Exemplo n.º 1
 def _roperation(self, func, other):
     return _operation.operation(func,
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _setitem(self, indices, values, axis=0, indexing=None, tol=None, broadcast=None, cast=False, inplace=True):
        See Also
        DimArray.read, DimArrayOnDisk.write
        if broadcast is None: 
            if self._broadcast is None:
                broadcast = get_option('indexing.broadcast')
                broadcast = self._broadcast

        if not inplace:
            self = self.copy()

        # special-case: full-shape boolean indexing (will fail with netCDF4)
        if self._is_boolean_index_nd(indices):
            self._setvalues_bool(indices, values, cast=cast)

            idx = self._get_indices(indices, tol=tol, indexing=indexing, axis=axis)

            if broadcast:
                self._setvalues_broadcast(idx, values, cast=cast)
                self._setvalues_ortho(idx, values, cast=cast)

        if not inplace:
            return self
Exemplo n.º 3
def repr_dimarray(self, metadata=False, lazy=False):
    header = self.__class__.__name__
    # lazy = not isinstance(self, da.DimArray))
    if lazy:
        header = header + ": " + repr(self.name) + " (%i" % self.size + ")"

        header = self.__class__.__name__.lower() + ": " + stats_dimarray(self)

    lines = [header]

    # axes
    if self.ndim > 0:
        lines.append(repr_axes(self.axes, metadata=metadata))

    # metadata
    if metadata and len(self.attrs) > 0:
        # lines.append(str_attrs(self.attrs, indent=8) )

    # the data itself
    if lazy:
        # line = "array(...)" if self.ndim > 0 else str(self[0])
        # line = self.name+("(...)" if self.ndim > 0 else repr((self[0],)))
        line = ""
    elif self.size > get_option("display.max"):
        line = "array(...)"
        line = repr(self.values)
    if line:

    return "\n".join(lines)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _maybe_open_file(f, mode="r", clobber=None, verbose=False, format=None):
    """ open a netCDF4 file

    f : file name (str) or netCDF file handle
    mode: changed from original 'r','w','r' & clobber option:

    mode : `str`
        read or write access
        - 'r': read 
        - 'w' : write, overwrite if file if present (clobber=True)
        - 'w-': create new file, but raise Exception if file is present (clobber=False)
        - 'a' : append, raise Exception if file is not present
        - 'a+': append if file is present, otherwise create

    format: passed to netCDF4.Dataset, only relevatn when mode = 'w', 'w-', 'a+'
    f : netCDF file handle
    close: `bool`, `True` if input f indicated file name
    format = format or get_option("io.nc.format")

    if mode == "w-":
        mode = "w"
        if clobber is None:
            clobber = False

    # mode 'a+' appends if file exists, otherwise create new variable
    elif mode == "a+" and not isinstance(f, nc.Dataset):
        if os.path.exists(f):
            mode = "a"
            mode = "w"
        if clobber is None:
            clobber = False

        if clobber is None:
            clobber = True

    if not isinstance(f, nc.Dataset):
        fname = f

        # make sure the file does not exist if mode == "w"
        if os.path.exists(fname) and clobber and mode == "w":

            f = nc.Dataset(fname, mode, clobber=clobber, format=format)
        except UserWarning, msg:
            print msg
        except Exception, msg:  # raise a weird RuntimeError
            # print "read from",fname
            raise IOError("{} => failed to opend {} in mode {}".format(msg, fname, mode))  # easier to handle
Exemplo n.º 5
 def take_axis(self, indices, axis=0, indexing=None, mode='raise'):
     """ Analogous to DimArray.take_axis
     if not np.iterable(indices):
         raise TypeError("indices must be iterable")
     indexing = indexing or getattr(self, "_indexing", None) or get_option("indexing.by")
     if indexing == "label":
         indices = self.axes[axis].loc(indices, mode=mode)
     if mode not in ('raise', 'clip', 'wrap'):
         mode = 'raise'
     return self.reduce_axis(np.take, indices=indices, axis=axis, mode=mode, keepattrs=True, keepdims=True)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _binary_op(self, func, other):
        """ generalize DimArray operation to a Dataset, for each key

        In case the keys differ, returns the intersection of the two datasets

        Just for testing:
        >>> ds = Dataset(b=DimArray([[0.,1],[1,2]]))
        >>> -ds
        Dataset of 1 variable
        0 / x0 (2): 0 to 1
        1 / x1 (2): 0 to 1
        b: ('x0', 'x1')
        >>> -ds["b"]
        dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
        0 / x0 (2): 0 to 1
        1 / x1 (2): 0 to 1
        array([[-0., -1.],
               [-1., -2.]])
        >>> np.all(ds == ds)
        >>> assert isinstance(-ds, Dataset)
        >>> assert isinstance(ds/0.5, Dataset)
        >>> assert isinstance(ds*0, Dataset)
        >>> (-ds -ds + ds/0.5 + ds*0+1)['b']
        dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
        0 / x0 (2): 0 to 1
        1 / x1 (2): 0 to 1
        array([[1., 1.],
               [1., 1.]])
        >>> ds += 1
        >>> ds['b']
        dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
        0 / x0 (2): 0 to 1
        1 / x1 (2): 0 to 1
        array([[1., 2.],
               [2., 3.]])
        assert isinstance(other, Dataset) or isscalar(other), "can only combine Datasets objects (func={})".format(func.__name__)
        # align all axes first
        reindex = get_option("op.reindex")
        if reindex and hasattr(other, 'axes') and other.axes != self.axes:
        # now proceed to operation
        res = self.__class__()
        for k1 in self.keys():
            if hasattr(other, 'keys'):
                for k2 in other.keys():
                    if k1 == k2:
                        res[k1] = self[k1]._binary_op(func, other[k2])
                res[k1] = self[k1]._binary_op(func, other)
        return res
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _getitem(self, indices=None, axis=0, indexing=None, tol=None, broadcast=None, keepdims=False,
                 broadcast_arrays=None,  # back-compatibility for broadcast
        if indices is None:
            indices = ()

        if broadcast_arrays is not None:
            warnings.warn(FutureWarning("broadcast_arrays is deprecated, use broadcast instead"))
            broadcast = broadcast_arrays

        if broadcast is None: 
            if self._broadcast is None:
                broadcast = get_option('indexing.broadcast')
                broadcast = self._broadcast

        # special-case: full-shape boolean indexing (will fail with netCDF4)
        if self._is_boolean_index_nd(indices):
            if hasattr(self, 'compress'):
                return self.compress(indices)
                raise TypeError("{} does not support boolean indexing".format(self.__class__.__name__))

        idx = self._get_indices(indices, axis=axis, indexing=indexing, tol=tol, keepdims=keepdims)

        # special case: broadcast arrays a la numpy
        if broadcast:
            axes = self._getaxes_broadcast(idx)
            values = self._getvalues_broadcast(idx)

            axes = self._getaxes_ortho(idx)
            values = self._getvalues_ortho(idx)

        if np.isscalar(values):
            return values

        dima = self._constructor(values, axes) # initialize DimArray
        dima.attrs.update(self.attrs) # add attribute

        return dima
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __repr__(self):
        """ pretty printing
            if self.ndim > 0:
                nonnull = np.size(self.values[~np.isnan(self.values)])
                nonnull = ~np.isnan(self.values)

        except TypeError:  # e.g. object
            nonnull = self.size

        lines = []

        #if self.size < 10:
        #    line = "dimarray: "+repr(self.values)
        line = "dimarray: {} non-null elements ({} null)".format(
            nonnull, self.size - nonnull)

        # # show metadata as well?
        # If len(self.ncattrs()) > 0:
        #     line = self.repr_meta()
        #     lines.append(line)

        if True:  #self.size > 1:
            line = repr(self.axes)

        if self.size < get_option('display.max'):
            line = repr(self.values)
            line = "array(...)"

        return "\n".join(lines)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __repr__(self):
        """ pretty printing
            if self.ndim > 0:
                nonnull = np.size(self.values[~np.isnan(self.values)])
                nonnull = ~np.isnan(self.values)

        except TypeError: # e.g. object
            nonnull = self.size

        lines = []

        #if self.size < 10:
        #    line = "dimarray: "+repr(self.values)
        line = "dimarray: {} non-null elements ({} null)".format(nonnull, self.size-nonnull)

        # # show metadata as well?
        # If len(self.ncattrs()) > 0:
        #     line = self.repr_meta()
        #     lines.append(line)

        if True: #self.size > 1:
            line = repr(self.axes)

        if self.size < get_option('display.max'):
            line = repr(self.values)
            line = "array(...)"

        return "\n".join(lines)
Exemplo n.º 10
from dimarray.core import DimArray, Axis, Axes
from dimarray.config import get_option
from dimarray.core.bases import AbstractDimArray, AbstractDataset, AbstractAxis, GetSetDelAttrMixin, AbstractAxes

# from dimarray.core.metadata import _repr_metadata
from dimarray.prettyprinting import repr_axis, repr_axes, repr_dimarray, repr_dataset, repr_attrs

from .conventions import encode_cf_datetime, decode_cf_datetime

__all__ = ["read_nc", "summary_nc", "write_nc"]

# Global variables
FORMAT = get_option("io.nc.format")  # for the doc

# Helper functions
def maybe_encode_values(values, format=None):
    """ strings are given "object" type in Axis object
    ==> assume all objects are actually strings
    NOTE: this will fail for other object-typed axes such as tuples
    # if dtype is np.dtype('O'):
    values = np.asarray(values)
    dtype = values.dtype
    cf_attrs = {}

    if dtype.kind in ("S", "O"):
Exemplo n.º 11
def reindex_axis(self, values, axis=0, method="exact", repna=True, fill_value=np.nan, tol=TOLERANCE, use_pandas=None):
    """ reindex an array along an axis

        - values : array-like or Axis: new axis values
        - axis   : axis number or name
        - method : "exact" (default), "nearest", "interp" 
        - repna: if False, raise error when an axis value is not present 
                       otherwise just replace with NaN. Defaulf is True
        - fill_value: value to use instead of missing data
        - tol: re-index with a particular tolerance (can be longer)
        - use_pandas, optional: bool : if True (the default), convert to pandas for re-indexing 
            If any special option (method, tol) is set or if modulo axes are present 
            or, of course, if pandas is not installed,
            this option is set to False by default.

        - DimArray


    Basic reindexing: fill missing values with NaN
    >>> a = da.DimArray([1,2,3],('x0', [1,2,3]))
    >>> b = da.DimArray([3,4],('x0',[1,3]))
    >>> b.reindex_axis([1,2,3])
    dimarray: 2 non-null elements (1 null)
    dimensions: 'x0'
    0 / x0 (3): 1 to 3
    array([  3.,  nan,   4.])

    Or replace with anything else, like -9999
    >>> b.reindex_axis([1,2,3], fill_value=-9999)
    dimarray: 3 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'x0'
    0 / x0 (3): 1 to 3
    array([    3, -9999,     4])

    "nearest" mode
    >>> b.reindex_axis([0,1,2,3], method='nearest') # out-of-bound to NaN
    dimarray: 3 non-null elements (1 null)
    dimensions: 'x0'
    0 / x0 (4): 0 to 3
    array([ nan,   3.,   3.,   4.])

    "interp" mode
    >>> b.reindex_axis([0,1,2,3], method='interp') # out-of-bound to NaN
    dimarray: 3 non-null elements (1 null)
    dimensions: 'x0'
    0 / x0 (4): 0 to 3
    array([ nan,  3. ,  3.5,  4. ])
    if isinstance(values, Axis):
        newaxis = values
        values = newaxis.values
        axis = newaxis.name

    axis_id = self.axes.get_idx(axis)
    ax = self.axes[axis_id]  # Axis object
    axis_nm = ax.name

    # do nothing if axis is same or only None element
    if ax.values[0] is None or np.all(values == ax.values):
        return self

    # check whether pandas can be used for re-indexing
    if use_pandas is None:
        use_pandas = get_option("optim.use_pandas")

    # ...any special option activated?
    if (
        method != "exact" or tol is not None or ax.tol is not None or ax.modulo is not None or self.ndim > 4
    ):  # pandas defined up to 4-D
        use_pandas = False

    # ...is pandas installed?
        import pandas
    except ImportError:
        use_pandas = False

    # re-index using pandas
    if use_pandas:
        pandasobj = self.to_pandas()
        newpandas = pandasobj.reindex_axis(values, axis=axis_id, fill_value=fill_value)
        newobj = self.from_pandas(newpandas)  # use class method from_pandas
        newobj._metadata = self._metadata  # add metadata back
        newobj.axes[axis_id].name = axis_nm  # give back original name

    # indices along which to sample
    elif method == "exact":
        newobj = take_na(self, values, axis=axis, repna=repna, fill_value=fill_value)

    elif method in ("nearest", "interp"):
        from interpolation import interp

        newobj = interp(self, values, axis=axis, method=method, repna=repna)

        raise ValueError("invalid reindex_axis method: " + repr(method))

    # assert np.all((np.isnan(ax0.values) | (ax0.values == ax1.values))), "pb when reindexing"
    return newobj
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _operation(self, func, other):
        """ make an operation: this include axis and dimensions alignment

        Just for testing:
        >>> b = DimArray([[0.,1],[1,2]])
        >>> b
        ... # doctest: +SKIP
        array([[ 0.,  1.],
               [ 1.,  2.]])
        >>> np.all(b == b)
        >>> np.all(b+2 == b + np.ones(b.shape)*2)
        >>> np.all(b+b == b*2)
        >>> np.all(b*b == b**2)
        >>> np.all((b - b.values) == b - b)
        >>> -b
        dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
        dimensions: 'x0', 'x1'
        0 / x0 (2): 0 to 1
        1 / x1 (2): 0 to 1
        array([[-0., -1.],
               [-1., -2.]])
        >>> np.all(-b == 0. - b)

        True divide by default
        >>> a = DimArray([1,2,3])
        >>> a/2
        dimarray: 3 non-null elements (0 null)
        dimensions: 'x0'
        0 / x0 (3): 0 to 2
        array([ 0.5,  1. ,  1.5])
        >>> a//2
        dimarray: 3 non-null elements (0 null)
        dimensions: 'x0'
        0 / x0 (3): 0 to 2
        array([0, 1, 1])

        Test group/corps structure (result of operation remains DimArray)
        >>> a = DimArray([[1.,2,3],[4,5,6]])
        >>> isinstance(a + 2., DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(2. + a, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(2 * a, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(a * 2, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(2 / a, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(a / 2, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(2 - a, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(a - 2, DimArray)
        >>> s = 0.
        >>> for i in range(5):
        ...        s = s + a
        >>> isinstance(a, DimArray)
        >>> np.all(s == 5*a)
        result = _operation.operation(func,
        return result
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _get_indices(self, indices, axis=0, indexing=None, tol=None, keepdims=False):
        """ Return an n-D indexer  
        **kwargs: same as DimArray.take or DimArrayOnDisk.read

        indexer : tuple of numpy-compatible indices, of length equal to the number of 
        indexing = indexing or getattr(self,'_indexing',None) or get_option('indexing.by')
        dims = self.dims

        if indices is None:
            indices = ()

        if tol is None:
            tol = getattr(self, '_tol', None)

        # Convert indices to tuple, from a variety of input formats
        # special case: numpy like (idx, axis)
        if axis not in (0, None):
            indices = {axis:indices}

        # special case: Axes is provided as index
        elif isinstance(indices, AbstractAxes):
            indices = {ax.name:ax.values for ax in indices}

        # should always be a tuple
        if isinstance(indices, dict):
            # replace int dimensions with str dimensions
            for k in indices:
                if not isinstance(k, basestring):
                    indices[dims[k]] = indices[k]
                    del indices[k] 
                    if k not in dims:
                        raise ValueError("Dimension {} not found. Existing dimensions: {}".format(k, dims))
            indices = tuple(indices[d] if d in indices else slice(None) for d in dims)

        # expand to N-D tuple, and expands ellipsis
        indices = expanded_indexer(indices, self.ndim)

        # load each dimension as necessary
        indexer = ()
        for i, ix in enumerate(indices):
            dim = dims[i]

            if not np.isscalar(ix) and not isinstance(ix, slice):
                ix = np.asarray(ix)

            # boolean indices are fine
            if isinstance(ix, np.ndarray) and ix.dtype.kind == 'b':

            # in case of label-based indexing, need to read the whole dimension
            # and look for the appropriate values
            elif indexing != 'position' and not (type(ix) is slice and ix == slice(None)):
                # find the index corresponding to the required axis value
                lix = ix
                ix = self.axes[dim].loc(lix, tol=tol)

            # numpy rule: a singleton list does not collapse the axis
            if keepdims and np.isscalar(ix):
                ix = [ix]

            indexer += (ix,)

        return indexer
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self,
        """ Initialization. See help on DimArray.
        # check if attached to values (e.g. DimArray object)
        if hasattr(values, "axes") and axes is None:
            axes = values.axes

        # default options
        if _indexing is None: _indexing = get_option('indexing.by')
        if _indexing_broadcast is None:
            _indexing_broadcast = get_option('indexing.broadcast')

        # array values
        # if masked array, replace mask by NaN
        if isinstance(values, np.ma.MaskedArray):
                values = values.filled(np.nan)  # fill mask with nans

            # first convert to float
                values = np.ma.asarray(values, dtype=float).filled(
                    np.nan)  # fill mask with nans

        if values is not None:
            values = np.array(values, copy=copy, dtype=dtype)

        # Initialize the axes
        if axes is None and labels is None:
            assert values is not None, "values= or/and axes=, labels= required to determine dimensions"

        axes = Axes._init(axes,
                          shape=values.shape if values is not None else None)
        assert type(axes) is Axes

        # if values not provided, create empty data, filled with NaNs if dtype is float
        if values is None:
            values = np.empty([ax.size for ax in axes], dtype=dtype)
            if dtype in (float, None, np.dtype(float)):
                    "no nan representation for {}, array left empty".format(

        # store all fields
        self.values = values
        self.axes = axes

        ## options
        self._indexing = _indexing
        self._indexing_broadcast = _indexing_broadcast

        # metadata (see Metadata type in metadata.py)
        #for k in kwargs:
        #    setncattr(self, k, kwargs[k]) # perform type-checking and store in self._metadata
        self._metadata = kwargs

        # Check consistency between axes and values
        inferred = tuple([ax.size for ax in self.axes])
        if inferred != self.values.shape:
            msg = """\
shape inferred from axes: {}
shape inferred from data: {}
mismatch between values and axes""".format(inferred, self.values.shape)
            raise Exception(msg)

        # If a general ordering relationship of the class is assumed,
        # always sort the class
        if self._order is not None and self.dims != tuple(
                dim for dim in self._order if dim in self.dims):
            present = filter(lambda x: x in self.dims,
                             self._order)  # prescribed
            missing = filter(lambda x: x not in self._order, self.dims)  # not
            order = missing + present  # prepend dimensions not found in ordering relationship
            obj = self.transpose(order)
            self.values = obj.values
            self.axes = obj.axes
Exemplo n.º 15
from dimarray.dataset import Dataset, concatenate_ds, stack_ds
from dimarray.core import DimArray, Axis, Axes
from dimarray.config import get_option
from dimarray.core.bases import AbstractDimArray, AbstractDataset, AbstractAxis, GetSetDelAttrMixin, AbstractAxes
# from dimarray.core.metadata import _repr_metadata
from dimarray.prettyprinting import repr_axis, repr_axes, repr_dimarray, repr_dataset, repr_attrs

from .conventions import encode_cf_datetime, decode_cf_datetime

__all__ = ['read_nc','summary_nc', 'write_nc']

# Global variables 
FORMAT = get_option('io.nc.format') # for the doc

# Helper functions
def maybe_encode_values(values, format=None):
    """ strings are given "object" type in Axis object
    ==> assume all objects are actually strings
    NOTE: this will fail for other object-typed axes such as tuples
    # if dtype is np.dtype('O'):
    values = np.asarray(values)
    dtype = values.dtype
    cf_attrs = {}

    if dtype.kind in ('S','O'):
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, values=None, axes=None, dims=None, labels=None, copy=False, dtype=None, _indexing=None, _indexing_broadcast=None, **kwargs):
        """ Initialization. See help on DimArray.
        # check if attached to values (e.g. DimArray object)
        if hasattr(values, "axes") and axes is None:
            axes = values.axes

        # default options
        if _indexing is None: _indexing = get_option('indexing.by')
        if _indexing_broadcast is None: _indexing_broadcast = get_option('indexing.broadcast')

        # array values
        # if masked array, replace mask by NaN
        if isinstance(values, np.ma.MaskedArray):
                values = values.filled(np.nan) # fill mask with nans

            # first convert to float
                values = np.ma.asarray(values, dtype=float).filled(np.nan) # fill mask with nans

        if values is not None:
            values = np.array(values, copy=copy, dtype=dtype)

        # Initialize the axes
        if axes is None and labels is None:
            assert values is not None, "values= or/and axes=, labels= required to determine dimensions"

        axes = Axes._init(axes, dims=dims, labels=labels, shape=values.shape if values is not None else None)
        assert type(axes) is Axes

        # if values not provided, create empty data, filled with NaNs if dtype is float
        if values is None:
            values = np.empty([ax.size for ax in axes], dtype=dtype)
            if dtype in (float, None, np.dtype(float)):
                warnings.warn("no nan representation for {}, array left empty".format(repr(dtype)))

        # store all fields
        self.values = values
        self.axes = axes

        ## options
        self._indexing = _indexing
        self._indexing_broadcast = _indexing_broadcast

        # metadata (see Metadata type in metadata.py)
        #for k in kwargs:
        #    setncattr(self, k, kwargs[k]) # perform type-checking and store in self._metadata
        self._metadata = kwargs

        # Check consistency between axes and values
        inferred = tuple([ax.size for ax in self.axes])
        if inferred != self.values.shape:
            msg = """\
shape inferred from axes: {}
shape inferred from data: {}
mismatch between values and axes""".format(inferred, self.values.shape)
            raise Exception(msg)

        # If a general ordering relationship of the class is assumed,
        # always sort the class
        if self._order is not None and self.dims != tuple(dim for dim in self._order if dim in self.dims):
            present = filter(lambda x: x in self.dims, self._order)  # prescribed
            missing = filter(lambda x: x not in self._order, self.dims)  # not
            order = missing + present # prepend dimensions not found in ordering relationship
            obj = self.transpose(order)
            self.values = obj.values
            self.axes = obj.axes
Exemplo n.º 17
 def _roperation(self, func, other):
     return _operation.operation(func, other, self, broadcast=get_option('op.broadcast'), reindex=get_option('op.reindex'), constructor=self._constructor)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _operation(self, func, other):
        """ make an operation: this include axis and dimensions alignment

        Just for testing:
        >>> b = DimArray([[0.,1],[1,2]])
        >>> b
        ... # doctest: +SKIP
        array([[ 0.,  1.],
               [ 1.,  2.]])
        >>> np.all(b == b)
        >>> np.all(b+2 == b + np.ones(b.shape)*2)
        >>> np.all(b+b == b*2)
        >>> np.all(b*b == b**2)
        >>> np.all((b - b.values) == b - b)
        >>> -b
        dimarray: 4 non-null elements (0 null)
        dimensions: 'x0', 'x1'
        0 / x0 (2): 0 to 1
        1 / x1 (2): 0 to 1
        array([[-0., -1.],
               [-1., -2.]])
        >>> np.all(-b == 0. - b)

        True divide by default
        >>> a = DimArray([1,2,3])
        >>> a/2
        dimarray: 3 non-null elements (0 null)
        dimensions: 'x0'
        0 / x0 (3): 0 to 2
        array([ 0.5,  1. ,  1.5])
        >>> a//2
        dimarray: 3 non-null elements (0 null)
        dimensions: 'x0'
        0 / x0 (3): 0 to 2
        array([0, 1, 1])

        Test group/corps structure (result of operation remains DimArray)
        >>> a = DimArray([[1.,2,3],[4,5,6]])
        >>> isinstance(a + 2., DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(2. + a, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(2 * a, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(a * 2, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(2 / a, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(a / 2, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(2 - a, DimArray)
        >>> isinstance(a - 2, DimArray)
        >>> s = 0.
        >>> for i in range(5):
        ...        s = s + a
        >>> isinstance(a, DimArray)
        >>> np.all(s == 5*a)
        result = _operation.operation(func, self, other, broadcast=get_option('op.broadcast'), reindex=get_option('op.reindex'), constructor=self._constructor)
        return result
Exemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self, ds, name, _indexing=None):
     self._indexing = _indexing or get_option('indexing.by')
     self._ds = ds
     self._name = name
Exemplo n.º 20
def reindex_axis(self,
    """ reindex an array along an axis

        - values : array-like or Axis: new axis values
        - axis   : axis number or name
        - method : "exact" (default), "nearest", "interp" 
        - repna: if False, raise error when an axis value is not present 
                       otherwise just replace with NaN. Defaulf is True
        - fill_value: value to use instead of missing data
        - tol: re-index with a particular tolerance (can be longer)
        - use_pandas, optional: bool : if True (the default), convert to pandas for re-indexing 
            If any special option (method, tol) is set or if modulo axes are present 
            or, of course, if pandas is not installed,
            this option is set to False by default.

        - DimArray


    Basic reindexing: fill missing values with NaN
    >>> a = da.DimArray([1,2,3],('x0', [1,2,3]))
    >>> b = da.DimArray([3,4],('x0',[1,3]))
    >>> b.reindex_axis([1,2,3])
    dimarray: 2 non-null elements (1 null)
    dimensions: 'x0'
    0 / x0 (3): 1 to 3
    array([  3.,  nan,   4.])

    Or replace with anything else, like -9999
    >>> b.reindex_axis([1,2,3], fill_value=-9999)
    dimarray: 3 non-null elements (0 null)
    dimensions: 'x0'
    0 / x0 (3): 1 to 3
    array([    3, -9999,     4])

    "nearest" mode
    >>> b.reindex_axis([0,1,2,3], method='nearest') # out-of-bound to NaN
    dimarray: 3 non-null elements (1 null)
    dimensions: 'x0'
    0 / x0 (4): 0 to 3
    array([ nan,   3.,   3.,   4.])

    "interp" mode
    >>> b.reindex_axis([0,1,2,3], method='interp') # out-of-bound to NaN
    dimarray: 3 non-null elements (1 null)
    dimensions: 'x0'
    0 / x0 (4): 0 to 3
    array([ nan,  3. ,  3.5,  4. ])
    if isinstance(values, Axis):
        newaxis = values
        values = newaxis.values
        axis = newaxis.name

    axis_id = self.axes.get_idx(axis)
    ax = self.axes[axis_id]  # Axis object
    axis_nm = ax.name

    # do nothing if axis is same or only None element
    if ax.values[0] is None or np.all(values == ax.values):
        return self

    # check whether pandas can be used for re-indexing
    if use_pandas is None:
        use_pandas = get_option('optim.use_pandas')

    # ...any special option activated?
    if method != 'exact' or tol is not None or \
            ax.tol is not None or ax.modulo is not None \
            or self.ndim > 4:  # pandas defined up to 4-D
        use_pandas = False

    # ...is pandas installed?
        import pandas
    except ImportError:
        use_pandas = False

    # re-index using pandas
    if use_pandas:
        pandasobj = self.to_pandas()
        newpandas = pandasobj.reindex_axis(values,
        newobj = self.from_pandas(newpandas)  # use class method from_pandas
        newobj._metadata = self._metadata  # add metadata back
        newobj.axes[axis_id].name = axis_nm  # give back original name

    # indices along which to sample
    elif method == "exact":
        newobj = take_na(self,

    elif method in ("nearest", "interp"):
        from interpolation import interp
        newobj = interp(self, values, axis=axis, method=method, repna=repna)

        raise ValueError("invalid reindex_axis method: " + repr(method))

    #assert np.all((np.isnan(ax0.values) | (ax0.values == ax1.values))), "pb when reindexing"
    return newobj