Exemplo n.º 1
def voxel2streamline(streamline, affine, unique_idx=None):
    Maps voxels to streamlines and streamlines to voxels, for setting up
    the LiFE equations matrix

    streamline : list
        A collection of streamlines, each n by 3, with n being the number of
        nodes in the fiber.
    affine : array_like (4, 4)
        The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline points.
        The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file.
    unique_idx : array (optional).
       The unique indices in the streamlines

    v2f, v2fn : tuple of dicts

    The first dict in the tuple answers the question: Given a voxel (from
    the unique indices in this model), which fibers pass through it?

    The second answers the question: Given a streamline, for each voxel that
    this streamline passes through, which nodes of that streamline are in that
    transformed_streamline = transform_streamlines(streamline, affine)

    if unique_idx is None:
        all_coords = np.concatenate(transformed_streamline)
        unique_idx = unique_rows(np.round(all_coords))

    return _voxel2streamline(transformed_streamline,
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_unique_rows():
    Testing the function unique_coords
    arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]])
    arr_w_unique = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]])
    assert_array_equal(unique_rows(arr), arr_w_unique)

    # Should preserve order:
    arr = np.array([[2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5]])
    arr_w_unique = np.array([[2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5]])
    assert_array_equal(unique_rows(arr), arr_w_unique)

    # Should work even with longer arrays:
    arr = np.array([[2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5],
                    [6, 7, 8], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]])
    arr_w_unique = np.array([[2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5],
                             [6, 7, 8], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]])

    assert_array_equal(unique_rows(arr), arr_w_unique)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_unique_rows():
    Testing the function unique_coords
    arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]])
    arr_w_unique = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]])
    npt.assert_array_equal(unique_rows(arr), arr_w_unique)

    # Should preserve order:
    arr = np.array([[2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5]])
    arr_w_unique = np.array([[2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5]])
    npt.assert_array_equal(unique_rows(arr), arr_w_unique)

    # Should work even with longer arrays:
    arr = np.array([[2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8],
                    [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]])
    arr_w_unique = np.array([[2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8],
                             [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]])

    npt.assert_array_equal(unique_rows(arr), arr_w_unique)
Exemplo n.º 4
def voxel2streamline(streamline,
    Maps voxels to streamlines and streamlines to voxels, for setting up
    the LiFE equations matrix

    streamline : list
        A collection of streamlines, each n by 3, with n being the number of
        nodes in the fiber.

    affine : 4 by 4 array (optional)
       Defines the spatial transformation from streamline to data.
       Default: np.eye(4)

    transformed : bool (optional)
        Whether the streamlines have been already transformed (in which case
        they don't need to be transformed in here).

    unique_idx : array (optional).
       The unique indices in the streamlines

    v2f, v2fn : tuple of dicts

    The first dict in the tuple answers the question: Given a voxel (from
    the unique indices in this model), which fibers pass through it?

    The second answers the question: Given a streamline, for each voxel that
    this streamline passes through, which nodes of that streamline are in that
    if transformed:
        transformed_streamline = streamline
        if affine is None:
            affine = np.eye(4)
        transformed_streamline = transform_streamlines(streamline, affine)

    if unique_idx is None:
        all_coords = np.concatenate(transformed_streamline)
        unique_idx = unique_rows(all_coords.astype(int))
        unique_idx = unique_idx

    return _voxel2streamline(transformed_streamline, unique_idx)
Exemplo n.º 5
def voxel2streamline(streamline, transformed=False, affine=None,
    Maps voxels to streamlines and streamlines to voxels, for setting up
    the LiFE equations matrix

    streamline : list
        A collection of streamlines, each n by 3, with n being the number of
        nodes in the fiber.

    affine : 4 by 4 array (optional)
       Defines the spatial transformation from streamline to data.
       Default: np.eye(4)

    transformed : bool (optional)
        Whether the streamlines have been already transformed (in which case
        they don't need to be transformed in here).

    unique_idx : array (optional).
       The unique indices in the streamlines

    v2f, v2fn : tuple of arrays

    The first array in the tuple answers the question: Given a voxel (from
    the unique indices in this model), which fibers pass through it? Shape:
    (n_voxels, n_fibers).

    The second answers the question: Given a voxel, for each fiber, which
    nodes are in that voxel? Shape: (n_voxels, max(n_nodes per fiber)).
    if transformed:
        transformed_streamline = streamline
        if affine is None:
            affine = np.eye(4)
        transformed_streamline = transform_streamlines(streamline, affine)

    if unique_idx is None:
        all_coords = np.concatenate(transformed_streamline)
        unique_idx = unique_rows(all_coords.astype(int))
        unique_idx = unique_idx

    return _voxel2streamline(transformed_streamline, unique_idx)
Exemplo n.º 6
def reduct(streamlines, data):

    new_streamlines = []

    for i in range(len(streamlines)):

        line = streamlines[i]
        line = np.round(line).astype(np.intp)
        line = unique_rows(line)

        flag = 0

        if line.shape[0] > 1:

            for j in range(line.shape[0]):
                #print(line[j, :])
                if data[line[j, 0], line[j, 1], line[j, 2]].any() == 0:
                    flag = 1

            if flag == 0:

    return new_streamlines
Exemplo n.º 7
    def setup(self, streamline, affine, evals=[0.001, 0, 0], sphere=None):
        Set up the necessary components for the LiFE model: the matrix of
        fiber-contributions to the DWI signal, and the coordinates of voxels
        for which the equations will be solved

        streamline : list
            Streamlines, each is an array of shape (n, 3)
        affine : array_like (4, 4)
            The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline points.
            The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file.
        evals : list (3 items, optional)
            The eigenvalues of the canonical tensor used as a response
            function. Default:[0.001, 0, 0].
        sphere: `dipy.core.Sphere` instance.
            Whether to approximate (and cache) the signal on a discrete
            sphere. This may confer a significant speed-up in setting up the
            problem, but is not as accurate. If `False`, we use the exact
            gradients along the streamlines to calculate the matrix, instead of
            an approximation. Defaults to use the 724-vertex symmetric sphere
            from :mod:`dipy.data`
        if sphere is not False:
            SignalMaker = LifeSignalMaker(self.gtab,

        streamline = transform_streamlines(streamline, affine)
        # Assign some local variables, for shorthand:
        all_coords = np.concatenate(streamline)
        vox_coords = unique_rows(np.round(all_coords).astype(np.intp))
        del all_coords
        # We only consider the diffusion-weighted signals:
        n_bvecs = self.gtab.bvals[~self.gtab.b0s_mask].shape[0]
        v2f, v2fn = voxel2streamline(streamline, np.eye(4),
        # How many fibers in each voxel (this will determine how many
        # components are in the matrix):
        n_unique_f = len(np.hstack(list(v2f.values())))
        # Preallocate these, which will be used to generate the sparse
        # matrix:
        f_matrix_sig = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs, dtype=float)
        f_matrix_row = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs, dtype=np.intp)
        f_matrix_col = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs, dtype=np.intp)

        fiber_signal = []
        for s_idx, s in enumerate(streamline):
            if sphere is not False:
                fiber_signal.append(streamline_signal(s, self.gtab, evals))

        del streamline
        if sphere is not False:
            del SignalMaker

        keep_ct = 0
        range_bvecs = np.arange(n_bvecs).astype(int)
        # In each voxel:
        for v_idx in range(vox_coords.shape[0]):
            mat_row_idx = (range_bvecs + v_idx * n_bvecs).astype(np.intp)
            # For each fiber in that voxel:
            for f_idx in v2f[v_idx]:
                # For each fiber-voxel combination, store the row/column
                # indices in the pre-allocated linear arrays
                f_matrix_row[keep_ct:keep_ct+n_bvecs] = mat_row_idx
                f_matrix_col[keep_ct:keep_ct+n_bvecs] = f_idx

                vox_fiber_sig = np.zeros(n_bvecs)
                for node_idx in v2fn[f_idx][v_idx]:
                    # Sum the signal from each node of the fiber in that voxel:
                    vox_fiber_sig += fiber_signal[f_idx][node_idx]
                # And add the summed thing into the corresponding rows:
                f_matrix_sig[keep_ct:keep_ct+n_bvecs] += vox_fiber_sig
                keep_ct = keep_ct + n_bvecs

        del v2f, v2fn
        # Allocate the sparse matrix, using the more memory-efficient 'csr'
        # format:
        life_matrix = sps.csr_matrix((f_matrix_sig,
                                      [f_matrix_row, f_matrix_col]))

        return life_matrix, vox_coords
Exemplo n.º 8
    def setup(self,
              evals=[0.001, 0, 0],
        Set up the necessary components for the LiFE model: the matrix of
        fiber-contributions to the DWI signal, and the coordinates of voxels
        for which the equations will be solved

        streamline : list
            Streamlines, each is an array of shape (n, 3)
        affine : array_like (4, 4)
            The mapping from voxel coordinates to streamline points.
            The voxel_to_rasmm matrix, typically from a NIFTI file.
        evals : list (3 items, optional)
            The eigenvalues of the canonical tensor used as a response
            function. Default:[0.001, 0, 0].
        sphere: `dipy.core.Sphere` instance.
            Whether to approximate (and cache) the signal on a discrete
            sphere. This may confer a significant speed-up in setting up the
            problem, but is not as accurate. If `False`, we use the exact
            gradients along the streamlines to calculate the matrix, instead of
            an approximation. Defaults to use the 724-vertex symmetric sphere
            from :mod:`dipy.data`
        if sphere is not False:
            SignalMaker = LifeSignalMaker(self.gtab,

        streamline = transform_streamlines(streamline, affine)

        #picklepath1 = '/Users/alex/jacques/fiber_signal_parallel.p'
        #fiber_signal=pickle.load(open(picklepath1, "rb"))
        #picklepath2 = '/Users/alex/jacques/fiber_signal_orig.p'
        #fiber_signal_orig=pickle.load(open(picklepath2, "rb"))

        #original location of the vox steps, moved them for faster streamline processing debug
        fiber_signal = []
        fiber_signal_orig = []
        fiber_signal_list = []
        skiplist = []

        #the stuff that got moved around for faster processing
        # Assign some local variables, for shorthand:
        #if save_fibsignal:
        #    pickle.dump(fiber_signal, open(picklepath1, "wb"))

        all_coords = np.concatenate(streamline)
        vox_coords = unique_rows(np.round(all_coords).astype(np.intp))
        del all_coords
        # We only consider the diffusion-weighted signals:
        n_bvecs = self.gtab.bvals[~self.gtab.b0s_mask].shape[0]
        v2f, v2fn = voxel2streamline(streamline,
        # How many fibers in each voxel (this will determine how many
        # components are in the matrix):
        n_unique_f = len(np.hstack(v2f.values()))

        picklepath1 = '/Users/alex/jacques/fiber_signal_parallel_rev.p'
        picklepath2 = '/Users/alex/jacques/fiber_signal_parallel.p'
            fiber_signal = pickle.load(open(picklepath1, "rb"))
            print("getting Fiber signal from" + picklepath1)
            fiber_signal_orig = pickle.load(open(picklepath2, "rb"))
        except FileNotFoundError:
        print("computing the fiber signal values")
        duration1 = time()
        if processes > 1:
            pool = mp.Pool(processes)
            fiber_signal = pool.starmap_async(
                [(s, idx, self.gtab, evals, SignalMaker, sphere)
                 for idx, s in enumerate(streamline)]).get()
            #for idx,fiber in enumerate(fiber_signal_list):
            for s_idx, s in enumerate(streamline):
                streamshape = np.shape(np.asarray(s))
                if sphere is not False:
                    fiber_signal.append(streamline_signal(s, self.gtab, evals))
                #print("Took care of "+ str(s_idx) + " out of " + str(len(streamline)) + " streamlines")

        if verbose:
            print("Obtaining fiber signal process done in " +
                  str(time() - duration1) + "s")

        if sphere is not False:
            del SignalMaker

        # Preallocate these, which will be used to generate the sparse
        # matrix:
        f_matrix_sig = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs, dtype=np.float)
        f_matrix_row = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs, dtype=np.intp)
        f_matrix_col = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs, dtype=np.intp)
        #end of moved block JS
        del streamline

        keep_ct = 0
        range_bvecs = np.arange(n_bvecs).astype(int)

        duration2 = time()

        # In each voxel:
        for v_idx in range(vox_coords.shape[0]):
            mat_row_idx = (range_bvecs + v_idx * n_bvecs).astype(np.intp)
            # For each fiber in that voxel:
            for f_idx in v2f[v_idx]:
                # For each fiber-voxel combination, store the row/column
                # indices in the pre-allocated linear arrays
                f_matrix_row[keep_ct:keep_ct + n_bvecs] = mat_row_idx
                f_matrix_col[keep_ct:keep_ct + n_bvecs] = f_idx

                vox_fiber_sig = np.zeros(n_bvecs)
                for node_idx in v2fn[f_idx][v_idx]:
                    # Sum the signal from each node of the fiber in that voxel:
                        vox_fiber_sig += fiber_signal[f_idx][node_idx]
                    except IndexError:
                        raise IndexError
                # And add the summed thing into the corresponding rows:
                f_matrix_sig[keep_ct:keep_ct + n_bvecs] += vox_fiber_sig
                keep_ct = keep_ct + n_bvecs

        del v2f, v2fn
        # Allocate the sparse matrix, using the more memory-efficient 'csr'
        # format:

        if verbose:
            print("Fiber vos matrix calculated in " + str(time() - duration2) +

        duration3 = time()

        life_matrix = sps.csr_matrix(
            (f_matrix_sig, [f_matrix_row, f_matrix_col]))

        if verbose:
            print("Life matrix caluclated in " + str(time() - duration3) + "s")

        return life_matrix, vox_coords
Exemplo n.º 9
    def setup(self, streamline, affine, evals=[0.001, 0, 0], sphere=None):
        Set up the necessary components for the LiFE model: the matrix of
        fiber-contributions to the DWI signal, and the coordinates of voxels
        for which the equations will be solved

        streamline : list
            Streamlines, each is an array of shape (n, 3)
        affine : 4 by 4 array
            Mapping from the streamline coordinates to the data
        evals : list (3 items, optional)
            The eigenvalues of the canonical tensor used as a response
            function. Default:[0.001, 0, 0].
        sphere: `dipy.core.Sphere` instance.
            Whether to approximate (and cache) the signal on a discrete
            sphere. This may confer a significant speed-up in setting up the
            problem, but is not as accurate. If `False`, we use the exact
            gradients along the streamlines to calculate the matrix, instead of
            an approximation. Defaults to use the 724-vertex symmetric sphere
            from :mod:`dipy.data`
        if sphere is not False:
            SignalMaker = LifeSignalMaker(self.gtab,

        if affine is None:
            affine = np.eye(4)
        streamline = transform_streamlines(streamline, affine)
        # Assign some local variables, for shorthand:
        all_coords = np.concatenate(streamline)
        vox_coords = unique_rows(np.round(all_coords).astype(np.intp))
        del all_coords
        # We only consider the diffusion-weighted signals:
        n_bvecs = self.gtab.bvals[~self.gtab.b0s_mask].shape[0]
        v2f, v2fn = voxel2streamline(streamline, transformed=True,
                                     affine=affine, unique_idx=vox_coords)
        # How many fibers in each voxel (this will determine how many
        # components are in the matrix):
        n_unique_f = len(np.hstack(v2f.values()))
        # Preallocate these, which will be used to generate the sparse
        # matrix:
        f_matrix_sig = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs, dtype=np.float)
        f_matrix_row = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs, dtype=np.intp)
        f_matrix_col = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs, dtype=np.intp)

        fiber_signal = []
        for s_idx, s in enumerate(streamline):
            if sphere is not False:
                fiber_signal.append(streamline_signal(s, self.gtab, evals))

        del streamline
        if sphere is not False:
            del SignalMaker

        keep_ct = 0
        range_bvecs = np.arange(n_bvecs).astype(int)
        # In each voxel:
        for v_idx in range(vox_coords.shape[0]):
            mat_row_idx = (range_bvecs + v_idx * n_bvecs).astype(np.intp)
            # For each fiber in that voxel:
            for f_idx in v2f[v_idx]:
                # For each fiber-voxel combination, store the row/column
                # indices in the pre-allocated linear arrays
                f_matrix_row[keep_ct:keep_ct+n_bvecs] = mat_row_idx
                f_matrix_col[keep_ct:keep_ct+n_bvecs] = f_idx

                vox_fiber_sig = np.zeros(n_bvecs)
                for node_idx in v2fn[f_idx][v_idx]:
                    # Sum the signal from each node of the fiber in that voxel:
                    vox_fiber_sig += fiber_signal[f_idx][node_idx]
                # And add the summed thing into the corresponding rows:
                f_matrix_sig[keep_ct:keep_ct+n_bvecs] += vox_fiber_sig
                keep_ct = keep_ct + n_bvecs

        del v2f, v2fn
        # Allocate the sparse matrix, using the more memory-efficient 'csr'
        # format:
        life_matrix = sps.csr_matrix((f_matrix_sig,
                                     [f_matrix_row, f_matrix_col]))

        return life_matrix, vox_coords
Exemplo n.º 10
    def setup(self, streamline, affine, evals=[0.001, 0, 0], sphere=None):
        Set up the necessary components for the LiFE model: the matrix of
        fiber-contributions to the DWI signal, and the coordinates of voxels
        for which the equations will be solved

        streamline : list
            Streamlines, each is an array of shape (n, 3)
        affine : 4 by 4 array
            Mapping from the streamline coordinates to the data
        evals : list (3 items, optional)
            The eigenvalues of the canonical tensor used as a response function

        sphere: `dipy.core.Sphere` instance.
            Whether to approximate (and cache) the signal on a discrete
            sphere. This may confer a significant speed-up in setting up the
            problem, but is not as accurate. If `False`, we use the exact
            gradients along the streamlines to calculate the matrix, instead of
            an approximation. Defaults to use the 724-vertex symmetric sphere
            from :mod:`dipy.data`
        if sphere is not False:
            SignalMaker = LifeSignalMaker(self.gtab,

        if affine is None:
            affine = np.eye(4)
        streamline = transform_streamlines(streamline, affine)
        # Assign some local variables, for shorthand:
        all_coords = np.concatenate(streamline)
        vox_coords = unique_rows(all_coords.astype(int))
        n_vox = vox_coords.shape[0]
        # We only consider the diffusion-weighted signals:
        n_bvecs = self.gtab.bvals[~self.gtab.b0s_mask].shape[0]

        v2f, v2fn = voxel2streamline(streamline, transformed=True,
                                     affine=affine, unique_idx=vox_coords)

        # How many fibers in each voxel (this will determine how many
        # components are in the fiber part of the matrix):
        n_unique_f = np.sum(v2f)

        # Preallocate these, which will be used to generate the two sparse
        # matrices:

        # This one will hold the fiber-predicted signal
        f_matrix_sig = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs)
        f_matrix_row = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs)
        f_matrix_col = np.zeros(n_unique_f * n_bvecs)

        keep_ct = 0
        if sphere is not False:
            fiber_signal = [SignalMaker.streamline_signal(s) for s in streamline]
            fiber_signal = [streamline_signal(s, self.gtab, evals)
                            for s in streamline]

        # In each voxel:
        for v_idx, vox in enumerate(vox_coords):
            # dbg:
            # print(100*float(v_idx)/n_vox)
            # For each fiber:
            for f_idx in np.where(v2f[v_idx])[0]:
                # Sum the signal from each node of the fiber in that voxel:
                vox_fiber_sig = np.zeros(n_bvecs)
                for node_idx in np.where(v2fn[f_idx] == v_idx)[0]:
                    this_signal = fiber_signal[f_idx][node_idx]
                    vox_fiber_sig += (this_signal - np.mean(this_signal))
                # For each fiber-voxel combination, we now store the row/column
                # indices and the signal in the pre-allocated linear arrays
                f_matrix_row[keep_ct:keep_ct+n_bvecs] =\
                    np.arange(n_bvecs) + v_idx * n_bvecs
                f_matrix_col[keep_ct:keep_ct+n_bvecs] =\
                    np.ones(n_bvecs) * f_idx
                f_matrix_sig[keep_ct:keep_ct+n_bvecs] = vox_fiber_sig
                keep_ct += n_bvecs

        # Allocate the sparse matrix, using the more memory-efficient 'csr'
        # format (converted from the coo format, which we rely on for the
        # initial allocation):
        life_matrix = sps.coo_matrix((f_matrix_sig,
                                      [f_matrix_row, f_matrix_col])).tocsr()

        return life_matrix, vox_coords