Exemplo n.º 1
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
    if len(argv) != 2:
        print "Usage: " + argv[0] + " <config file> "
        return 1

    config_file = argv[1]
    config = yaml.load(open(config_file, 'r'))

    # Setup logging
    log_path = os.path.join(
        'backup_' + datetime.today().strftime('%A') + '.log')
    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',

    # log_time is not used here so the timing can be reported to nagios
    start = time.time()
    exit_status = 0
    epoch_files = None

    # Run the vbr backup command - The vbr run is quite fast typically completing in less than a minute
    if config['run_vbr']:
        run_vbr(config, 'init')
        run_vbr(config, 'backup')

        catalog_dir = config['catalog_dir']
        base_dir = config['backup_dir']
        prefix_dir = ''
        swift_store = SwiftStore(config['swift_key'], config['swift_region'],
                                 config['swift_tenant'], config['swift_url'],
                                 config['swift_user'], prefix_dir)
        fs_store = FSStore(base_dir, prefix_dir)
        upload_time = datetime.today()

        epoch_files = EpochFiles(os.path.join(base_dir,
                                              prefix_dir), catalog_dir,
                                 config['snapshot_name'], upload_time)

        # Grab the local and swift metadata
        current_metadata = DirectoryMetadata(fs_store, upload_time)
        swift_metadata = DirectoryMetadata(swift_store)

        # Compare the files in the current backup and swift and upload as necessary, then delete as necessary
        with LogTime(log.debug, "Diff operation completed", seconds=True):
            to_add, do_not_del = current_metadata.diff(swift_metadata)

        size_uploaded = 0
        with LogTime(log.info, "Uploaded Completed"):
            for relative_path in to_add:
                size_uploaded += swift_store.upload(relative_path, base_dir)
        log.info("\tUploaded %s in %d items" %
                 (sizeof_fmt(size_uploaded), len(to_add)))

        with LogTime(
                log.info, "Determining items to delete, retaining %d backups" %
            # Grab the pickle names I want to combine, relying on these being in order by date, newest first
            pickles = swift_store.list_pickles()
            combine_pickles = pickles[:config['retain']]

            # Take metadata in all these pickles combine.
            # It would be good to check that there is no overlap in filenames with different content.
            combined_metadata = DirectoryMetadata()
            for pickle in combine_pickles:
                pickle_metadata = DirectoryMetadata.load_pickle(
                    swift_store, pickle)

            # Do a diff with all that is in swift, anything in swift but not in the combined set can be deleted.
            should_be_empty, to_del = combined_metadata.diff(swift_metadata)
            if len(should_be_empty) != 0:
                exit_status = 1
                    "ERROR: Found files in the %d combined retained backups that were not in swift.\n%s"
                    % (config['retain'], should_be_empty))

        with LogTime(log.info, "Deleted %d items" % len(to_del)):
            for relative_path in to_del:

        # Upload today's metadata pickle, this is done last so its presence an indication the backup is done.

        #Clean up old pickles
        delete_pickles(swift_store, config['retain'])

    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unhandled Exception in Backup upload')
        # Move the Epoch files back to their original names so a retry run does not encounter issues with them
        if epoch_files is not None:
        exit_status = 1

    # Status message and exit
    stop = time.time()
    duration = (stop - start) / 60
    duration_msg = "Backup completed in %d minutes total. Thresholds, warn %d.|%d" % \
                   (duration, config['warning'], duration)

    nagios_exit(exit_status, duration_msg, duration, config['warning'])
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
    if len(argv) != 2:
        print "Usage: " + argv[0] + " <config file> "
        return 1

    config_file = argv[1]
    config = yaml.load(open(config_file, 'r'))

    # Setup logging
    log_path = os.path.join(config['log_dir'], 'backup_' + datetime.today().strftime('%A') + '.log')
    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', filename=log_path, level=logging.INFO)

    # log_time is not used here so the timing can be reported to nagios
    start = time.time()
    exit_status = 0

    # Run the vbr backup command - The vbr run is quite fast typically completing in less than a minute
    if config['run_vbr']:
        run_vbr(config)  # If this fails it will sys.exit with an appropriately bad nagios error

        base_dir, prefix_dir = calculate_paths(config)
        swift_store = SwiftStore(config['swift_key'], config['swift_region'], config['swift_tenant'],
                                 config['swift_url'], config['swift_user'], prefix_dir, config['auth_version'])
        fs_store = FSStore(base_dir, prefix_dir)
        upload_time = datetime.today()

        epoch_files = EpochFiles(os.path.join(base_dir, prefix_dir), config['snapshot_name'], upload_time)

        # Grab the local and swift metadata
        current_metadata = DirectoryMetadata(fs_store, upload_time)
        swift_metadata = DirectoryMetadata(swift_store)

        # Compare the files in the current backup and swift and upload as necessary, then delete as necessary
        with LogTime(log.debug, "Diff operation completed", seconds=True):
            to_add, do_not_del = current_metadata.diff(swift_metadata)

        size_uploaded = 0
        with LogTime(log.info, "Uploaded Completed"):
            for relative_path in to_add:
                size_uploaded += swift_store.upload(relative_path, base_dir)
        log.info("\tUploaded %s in %d items" % (sizeof_fmt(size_uploaded), len(to_add)))

        with LogTime(log.info, "Determining items to delete, retaining %d backups" % config['retain']):
            # Grab the pickle names I want to combine, relying on these being in order by date, newest first
            pickles = swift_store.list_pickles()
            combine_pickles = pickles[:config['retain']]

            # Take metadata in all these pickles combine.
            # It would be good to check that there is no overlap in filenames with different content.
            combined_metadata = DirectoryMetadata()
            for pickle in combine_pickles:
                pickle_metadata = DirectoryMetadata.load_pickle(swift_store, pickle)

            # Do a diff with all that is in swift, anything in swift but not in the combined set can be deleted.
            should_be_empty, to_del = combined_metadata.diff(swift_metadata)
            if len(should_be_empty) != 0:
                exit_status = 1
                    "ERROR: Found files in the %d combined retained backups that were not in swift.\n%s"
                    % (config['retain'], should_be_empty)

        with LogTime(log.info, "Deleted %d items" % len(to_del)):
            for relative_path in to_del:

        # Upload today's metadata pickle, this is done last so its presence an indication the backup is done.

        #Clean up old pickles
        delete_pickles(swift_store, config['retain'])

        log.exception('Unhandled Exception in Backup upload')
        # Move the Epoch files back to their original names so a retry run does not encounter issues with them
        exit_status = 1

    # Status message and exit
    stop = time.time()
    duration = (stop - start) / 60
    duration_msg = "Backup completed in %d minutes total. Thresholds, warn %d.|%d" % \
                   (duration, config['warning'], duration)

    nagios_exit(exit_status, duration_msg, duration, config['warning'])