Exemplo n.º 1
def addfile_geotiff(fname, getfn=True):
    Add a GeoTiff data file.
    :param fname: (*string*) The GeoTiff file name.
    :param getfn: (*string*) If run ``__getfilename`` function or not. Default is ``True``.
    :returns: (*DimDataFile*) Opened file object.
    if getfn:
        fname, isweb = __getfilename(fname)
    if not os.path.exists(fname):
        raise IOError('No such file: ' + fname)
    meteodata = MeteoDataInfo()
    datafile = DimDataFile(meteodata)
    return datafile
Exemplo n.º 2
def addfile_awx(fname, getfn=True):
    Add a AWX data file (Satellite data file format from CMA). use this function is the file has no ``.awx`` 
    suffix, otherwise use ``addfile`` function.
    :param fname: (*string*) The AWX file name.
    :param getfn: (*string*) If run ``__getfilename`` function or not. Default is ``True``.
    :returns: (*DimDataFile*) Opened file object.
    if getfn:
        fname, isweb = __getfilename(fname)
    if not os.path.exists(fname):
        raise IOError('No such file: ' + fname)
    meteodata = MeteoDataInfo()
    datafile = DimDataFile(meteodata)
    return datafile
Exemplo n.º 3
def addfile_hyconc(fname, getfn=True, big_endian=True):
    Add a HYSPLIT concentration data file.
    :param fname: (*string*) The HYSPLIT concentration file name.
    :param getfn: (*string*) If run ``__getfilename`` function or not. Default is ``True``.
    :param big_endian: (*boolean*) Big_endian or little_endian.
    :returns: (*DimDataFile*) Opened file object.
    if getfn:
        fname, isweb = __getfilename(fname)
    if not os.path.exists(fname):
        raise IOError('No such file: ' + fname)
    meteodata = MeteoDataInfo()
    meteodata.openHYSPLITConcData(fname, big_endian)
    datafile = DimDataFile(meteodata)
    return datafile
Exemplo n.º 4
def addfile_hytraj(fname, getfn=True):
    Add a HYSPLIT trajectory endpoint data file.
    :param fname: (*string*) The HYSPLIT trajectory endpoint file name.
    :param getfn: (*string*) If run ``__getfilename`` function or not. Default is ``True``.
    :returns: (*DimDataFile*) Opened file object.
    if isinstance(fname, basestring):
        if getfn:
            fname, isweb = __getfilename(fname)
    if not os.path.exists(fname):
        raise IOError('No such file: ' + fname)
    meteodata = MeteoDataInfo()
    datafile = DimDataFile(meteodata)
    return datafile
Exemplo n.º 5
def addfile_mm5(fname, getfn=True, reffile=None):
    Add a MM5 data file.
    :param fname: (*string*) The MM5 file name.
    :param getfn: (*string*) If run ``__getfilename`` function or not. Default is ``True``.
    :returns: (*DimDataFile*) Opened file object.
    if getfn:
        fname, isweb = __getfilename(fname)
    meteodata = MeteoDataInfo()
    if reffile is None:
        meteodata.openMM5Data(fname, reffile)
    datafile = DimDataFile(meteodata)
    return datafile
Exemplo n.º 6
def addfile_grib(fname, getfn=True, version=None):
    Add a GRIB data file.
    :param fname: (*string*) The GRIB file name.
    :param getfn: (*string*) If run ``__getfilename`` function or not. Default is ``True``.
    :param version: (*int*) None, GRIB-1 or GRIB-2. Default is None, the version will be read from data.
    :returns: (*DimDataFile*) Opened file object.
    if getfn:
        fname, isweb = __getfilename(fname)
    meteodata = MeteoDataInfo()
    if version is None:
        meteodata.openGRIBData(fname, version)
    datafile = DimDataFile(meteodata)
    return datafile
Exemplo n.º 7
def addfile(fname, access='r', dtype='netcdf', keepopen=False, **kwargs):
    Opens a data file that is written in a supported file format.
    :param fname: (*string*) The full or relative path of the data file to load.
    :param access: (*string*) The access right setting to the data file. Default is ``r``.
    :param dtype: (*string*) The data type of the data file. Default is ``netcdf``.
    :param keepopen: (*boolean*) If the file keep open after this function. Default is ``False``. The
        file need to be closed later if ``keepopen`` is ``True``.
    :returns: (*DimDataFile*) Opened file object.
    if access == 'r':
        fname = fname.strip()
        fname, isweb = __getfilename(fname)
        if fname is None:
            raise IOError(fname)

        if isweb:
            return addfile_nc(fname, False)

        if not os.path.exists(fname):
            raise IOError(fname)

        fsufix = os.path.splitext(fname)[1].lower()
        if fsufix == '.ctl':
            return addfile_grads(fname, False)
        elif fsufix == '.tif':
            return addfile_geotiff(fname, False)
        elif fsufix == '.awx':
            return addfile_awx(fname, False)
        elif fsufix == '.bil':
            return addfile_bil(fname, False)

        meteodata = MeteoDataInfo()
        meteodata.openData(fname, keepopen)
        datafile = DimDataFile(meteodata, access=access)
        return datafile
    elif access == 'c':
        if dtype == 'arl':
            arldata = ARLDataInfo()
            datafile = DimDataFile(arldata=arldata)
        elif dtype == 'bufr':
            bufrdata = BufrDataInfo()
            if os.path.exists(fname):
                    info = sys.exc_info()
                    print info[0], ":", info[1]
            datafile = DimDataFile(bufrdata=bufrdata)
            version = kwargs.pop('version', 'netcdf3')
            if version == 'netcdf3':
                version = NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf3
                version = NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf4
            ncfile = NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(version, fname)
            largefile = kwargs.pop('largefile', None)
            if not largefile is None:
            datafile = DimDataFile(access=access, ncfile=ncfile)
        return datafile
    elif access == 'w':
        fname = fname.strip()
        fname, isweb = __getfilename(fname)
        if fname is None:
            raise IOError(fname)
            meteodata = MeteoDataInfo()
        ncfile = NetcdfFileWriter.openExisting(fname)
        meteodata = MeteoDataInfo()
        meteodata.openData(ncfile.getNetcdfFile(), True)
        datafile = DimDataFile(dataset=meteodata, access=access, ncfile=ncfile)
        return datafile
        return None