class DiscoveryServer():
    def __init__(self, args):
        self._homepage_links = []
        self._args = args
        self.service_config = args.service_config
        self._debug = {
            'hb_stray': 0,
            'msg_pubs': 0,
            'msg_subs': 0,
            'msg_query': 0,
            'msg_hbt': 0,
            'ttl_short': 0,
            'policy_rr': 0,
            'policy_lb': 0,
            'policy_fi': 0,
            'db_upd_hb': 0,
            'max_pend_pb': 0,
            'max_pend_sb': 0,
            'max_pend_hb': 0,
            'cur_pend_pb': 0,
            'cur_pend_sb': 0,
            'cur_pend_hb': 0,
            'throttle_subs': 0,
            'restarting': 0,
        self._ts_use = 1
        self.short_ttl_map = {}
        self._sem = BoundedSemaphore(1)

        self._base_url = "http://%s:%s" % (self._args.listen_ip_addr,
        self._pipe_start_app = None

        bottle.route('/', 'GET', self.homepage_http_get)

        # heartbeat
        bottle.route('/heartbeat', 'POST', self.api_heartbeat)

        # publish service
        bottle.route('/publish', 'POST', self.api_publish)
            LinkObject('action', self._base_url, '/publish',
                       'publish service'))
        bottle.route('/publish/<end_point>', 'POST', self.api_publish)

        # subscribe service
        bottle.route('/subscribe', 'POST', self.api_subscribe)
            LinkObject('action', self._base_url, '/subscribe',
                       'subscribe service'))

        # query service
        bottle.route('/query', 'POST', self.api_query)
            LinkObject('action', self._base_url, '/query', 'query service'))

        # collection - services
        bottle.route('/services', 'GET', self.show_all_services)
            LinkObject('action', self._base_url, '/services',
                       'show published services'))
        bottle.route('/services.json', 'GET', self.services_json)
            LinkObject('action', self._base_url, '/services.json',
                       'List published services in JSON format'))
        # show a specific service type
        bottle.route('/services/<service_type>', 'GET', self.show_all_services)

        # update service
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'PUT', self.service_http_put)

        # get service info
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'GET', self.service_http_get)
        bottle.route('/service/<id>/brief', 'GET', self.service_brief_http_get)

        # delete (un-publish) service
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'DELETE', self.service_http_delete)

        # collection - clients
        bottle.route('/clients', 'GET', self.show_all_clients)
            LinkObject('action', self._base_url, '/clients',
                       'list all subscribers'))
        bottle.route('/clients.json', 'GET', self.clients_json)
            LinkObject('action', self._base_url, '/clients.json',
                       'list all subscribers in JSON format'))

        # show config
        bottle.route('/config', 'GET', self.config_http_get)
            LinkObject('action', self._base_url, '/config',
                       'show discovery service config'))

        # show debug
        bottle.route('/stats', 'GET', self.show_stats)
            LinkObject('action', self._base_url, '/stats',
                       'show discovery service stats'))

        # cleanup
        bottle.route('/cleanup', 'GET', self.cleanup_http_get)
            LinkObject('action', self._base_url, '/cleanup',
                       'Purge inactive publishers'))

        if not self._pipe_start_app:
            self._pipe_start_app =

        # sandesh init
        self._sandesh = Sandesh()
        module = Module.DISCOVERY_SERVICE
        module_name = ModuleNames[module]
        node_type = Module2NodeType[module]
        node_type_name = NodeTypeNames[node_type]
        instance_id = self._args.worker_id
        self._sandesh.init_generator(module_name, socket.gethostname(),
                                     node_type_name, instance_id,
                                     ['sandesh', 'uve'])

        # DB interface initialization
        self._db_conn = self._args.zk

        # update services database (old db didn't keep HB)
        for entry in self._db_conn.service_entries():
            update = False
            if 'heartbeat' not in entry:
                entry['heartbeat'] = int(time.time())
                self._debug['db_upd_hb'] += 1
                update = True

            if update:
                                             entry['service_id'], entry)

        # build in-memory subscriber data
        self._sub_data = {}
        for (client_id, service_type) in self._db_conn.subscriber_entries():
            self.create_sub_data(client_id, service_type)

        # must be done after we have built in-memory publisher data from db.

    # end __init__

    def create_sub_data(self, client_id, service_type):
        if not client_id in self._sub_data:
            self._sub_data[client_id] = {}
        if not service_type in self._sub_data[client_id]:
            sdata = {
                'ttl_expires': 0,
                'heartbeat': int(time.time()),
            self._sub_data[client_id][service_type] = sdata
        return self._sub_data[client_id][service_type]

    # end

    def delete_sub_data(self, client_id, service_type):
        if (client_id in self._sub_data
                and service_type in self._sub_data[client_id]):
            del self._sub_data[client_id][service_type]
            if len(self._sub_data[client_id]) == 0:
                del self._sub_data[client_id]

    # end

    def get_sub_data(self, id, service_type):
        if id in self._sub_data and service_type in self._sub_data[id]:
            return self._sub_data[id][service_type]
        return self.create_sub_data(id, service_type)

    # end

    # Public Methods
    def get_args(self):
        return self._args

    # end get_args

    def get_ip_addr(self):
        return self._args.listen_ip_addr

    # end get_ip_addr

    def get_port(self):
        return self._args.listen_port

    # end get_port

    def get_pipe_start_app(self):
        return self._pipe_start_app

    # end get_pipe_start_app

    def homepage_http_get(self):
        json_links = []
        url = bottle.request.url[:-1]
        for link in self._homepage_links:
            json_links.append({'link': link.to_dict(with_url=url)})

        json_body = \
            {"href": self._base_url,
             "links": json_links

        return json_body

    # end homepage_http_get

    def get_service_config(self, service_type, item):
        service = service_type.lower()
        if (service in self.service_config
                and item in self.service_config[service]):
            return self.service_config[service][item]
        elif item in self._args.__dict__:
            return self._args.__dict__[item]
            return None

    # end

    def _db_connect(self, reset_config):
        zk_ip = self._args.zk_server_ip
        zk_port = self._args.zk_server_port

        self._db_conn = DiscoveryZkClient("discovery", zk_ip, zk_port,

    # end _db_connect

    def cleanup(self):

    # end cleanup

    def syslog(self, log_msg):
        log = sandesh.discServiceLog(log_msg=log_msg, sandesh=self._sandesh)

    def get_ttl_short(self, client_id, service_type, default):
        ttl = default
        if not client_id in self.short_ttl_map:
            self.short_ttl_map[client_id] = {}
        if service_type in self.short_ttl_map[client_id]:
            # keep doubling till we land in normal range
            ttl = self.short_ttl_map[client_id][service_type] * 2
            if ttl >= 32:
                ttl = 32

        self.short_ttl_map[client_id][service_type] = ttl
        return ttl

    # end

    # check if service expired (return color along)
    def service_expired(self, entry, include_color=False, include_down=True):
        timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=(int(time.time()) -

        if self._args.hc_interval <= 0:
            # health check has been disabled
            color = "#00FF00"  # green - all good
            expired = False
        elif timedelta.seconds <= self._args.hc_interval:
            color = "#00FF00"  # green - all good
            expired = False
        elif (timedelta.seconds >
              (self._args.hc_interval * self._args.hc_max_miss)):
            color = "#FF0000"  # red - publication expired
            expired = True
            color = "#FFFF00"  # yellow - missed some heartbeats
            expired = False

        if include_down and entry['admin_state'] != 'up':
            color = "#FF0000"  # red - publication expired
            expired = True

        if include_color:
            return (expired, color, timedelta)
            return expired

    # end service_expired

    # 404 forces republish
    def heartbeat(self, sig):
        # self.syslog('heartbeat from "%s"' % sig)
        self._debug['msg_hbt'] += 1
        info = sig.split(':')
        if len(info) != 2:
            self.syslog('Unable to parse heartbeat cookie %s' % sig)
            bottle.abort(404, 'Unable to parse heartbeat')

        service_type = info[1]
        service_id = info[0]
        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id)
        if not entry:
            self.syslog('Received stray heartbeat with cookie %s' % (sig))
            self._debug['hb_stray'] += 1
            bottle.abort(404, 'Publisher %s not found' % sig)

        # update heartbeat timestamp in database
        entry['heartbeat'] = int(time.time())

        # insert entry if timed out by background task
        if entry['sequence'] == -1:
            self._db_conn.insert_service(service_type, entry['service_id'],
        self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, entry['service_id'], entry)

        m = sandesh.dsHeartBeat(publisher_id=sig,
        m.trace_msg(name='dsHeartBeatTraceBuf', sandesh=self._sandesh)
        return '200 OK'

    # end heartbeat

    def api_heartbeat(self):
        self._debug['cur_pend_hb'] += 1
        if self._debug['cur_pend_hb'] > self._debug['max_pend_hb']:
            self._debug['max_pend_hb'] = self._debug['cur_pend_hb']
        if self._db_conn.is_restarting():
            self._debug['restarting'] += 1
            bottle.abort(503, 'Service Unavailable')
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        json_req = {}
            if ctype == 'application/xml':
                data = xmltodict.parse(
                data = bottle.request.json
        except Exception as e:
            self.syslog('Unable to parse heartbeat')
            bottle.abort(400, 'Unable to parse heartbeat')

        status = self.heartbeat(data['cookie'])
        self._debug['cur_pend_hb'] -= 1
        return status

    def api_publish(self, end_point=None):
        self._debug['cur_pend_pb'] += 1
        if self._debug['cur_pend_pb'] > self._debug['max_pend_pb']:
            self._debug['max_pend_pb'] = self._debug['cur_pend_pb']
        if self._db_conn.is_restarting():
            self._debug['restarting'] += 1
            bottle.abort(503, 'Service Unavailable')
        self._debug['msg_pubs'] += 1
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        json_req = {}
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            data = bottle.request.json
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['name'] = service_type
                json_req['info'] = info
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['name'] = service_type
                json_req['info'] = dict(info)
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        sig = end_point or publisher_id(bottle.request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'],

        # Rx {'name': u'ifmap-server', 'info': {u'ip_addr': u'',
        # u'port': u'8443'}}
        info = json_req['info']
        service_type = json_req['name']

        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id=sig)
        if not entry:
            entry = {
                'service_type': service_type,
                'service_id': sig,
                'in_use': 0,
                'ts_use': 0,
                'ts_created': int(time.time()),
                'heartbeat': int(time.time()),
                'prov_state': 'new',
                'sequence': -1,
                'remote': bottle.request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR'),

        entry['info'] = info
        entry['admin_state'] = 'up'

        # insert entry if new or timed out
        if 'sequence' not in entry or entry['sequence'] == -1:
            self._db_conn.insert_service(service_type, sig, entry)
        self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, sig, entry)

        response = {'cookie': sig + ':' + service_type}
        if ctype != 'application/json':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})

        self.syslog('publish service "%s", sid=%s, info=%s' %
                    (service_type, sig, info))

        if not service_type.lower() in self.service_config:
                service_type.lower()] = self._args.default_service_opts

        self._debug['cur_pend_pb'] -= 1
        return response

    # end api_publish

    # find least loaded service instances - sort by subscriber count
    def service_list_round_robin(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_rr'] += 1
        return sorted(pubs, key=lambda service: service['in_use'])

    # end

    # most recently used on top of round robin - MRU first
    def service_list_load_balance(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_lb'] += 1
        temp = sorted(pubs,
                      key=lambda service: service['ts_use'],
        return sorted(temp, key=lambda service: service['in_use'])

    # end

    # master election
    def service_list_fixed(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_fi'] += 1
        return sorted(pubs, key=lambda service: service['sequence'])

    # end

    def service_list(self, service_type, pubs):
        policy = self.get_service_config(service_type, 'policy')

        if policy == 'load-balance':
            f = self.service_list_load_balance
        elif policy == 'fixed':
            f = self.service_list_fixed
            f = self.service_list_round_robin

        return f(pubs)

    # end

    def api_subscribe(self):
        self._debug['msg_subs'] += 1
        if self._db_conn.is_restarting():
            self._debug['restarting'] += 1
            bottle.abort(503, 'Service Unavailable')
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            json_req = bottle.request.json
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            json_req = {}
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['service'] = service_type
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        service_type = json_req['service']
        client_id = json_req['client']
        count = reqcnt = int(json_req['instances'])
        client_type = json_req.get('client-type', '')

        # throttle subscribe requests to prevent overload
        if self._debug['cur_pend_sb'] > 100:
            self._debug['throttle_subs'] += 1
            response = {'ttl': 120, service_type: []}
            if ctype == 'application/xml':
                response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})
            return response

        self._debug['cur_pend_sb'] += 1
        if self._debug['cur_pend_sb'] > self._debug['max_pend_sb']:
            self._debug['max_pend_sb'] = self._debug['cur_pend_sb']

        assigned_sid = set()
        r = []
        ttl = randint(self._args.ttl_min, self._args.ttl_max)

        cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
        if not cl_entry:
            cl_entry = {
                'instances': count,
                'remote': bottle.request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR'),
                'client_type': client_type,
            self.create_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            self._db_conn.insert_client_data(service_type, client_id, cl_entry)

        sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
        if sdata:
            sdata['ttl_expires'] += 1

        # need to send short ttl?
        pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type) or []
        pubs_active = [item for item in pubs if not self.service_expired(item)]
        if len(pubs_active) < reqcnt:
            ttl_short = self.get_service_config(service_type, 'ttl_short')
            if ttl_short:
                ttl = self.get_ttl_short(client_id, service_type, ttl_short)
                self._debug['ttl_short'] += 1

        # check existing subscriptions
        subs = self._db_conn.lookup_subscription(service_type, client_id) or []

            'subscribe: service type=%s, client=%s:%s, ttl=%d, asked=%d pubs=%d/%d, subs=%d'
            % (service_type, client_type, client_id, ttl, count, len(pubs),
               len(pubs_active), len(subs)))

        if subs:
            for service_id, result in subs:
                entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type,
                # previously published service is gone
                if entry is None:
                # or just not reachable
                if self.service_expired(entry):
                self._db_conn.insert_client(service_type, service_id,
                                            client_id, result, ttl)
                count -= 1
                if count == 0:
                    response = {'ttl': ttl, service_type: r}
                    if ctype == 'application/xml':
                        response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})
                    self._debug['cur_pend_sb'] -= 1
                    return response

        # find least loaded instances
        pubs = self.service_list(service_type, pubs_active)

        # prepare response - send all if count 0
        for index in range(len(pubs)):
            entry = pubs[index]

            # skip duplicates - could happen if some publishers have quit and
            # we have already picked up others from cached information above
            if entry['service_id'] in assigned_sid:

            result = entry['info']

            self.syslog(' assign service=%s, info=%s' %
                        (entry['service_id'], json.dumps(result)))

            # create client entry
            self._db_conn.insert_client(service_type, entry['service_id'],
                                        client_id, result, ttl)

            # update publisher entry
            entry['ts_use'] = self._ts_use
            self._ts_use += 1
            self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, entry['service_id'],

            count -= 1
            if count == 0:

        response = {'ttl': ttl, service_type: r}
        if ctype == 'application/xml':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})
        self._debug['cur_pend_sb'] -= 1
        return response

    # end api_subscribe

    def api_query(self):
        self._debug['msg_query'] += 1
        if self._db_conn.is_restarting():
            self._debug['restarting'] += 1
            bottle.abort(503, 'Service Unavailable')
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            json_req = bottle.request.json
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            json_req = {}
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['service'] = service_type
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        service_type = json_req['service']
        count = int(json_req['instances'])

        r = []

        # lookup publishers of the service
        pubs = self._db_conn.query_service(service_type)
        if not pubs:
            return {service_type: r}

        # eliminate inactive services
        pubs_active = [item for item in pubs if not self.service_expired(item)]
        self.syslog(' query: Found %s publishers, %d active, need %d' %
                    (len(pubs), len(pubs_active), count))

        # find least loaded instances
        pubs = pubs_active

        # prepare response - send all if count 0
        for index in range(min(count, len(pubs)) if count else len(pubs)):
            entry = pubs[index]

            result = entry['info']

            self.syslog(' assign service=%s, info=%s' %
                        (entry['service_id'], json.dumps(result)))

            # don't update pubsub data if we are sending entire list
            if count == 0:

        response = {service_type: r}
        if ctype == 'application/xml':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})
        return response

    # end api_subscribe

    def show_all_services(self, service_type=None):

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Remote IP</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Provision State</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Admin State</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>In Use</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Time since last Heartbeat</td>\n'
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'

        # lookup publishers of the service
        if service_type:
            pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type)
            pubs = self._db_conn.get_all_services()

        if not pubs:
            return rsp

        for pub in pubs:
            info = pub['info']
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            if service_type:
                rsp += '        <td>' + pub['service_type'] + '</td>\n'
                link = do_html_url("/services/%s" % (pub['service_type']),
                rsp += '        <td>' + link + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['remote'] + '</td>\n'
            sig = pub['service_id'] + ':' + pub['service_type']
            link = do_html_url("/service/%s/brief" % sig, sig)
            rsp += '        <td>' + link + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['prov_state'] + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['admin_state'] + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(pub['in_use']) + '</td>\n'
            (expired, color,
             timedelta) = self.service_expired(pub, include_color=True)
            #status = "down" if expired else "up"
            rsp += '        <td bgcolor=%s>' % (color) + str(
                timedelta) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        rsp += ' </table>\n'

        return rsp

    # end show_services

    def services_json(self, service_type=None):
        rsp = []

        # lookup publishers of the service
        if service_type:
            pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type)
            pubs = self._db_conn.get_all_services()

        if not pubs:
            return {'services': rsp}

        for pub in pubs:
            entry = pub.copy()
            entry['status'] = "down" if self.service_expired(entry) else "up"
            entry['hbcount'] = 0
            # send unique service ID (hash or service endpoint + type)
            entry['service_id'] = str(entry['service_id'] + ':' +
        return {'services': rsp}

    # end services_json

    def service_http_put(self, id):
        self.syslog('Update service %s' % (id))
            json_req = bottle.request.json
            service_type = json_req['service_type']
            self.syslog('Entry %s' % (json_req))
        except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as e:
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id=id)
        if not entry:
            bottle.abort(405, 'Unknown service')

        if 'admin_state' in json_req:
            entry['admin_state'] = json_req['admin_state']
        self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, id, entry)

        self.syslog('update service=%s, sid=%s, info=%s' %
                    (service_type, id, entry))

        return {}

    # end service_http_put

    def service_http_delete(self, id):
        info = id.split(':')
        service_type = info[1]
        service_id = info[0]
        self.syslog('Delete service %s:%s' % (service_id, service_type))
        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id)
        if not entry:
            bottle.abort(405, 'Unknown service')

        entry['admin_state'] = 'down'
        self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, service_id, entry)

        self.syslog('delete service=%s, sid=%s, info=%s' %
                    (service_type, service_id, entry))

        return {}

    # end service_http_delete

    # return service info - meta as well as published data
    def service_http_get(self, id):
        info = id.split(':')
        service_type = info[1]
        service_id = info[0]
        pub = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id)
        if pub:
            entry = pub.copy()
            entry['hbcount'] = 0
            entry['status'] = "down" if self.service_expired(entry) else "up"

        return entry

    # end service_http_get

    # return service info - only published data
    def service_brief_http_get(self, id):
        info = id.split(':')
        service_type = info[1]
        service_id = info[0]
        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id)
        if entry:
            return entry['info']
            return 'Unknown service %s' % id

    # end service_brief_http_get

    # purge expired publishers
    def cleanup_http_get(self):
        pubs = self._db_conn.get_all_services()
        for entry in pubs:
            if self.service_expired(entry):
        return self.show_all_services()


    def show_all_clients(self):

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client IP</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>TTL (sec)</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Time Remaining</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Refresh Count</td>\n'
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'

        # lookup subscribers of the service
        clients = self._db_conn.get_all_clients()

        if not clients:
            return rsp

        for client in clients:
            (service_type, client_id, service_id, mtime, ttl) = client
            cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
            if cl_entry is None:
            sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            if sdata is None:
                self.syslog('Missing sdata for client %s, service %s' %
                            (client_id, service_type))
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + cl_entry['remote'] + '</td>\n'
            client_type = cl_entry.get('client_type', '')
            rsp += '        <td>' + client_type + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + client_id + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + service_type + '</td>\n'
            sig = service_id + ':' + service_type
            link = do_html_url("service/%s/brief" % (sig), sig)
            rsp += '        <td>' + link + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(ttl) + '</td>\n'
            remaining = ttl - int(time.time() - mtime)
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(remaining) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(sdata['ttl_expires']) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        rsp += ' </table>\n'

        return rsp

    # end show_clients

    def clients_json(self):

        rsp = []
        clients = self._db_conn.get_all_clients()

        if not clients:
            return {'services': rsp}

        for client in clients:
            (service_type, client_id, service_id, mtime, ttl) = client
            cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
            sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            if sdata is None:
                self.syslog('Missing sdata for client %s, service %s' %
                            (client_id, service_type))
            entry = cl_entry.copy()

            entry['client_id'] = str(client_id)
            entry['service_type'] = str(service_type)
            # send unique service ID (hash or service endpoint + type)
            entry['service_id'] = str(service_id + ':' + service_type)
            entry['ttl'] = ttl

        return {'services': rsp}

    # end show_clients

    def config_http_get(self):
        r = {}
        r['global'] = self._args.__dict__
        for service, config in self.service_config.items():
            r[service] = config
        return r

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()

        #rsp += '<h4>Defaults:</h4>'
        rsp += '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '<tr><th colspan="2">Defaults</th></tr>'
        for k, v in self._args.__dict__.items():
            rsp += '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (k, v)
        rsp += '</table>'
        rsp += '<br>'

        for service, config in self.service_config.items():
            #rsp += '<h4>%s:</h4>' %(service)
            rsp += '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
            rsp += '<tr><th colspan="2">%s</th></tr>' % (service)
            for k, v in config.items():
                rsp += '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (k, v)
            rsp += '</table>'
            rsp += '<br>'
        return rsp

    # end config_http_get

    def show_stats(self):
        stats = self._debug

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        for k in sorted(stats.iterkeys()):
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' % (k)
            rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' % (stats[k])
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        return rsp
Exemplo n.º 2
class DiscoveryServer():

    def __init__(self, args_str=None):
        self._homepage_links = []
        self._args = None
        self._debug = {
            'hb_stray': 0,
            'msg_pubs': 0,
            'msg_subs': 0,
            'msg_query': 0,
            'heartbeats': 0,
            'ttl_short': 0,
            'policy_rr': 0,
            'policy_lb': 0,
            'policy_fi': 0,
        self._ts_use = 1
        self.short_ttl_map = {}
        self._sem = BoundedSemaphore(1)
        if not args_str:
            args_str = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])

        self._base_url = "http://%s:%s" % (self._args.listen_ip_addr,
        self._pipe_start_app = None

        bottle.route('/', 'GET', self.homepage_http_get)

        # publish service
        bottle.route('/publish', 'POST', self.api_publish)
                self._base_url , '/publish', 'publish service'))

        # subscribe service
        bottle.route('/subscribe',  'POST', self.api_subscribe)
                self._base_url , '/subscribe', 'subscribe service'))

        # query service
        bottle.route('/query',  'POST', self.api_query)
                self._base_url , '/query', 'query service'))

        # collection - services
        bottle.route('/services', 'GET', self.show_all_services)
                self._base_url , '/services', 'show published services'))
        bottle.route('/services.json', 'GET', self.services_json)
                self._base_url , '/services.json',
                'List published services in JSON format'))
        # show a specific service type
        bottle.route('/services/<service_type>', 'GET', self.show_all_services)

        # update service
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'PUT', self.service_http_put)

        # get service info
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'GET',  self.service_http_get)
        bottle.route('/service/<id>/brief', 'GET', self.service_brief_http_get)

        # delete (un-publish) service
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'DELETE', self.service_http_delete)

        # collection - clients
        bottle.route('/clients', 'GET', self.show_all_clients)
                self._base_url , '/clients', 'list all subscribers'))
        bottle.route('/clients.json', 'GET', self.clients_json)
                self._base_url , '/clients.json',
                'list all subscribers in JSON format'))

        # show config
        bottle.route('/config', 'GET', self.config_http_get)
                self._base_url , '/config', 'show discovery service config'))

        # show debug
        bottle.route('/stats', 'GET', self.show_stats)
                self._base_url , '/stats', 'show discovery service stats'))

        # cleanup 
        bottle.route('/cleanup', 'GET', self.cleanup_http_get)
            self._base_url , '/cleanup', 'Purge inactive publishers'))

        if not self._pipe_start_app:
            self._pipe_start_app =

        # sandesh init
        self._sandesh = Sandesh()
            ModuleNames[Module.DISCOVERY_SERVICE], socket.gethostname(),
            self._args.collectors, 'discovery_context', 
            int(self._args.http_server_port), ['sandesh', 'uve'])

        # DB interface initialization

        # build in-memory publisher data
        self._pub_data = {}
        for entry in self._db_conn.service_entries():
            self.create_pub_data(entry['service_id'], entry['service_type'])

        # build in-memory subscriber data
        self._sub_data = {}
        for (client_id, service_type) in self._db_conn.subscriber_entries():
            self.create_sub_data(client_id, service_type)

        # must be done after we have built in-memory publisher data from db.
    # end __init__

    def create_pub_data(self, service_id, service_type):
        self._pub_data[service_id] = {
            'service_type': service_type,
            'hbcount': 0,
            'heartbeat': int(time.time()),

    def delete_pub_data(self, id):
        del self._pub_data[id]

    def create_sub_data(self, client_id, service_type):
        if not client_id in self._sub_data:
            self._sub_data[client_id] = {}
        if not service_type in self._sub_data[client_id]:
            sdata = {
                'ttl_expires': 0,
                'heartbeat': int(time.time()),
            self._sub_data[client_id][service_type] = sdata
        return self._sub_data[client_id][service_type]
    # end

    def delete_sub_data(self, client_id, service_type):
        if (client_id in self._sub_data and
                service_type in self._sub_data[client_id]):
            del self._sub_data[client_id][service_type]
            if len(self._sub_data[client_id]) == 0:
                del self._sub_data[client_id]
    # end

    def get_pub_data(self, id):
        return self._pub_data.get(id, None)
    # end

    def get_sub_data(self, id, service_type):
        if id in self._sub_data:
            return self._sub_data[id].get(service_type, None)
        return None
    # end

    # Public Methods
    def get_args(self):
        return self._args
    # end get_args

    def get_ip_addr(self):
        return self._args.listen_ip_addr
    # end get_ip_addr

    def get_port(self):
        return self._args.listen_port
    # end get_port

    def get_pipe_start_app(self):
        return self._pipe_start_app
    # end get_pipe_start_app

    def homepage_http_get(self):
        json_links = []
        url = bottle.request.url[:-1]
        for link in self._homepage_links:
            json_links.append({'link': link.to_dict(with_url=url)})

        json_body = \
            {"href": self._base_url,
             "links": json_links

        return json_body
    # end homepage_http_get

    # Private Methods
    def _parse_args(self, args_str):
        Eg. python

                     --zk_server_port 9160
                     --listen_port 5998

        # Source any specified config/ini file
        # Turn off help, so we print all options in response to -h
        conf_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)

        conf_parser.add_argument("-c", "--conf_file",
                                 help="Specify config file", metavar="FILE")
        args, remaining_argv = conf_parser.parse_known_args(args_str.split())

        defaults = {
            'reset_config': False,
            'listen_ip_addr': disc_consts._WEB_HOST,
            'listen_port': disc_consts._WEB_PORT,
            'zk_server_ip': disc_consts._ZK_HOST,
            'zk_server_port': disc_consts._ZK_PORT,
            'ttl_min': disc_consts._TTL_MIN,
            'ttl_max': disc_consts._TTL_MAX,
            'ttl_short': 0,
            'hc_interval': disc_consts.HC_INTERVAL,
            'hc_max_miss': disc_consts.HC_MAX_MISS,
            'collectors': '',
            'http_server_port': '5997',
            'log_local': False,
            'log_level': SandeshLevel.SYS_DEBUG,
            'log_category': '',
            'log_file': Sandesh._DEFAULT_LOG_FILE

        # per service options
        self.default_service_opts = {
            'policy': None,
        self.service_config = {}

        if args.conf_file:
            config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
            for section in config.sections():
                if section == "DEFAULTS":
                    section.lower()] = self.default_service_opts.copy()

        # Override with CLI options
        # Don't surpress add_help here so it will handle -h
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            # Inherit options from config_parser
            # print script description with -h/--help
            # Don't mess with format of description

                            help="IP address of zk server")
        parser.add_argument("--zk_server_port", type=int,
                            help="Port of zk server")
            "--reset_config", action="store_true",
            help="Warning! Destroy previous configuration and start clean")
            help="IP address to provide service on, default %s"
            % (disc_consts._WEB_HOST))
            "--listen_port", type=int,
            help="Port to provide service on, default %s"
            % (disc_consts._WEB_PORT))
            "--ttl_min", type=int,
            help="Minimum time to cache service information, default %d"
            % (disc_consts._TTL_MIN))
            "--ttl_max", type=int,
            help="Maximum time to cache service information, default %d"
            % (disc_consts._TTL_MAX))
            "--ttl_short", type=int,
            help="Short TTL for agressively subscription schedule")
            "--hc_interval", type=int,
            help="Heartbeat interval, default %d seconds"
            % (disc_consts.HC_INTERVAL))
            "--hc_max_miss", type=int,
            help="Maximum heartbeats to miss before declaring out-of-service, "
            "default %d" % (disc_consts.HC_MAX_MISS))
                            help="List of VNC collectors in ip:port format",
                            help="Port of local HTTP server")
            "--log_local", action="store_true",
            help="Enable local logging of sandesh messages")
            help="Severity level for local logging of sandesh messages")
            help="Category filter for local logging of sandesh messages")
                            help="Filename for the logs to be written to")
        self._args = parser.parse_args(remaining_argv)
        self._args.conf_file = args.conf_file
        if type(self._args.collectors) is str:
            self._args.collectors = self._args.collectors.split()
    # end _parse_args

    def get_service_config(self, service_type, item):
        service = service_type.lower()
        if (service in self.service_config and
                item in self.service_config[service]):
            return self.service_config[service][item]
        elif item in self._args.__dict__:
            return self._args.__dict__[item]
            return None
    # end

    def _db_connect(self, reset_config):
        zk_ip = self._args.zk_server_ip
        zk_port = self._args.zk_server_port

        self._db_conn = DiscoveryZkClient(self, zk_ip, zk_port, reset_config)
    # end _db_connect

    def cleanup(self):
    # end cleanup

    def syslog(self, log_msg):
        log = sandesh.discServiceLog(
            log_msg=log_msg, sandesh=self._sandesh)

    def get_ttl_short(self, client_id, service_type, default):
        ttl = default
        if not client_id in self.short_ttl_map:
            self.short_ttl_map[client_id] = {}
        if service_type in self.short_ttl_map[client_id]:
            # keep doubling till we land in normal range
            ttl = self.short_ttl_map[client_id][service_type] * 2
            if ttl >= 32:
                ttl = 32

        self.short_ttl_map[client_id][service_type] = ttl
        return ttl
    # end

    # check if service expired (return color along)
    def service_expired(self, entry, include_color=False, include_down=True):
        pdata = self.get_pub_data(entry['service_id'])
        timedelta = datetime.timedelta(
            seconds=(int(time.time()) - pdata['heartbeat']))
        if timedelta.seconds <= self._args.hc_interval:
            color = "#00FF00"   # green - all good
            expired = False
        elif (timedelta.seconds > (self._args.hc_interval *
            color = "#FF0000"   # red - publication expired
            expired = True
            color = "#FFFF00"   # yellow - missed some heartbeats
            expired = False

        if include_down and entry['admin_state'] != 'up':
            color = "#FF0000"   # red - publication expired
            expired = True

        if include_color:
            return (expired, color, timedelta)
            return expired
    # end service_expired

    def heartbeat(self, sig):
        self._debug['heartbeats'] += 1
        pdata = self.get_pub_data(sig)
        if not pdata:
            self.syslog('Received stray hearbeat with cookie %s' % (sig))
            self._debug['hb_stray'] += 1
            # resource not found
            return '404 Not Found'

        pdata['hbcount'] += 1
        pdata['heartbeat'] = int(time.time())

        m = sandesh.dsHeartBeat(
            publisher_id=sig, service_type=pdata['service_type'],
        m.trace_msg(name='dsHeartBeatTraceBuf', sandesh=self._sandesh)
        return '200 OK'
        # print 'heartbeat service "%s", sid=%s' %(entry['service_type'], sig)
    # end heartbeat

    def handle_heartbeat(self):
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        sock.bind((self.get_ip_addr(), self.get_port()))
        while True:
            data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
            print ''
            print 'addr = ', addr
            print 'data = ', data
            data = xmltodict.parse(data)
            status = self.heartbeat(data['cookie'])

            # send status back to publisher
            sock.sendto(status, addr)
    # end start

    def api_publish(self):
        self._debug['msg_pubs'] += 1
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        json_req = {}
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            data = bottle.request.json
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['name'] = service_type
                json_req['info'] = info
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['name'] = service_type
                json_req['info'] = dict(info)
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        sig = publisher_id(
            bottle.request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], json.dumps(json_req))

        # Rx {'name': u'ifmap-server', 'info': {u'ip_addr': u'',
        # u'port': u'8443'}}
        info = json_req['info']
        service_type = json_req['name']

        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id=sig)
        if not entry:
            entry = {
                'service_type': service_type,
                'service_id': sig,
                'in_use': 0,
                'ts_use': 0,
                'ts_created': int(time.time()),
                'prov_state': 'new',
                'remote': bottle.request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR'),
                'info': info,
            self.create_pub_data(sig, service_type)

        # update TS in case publisher has rebooted and hasn't sent heartbeat yet
        pdata = self.get_pub_data(sig)
        pdata['heartbeat'] = int(time.time())

        entry['admin_state'] = 'up'
        self._db_conn.insert_service(service_type, sig, entry)

        response = {'cookie': sig}
        if ctype != 'application/json':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})

        self.syslog('publish service "%s", sid=%s, info=%s'
                    % (service_type, sig, info))

        if not service_type.lower() in self.service_config:
                service_type.lower()] = self.default_service_opts

        return response
    # end api_publish

    # find least loaded service instances - sort by subscriber count
    def service_list_round_robin(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_rr'] += 1
        return sorted(pubs, key=lambda service: service['in_use'])
    # end

    # most recently used on top of round robin - MRU first
    def service_list_load_balance(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_lb'] += 1
        temp = sorted(
            pubs, key=lambda service: service['ts_use'], reverse=True)
        return sorted(temp, key=lambda service: service['in_use'])
    # end

    # master election
    def service_list_fixed(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_fi'] += 1
        return sorted(pubs, key=lambda service: service['sequence'])
    # end

    def service_list(self, service_type, pubs):
        policy = self.get_service_config(service_type, 'policy')

        if policy == 'load-balance':
            f = self.service_list_load_balance
        elif policy == 'fixed':
            f = self.service_list_fixed
            f = self.service_list_round_robin

        return f(pubs)
    # end

    def api_subscribe(self):
        self._debug['msg_subs'] += 1
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            json_req = bottle.request.json
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            json_req = {}
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['service'] = service_type
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        service_type = json_req['service']
        client_id = json_req['client']
        count = reqcnt = int(json_req['instances'])
        client_type = json_req.get('client-type', '')

        assigned_sid = set()
        r = []
        ttl = randint(self._args.ttl_min, self._args.ttl_max)

        # acquire lock to update use count and TS

        cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
        if not cl_entry:
            cl_entry = {
                'instances': count,
                'remote': bottle.request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR'),
                'client_type': client_type,
            self.create_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            self._db_conn.insert_client_data(service_type, client_id, cl_entry)

        sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
        sdata['ttl_expires'] += 1

        # need to send short ttl?
        pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type) or []
        pubs_active = [item for item in pubs if not self.service_expired(item)]
        if len(pubs_active) < reqcnt:
            ttl_short = self.get_service_config(service_type, 'ttl_short')
            if ttl_short:
                ttl = self.get_ttl_short( client_id, service_type, ttl_short)
                self._debug['ttl_short'] += 1

        # check existing subscriptions
        subs = self._db_conn.lookup_subscription(service_type, client_id) or []

            'subscribe: service type=%s, client=%s:%s, ttl=%d, asked=%d pubs=%d/%d, subs=%d'
            % (service_type, client_type, client_id, ttl, count,
            len(pubs), len(pubs_active), len(subs)))

        if subs:
            for service_id, result in subs:
                entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(
                    service_type, service_id=service_id)
                if self.service_expired(entry):
                    service_type, service_id, client_id, result, ttl)
                count -= 1
                if count == 0:
                    response = {'ttl': ttl, service_type: r}
                    if ctype == 'application/xml':
                        response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})
                    return response

        # find least loaded instances
        pubs = self.service_list(service_type, pubs_active)

        # prepare response - send all if count 0
        for index in range(min(count, len(pubs)) if count else len(pubs)):
            entry = pubs[index]

            # skip duplicates - could happen if some publishers have quit and
            # we have already picked up others from cached information above
            if entry['service_id'] in assigned_sid:

            result = entry['info']

            self.syslog(' assign service=%s, info=%s' %
                        (entry['service_id'], json.dumps(result)))

            # don't update pubsub data if we are sending entire list
            if count == 0:

            # create client entry
                service_type, entry['service_id'], client_id, result, ttl)

            # update publisher entry
            entry['in_use'] += 1
            entry['ts_use'] = self._ts_use
            self._ts_use += 1
                service_type, entry['service_id'], entry)

        response = {'ttl': ttl, service_type: r}
        if ctype == 'application/xml':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})
        return response
    # end api_subscribe

    def api_query(self):
        self._debug['msg_query'] += 1
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            json_req = bottle.request.json
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            json_req = {}
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['service'] = service_type
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        service_type = json_req['service']
        count = int(json_req['instances'])

        r = []

        # lookup publishers of the service
        pubs = self._db_conn.query_service(service_type)
        if not pubs:
            return {service_type: r}

        # eliminate inactive services
        pubs_active = [item for item in pubs if not self.service_expired(item)]
        self.syslog(' query: Found %s publishers, %d active, need %d' %
                    (len(pubs), len(pubs_active), count))

        # find least loaded instances
        pubs = pubs_active

        # prepare response - send all if count 0
        for index in range(min(count, len(pubs)) if count else len(pubs)):
            entry = pubs[index]

            result = entry['info']

            self.syslog(' assign service=%s, info=%s' %
                        (entry['service_id'], json.dumps(result)))

            # don't update pubsub data if we are sending entire list
            if count == 0:

        response = {service_type: r}
        if ctype == 'application/xml':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})
        return response
    # end api_subscribe

    def show_all_services(self, service_type=None):

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Remote IP</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Provision State</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Admin State</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>In Use</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Heartbeats</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Time since last Heartbeat</td>\n'
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'

        # lookup publishers of the service
        if service_type:
            pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type)
            pubs = self._db_conn.get_all_services()

        if not pubs:
            return rsp

        for pub in pubs:
            info = pub['info']
            pdata = self.get_pub_data(pub['service_id'])
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            if service_type:
                rsp += '        <td>' + pub['service_type'] + '</td>\n'
                link = do_html_url("/services/%s" %
                                   (pub['service_type']), pub['service_type'])
                rsp += '        <td>' + link + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['remote'] + '</td>\n'
            link = do_html_url("/service/%s/brief" %
                               (pub['service_id']), pub['service_id'])
            rsp += '        <td>' + link + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['prov_state'] + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['admin_state'] + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(pub['in_use']) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(pdata['hbcount']) + '</td>\n'
            (expired, color, timedelta) = self.service_expired(
                pub, include_color=True)
            #status = "down" if expired else "up"
            rsp += '        <td bgcolor=%s>' % (
                color) + str(timedelta) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        rsp += ' </table>\n'

        return rsp
    # end show_services

    def services_json(self, service_type=None):
        rsp = []

        # lookup publishers of the service
        if service_type:
            pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type)
            pubs = self._db_conn.get_all_services()

        if not pubs:
            return {'services': rsp}

        for pub in pubs:
            entry = pub.copy()
            pdata = self.get_pub_data(pub['service_id'])
            entry['hbcount'] = pdata['hbcount']
            entry['status'] = "down" if self.service_expired(entry) else "up"
            entry['heartbeat'] = pdata['heartbeat']
        return {'services': rsp}
    # end services_json

    def service_http_put(self, id):
        self.syslog('Update service %s' % (id))
            json_req = bottle.request.json
            service_type = json_req['service_type']
            self.syslog('Entry %s' % (json_req))
        except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as e:
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id=id)
        if not entry:
            bottle.abort(405, 'Unknown service')

        if 'admin_state' in json_req:
            entry['admin_state'] = json_req['admin_state']
        self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, id, entry)

        self.syslog('update service=%s, sid=%s, info=%s'
                    % (service_type, id, entry))

        return {}
    # end service_http_put

    def service_http_delete(self, id):
        self.syslog('Delete service %s' % (id))
        pdata = self.get_pub_data(id)
        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(pdata['service_type'], id)
        if not entry:
            bottle.abort(405, 'Unknown service')
        service_type = entry['service_type']

        entry['admin_state'] = 'down'
        self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, id, entry)

        self.syslog('delete service=%s, sid=%s, info=%s'
                    % (service_type, id, entry))

        return {}
    # end service_http_put

    # return service info - meta as well as published data
    def service_http_get(self, id):
        entry = {}
        pdata = self.get_pub_data(id)
        pub = self._db_conn.lookup_service(pdata['service_type'], id)
        if pub:
            entry = pub.copy()
            entry['hbcount'] = pdata['hbcount']
            entry['status'] = "down" if self.service_expired(entry) else "up"
            entry['heartbeat'] = pdata['heartbeat']

        return entry
    # end service_http_get

    # return service info - only published data
    def service_brief_http_get(self, id):
        pdata = self.get_pub_data(id)
        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(pdata['service_type'], id)
        return entry['info']
    # end service_http_get

    # purge expired publishers
    def cleanup_http_get(self):
        pubs = self._db_conn.get_all_services()
        for entry in pubs:
            if self.service_expired(entry):
                self._db_conn.delete_service(entry['service_type'], entry['service_id'])
        return self.show_all_services()

    def show_all_clients(self):

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client IP</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>TTL (sec)</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Time Remaining</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Refresh Count</td>\n'
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'

        # lookup subscribers of the service
        clients = self._db_conn.get_all_clients()

        if not clients:
            return rsp

        for client in clients:
            (service_type, client_id, service_id, mtime, ttl) = client
            cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
            if cl_entry is None:
            sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            if sdata is None:
                self.syslog('Missing sdata for client %s, service %s' %
                            (client_id, service_type))
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + cl_entry['remote'] + '</td>\n'
            client_type = cl_entry.get('client_type', '')
            rsp += '        <td>' + client_type + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + client_id + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + service_type + '</td>\n'
            link = do_html_url("service/%s/brief" % (service_id), service_id)
            rsp += '        <td>' + link + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(ttl) + '</td>\n'
            remaining = ttl - int(time.time() - mtime)
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(remaining) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(sdata['ttl_expires']) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        rsp += ' </table>\n'

        return rsp
    # end show_clients

    def clients_json(self):

        rsp = []
        clients = self._db_conn.get_all_clients()

        if not clients:
            return {'services': rsp}

        for client in clients:
            (service_type, client_id, service_id, mtime, ttl) = client
            cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
            sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            entry = cl_entry.copy()

            entry['client_id'] = client_id
            entry['service_type'] = service_type
            entry['service_id'] = service_id
            entry['ttl'] = ttl

        return {'services': rsp}
    # end show_clients

    def config_http_get(self):
        r = {}
        r['global'] = self._args.__dict__
        for service, config in self.service_config.items():
            r[service] = config
        return r

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()

        #rsp += '<h4>Defaults:</h4>'
        rsp += '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '<tr><th colspan="2">Defaults</th></tr>'
        for k, v in self._args.__dict__.items():
            rsp += '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (k, v)
        rsp += '</table>'
        rsp += '<br>'

        for service, config in self.service_config.items():
            #rsp += '<h4>%s:</h4>' %(service)
            rsp += '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
            rsp += '<tr><th colspan="2">%s</th></tr>' % (service)
            for k, v in config.items():
                rsp += '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (k, v)
            rsp += '</table>'
            rsp += '<br>'
        return rsp
    # end config_http_get

    def show_stats(self):
        stats = self._debug

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Publishers</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' % len(self._pub_data)
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Subscribers</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' % len(self._sub_data)
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        for k, v in stats.items():
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' % (k)
            rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' % (v)
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        return rsp
Exemplo n.º 3
class DiscoveryServer():

    def __init__(self, args):
        self._homepage_links = []
        self._args = args
        self.service_config = args.service_config
        self._debug = {
            'hb_stray': 0,
            'msg_pubs': 0,
            'msg_subs': 0,
            'msg_query': 0,
            'msg_hbt': 0,
            'ttl_short': 0,
            'policy_rr': 0,
            'policy_lb': 0,
            'policy_fi': 0,
            'db_upd_hb': 0,
        self._ts_use = 1
        self.short_ttl_map = {}
        self._sem = BoundedSemaphore(1)

        self._base_url = "http://%s:%s" % (self._args.listen_ip_addr,
        self._pipe_start_app = None

        bottle.route('/', 'GET', self.homepage_http_get)

        # heartbeat
        bottle.route('/heartbeat', 'POST', self.api_heartbeat)

        # publish service
        bottle.route('/publish', 'POST', self.api_publish)
                self._base_url , '/publish', 'publish service'))
        bottle.route('/publish/<end_point>', 'POST', self.api_publish)

        # subscribe service
        bottle.route('/subscribe',  'POST', self.api_subscribe)
                self._base_url , '/subscribe', 'subscribe service'))

        # query service
        bottle.route('/query',  'POST', self.api_query)
                self._base_url , '/query', 'query service'))

        # collection - services
        bottle.route('/services', 'GET', self.show_all_services)
                self._base_url , '/services', 'show published services'))
        bottle.route('/services.json', 'GET', self.services_json)
                self._base_url , '/services.json',
                'List published services in JSON format'))
        # show a specific service type
        bottle.route('/services/<service_type>', 'GET', self.show_all_services)

        # update service
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'PUT', self.service_http_put)

        # get service info
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'GET',  self.service_http_get)
        bottle.route('/service/<id>/brief', 'GET', self.service_brief_http_get)

        # delete (un-publish) service
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'DELETE', self.service_http_delete)

        # collection - clients
        bottle.route('/clients', 'GET', self.show_all_clients)
                self._base_url , '/clients', 'list all subscribers'))
        bottle.route('/clients.json', 'GET', self.clients_json)
                self._base_url , '/clients.json',
                'list all subscribers in JSON format'))

        # show config
        bottle.route('/config', 'GET', self.config_http_get)
                self._base_url , '/config', 'show discovery service config'))

        # show debug
        bottle.route('/stats', 'GET', self.show_stats)
                self._base_url , '/stats', 'show discovery service stats'))

        # cleanup 
        bottle.route('/cleanup', 'GET', self.cleanup_http_get)
            self._base_url , '/cleanup', 'Purge inactive publishers'))

        if not self._pipe_start_app:
            self._pipe_start_app =

        # sandesh init
        self._sandesh = Sandesh()
        module = Module.DISCOVERY_SERVICE
        module_name = ModuleNames[module]
        node_type = Module2NodeType[module]
        node_type_name = NodeTypeNames[node_type]
        instance_id = self._args.worker_id
            module_name, socket.gethostname(), node_type_name, instance_id,
            self._args.collectors, 'discovery_context', 
            int(self._args.http_server_port), ['sandesh', 'uve'])

        # DB interface initialization
        self._db_conn = self._args.zk

        # update services database (old db didn't keep HB)
        for entry in self._db_conn.service_entries():
            update = False
            if 'heartbeat' not in entry:
                entry['heartbeat'] = int(time.time())
                self._debug['db_upd_hb'] += 1
                update = True

            if update:
                    entry['service_type'], entry['service_id'], entry)

        # build in-memory subscriber data
        self._sub_data = {}
        for (client_id, service_type) in self._db_conn.subscriber_entries():
            self.create_sub_data(client_id, service_type)

        # must be done after we have built in-memory publisher data from db.
    # end __init__

    def create_sub_data(self, client_id, service_type):
        if not client_id in self._sub_data:
            self._sub_data[client_id] = {}
        if not service_type in self._sub_data[client_id]:
            sdata = {
                'ttl_expires': 0,
                'heartbeat': int(time.time()),
            self._sub_data[client_id][service_type] = sdata
        return self._sub_data[client_id][service_type]
    # end

    def delete_sub_data(self, client_id, service_type):
        if (client_id in self._sub_data and
                service_type in self._sub_data[client_id]):
            del self._sub_data[client_id][service_type]
            if len(self._sub_data[client_id]) == 0:
                del self._sub_data[client_id]
    # end

    def get_sub_data(self, id, service_type):
        if id in self._sub_data and service_type in self._sub_data[id]:
            return self._sub_data[id][service_type]
        return self.create_sub_data(id, service_type)
    # end

    # Public Methods
    def get_args(self):
        return self._args
    # end get_args

    def get_ip_addr(self):
        return self._args.listen_ip_addr
    # end get_ip_addr

    def get_port(self):
        return self._args.listen_port
    # end get_port

    def get_pipe_start_app(self):
        return self._pipe_start_app
    # end get_pipe_start_app

    def homepage_http_get(self):
        json_links = []
        url = bottle.request.url[:-1]
        for link in self._homepage_links:
            json_links.append({'link': link.to_dict(with_url=url)})

        json_body = \
            {"href": self._base_url,
             "links": json_links

        return json_body
    # end homepage_http_get

    def get_service_config(self, service_type, item):
        service = service_type.lower()
        if (service in self.service_config and
                item in self.service_config[service]):
            return self.service_config[service][item]
        elif item in self._args.__dict__:
            return self._args.__dict__[item]
            return None
    # end

    def _db_connect(self, reset_config):
        zk_ip = self._args.zk_server_ip
        zk_port = self._args.zk_server_port

        self._db_conn = DiscoveryZkClient("discovery", zk_ip, zk_port, reset_config)
    # end _db_connect

    def cleanup(self):
    # end cleanup

    def syslog(self, log_msg):
        log = sandesh.discServiceLog(
            log_msg=log_msg, sandesh=self._sandesh)

    def get_ttl_short(self, client_id, service_type, default):
        ttl = default
        if not client_id in self.short_ttl_map:
            self.short_ttl_map[client_id] = {}
        if service_type in self.short_ttl_map[client_id]:
            # keep doubling till we land in normal range
            ttl = self.short_ttl_map[client_id][service_type] * 2
            if ttl >= 32:
                ttl = 32

        self.short_ttl_map[client_id][service_type] = ttl
        return ttl
    # end

    # check if service expired (return color along)
    def service_expired(self, entry, include_color=False, include_down=True):
        timedelta = datetime.timedelta(
                seconds=(int(time.time()) - entry['heartbeat']))

        if self._args.hc_interval <= 0:
            # health check has been disabled
            color = "#00FF00"   # green - all good
            expired = False
        elif timedelta.seconds <= self._args.hc_interval:
            color = "#00FF00"   # green - all good
            expired = False
        elif (timedelta.seconds > (self._args.hc_interval *
            color = "#FF0000"   # red - publication expired
            expired = True
            color = "#FFFF00"   # yellow - missed some heartbeats
            expired = False

        if include_down and entry['admin_state'] != 'up':
            color = "#FF0000"   # red - publication expired
            expired = True

        if include_color:
            return (expired, color, timedelta)
            return expired
    # end service_expired

    # 404 forces republish
    def heartbeat(self, sig):
        # self.syslog('heartbeat from "%s"' % sig)
        self._debug['msg_hbt'] += 1
        info = sig.split(':')
        if len(info) != 2:
            self.syslog('Unable to parse heartbeat cookie %s' % sig)
            bottle.abort(404, 'Unable to parse heartbeat')

        service_type = info[1]
        service_id = info[0]
        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id)
        if not entry:
            self.syslog('Received stray heartbeat with cookie %s' % (sig))
            self._debug['hb_stray'] += 1
            bottle.abort(404, 'Publisher %s not found' % sig)

        # update heartbeat timestamp in database
        entry['heartbeat'] = int(time.time())

        # insert entry if timed out by background task
        if entry['sequence'] == -1:
                service_type, entry['service_id'], entry)
                service_type, entry['service_id'], entry)

        m = sandesh.dsHeartBeat(
            publisher_id=sig, service_type=service_type,
        m.trace_msg(name='dsHeartBeatTraceBuf', sandesh=self._sandesh)
        return '200 OK'
    # end heartbeat

    def api_heartbeat(self):
        self._debug['cur_pend_hb'] += 1
        if self._debug['cur_pend_hb'] > self._debug['max_pend_hb']:
            self._debug['max_pend_hb'] = self._debug['cur_pend_hb']
        if self._db_conn.is_restarting():
            self._debug['restarting'] += 1
            bottle.abort(503, 'Service Unavailable')
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        json_req = {}
            if ctype == 'application/xml':
                data = xmltodict.parse(
                data = bottle.request.json
        except Exception as e:
            self.syslog('Unable to parse heartbeat')
            bottle.abort(400, 'Unable to parse heartbeat')
        status = self.heartbeat(data['cookie'])
        self._debug['cur_pend_hb'] -= 1
        return status

    def api_publish(self, end_point = None):
        self._debug['cur_pend_pb'] += 1
        if self._debug['cur_pend_pb'] > self._debug['max_pend_pb']:
            self._debug['max_pend_pb'] = self._debug['cur_pend_pb']
        if self._db_conn.is_restarting():
            self._debug['restarting'] += 1
            bottle.abort(503, 'Service Unavailable')
        self._debug['msg_pubs'] += 1
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        json_req = {}
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            data = bottle.request.json
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['name'] = service_type
                json_req['info'] = info
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['name'] = service_type
                json_req['info'] = dict(info)
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        sig = end_point or publisher_id(
                bottle.request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], json.dumps(json_req))

        # Rx {'name': u'ifmap-server', 'info': {u'ip_addr': u'',
        # u'port': u'8443'}}
        info = json_req['info']
        service_type = json_req['name']

        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id=sig)
        if not entry:
            entry = {
                'service_type': service_type,
                'service_id': sig,
                'in_use': 0,
                'ts_use': 0,
                'ts_created': int(time.time()),
                'heartbeat': int(time.time()),
                'prov_state': 'new',
                'sequence': -1,
                'remote': bottle.request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR'),

        entry['info'] = info
        entry['admin_state'] = 'up'

        # insert entry if new or timed out
        if 'sequence' not in entry or entry['sequence'] == -1:
            self._db_conn.insert_service(service_type, sig, entry)
        self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, sig, entry)

        response = {'cookie': sig + ':' + service_type}
        if ctype != 'application/json':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})

        self.syslog('publish service "%s", sid=%s, info=%s'
                    % (service_type, sig, info))

        if not service_type.lower() in self.service_config:
                service_type.lower()] = self._args.default_service_opts

        self._debug['cur_pend_pb'] -= 1
        return response
    # end api_publish

    # find least loaded service instances - sort by subscriber count
    def service_list_round_robin(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_rr'] += 1
        return sorted(pubs, key=lambda service: service['in_use'])
    # end

    # most recently used on top of round robin - MRU first
    def service_list_load_balance(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_lb'] += 1
        temp = sorted(
            pubs, key=lambda service: service['ts_use'], reverse=True)
        return sorted(temp, key=lambda service: service['in_use'])
    # end

    # master election
    def service_list_fixed(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_fi'] += 1
        return sorted(pubs, key=lambda service: service['sequence'])
    # end

    def service_list(self, service_type, pubs):
        policy = self.get_service_config(service_type, 'policy')

        if policy == 'load-balance':
            f = self.service_list_load_balance
        elif policy == 'fixed':
            f = self.service_list_fixed
            f = self.service_list_round_robin

        return f(pubs)
    # end

    def api_subscribe(self):
        self._debug['msg_subs'] += 1
        if self._db_conn.is_restarting():
            self._debug['restarting'] += 1
            bottle.abort(503, 'Service Unavailable')
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            json_req = bottle.request.json
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            json_req = {}
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['service'] = service_type
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        service_type = json_req['service']
        client_id = json_req['client']
        count = reqcnt = int(json_req['instances'])
        client_type = json_req.get('client-type', '')

        # throttle subscribe requests to prevent overload
        if self._debug['cur_pend_sb'] > 100:
            self._debug['throttle_subs'] += 1
            response = {'ttl': 120, service_type: []}
            if ctype == 'application/xml':
                response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})
            return response

        self._debug['cur_pend_sb'] += 1
        if self._debug['cur_pend_sb'] > self._debug['max_pend_sb']:
            self._debug['max_pend_sb'] = self._debug['cur_pend_sb']

        assigned_sid = set()
        r = []
        ttl = randint(self._args.ttl_min, self._args.ttl_max)

        cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
        if not cl_entry:
            cl_entry = {
                'instances': count,
                'remote': bottle.request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR'),
                'client_type': client_type,
            self.create_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            self._db_conn.insert_client_data(service_type, client_id, cl_entry)

        sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
        if sdata:
            sdata['ttl_expires'] += 1

        # need to send short ttl?
        pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type) or []
        pubs_active = [item for item in pubs if not self.service_expired(item)]
        if len(pubs_active) < reqcnt:
            ttl_short = self.get_service_config(service_type, 'ttl_short')
            if ttl_short:
                ttl = self.get_ttl_short( client_id, service_type, ttl_short)
                self._debug['ttl_short'] += 1

        # check existing subscriptions
        subs = self._db_conn.lookup_subscription(service_type, client_id) or []

            'subscribe: service type=%s, client=%s:%s, ttl=%d, asked=%d pubs=%d/%d, subs=%d'
            % (service_type, client_type, client_id, ttl, count,
            len(pubs), len(pubs_active), len(subs)))

        if subs:
            for service_id, result in subs:
                entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(
                    service_type, service_id=service_id)
                # previously published service is gone
                if entry is None:
                # or just not reachable
                if self.service_expired(entry):
                    service_type, service_id, client_id, result, ttl)
                count -= 1
                if count == 0:
                    response = {'ttl': ttl, service_type: r}
                    if ctype == 'application/xml':
                        response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})
                    self._debug['cur_pend_sb'] -= 1
                    return response

        # find least loaded instances
        pubs = self.service_list(service_type, pubs_active)

        # prepare response - send all if count 0
        for index in range(len(pubs)):
            entry = pubs[index]

            # skip duplicates - could happen if some publishers have quit and
            # we have already picked up others from cached information above
            if entry['service_id'] in assigned_sid:

            result = entry['info']

            self.syslog(' assign service=%s, info=%s' %
                        (entry['service_id'], json.dumps(result)))

            # create client entry
                service_type, entry['service_id'], client_id, result, ttl)

            # update publisher entry
            entry['ts_use'] = self._ts_use
            self._ts_use += 1
                service_type, entry['service_id'], entry)

            count -= 1
            if count == 0:

        response = {'ttl': ttl, service_type: r}
        if ctype == 'application/xml':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})
        self._debug['cur_pend_sb'] -= 1
        return response
    # end api_subscribe

    def api_query(self):
        self._debug['msg_query'] += 1
        if self._db_conn.is_restarting():
            self._debug['restarting'] += 1
            bottle.abort(503, 'Service Unavailable')
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            json_req = bottle.request.json
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            json_req = {}
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['service'] = service_type
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        service_type = json_req['service']
        count = int(json_req['instances'])

        r = []

        # lookup publishers of the service
        pubs = self._db_conn.query_service(service_type)
        if not pubs:
            return {service_type: r}

        # eliminate inactive services
        pubs_active = [item for item in pubs if not self.service_expired(item)]
        self.syslog(' query: Found %s publishers, %d active, need %d' %
                    (len(pubs), len(pubs_active), count))

        # find least loaded instances
        pubs = pubs_active

        # prepare response - send all if count 0
        for index in range(min(count, len(pubs)) if count else len(pubs)):
            entry = pubs[index]

            result = entry['info']

            self.syslog(' assign service=%s, info=%s' %
                        (entry['service_id'], json.dumps(result)))

            # don't update pubsub data if we are sending entire list
            if count == 0:

        response = {service_type: r}
        if ctype == 'application/xml':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response': response})
        return response
    # end api_subscribe

    def show_all_services(self, service_type=None):

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Remote IP</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Provision State</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Admin State</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>In Use</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Time since last Heartbeat</td>\n'
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'

        # lookup publishers of the service
        if service_type:
            pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type)
            pubs = self._db_conn.get_all_services()

        if not pubs:
            return rsp

        for pub in pubs:
            info = pub['info']
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            if service_type:
                rsp += '        <td>' + pub['service_type'] + '</td>\n'
                link = do_html_url("/services/%s" %
                                   (pub['service_type']), pub['service_type'])
                rsp += '        <td>' + link + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['remote'] + '</td>\n'
            sig = pub['service_id'] + ':' + pub['service_type']
            link = do_html_url("/service/%s/brief" % sig, sig)
            rsp += '        <td>' + link + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['prov_state'] + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['admin_state'] + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(pub['in_use']) + '</td>\n'
            (expired, color, timedelta) = self.service_expired(
                pub, include_color=True)
            #status = "down" if expired else "up"
            rsp += '        <td bgcolor=%s>' % (
                color) + str(timedelta) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        rsp += ' </table>\n'

        return rsp
    # end show_services

    def services_json(self, service_type=None):
        rsp = []

        # lookup publishers of the service
        if service_type:
            pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type)
            pubs = self._db_conn.get_all_services()

        if not pubs:
            return {'services': rsp}

        for pub in pubs:
            entry = pub.copy()
            entry['status'] = "down" if self.service_expired(entry) else "up"
            entry['hbcount'] = 0
            # send unique service ID (hash or service endpoint + type)
            entry['service_id'] = str(entry['service_id'] + ':' + entry['service_type'])
        return {'services': rsp}
    # end services_json

    def service_http_put(self, id):
        self.syslog('Update service %s' % (id))
            json_req = bottle.request.json
            service_type = json_req['service_type']
            self.syslog('Entry %s' % (json_req))
        except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as e:
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id=id)
        if not entry:
            bottle.abort(405, 'Unknown service')

        if 'admin_state' in json_req:
            entry['admin_state'] = json_req['admin_state']
        self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, id, entry)

        self.syslog('update service=%s, sid=%s, info=%s'
                    % (service_type, id, entry))

        return {}
    # end service_http_put

    def service_http_delete(self, id):
        info = id.split(':')
        service_type = info[1]
        service_id = info[0]
        self.syslog('Delete service %s:%s' % (service_id, service_type))
        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id)
        if not entry:
            bottle.abort(405, 'Unknown service')

        entry['admin_state'] = 'down'
        self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, service_id, entry)

        self.syslog('delete service=%s, sid=%s, info=%s'
                    % (service_type, service_id, entry))

        return {}
    # end service_http_delete

    # return service info - meta as well as published data
    def service_http_get(self, id):
        info = id.split(':')
        service_type = info[1]
        service_id = info[0]
        pub = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id)
        if pub:
            entry = pub.copy()
            entry['hbcount'] = 0
            entry['status'] = "down" if self.service_expired(entry) else "up"

        return entry
    # end service_http_get

    # return service info - only published data
    def service_brief_http_get(self, id):
        info = id.split(':')
        service_type = info[1]
        service_id = info[0]
        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id)
        if entry:
            return entry['info']
            return 'Unknown service %s' % id
    # end service_brief_http_get

    # purge expired publishers
    def cleanup_http_get(self):
        pubs = self._db_conn.get_all_services()
        for entry in pubs:
            if self.service_expired(entry):
        return self.show_all_services()

    def show_all_clients(self):

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client IP</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>TTL (sec)</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Time Remaining</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Refresh Count</td>\n'
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'

        # lookup subscribers of the service
        clients = self._db_conn.get_all_clients()

        if not clients:
            return rsp

        for client in clients:
            (service_type, client_id, service_id, mtime, ttl) = client
            cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
            if cl_entry is None:
            sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            if sdata is None:
                self.syslog('Missing sdata for client %s, service %s' %
                            (client_id, service_type))
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + cl_entry['remote'] + '</td>\n'
            client_type = cl_entry.get('client_type', '')
            rsp += '        <td>' + client_type + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + client_id + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + service_type + '</td>\n'
            sig = service_id + ':' + service_type
            link = do_html_url("service/%s/brief" % (sig), sig)
            rsp += '        <td>' + link + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(ttl) + '</td>\n'
            remaining = ttl - int(time.time() - mtime)
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(remaining) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(sdata['ttl_expires']) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        rsp += ' </table>\n'

        return rsp
    # end show_clients

    def clients_json(self):

        rsp = []
        clients = self._db_conn.get_all_clients()

        if not clients:
            return {'services': rsp}

        for client in clients:
            (service_type, client_id, service_id, mtime, ttl) = client
            cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
            sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            if sdata is None:
                self.syslog('Missing sdata for client %s, service %s' %
                            (client_id, service_type))
            entry = cl_entry.copy()

            entry['client_id'] = str(client_id)
            entry['service_type'] = str(service_type)
            # send unique service ID (hash or service endpoint + type)
            entry['service_id'] = str(service_id + ':' + service_type)
            entry['ttl'] = ttl

        return {'services': rsp}
    # end show_clients

    def config_http_get(self):
        r = {}
        r['global'] = self._args.__dict__
        for service, config in self.service_config.items():
            r[service] = config
        return r

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()

        #rsp += '<h4>Defaults:</h4>'
        rsp += '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '<tr><th colspan="2">Defaults</th></tr>'
        for k, v in self._args.__dict__.items():
            rsp += '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (k, v)
        rsp += '</table>'
        rsp += '<br>'

        for service, config in self.service_config.items():
            #rsp += '<h4>%s:</h4>' %(service)
            rsp += '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
            rsp += '<tr><th colspan="2">%s</th></tr>' % (service)
            for k, v in config.items():
                rsp += '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (k, v)
            rsp += '</table>'
            rsp += '<br>'
        return rsp
    # end config_http_get

    def show_stats(self):
        stats = self._debug

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        for k in sorted(stats.iterkeys()):
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' % (k)
            rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' % (stats[k])
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        return rsp
class DiscoveryServer():

    def __init__(self, args_str = None):
        self._homepage_links = []
        self._args = None
        self._debug = {
        self._ts_use = 1
        self.short_ttl_map = {}
        self._sem = BoundedSemaphore(1)
        if not args_str:
            args_str = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])

        self._base_url = "http://%s:%s" %(self._args.listen_ip_addr,
        self._pipe_start_app = None

        bottle.route('/', 'GET', self.homepage_http_get)

        # publish service
        bottle.route('/publish', 'POST', self.api_publish)
            self._base_url + '/publish', 'publish service'))

        # subscribe service
        bottle.route('/subscribe',  'POST', self.api_subscribe)
            self._base_url + '/subscribe', 'subscribe service'))

        # query service
        bottle.route('/query',  'POST', self.api_query)
            self._base_url + '/query', 'query service'))

        # collection - services
        bottle.route('/services', 'GET', self.show_all_services)
            self._base_url + '/services', 'show published services'))
        bottle.route('/services.json', 'GET', self.services_json)
            self._base_url + '/services.json', 'List published services in JSON format'))
        # show a specific service type
        bottle.route('/services/<service_type>', 'GET', self.show_all_services)

        # update service
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'PUT', self.service_http_put)

        # get service info
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'GET',  self.service_http_get)
        bottle.route('/service/<id>/brief', 'GET', self.service_brief_http_get)

        # delete (un-publish) service
        bottle.route('/service/<id>', 'DELETE', self.service_http_delete)

        # collection - clients
        bottle.route('/clients', 'GET', self.show_all_clients)
            self._base_url + '/clients', 'list all subscribers'))
        bottle.route('/clients.json', 'GET', self.clients_json)
            self._base_url + '/clients.json', 'list all subscribers in JSON format'))

        # show config
        bottle.route('/config', 'GET', self.config_http_get)
            self._base_url + '/config', 'show discovery service config'))

        # show debug
        bottle.route('/stats', 'GET', self.show_stats)
            self._base_url + '/stats', 'show discovery service stats'))

        if not self._pipe_start_app:
            self._pipe_start_app =

        # sandesh init
        collectors = None
        if self._args.collector and self._args.collector_port:
            collectors = [(self._args.collector, int(self._args.collector_port))]
        self._sandesh = Sandesh()
                socket.gethostname(), collectors, 'discovery_context', 
                int(self._args.http_server_port), ['sandesh', 'uve'])
        self._sandesh.set_logging_params(enable_local_log = self._args.log_local,
                                         category = self._args.log_category,
                                         level = self._args.log_level,
                                         file = self._args.log_file)
        self._sandesh.trace_buffer_create(name = "dsHeartBeatTraceBuf", size = 1000)

        # DB interface initialization

        # build in-memory publisher data
        self._pub_data = {}
        for entry in self._db_conn.service_entries():
            self.create_pub_data(entry['service_id'], entry['service_type'])

        # build in-memory subscriber data
        self._sub_data = {}
        for (client_id, service_type) in self._db_conn.subscriber_entries():
            self.create_sub_data(client_id, service_type)

        # must be done after we have built in-memory publisher data from db.
    #end __init__

    def create_pub_data(self, service_id, service_type):
        self._pub_data[service_id] = {
            'service_type': service_type,
            'hbcount'     : 0,
            'heartbeat'   : int(time.time()),

    def create_sub_data(self, client_id, service_type):
        if not client_id in self._sub_data:
            self._sub_data[client_id] = {}
        if not service_type in self._sub_data[client_id]:
            sdata = {
                'ttl_expires' : 0,
                'heartbeat'   : int(time.time()),
            self._sub_data[client_id][service_type] = sdata
        return self._sub_data[client_id][service_type]

    def delete_sub_data(self, client_id, service_type):
        if client_id in self._sub_data and service_type in self._sub_data[client_id]:
            del self._sub_data[client_id][service_type]
            if len(self._sub_data[client_id]) == 0:
                del self._sub_data[client_id]

    def get_pub_data(self, id):
        return self._pub_data.get(id, None)

    def get_sub_data(self, id, service_type):
        if id in self._sub_data:
            return self._sub_data[id].get(service_type, None)
        return None

    # Public Methods
    def get_args(self):
        return self._args
    #end get_args

    def get_ip_addr(self):
        return self._args.listen_ip_addr
    #end get_ip_addr

    def get_port(self):
        return self._args.listen_port
    #end get_port

    def get_pipe_start_app(self):
        return self._pipe_start_app
    #end get_pipe_start_app

    def homepage_http_get(self):
        json_links = []
        for link in self._homepage_links:
            json_links.append({'link': link.to_dict()})

        json_body = \
            { "href": self._base_url,
              "links": json_links

        return json_body
    #end homepage_http_get

    # Private Methods
    def _parse_args(self, args_str):
        Eg. python 

                     --zk_server_port 9160
                     --listen_port 5998

        # Source any specified config/ini file
        # Turn off help, so we print all options in response to -h
        conf_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help = False)

        conf_parser.add_argument("-c", "--conf_file",
                                 help="Specify config file", metavar="FILE")
        args, remaining_argv = conf_parser.parse_known_args(args_str.split())

        defaults = {
            'reset_config'     : False,
            'listen_ip_addr'   : disc_consts._WEB_HOST,
            'listen_port'      : disc_consts._WEB_PORT,
            'zk_server_ip'     : disc_consts._ZK_HOST,
            'zk_server_port'   : disc_consts._ZK_PORT,
            'ttl_min'          : disc_consts._TTL_MIN,
            'ttl_max'          : disc_consts._TTL_MAX,
            'ttl_short'        : 0,
            'hc_interval'      : disc_consts.HC_INTERVAL,
            'hc_max_miss'      : disc_consts.HC_MAX_MISS,
            'collector'        : '',
            'collector_port'   : '8086',
            'http_server_port' : '5997',
            'log_local'        : False,
            'log_level'        : SandeshLevel.SYS_DEBUG,
            'log_category'     : '',
            'log_file'         : Sandesh._DEFAULT_LOG_FILE

        # per service options
        self.default_service_opts = {
            'policy': None,
        self.service_config = {}

        if args.conf_file:
            config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
            for section in config.sections():
                if section == "DEFAULTS":
                self.service_config[section.lower()] = self.default_service_opts.copy()

        # Override with CLI options
        # Don't surpress add_help here so it will handle -h
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            # Inherit options from config_parser
            # print script description with -h/--help
            # Don't mess with format of description

                            help = "IP address of zk server")
        parser.add_argument("--zk_server_port", type=int,
                            help = "Port of zk server")
        parser.add_argument("--reset_config", action = "store_true",
                            help = "Warning! Destroy previous configuration and start clean")
                            help = "IP address to provide service on, default %s" %(disc_consts._WEB_HOST))
        parser.add_argument("--listen_port", type=int,
                            help = "Port to provide service on, default %s" %(disc_consts._WEB_PORT))
        parser.add_argument("--ttl_min", type=int,
                            help = "Minimum time to cache service information, default %d" %(disc_consts._TTL_MIN))
        parser.add_argument("--ttl_max", type=int,
                            help = "Maximum time to cache service information, default %d" %(disc_consts._TTL_MAX))
        parser.add_argument("--ttl_short", type=int,
                            help = "Short TTL for agressively subscription schedule")
        parser.add_argument("--hc_interval", type=int,
                            help = "Heartbeat interval, default %d seconds" %(disc_consts.HC_INTERVAL))
        parser.add_argument("--hc_max_miss", type=int,
                            help = "Maximum heartbeats to miss before declaring out-of-service, default %d" %(disc_consts.HC_MAX_MISS))
                            help = "IP address of VNC collector server")
                            help = "Port of VNC collector server")
                            help = "Port of local HTTP server")
        parser.add_argument("--log_local", action = "store_true",
                            help = "Enable local logging of sandesh messages")
                            help = "Severity level for local logging of sandesh messages")
                            help = "Category filter for local logging of sandesh messages")
                            help = "Filename for the logs to be written to")
        self._args = parser.parse_args(remaining_argv)
        self._args.conf_file = args.conf_file

    #end _parse_args

    def get_service_config(self, service_type, item):
        service = service_type.lower()
        if service in self.service_config and item in self.service_config[service]:
            return self.service_config[service][item]
        elif item in self._args.__dict__:    
            return self._args.__dict__[item]
            return None

    def _db_connect(self, reset_config):
        zk_ip = self._args.zk_server_ip
        zk_port = self._args.zk_server_port

        self._db_conn = DiscoveryZkClient(self, zk_ip, zk_port, reset_config)
    #end _db_connect

    def cleanup(self):
    #end cleanup

    def syslog(self, log_msg):
        log = sandesh.discServiceLog(log_msg = log_msg, sandesh = self._sandesh)
        log.send(sandesh = self._sandesh)

    def get_ttl_short(self, client_id, service_type, default):
        ttl = default
        if not client_id in self.short_ttl_map:
            self.short_ttl_map[client_id] = {}
        if service_type in self.short_ttl_map[client_id]:
            # keep doubling till we land in normal range
            ttl = self.short_ttl_map[client_id][service_type] * 2
            if ttl >= 32:
                ttl = 32

        self.short_ttl_map[client_id][service_type] = ttl
        return ttl

    # check if service expired (return color along)
    def service_expired(self, entry, include_color = False, include_down = True):
        pdata = self.get_pub_data(entry['service_id'])
        timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds = (int(time.time()) - pdata['heartbeat']))
        if timedelta.seconds <= self._args.hc_interval:
            color = "#00FF00"   # green - all good
            expired = False
        elif timedelta.seconds > self._args.hc_interval*self._args.hc_max_miss:
            color = "#FF0000"   # red - publication expired
            expired = True
            color = "#FFFF00"   # yellow - missed some heartbeats
            expired = False

        if include_down and entry['admin_state'] != 'up':
            color = "#FF0000"   # red - publication expired
            expired = True

        if include_color:
            return (expired, color, timedelta)
            return expired
    #end service_expired

    def heartbeat(self, sig):
        self._debug['heartbeats'] += 1
        pdata = self.get_pub_data(sig)
        if not pdata:
            self.syslog('Received stray hearbeat with cookie %s' %(sig))
            self._debug['hb_stray'] += 1
            # resource not found
            return '404 Not Found'

        pdata['hbcount'] += 1
        pdata['heartbeat'] = int(time.time())

        m = sandesh.dsHeartBeat(publisher_id=sig, service_type=pdata['service_type'], sandesh=self._sandesh)
        m.trace_msg(name='dsHeartBeatTraceBuf', sandesh=self._sandesh)
        return '200 OK'
        #print 'heartbeat service "%s", sid=%s' %(entry['service_type'], sig)
    #end heartbeat

    def handle_heartbeat(self):
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        sock.bind((self.get_ip_addr(), self.get_port()))
        while True:
            data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
            print ''
            print 'addr = ', addr
            print 'data = ', data
            data = xmltodict.parse(data)
            status = self.heartbeat(data['cookie'])

            # send status back to publisher
            sock.sendto(status, addr)
    #end start

    def api_publish(self):
        self._debug['msg_pubs'] += 1
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        json_req = {}
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            data = bottle.request.json
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['name'] = service_type
                json_req['info'] = info
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['name'] = service_type
                json_req['info'] = dict(info)
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        sig = publisher_id(bottle.request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], json.dumps(json_req))

        # Rx {'name': u'ifmap-server', 'info': {u'ip_addr': u'', u'port': u'8443'}}
        info = json_req['info']
        service_type = json_req['name']

        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id = sig)
        if not entry:
            entry = {
                'service_type': service_type,
                'in_use'    :0, 
                'ts_use'    :0, 
                'ts_created': int(time.time()),
                'remote'    : bottle.request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR'),
                'info'      :info,
            self.create_pub_data(sig, service_type)

        entry['admin_state'] = 'up'
        self._db_conn.insert_service(service_type, sig, entry)

        response = {'cookie': sig}
        if ctype != 'application/json':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response':response})

        self.syslog('publish service "%s", sid=%s, info=%s' \
            %(service_type, sig, info))

        if not service_type.lower() in self.service_config:
            self.service_config[service_type.lower()] = self.default_service_opts

        return response
    #end api_publish

    # find least loaded service instances - sort by subscriber count
    def service_list_round_robin(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_rr'] += 1
        return sorted(pubs, key=lambda service: service['in_use'])

    # most recently used on top of round robin - MRU first
    def service_list_load_balance(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_lb'] += 1
        temp = sorted(pubs, key=lambda service: service['ts_use'], reverse=True)
        return sorted(temp, key=lambda service: service['in_use'])

    # master election
    def service_list_fixed(self, pubs):
        self._debug['policy_fi'] += 1
        return sorted(pubs, key=lambda service: service['sequence'])

    def service_list(self, service_type, pubs):
        policy = self.get_service_config(service_type, 'policy')

        if policy == 'load-balance':
            f = self.service_list_load_balance
        elif policy == 'fixed':
            f = self.service_list_fixed
            f = self.service_list_round_robin

        return f(pubs)

    def api_subscribe(self):
        self._debug['msg_subs'] += 1
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            json_req = bottle.request.json
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            json_req = {}
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['service'] = service_type
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        service_type = json_req['service']
        client_id = json_req['client']
        count = reqcnt = int(json_req['instances'])
        client_type = json_req.get('client-type', '')

        assigned_sid = set()
        r = []
        ttl = randint(self._args.ttl_min, self._args.ttl_max)

        cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
        if not cl_entry:
            cl_entry = {
                'instances': count,
                'remote': bottle.request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR'),
                'client_type': client_type,
            self.create_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            self._db_conn.insert_client_data(service_type, client_id, cl_entry)
            self.syslog('subscribe: service type=%s, client=%s:%s, ttl=%d, asked=%d' \
                %(service_type, client_type, client_id, ttl, count))

        sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
        sdata['ttl_expires'] += 1

        # check existing subscriptions 
        subs = self._db_conn.lookup_subscription(service_type, client_id)
        if subs:
            for service_id, result in subs:
                entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id = service_id)
                if self.service_expired(entry):
                    #self.syslog('skipping expired service %s, info %s' %(service_id, entry['info']))
                self._db_conn.insert_client(service_type, service_id, client_id, result, ttl)
                #self.syslog(' refresh subscrition for service %s' %(service_id))
                count -= 1
                if count == 0:
                    response = {'ttl': ttl, service_type: r}
                    if ctype == 'application/xml':
                        response = xmltodict.unparse({'response':response})
                    return response

        # acquire lock to update use count and TS

        # lookup publishers of the service
        pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type)
        if not pubs:
            # force client to come back soon if service expectation is not met
            if  len(r) < reqcnt:
                ttl_short = self.get_service_config(service_type, 'ttl_short')
                if ttl_short:
                    ttl = self.get_ttl_short(client_id, service_type, ttl_short)
                    self._debug['ttl_short'] += 1
                    #self.syslog(' sending short ttl %d to %s' %(ttl, client_id))

            response = {'ttl': ttl, service_type: r}
            if ctype == 'application/xml':
                response = xmltodict.unparse({'response':response})
            return response

        # eliminate inactive services
        pubs_active = [item for item in pubs if not self.service_expired(item)]
        #self.syslog(' Found %s publishers, %d active, need %d' %(len(pubs), len(pubs_active), count))

        # find least loaded instances
        pubs = self.service_list(service_type, pubs_active)

        # prepare response - send all if count 0
        for index in range(min(count, len(pubs)) if count else len(pubs)):
            entry = pubs[index]

            # skip duplicates - could happen if some publishers have quit and
            # we have already picked up others from cached information above
            if entry['service_id'] in assigned_sid:

            result = entry['info']

            self.syslog(' assign service=%s, info=%s' %(entry['service_id'], json.dumps(result)))

            # don't update pubsub data if we are sending entire list
            if count == 0:

            # create client entry
            self._db_conn.insert_client(service_type, entry['service_id'], client_id, result, ttl)

            # update publisher entry 
            entry['in_use'] += 1
            entry['ts_use'] = self._ts_use; self._ts_use += 1
            self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, entry['service_id'], entry)


        # force client to come back soon if service expectation is not met
        if  len(r) < reqcnt:
            ttl_short = self.get_service_config(service_type, 'ttl_short')
            if ttl_short:
                ttl = self.get_ttl_short(client_id, service_type, ttl_short)
                self._debug['ttl_short'] += 1
                #self.syslog(' sending short ttl %d to %s' %(ttl, client_id))

        response = {'ttl': ttl, service_type: r}
        if ctype == 'application/xml':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response':response})
        return response
    #end api_subscribe

    def api_query(self):
        self._debug['msg_query'] += 1
        ctype = bottle.request.headers['content-type']
        if ctype == 'application/json':
            json_req = bottle.request.json
        elif ctype == 'application/xml':
            data = xmltodict.parse(
            json_req = {}
            for service_type, info in data.items():
                json_req['service'] = service_type
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        service_type = json_req['service']
        count = int(json_req['instances'])

        r = []

        # lookup publishers of the service
        pubs = self._db_conn.query_service(service_type)
        if not pubs:
            return {service_type: r}

        # eliminate inactive services
        pubs_active = [item for item in pubs if not self.service_expired(item)]
        self.syslog(' query: Found %s publishers, %d active, need %d' %(len(pubs), len(pubs_active), count))

        # find least loaded instances
        pubs = pubs_active

        # prepare response - send all if count 0
        for index in range(min(count, len(pubs)) if count else len(pubs)):
            entry = pubs[index]

            result = entry['info']

            self.syslog(' assign service=%s, info=%s' %(entry['service_id'], json.dumps(result)))

            # don't update pubsub data if we are sending entire list
            if count == 0:

        response = {service_type: r}
        if ctype == 'application/xml':
            response = xmltodict.unparse({'response':response})
        return response
    #end api_subscribe

    def show_all_services(self, service_type = None):

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Remote IP</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Provision State</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Admin State</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>In Use</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Heartbeats</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Time since last Heartbeat</td>\n'
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'

        # lookup publishers of the service
        if service_type:
            pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type)
            pubs = self._db_conn.get_all_services()

        if not pubs:
            return rsp

        for pub in pubs:
            info = pub['info']
            pdata = self.get_pub_data(pub['service_id'])
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            if service_type:
                rsp += '        <td>' + pub['service_type'] + '</td>\n'
                link = do_html_url("/services/%s"%(pub['service_type']), pub['service_type'])
                rsp += '        <td>' + link + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['remote'] + '</td>\n'
            link = do_html_url("/service/%s/brief"%(pub['service_id']), pub['service_id'])
            rsp += '        <td>' + link + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['prov_state'] + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + pub['admin_state'] + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(pub['in_use']) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(pdata['hbcount']) + '</td>\n'
            (expired, color, timedelta) = self.service_expired(pub, include_color = True)
            #status = "down" if expired else "up"
            rsp += '        <td bgcolor=%s>' %(color) + str(timedelta) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        rsp += ' </table>\n'

        return rsp
    #end show_services

    def services_json(self, service_type = None):
        rsp = []

        # lookup publishers of the service
        if service_type:
            pubs = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type)
            pubs = self._db_conn.get_all_services()

        if not pubs:
            return {'services': rsp}

        for pub in pubs:
            entry = pub.copy()
            pdata = self.get_pub_data(pub['service_id'])
            entry['hbcount'] = pdata['hbcount']
            entry['status'] = "down" if self.service_expired(entry) else "up"
            entry['heartbeat'] = pdata['heartbeat']
        return {'services': rsp}
    #end services_json

    def service_http_put(self, id):
        self.syslog('Update service %s' %(id))
            json_req = bottle.request.json
            service_type = json_req['service_type']
            self.syslog('Entry %s' %(json_req))
        except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as e:
            bottle.abort(400, e)

        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(service_type, service_id = id)
        if not entry: 
            bottle.abort(405, 'Unknown service')

        if 'admin_state' in json_req:
            entry['admin_state'] = json_req['admin_state']
        self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, id, entry)

        self.syslog('update service=%s, sid=%s, info=%s' \
            %(service_type, id, entry))

        return {}
    #end service_http_put

    def service_http_delete(self, id):
        self.syslog('Delete service %s' %(id))
        pdata = self.get_pub_data(id)
        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(pdata['service_type'], id)
        if not entry: 
            bottle.abort(405, 'Unknown service')
        service_type = entry['service_type']

        entry['admin_state'] = 'down'
        self._db_conn.update_service(service_type, id, entry)

        self.syslog('delete service=%s, sid=%s, info=%s' \
            %(service_type, id, entry))

        return {}
    #end service_http_put

    # return service info - meta as well as published data
    def service_http_get(self, id):
        entry = {}
        pdata = self.get_pub_data(id)
        pub = self._db_conn.lookup_service(pdata['service_type'], id)
        if pub:
            entry = pub.copy()
            entry['hbcount'] = pdata['hbcount']
            entry['status'] = "down" if self.service_expired(entry) else "up"
            entry['heartbeat'] = pdata['heartbeat']

        return entry
    #end service_http_get

    # return service info - only published data
    def service_brief_http_get(self, id):
        pdata = self.get_pub_data(id)
        entry = self._db_conn.lookup_service(pdata['service_type'], id)
        return entry['info']
    #end service_http_get

    def show_all_clients(self):

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client IP</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Client Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Type</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Service Id</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>TTL (sec)</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>TTL Refreshes</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Last refreshed</td>\n'
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'

        # lookup subscribers of the service
        clients = self._db_conn.get_all_clients()

        if not clients:
            return rsp

        for client in clients:
            (service_type, client_id, service_id, mtime, ttl) = client
            cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
            if cl_entry is None:
            sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            if sdata is None:
                self.syslog('Missing sdata for client %s, service %s' %(client_id, service_type))
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + cl_entry['remote'] + '</td>\n'
            client_type = cl_entry.get('client_type', '')
            rsp += '        <td>' + client_type  + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + client_id    + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + service_type + '</td>\n'
            link = do_html_url("service/%s/brief"%(service_id), service_id)
            rsp += '        <td>' + link   + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(ttl) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + str(sdata['ttl_expires']) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>' + time.ctime(mtime) + '</td>\n'
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        rsp += ' </table>\n'

        return rsp
    #end show_clients

    def clients_json(self):

        rsp = []
        clients = self._db_conn.get_all_clients()

        if not clients:
            return {'services': rsp}

        for client in clients:
            (service_type, client_id, service_id, mtime, ttl) = client
            cl_entry = self._db_conn.lookup_client(service_type, client_id)
            sdata = self.get_sub_data(client_id, service_type)
            entry = cl_entry.copy()

            entry['client_id'] = client_id
            entry['service_type'] = service_type
            entry['service_id'] = service_id
            entry['ttl'] = ttl

        return {'services': rsp}
    #end show_clients

    def config_http_get(self):
        r = {}
        r['global'] = self._args.__dict__
        for service, config in self.service_config.items():
            r[service] = config
        return r

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()

        #rsp += '<h4>Defaults:</h4>'
        rsp += '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '<tr><th colspan="2">Defaults</th></tr>'
        for k, v in self._args.__dict__.items():
            rsp += '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' %(k, v)
        rsp += '</table>'
        rsp += '<br>'

        for service, config in self.service_config.items():
            #rsp += '<h4>%s:</h4>' %(service)
            rsp += '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
            rsp += '<tr><th colspan="2">%s</th></tr>' %(service)
            for k, v in config.items():
                rsp += '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' %(k, v)
            rsp += '</table>'
            rsp += '<br>'
        return rsp
    #end config_http_get

    def show_stats(self):
        stats = self._debug

        rsp = output.display_user_menu()
        rsp += ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Publishers</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' % len(self._pub_data)
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        rsp += '    <tr>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>Subscribers</td>\n'
        rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' % len(self._sub_data)
        rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        for k, v in stats.items():
            rsp += '    <tr>\n'
            rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' %(k)
            rsp += '        <td>%s</td>\n' %(v)
            rsp += '    </tr>\n'
        return rsp