def get_tract_profile(bundle,
    This function reorients the streamlines and extracts the diffusion metrics 
    along the tract. It essentiall performs step 1. The default number of points
    along a tract is 100, which can be thought of as %-along a tract.

    The flip variable signals if you would like to flip the direction of the
    streamlines after reorientation. For example if after reorientation all the
    streamlines were motor cortex -> brainstem and you actually wanted 
    brainstem -> motor cortex, then you set flip to True. The default is True
    because generally we see reorientation result in motor cortex -> brainstem.
    For the honours project, we were looking for the opposite

    # Reorient all the streamlines so that they are follwing the same direction
    feature = ResampleFeature(nb_points=num_points)
    d_metric = AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric(feature)
    qb = QuickBundles(np.inf, metric=d_metric)
    centroid_bundle = qb.cluster(bundle).centroids[0]
    oriented_bundle = orient_by_streamline(bundle, centroid_bundle)

    # Calculate weights for each streamline/node in a bundle, based on a
    # Mahalanobis distance from the core the bundle, at that node
    w_bundle = None
    if use_weights:
        w_bundle = gaussian_weights(oriented_bundle)

    # Sample the metric along the tract. The implementation of this function
    # is based off of work by Yeatman et al. in 2012
    profile_bundle = afq_profile(metric_img,

    # Reverse the profile bundle if the direction is not desired
    if flip:
        profile_bundle = np.flip(profile_bundle)

    return profile_bundle
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_gaussian_weights():
    # Some bogus x,y,z coordinates
    x = np.arange(10).astype(float)
    y = np.arange(10).astype(float)
    z = np.arange(10).astype(float)

    # Create a distribution for which we can predict the weights we would
    # expect to get:
    bundle = Streamlines(
        [np.array([x, y, z]).T + 1,
         np.array([x, y, z]).T - 1])
    # In this case, all nodes receives an equal weight of 0.5:
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle, n_points=10)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(w, np.ones((len(bundle), 10)) * 0.5)

    # Test when asked to return Mahalanobis, instead of weights
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle, n_points=10, return_mahalnobis=True)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(w, np.ones((len(bundle), 10)))

    # Here, some nodes are twice as far from the mean as others
    bundle = Streamlines([
        np.array([x, y, z]).T + 2,
        np.array([x, y, z]).T + 1,
        np.array([x, y, z]).T - 1,
        np.array([x, y, z]).T - 2
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle, n_points=10)

    # And their weights should be halved:
    npt.assert_almost_equal(w[0], w[1] / 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(w[-1], w[2] / 2)

    # Test the situation where all the streamlines have an identical node:
    arr1 = np.array([x, y, z]).T + 2
    arr2 = np.array([x, y, z]).T + 1
    arr3 = np.array([x, y, z]).T - 1
    arr4 = np.array([x, y, z]).T - 2

    arr1[0] = np.array([1, 1, 1])
    arr2[0] = np.array([1, 1, 1])
    arr3[0] = np.array([1, 1, 1])
    arr4[0] = np.array([1, 1, 1])

    bundle_w_id_node = Streamlines([arr1, arr2, arr3, arr4])
    w = gaussian_weights(Streamlines(bundle_w_id_node), n_points=10)
    # For this case, the result should be a weight of 1/n_streamlines in that
    # node for all streamlines:
        w[:, 0],
        np.ones(len(bundle_w_id_node)) * 1 / len(bundle_w_id_node))

    # Test the situation where all the streamlines are copies of each other:
    bundle_w_copies = Streamlines([bundle[0], bundle[0], bundle[0], bundle[0]])
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle_w_copies, n_points=10)
    # In this case, the entire array should be equal to 1/n_streamlines:
    npt.assert_equal(w, np.ones(w.shape) * 1 / len(bundle_w_id_node))

    # Test with bundle of length 1:
    bundle_len_1 = Streamlines([bundle[0]])
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle_len_1, n_points=10)
    npt.assert_equal(w, np.ones(w.shape))

    bundle_len_1 = Streamlines([bundle[0]])
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle_len_1, n_points=10, return_mahalnobis=True)
    npt.assert_equal(w, np.ones(w.shape) * np.nan)

files, folder = dpd.fetch_bundle_fa_hcp()

import nibabel as nib
img = nib.load(op.join(folder, "hcp_bundle_fa.nii.gz"))
fa = img.get_fdata()

Calculate weights for each bundle:

import dipy.stats.analysis as dsa

w_cst_l = dsa.gaussian_weights(oriented_cst_l)
w_af_l = dsa.gaussian_weights(oriented_af_l)

And then use the weights to calculate the tract profiles for each bundle

profile_cst_l = dsa.afq_profile(fa, oriented_cst_l, affine=img.affine,

profile_af_l = dsa.afq_profile(fa, oriented_af_l, affine=img.affine,

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)

Exemplo n.º 4
# Bundle profiles
# ---------------
# Streamlines are represented in the original diffusion space (`Space.VOX`) and
# scalar properties along the length of each bundle are queried from this
# scalar data. Here, the contribution of each streamline is weighted according
# to how representative this streamline is of the bundle overall.

print("Extracting tract profiles...")
for bundle in bundles:
    sft = load_tractogram(op.join(working_dir, f'{bundle}_afq.trk'),
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    weights = gaussian_weights(sft.streamlines)
    profile = afq_profile(FA_data, sft.streamlines, np.eye(4), weights=weights)

# References:
# -------------------------
# .. [Yeatman2012] Jason D Yeatman, Robert F Dougherty, Nathaniel J Myall,
#                  Brian A Wandell, Heidi M Feldman, "Tract profiles of
#                  white matter properties: automating fiber-tract
#                  quantification", PloS One, 7: e49790
# .. [Yeatman2014] Jason D Yeatman, Brian A Wandell, Aviv Mezer Feldman,
Exemplo n.º 5
# scalar properties along the length of each bundle are queried from this
# scalar data. Here, the contribution of each streamline is weighted according
# to how representative this streamline is of the bundle overall.
# .. note::
#   As a sanity check the anterior forceps the tract profile is relatively
#   symmetric?

print("Extracting tract profiles...")
for bundle in bundles:
    print(f"Extracting {bundle}...")
    tractogram = load_tractogram(op.join(working_dir, f'afq_{bundle}.trk'),
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    weights = gaussian_weights(tractogram.streamlines)
    profile = afq_profile(FA_data,
plt.savefig(op.join(working_dir, 'AntFrontal_tractprofile.png'))

# References:
# -------------------------
# .. [Yeatman2012] Jason D Yeatman, Robert F Dougherty, Nathaniel J Myall,
#                  Brian A Wandell, Heidi M Feldman, "Tract profiles of
Exemplo n.º 6
    def tract_profiles(self,
        Calculate a summarized profile of data for each bundle along
        its length.

        Follows the approach outlined in [Yeatman2012]_.

        data : 3D volume
            The statistic to sample with the streamlines.

        subject_label : string
            String which identifies these bundles in the pandas dataframe.

        affine : array_like (4, 4), optional.
            The mapping from voxel coordinates to 'data' coordinates.
            Default: np.eye(4)

        method : string
            Method used to segment streamlines.
            Default: 'afq'

        metric : string
            Metric of statistic in data.
            Default: 'FA'

        n_points : int
            Number of points to resample to.
            Default: 100

        weight : boolean
            Whether to calculate gaussian weights before profiling.
            Default: True
        profiles = []
        for bundle_name, bundle in self.bundles.items():
            if weight:
                weights = gaussian_weights(bundle.streamlines,
                weights = None
            profile = afq_profile(data,
            for ii in range(len(profile)):
                # Subject, Bundle, node, method, metric (FA, MD), value
                    subject_label, bundle_name, ii, method, metric, profile[ii]
        profiles = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=["Subject", "Bundle", "Node", "Method", "Metric", "Value"])
        return profiles
Exemplo n.º 7
def clean_bundle(tg,
    Clean a segmented fiber group based on the Mahalnobis distance of
    each streamline


    streamlines : nibabel.Streamlines class instance.
        The streamlines constituting a fiber group.
        If streamlines is None, will use previously given streamlines.
        Default: None.

    clean_rounds : int, optional.
        Number of rounds of cleaning based on the Mahalanobis distance from
        the mean of extracted bundles. Default: 5

    distance_threshold : float, optional.
        Threshold of cleaning based on the Mahalanobis distance (the units are
        standard deviations). Default: 5.

    length_threshold: float, optional
        Threshold for cleaning based on length (in standard deviations). Length
        of any streamline should not be *more* than this number of stdevs from
        the mean length.

    min_sl : int, optional.
        Number of streamlines in a bundle under which we will
        not bother with cleaning outliers. Default: 20.

    stat : callable or str, optional.
        The statistic of each node relative to which the Mahalanobis is
        calculated. Default: `np.mean` (but can also use median, etc.)

    using_idx : bool
        Whether 'streamlines' contains indices in the original streamlines.
        Default: False.

    A nibabel.Streamlines class instance containing only the streamlines
    that have a Mahalanobis distance smaller than `clean_threshold` from
    the mean of each one of the nodes.
    # Convert string to callable, if that's what you got.
    if isinstance(stat, str):
        stat = getattr(np, stat)
    # We don't even bother if there aren't enough streamlines:
    if len(tg.streamlines) < min_sl:
        if return_idx:
            return tg, np.arange(len(tg.streamlines))
            return tg

    # Resample once up-front:
    fgarray = _resample_tg(tg, n_points)

    # Keep this around, so you can use it for indexing at the very end:
    idx = np.arange(len(fgarray))
    # This calculates the Mahalanobis for each streamline/node:
    w = gaussian_weights(fgarray, return_mahalnobis=True, stat=stat)
    lengths = np.array([sl.shape[0] for sl in tg.streamlines])
    # We'll only do this for clean_rounds
    rounds_elapsed = 0
    while ((np.any(w > distance_threshold)
            or np.any(zscore(lengths) > length_threshold))
           and rounds_elapsed < clean_rounds and len(tg.streamlines) > min_sl):
        # Select the fibers that have Mahalanobis smaller than the
        # threshold for all their nodes:
        idx_dist = np.where(np.all(w < distance_threshold, axis=-1))[0]
        idx_len = np.where(zscore(lengths) < length_threshold)[0]
        idx_belong = np.intersect1d(idx_dist, idx_len)

        if len(idx_belong) < min_sl:
            # need to sort and return exactly min_sl:
            idx_belong = np.argsort(np.sum(w, axis=-1))[:min_sl]

        idx = idx[idx_belong.astype(int)]
        # Update by selection:
        fgarray = fgarray[idx_belong.astype(int)]
        lengths = lengths[idx_belong.astype(int)]
        # Repeat:
        w = gaussian_weights(fgarray, return_mahalnobis=True)
        rounds_elapsed += 1

    # Select based on the variable that was keeping track of things for us:
    out = StatefulTractogram(tg.streamlines[idx], tg, Space.VOX)
    if return_idx:
        return out, idx
        return out
Exemplo n.º 8

files, folder = dpd.fetch_bundle_fa_hcp()

import nibabel as nib
img = nib.load(op.join(folder, "hcp_bundle_fa.nii.gz"))
fa = img.get_fdata()

Calculate weights for each bundle:

import dipy.stats.analysis as dsa

w_cst_l = dsa.gaussian_weights(oriented_cst_l)
w_af_l = dsa.gaussian_weights(oriented_af_l)

And then use the weights to calculate the tract profiles for each bundle

profile_cst_l = dsa.afq_profile(fa, oriented_cst_l, affine=img.affine,

profile_af_l = dsa.afq_profile(fa, oriented_af_l, affine=img.affine,

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)

Exemplo n.º 9
def test_gaussian_weights():
    # Some bogus x,y,z coordinates
    x = np.arange(10).astype(float)
    y = np.arange(10).astype(float)
    z = np.arange(10).astype(float)

    # Create a distribution for which we can predict the weights we would
    # expect to get:
    bundle = Streamlines([np.array([x, y, z]).T + 1,
                          np.array([x, y, z]).T - 1])
    # In this case, all nodes receives an equal weight of 0.5:
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle, n_points=10)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(w, np.ones((len(bundle), 10)) * 0.5)

    # Test when asked to return Mahalnobis, instead of weights
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle, n_points=10, return_mahalnobis=True)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(w, np.ones((len(bundle), 10)))

    # Here, some nodes are twice as far from the mean as others
    bundle = Streamlines([np.array([x, y, z]).T + 2,
                          np.array([x, y, z]).T + 1,
                          np.array([x, y, z]).T - 1,
                          np.array([x, y, z]).T - 2])
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle, n_points=10)

    # And their weights should be halved:
    npt.assert_almost_equal(w[0], w[1] / 2)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(w[-1], w[2] / 2)

    # Test the situation where all the streamlines have an identical node:
    arr1 = np.array([x, y, z]).T + 2
    arr2 = np.array([x, y, z]).T + 1
    arr3 = np.array([x, y, z]).T - 1
    arr4 = np.array([x, y, z]).T - 2

    arr1[0] = np.array([1, 1, 1])
    arr2[0] = np.array([1, 1, 1])
    arr3[0] = np.array([1, 1, 1])
    arr4[0] = np.array([1, 1, 1])

    bundle_w_id_node = Streamlines([arr1, arr2, arr3, arr4])
    w = gaussian_weights(Streamlines(bundle_w_id_node), n_points=10)
    # For this case, the result should be a weight of 1/n_streamlines in that
    # node for all streamlines:
    npt.assert_equal(w[:, 0],
                     np.ones(len(bundle_w_id_node)) * 1/len(bundle_w_id_node))

    # Test the situation where all the streamlines are copies of each other:
    bundle_w_copies = Streamlines([bundle[0], bundle[0], bundle[0], bundle[0]])
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle_w_copies, n_points=10)
    # In this case, the entire array should be equal to 1/n_streamlines:
                     np.ones(w.shape) * 1/len(bundle_w_id_node))

    # Test with bundle of length 1:
    bundle_len_1 = Streamlines([bundle[0]])
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle_len_1, n_points=10)
    npt.assert_equal(w, np.ones(w.shape))

    bundle_len_1 = Streamlines([bundle[0]])
    w = gaussian_weights(bundle_len_1, n_points=10, return_mahalnobis=True)
    npt.assert_equal(w, np.ones(w.shape) * np.nan)
Exemplo n.º 10
def evaluate_along_streamlines(scalar_img,
    # Runtime:
    # - default:                2.7s (test),    56s (all),      10s (test 4 bundles, 100 points)
    # - map_coordinate order 1: 1.9s (test),    26s (all),       6s (test 4 bundles, 100 points)
    # - map_coordinate order 3: 2.2s (test),    33s (all),
    # - values_from_volume:     2.5s (test),    43s (all),
    # - AFQ:                      ?s (test),     ?s (all),      85s  (test 4 bundles, 100 points)
    # => AFQ a lot slower than others

    streamlines = list(
        transform_streamlines(streamlines, np.linalg.inv(affine)))

    for i in range(dilate):
        beginnings = binary_dilation(beginnings)
    beginnings = beginnings.astype(np.uint8)
    streamlines = _orient_to_same_start_region(streamlines, beginnings)
    if predicted_peaks is not None:
        # scalar img can also be orig peaks
        best_orig_peaks = fiber_utils.get_best_original_peaks(
            predicted_peaks, scalar_img, peak_len_thr=0.00001)
        scalar_img = np.linalg.norm(best_orig_peaks, axis=-1)

    algorithm = "distance_map"  # equal_dist | distance_map | cutting_plane | afq

    if algorithm == "equal_dist":
        ### Sampling ###
        streamlines = fiber_utils.resample_fibers(streamlines,
        values = map_coordinates(scalar_img, np.array(streamlines).T, order=1)
        ### Aggregation ###
        values_mean = np.array(values).mean(axis=1)
        values_std = np.array(values).std(axis=1)
        return values_mean, values_std

    if algorithm == "distance_map":  # cKDTree

        ### Sampling ###
        streamlines = fiber_utils.resample_fibers(streamlines,
        values = map_coordinates(scalar_img, np.array(streamlines).T, order=1)

        ### Aggregating by cKDTree approach ###
        metric = AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric()
        qb = QuickBundles(threshold=100., metric=metric)
        clusters = qb.cluster(streamlines)
        centroids = Streamlines(clusters.centroids)
        if len(centroids) > 1:
            print("WARNING: number clusters > 1 ({})".format(len(centroids)))
        _, segment_idxs = cKDTree(, 1,
                                                        k=1)  # (2000, 100)

        values_t = np.array(values).T  # (2000, 100)

        # If we want to take weighted mean like in AFQ:
        # weights = dsa.gaussian_weights(Streamlines(streamlines))
        # values_t = weights * values_t
        # return np.sum(values_t, 0), None

        results_dict = defaultdict(list)
        for idx, sl in enumerate(values_t):
            for jdx, seg in enumerate(sl):
                results_dict[segment_idxs[idx, jdx]].append(seg)

        if len(results_dict.keys()) < nr_points:
                "WARNING: found less than required points. Filling up with centroid values."
            centroid_values = map_coordinates(scalar_img,
            for i in range(nr_points):
                if len(results_dict[i]) == 0:
                    results_dict[i].append(np.array(centroid_values).T[0, i])

        results_mean = []
        results_std = []
        for key in sorted(results_dict.keys()):
            value = results_dict[key]
            if len(value) > 0:
                print("WARNING: empty segment")
        return results_mean, results_std

    elif algorithm == "cutting_plane":
        # This will resample all streamline to have equally distant points (resulting in a different number of points
        # in each streamline). Then the "middle" of the tract will be estimated taking the middle element of the
        # centroid (estimated with QuickBundles). Then each streamline the point closest to the "middle" will be
        # calculated and points will be indexed for each streamline starting from the middle. Then averaging across
        # all streamlines will be done by taking the mean for points with same indices.

        ### Sampling ###
        streamlines = fiber_utils.resample_to_same_distance(
            streamlines, max_nr_points=nr_points)
        # map_coordinates does not allow streamlines with different lengths -> use values_from_volume
        values = np.array(
            values_from_volume(scalar_img, streamlines, affine=np.eye(4))).T

        ### Aggregating by Cutting Plane approach ###
        # Resample to all fibers having same number of points -> needed for QuickBundles
        streamlines_resamp = fiber_utils.resample_fibers(streamlines,
        metric = AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric()
        qb = QuickBundles(threshold=100., metric=metric)
        clusters = qb.cluster(streamlines_resamp)
        centroids = Streamlines(clusters.centroids)

        # index of the middle cluster
        middle_idx = int(nr_points / 2)
        middle_point = centroids[0][middle_idx]
        # For each streamline get idx for the point which is closest to the middle
        segment_idxs = fiber_utils.get_idxs_of_closest_points(
            streamlines, middle_point)

        # Align along the middle and assign indices
        segment_idxs_eqlen = []
        base_idx = 1000  # use higher index to avoid negative numbers for area below middle
        for idx, sl in enumerate(streamlines):
            sl_middle_pos = segment_idxs[idx]
            before_elems = sl_middle_pos
            after_elems = len(sl) - sl_middle_pos
            # indices for one streamline e.g. [998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003]; 1000 is middle
            r = range((base_idx - before_elems), (base_idx + after_elems))
        segment_idxs = segment_idxs_eqlen

        # Calcuate maximum number of indices to not result in more indices than nr_points.
        # (this could be case if one streamline is very off-center and therefore has a lot of points only on one
        # side. In this case the values too far out of this streamline will be cut off).
        max_idx = base_idx + int(nr_points / 2)
        min_idx = base_idx - int(nr_points / 2)

        # Group by segment indices
        results_dict = defaultdict(list)
        for idx, sl in enumerate(values):
            for jdx, seg in enumerate(sl):
                current_idx = segment_idxs[idx][jdx]
                if current_idx >= min_idx and current_idx < max_idx:

        # If values missing fill up with centroid values
        if len(results_dict.keys()) < nr_points:
                "WARNING: found less than required points. Filling up with centroid values."
            centroid_sl = [centroids[0]]
            centroid_sl = np.array(centroid_sl).T
            centroid_values = map_coordinates(scalar_img, centroid_sl, order=1)
            for idx, seg_idx in enumerate(range(min_idx, max_idx)):
                if len(results_dict[seg_idx]) == 0:
                        np.array(centroid_values).T[0, idx])

        # Aggregate by mean
        results_mean = []
        results_std = []
        for key in sorted(results_dict.keys()):
            value = results_dict[key]
            if len(value) > 0:
                print("WARNING: empty segment")
        return results_mean, results_std

    elif algorithm == "afq":
        ### sampling + aggregation ###
        streamlines = fiber_utils.resample_fibers(streamlines,
        streamlines = Streamlines(streamlines)
        weights = dsa.gaussian_weights(streamlines)
        results_mean = dsa.afq_profile(scalar_img,
        results_std = np.zeros(nr_points)
        return results_mean, results_std
Exemplo n.º 11
def tract_profiles(subses_dict, clean_bundles_file, bundle_dict, scalar_dict,
                   profile_weights, dwi_affine, tracking_params,
    keys = []
    vals = []
    for k in bundle_dict.keys():
        if k != "whole_brain":
    reverse_dict = dict(zip(keys, vals))

    bundle_names = []
    node_numbers = []
    profiles = np.empty((len(scalar_dict), 0)).tolist()
    this_profile = np.zeros((len(scalar_dict), 100))

    trk = nib.streamlines.load(clean_bundles_file)
    for b in np.unique(trk.tractogram.data_per_streamline['bundle']):
        idx = np.where(trk.tractogram.data_per_streamline['bundle'] == b)[0]
        this_sl = trk.streamlines[idx]
        bundle_name = reverse_dict[b]
        for ii, (scalar, scalar_file) in enumerate(scalar_dict.items()):
            scalar_data = nib.load(scalar_file).get_fdata()
            if isinstance(profile_weights, str):
                if profile_weights == "gauss":
                    this_prof_weights = gaussian_weights(this_sl)
                elif profile_weights == "median":
                    # weights bundle to only return the mean
                    def _median_weight(bundle):
                        fgarray = set_number_of_points(bundle, 100)
                        values = np.array(
                            values_from_volume(scalar_data, fgarray,
                        weights = np.zeros(values.shape)
                        for ii, jj in enumerate(
                                           axis=0)[len(values) // 2, :]):
                            weights[jj, ii] = 1
                        return weights

                    this_prof_weights = _median_weight
                this_prof_weights = profile_weights
            this_profile[ii] = afq_profile(scalar_data,
        nodes = list(np.arange(this_profile[0].shape[0]))
        bundle_names.extend([bundle_name] * len(nodes))

    profile_dict = dict()
    profile_dict["tractID"] = bundle_names
    profile_dict["nodeID"] = node_numbers
    for ii, scalar in enumerate(scalar_dict.keys()):
        profile_dict[scalar] = profiles[ii]

    profile_dframe = pd.DataFrame(profile_dict)
    meta = dict(source=clean_bundles_file,

    return profile_dframe, meta