty
    opened_by = DictProperty(ConditionList)  # form_ids -> [FormActionCondition, ...]
    closed_by = DictProperty(ConditionList)  # form_ids -> [FormActionCondition, ...]
    error = StringProperty()
    has_errors = BooleanProperty()

    def get_property(self, name, allow_parent=False):
        if not allow_parent:
            assert '/' not in name, "Add parent properties to the correct case type"
            prop = next(prop for prop in self.properties if prop.name == name)
        except StopIteration:
            prop = CaseProperty(name=name)
        return prop

    def add_opener(self, form_id, condition):
        openers = self.opened_by.get(form_id, ConditionList())
        if condition.type == 'if':
            # only add optional conditions
        self.opened_by[form_id] = openers

    def add_closer(self, form_id, condition):
        closers = self.closed_by.get(form_id, ConditionList())
        if condition.type == 'if':
            # only add optional conditions
        self.closed_by[form_id] = closers
Exemplo n.º 12
class PillowResetConfig(JsonObject):
    seq = StringProperty(required=True)
    pillow_names = ListProperty(required=True)

    def pillows(self):
        return [get_pillow_by_name(name) for name in self.pillow_names]
Exemplo n.º 13
class GetCaseHistoryByDateSpec(JsonObject):
    type = TypeProperty('icds_get_case_history_by_date')
    case_id_expression = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    start_date = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    end_date = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    filter = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    xmlns = ListProperty(required=False)
Exemplo n.º 14
class PropertyPathGetterSpec(JsonObject):
    type = TypeProperty('property_path')
    property_path = ListProperty(six.text_type, required=True)
    datatype = DataTypeProperty(required=False)

    def __call__(self, item, context=None):
        transform = transform_from_datatype(self.datatype)
        return transform(safe_recursive_lookup(item, self.property_path))
Exemplo n.º 15
class GetLastCasePropertyUpdateSpec(JsonObject):
    type = TypeProperty('icds_get_last_case_property_update')
    case_property = StringProperty(required=True)
    case_id_expression = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    start_date = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    end_date = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    filter = DefaultProperty(required=False)
    xmlns = ListProperty(required=False)
Exemplo n.º 16
class SumWhenTemplateSpec(JsonObject):
    type = StringProperty(required=True)
    expression = StringProperty(required=True)
    binds = ListProperty()
    then = IntegerProperty()

    def bind_count(self):
        return len(re.sub(r'[^?]', '', self.expression))
Exemplo n.º 17
class FormsExpressionSpec(JsonObject):
    type = TypeProperty('get_case_forms')
    case_id_expression = DefaultProperty(required=True)
    xmlns = ListProperty(required=False)

    def configure(self, case_id_expression):
        self._case_id_expression = case_id_expression

    def __call__(self, item, context=None):
        case_id = self._case_id_expression(item, context)

        if not case_id:
            return []

        assert context.root_doc['domain']
        return self._get_forms(case_id, context)

    def _get_forms(self, case_id, context):
        domain = context.root_doc['domain']

        cache_key = (self.__class__.__name__, case_id, tuple(self.xmlns))
        if context.get_cache_value(cache_key) is not None:
            return context.get_cache_value(cache_key)

        xforms = self._get_case_forms(case_id, context)
        if self.xmlns:
            xforms = [f for f in xforms if f.xmlns in self.xmlns]

        xforms = [
            self._get_form_json(f, context) for f in xforms
            if f.domain == domain

        context.set_cache_value(cache_key, xforms)
        return xforms

    @ucr_context_cache(vary_on=('case_id', ))
    def _get_case_forms(self, case_id, context):
        domain = context.root_doc['domain']
        return FormProcessorInterface(domain).get_case_forms(case_id)

    def _get_form_json(self, form, context):
        cache_key = (XFORM_CACHE_KEY_PREFIX, form.get_id)
        if context.get_cache_value(cache_key) is not None:
            return context.get_cache_value(cache_key)

        form_json = form.to_json()
        context.set_cache_value(cache_key, form_json)
        return form_json

    def __str__(self):
        xmlns_text = ", ".join(self.xmlns)
        if xmlns_text:
            form_text = "({})".format(xmlns_text)
            form_text = "all"
        return "get {} forms for {}".format(form_text,
Exemplo n.º 18
class LedgerBalancesIndicatorSpec(IndicatorSpecBase):
    type = TypeProperty('ledger_balances')
    product_codes = ListProperty(required=True)
    ledger_section = StringProperty(required=True)
    case_id_expression = DictProperty(required=True)

    def get_case_id_expression(self):
        from corehq.apps.userreports.expressions.factory import ExpressionFactory
        return ExpressionFactory.from_spec(self.case_id_expression)
Exemplo n.º 19
class Location(JsonObject):
    id = IntegerProperty()
    name = StringProperty()
    type = StringProperty()
    parent_id = IntegerProperty()
    latitude = StringProperty()
    longitude = StringProperty()
    code = StringProperty()
    groups = ListProperty()
    historical_groups = DictProperty()
Exemplo n.º 20
class IteratorExpressionSpec(NoPropertyTypeCoercionMixIn, JsonObject):
    .. code:: json

           "type": "iterator",
           "expressions": [
                   "type": "property_name",
                   "property_name": "p1"
                   "type": "property_name",
                   "property_name": "p2"
                   "type": "property_name",
                   "property_name": "p3"
           "test": {}

    This will emit ``[doc.p1, doc.p2, doc.p3]``. You can add a ``test``
    attribute to filter rows from what is emitted - if you don't specify
    this then the iterator will include one row per expression it contains
    regardless of what is passed in. This can be used/combined with the
    ``base_item_expression`` to emit multiple rows per document.
    type = TypeProperty('iterator')
    expressions = ListProperty(required=True)
    # an optional filter to test the values on - if they don't match they won't be included in the iteration
    test = DictProperty()

    def configure(self, expressions, test):
        self._expression_fns = expressions
        if test:
            self._test = test
            # if not defined then all values should be returned
            self._test = lambda *args, **kwargs: True

    def __call__(self, item, context=None):
        values = []
        for expression in self._expression_fns:
            value = expression(item, context)
            if self._test(value):
        return values

    def __str__(self):
        expressions_text = ", ".join(str(e) for e in self._expression_fns)
        return "iterate on [{}] if {}".format(expressions_text,
Exemplo n.º 21
class PropertyReferenceIndicatorSpecBase(IndicatorSpecBase):
    Extension of an indicator spec that references a property - either via
    a property_name or property_path.
    property_name = StringProperty()
    property_path = ListProperty()

    def getter(self):
        return getter_from_property_reference(self)
Exemplo n.º 22
class SMSUser(JsonObject):
    id = IntegerProperty()
    name = StringProperty()
    role = StringProperty()
    is_active = StringProperty()
    supply_point = DecimalProperty()
    email = StringProperty()
    phone_numbers = ListProperty()
    backend = StringProperty()
    date_updated = StringProperty()
    language = StringProperty()
Exemplo n.º 23
class FormsExpressionSpec(JsonObject):
    type = TypeProperty('get_case_forms')
    case_id_expression = DefaultProperty(required=True)
    xmlns = ListProperty(required=False)

    def configure(self, case_id_expression):
        self._case_id_expression = case_id_expression

    def __call__(self, item, context=None):
        case_id = self._case_id_expression(item, context)

        if not case_id:
            return []

        assert context.root_doc['domain']
        return self._get_forms(case_id, context)

    def _get_forms(self, case_id, context):
        domain = context.root_doc['domain']

        cache_key = (self.__class__.__name__, case_id, tuple(self.xmlns))
        if context.get_cache_value(cache_key) is not None:
            return context.get_cache_value(cache_key)

        xforms = self._get_case_forms(case_id, context)
        if self.xmlns:
            xforms = [f for f in xforms if f.xmlns in self.xmlns]

        xforms = [
            self._get_form_json(f, context) for f in xforms
            if f.domain == domain

        context.set_cache_value(cache_key, xforms)
        return xforms

    def _get_case_forms(self, case_id, context):
        cache_key = (self.__class__.__name__, 'helper', case_id)
        if context.get_cache_value(cache_key) is not None:
            return context.get_cache_value(cache_key)

        domain = context.root_doc['domain']
        xforms = FormProcessorInterface(domain).get_case_forms(case_id)
        context.set_cache_value(cache_key, xforms)
        return xforms

    def _get_form_json(self, form, context):
        cache_key = (XFORM_CACHE_KEY_PREFIX, form.get_id)
        if context.get_cache_value(cache_key) is not None:
            return context.get_cache_value(cache_key)

        form_json = form.to_json()
        context.set_cache_value(cache_key, form_json)
        return form_json
Exemplo n.º 24
class SumWhenTemplateColumn(SumWhenColumn):
    type = TypeProperty("sum_when_template")
    whens = ListProperty(DictProperty)  # List of SumWhenTemplateSpec dicts

    def get_whens(self):
        from corehq.apps.userreports.reports.factory import SumWhenTemplateFactory
        whens = []
        for spec in self.whens:
            template = SumWhenTemplateFactory.make_template(spec)
            whens.append([template.expression] + template.binds +
        return whens
Exemplo n.º 25
class ChoiceListIndicatorSpec(PropertyReferenceIndicatorSpecBase):
    type = TypeProperty('choice_list')
    choices = ListProperty()
    select_style = StringProperty(choices=['single', 'multiple'])

    def get_operator(self):
        return in_multiselect if self.select_style == 'multiple' else equal

    def readable_output(self, context):
        readable_output = super(ChoiceListIndicatorSpec, self).readable_output(context)
        return "{} for choices:\n{}".format(readable_output,
Exemplo n.º 26
class LedgerBalancesIndicatorSpec(IndicatorSpecBase):
    type = TypeProperty('ledger_balances')
    product_codes = ListProperty(required=True)
    ledger_section = StringProperty(required=True)
    case_id_expression = DictProperty(required=True)

    def get_case_id_expression(self, context=None):
        from corehq.apps.userreports.expressions.factory import ExpressionFactory
        return ExpressionFactory.from_spec(self.case_id_expression, context)

    def readable_output(self, context):
        return "Ledgers from {}".format(str(self.get_case_id_expression(context)))
Exemplo n.º 27
class SMSUser(JsonObject):
    id = IntegerProperty()
    name = StringProperty()
    role = StringProperty()
    is_active = StringProperty()
    supply_point = ObjectProperty(item_type=SupplyPoint)
    email = StringProperty()
    phone_numbers = ListProperty()
    backend = StringProperty()
    family_name = StringProperty()
    to = StringProperty()
    language = StringProperty()
Exemplo n.º 28
class FormQuestionResponse(FormQuestion):
    response = DefaultProperty()
    children = ListProperty(lambda: FormQuestionResponse, exclude_if_none=True)

    def get_formatted_response(self):
        timezone = get_timezone_for_request()
        if self.type == 'DateTime' and timezone \
                and isinstance(self.response, datetime.datetime):
            return (PhoneTime(self.response, timezone).user_time(timezone)
            return self.response
Exemplo n.º 29
class PropertyPathGetterSpec(JsonObject):
    type = TypeProperty('property_path')
    property_path = ListProperty(unicode, required=True)
    datatype = DataTypeProperty(required=False)

    def expression(self):
        transform = transform_from_datatype(self.datatype)
        getter = NestedDictGetter(self.property_path)
        return TransformedGetter(getter, transform)

    def __call__(self, item, context=None):
        return self.expression(item, context)
Exemplo n.º 30
class PropertyReferenceIndicatorSpecBase(IndicatorSpecBase):
    Extension of an indicator spec that references a property - either via
    a property_name or property_path.
    property_name = StringProperty()
    property_path = ListProperty()

    def getter(self):
        return getter_from_property_reference(self)

    def readable_output(self, context):
        return self.property_name or "/".join(self.property_path)