Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_table_metadata(self):
     ids, cols = psda.get_table_dataids_and_column_names(
         'shared', 'validated_01_2014')
     self.assertIn(744, ids, 'shared table 01 2014 has dataid 744')
     self.assertIn('use', cols, 'shared table 01 2014 has column "use"')
     self.assertIn('air1', cols, 'shared table 01 2014 has column "air1"')
Exemplo n.º 2
##this is wrong it depends which version is running
schema = dataset
#schema_e = schema[1:-1]
tables = pecan.get_table_names(schema)
print 'You can now view data for any of these months\n'
for i in tables:
    print i + '\n'

print '''Which month would you like to view data for?
Please enter one of the table names exactly as it is printed and as a string:
month = raw_input()
print month
print "This next step takes about a minute..."

i,a = pecan.get_table_dataids_and_column_names(schema,str(month))

print '''You can now load data for a single home.
Here are the homes you can choose from:\n'''

for home in i:
    print home

print '''Each home has the same kind of appliances. Here is a list of those
print a

print '''You can now get trace information per house. You can also see the
trace of a particular appliance. However this is the point where you are
informed that "seeing" is actually a step that comes after pickling. Do you want to pickle a house? If not you will be asked shortly to pickle a type? Enter yes or no'''
boo = raw_input()
Exemplo n.º 3
##this is wrong it depends which version is running
schema = dataset
#schema_e = schema[1:-1]
tables = pecan.get_table_names(schema)
print 'You can now view data for any of these months\n'
for i in tables:
    print i + '\n'

print '''Which month would you like to view data for?
Please enter one of the table names exactly as it is printed and as a string:
month = raw_input()
print month
print "This next step takes about a minute..."

i, a = pecan.get_table_dataids_and_column_names(schema, str(month))

print '''You can now load data for a single home.
Here are the homes you can choose from:\n'''

for home in i:
    print home

print '''Each home has the same kind of appliances. Here is a list of those
print a

print '''You can now get trace information per house. You can also see the
trace of a particular appliance. However this is the point where you are
informed that "seeing" is actually a step that comes after pickling. Do you want to pickle a house? If not you will be asked shortly to pickle a type? Enter yes or no'''
boo = raw_input()
 def test_table_metadata(self):
     ids,cols = psda.get_table_dataids_and_column_names('shared','validated_01_2014')
     self.assertIn(744,ids,'shared table 01 2014 has dataid 744')
     self.assertIn('use',cols,'shared table 01 2014 has column "use"')
     self.assertIn('air1',cols,'shared table 01 2014 has column "air1"')