Exemplo n.º 1
def test_generate_streamlines():
    steps = np.array([[1,0,0],
    class TestStepper(object):
        state = -1
        error = StopIteration
        def next_step(self, loc, prev_step):
            self.state += 1
            if self.state >= len(steps):
                raise self.error()
            return steps[self.state]

    stepper = TestStepper()
    ss = 2.
    integrator = FixedStepIntegrator(step_size=ss)
    seeds = [[2,3,4],[5,6,7]]
    slgen = generate_streamlines(stepper, integrator, seeds, [1,0,0])
    for ii, streamline in enumerate(slgen):
        stepper.state = -1
        assert_array_equal(streamline[0], seeds[ii])
        expected_streamline = (steps*ss).cumsum(0)+seeds[ii]
        assert_array_almost_equal(streamline[1:], expected_streamline)

    stepper.error = IndexError
    slgen = generate_streamlines(stepper, integrator, seeds, [1,0,0])
    for ii, streamline in enumerate(slgen):
        stepper.state = -1
        assert_array_equal(streamline[0], seeds[ii])
        expected_streamline = (steps*ss).cumsum(0)+seeds[ii]
        assert_array_almost_equal(streamline[1:], expected_streamline[:-1])
Exemplo n.º 2
def simple_tracking_function(data, fa, bval, bvec, seed_mask, start_steps,
                             voxel_size, density):
    """An example of a simple traking function using the tools in dipy

    This tracking function uses the SlowAdcOpdfModel to fit diffusion data. By
    using the ClosestPeakSelector, the function tracks along the peak of Opdf
    closest to the incoming direction. It also uses the BoundryIntegrator to
    integrate the streamlines and NearestNeighborInterpolator to interpolate
    the data. The ResidualBootstrap means the tracks are probabilistic, not

    #the interpolator allows us to index the dwi data in continous space
    data_mask = fa > .2
    normalized_data = normalize_data(data, bval)
    interpolator = NearestNeighborInterpolator(normalized_data, voxel_size,

    #the model fits the dwi data, this model can resolve crossing fibers
    #see documentation of SlowAdcOpdfModel for more info
    model = SlowAdcOpdfModel(6, bval, bvec, .006)
    vert, edges, faces = create_half_unit_sphere(4)
    model.set_sampling_points(vert, edges)

    #this residual bootstrap wrapper returns a sample from the bootstrap
    #distribution istead of returning the raw data
    min_signal = normalized_data.min()
    B = model.B
    wrapped_interp = ResidualBootstrapWrapper(interpolator, B, min_signal)

    #the peakselector returns the closest peak to the incoming direction when
    #in voxels with multiple peaks
    peak_finder = ClosestPeakSelector(model, wrapped_interp)
    peak_finder.angle_limit = 60

    seeds = seeds_from_mask(seed_mask, density, voxel_size)

    #the propagator is used to integrate the streamlines
    propogator = BoundryIntegrator(voxel_size)
    tracks = generate_streamlines(peak_finder, propogator, seeds, start_steps)

    return tracks
Exemplo n.º 3
def simple_tracking_function(data, fa, bval, bvec, seed_mask, start_steps,
                             voxel_size, density):
    """An example of a simple traking function using the tools in dipy

    This tracking function uses the SlowAdcOpdfModel to fit diffusion data. By
    using the ClosestPeakSelector, the function tracks along the peak of Opdf
    closest to the incoming direction. It also uses the BoundryIntegrator to
    integrate the streamlines and NearestNeighborInterpolator to interpolate
    the data. The ResidualBootstrap means the tracks are probabilistic, not

    #the interpolator allows us to index the dwi data in continous space
    data_mask = fa > .2
    normalized_data = normalize_data(data, bval)
    interpolator = NearestNeighborInterpolator(normalized_data, voxel_size,

    #the model fits the dwi data, this model can resolve crossing fibers
    #see documentation of SlowAdcOpdfModel for more info
    model = SlowAdcOpdfModel(6, bval, bvec, .006)
    vert, edges, faces = create_half_unit_sphere(4)
    model.set_sampling_points(vert, edges)

    #this residual bootstrap wrapper returns a sample from the bootstrap
    #distribution istead of returning the raw data
    min_signal = normalized_data.min()
    B = model.B
    wrapped_interp = ResidualBootstrapWrapper(interpolator, B, min_signal)

    #the peakselector returns the closest peak to the incoming direction when
    #in voxels with multiple peaks
    peak_finder = ClosestPeakSelector(model, wrapped_interp)
    peak_finder.angle_limit = 60

    seeds = seeds_from_mask(seed_mask, density, voxel_size)

    #the propagator is used to integrate the streamlines
    propogator = BoundryIntegrator(voxel_size)
    tracks = generate_streamlines(peak_finder, propogator, seeds, start_steps)

    return tracks